• 제목/요약/키워드: clothing information

검색결과 1,931건 처리시간 0.021초

디지털 의류[Digital Clothing]의 시대적 개발 경향 연구 (The Study on the Development Trend of the Times toward Digital Clothing)

  • 곽태기
    • 복식
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    • 제59권4호
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    • pp.111-125
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    • 2009
  • The period from the early years of the 21st Century, when the birth of Digital Clothing received as a kind of digital cultures in the modern information society, to the present time, the period is studied on as a social transition in the revolutionary digital technology in parallel with the fashion changes which have an effect on our thoughts and our life style. After the 2000's, when digital was perceived as a culture, information technology came into being owing to the technological development in the network and informative and communicative technology. This study tried to grasp the tendency of the times to Digital Clothing, which occurred in the new situation of Digital Technology, and then on the base of it, tried to classify the expressive characteristics in the Digital Clothing as the Cyberspace, Global Network, high functionality Smart Textiles and digital technology. The social reformation by the revolutionary digital technology is coming forth in the New Fashion of the digital Clothing, with the development of technology and network in the Cyberspace and real space. the Digital Clothing which led to the revolutionary change in New Fashion occurred, and by the same time, gradually the phenomena of Digital Consuming Culture is expansive.

매장의 VM과 쇼핑가치가 의복구매행동에 미치는 영향 - 남자대학생을 중심으로 - (The Influence of Store VM and Shopping Values on Male University Students' Clothing Purchase Behavior)

  • 오희선
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.316-321
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to find what male consumers value in their clothing behaviors, as well as to investigate how the consumers' shopping values and store VM impact on their clothing purchase behaviors. For data collection, research questionnaires were responded by 202 male students living in Busan. The collected data were analyzed according to the frequency-factor analysis using SPSS for win 10.1 Package, the factor analysis using Varimax, reliability analysis, and multi-regression analysis. The results of this study are as follows; First, the shopping values were composed of hedonic, utilitarian, and economic value, and VM was divided into store facility, store image, layout, and fashion information. Second, multi-regression analysis was conducted to find the impact of consumers' shopping values on their clothing purchase behaviors. The result showed that the hedonic shopping value and utilitarian shopping value significantly affected the consumers' clothing purchase behaviors, while economics shopping value did not show any statistical significance. Third, multi-regression analysis was conducted to find the impact of store VM on consumers' clothing purchase behaviors. The result showed that store image, layout, and fashion information had a significant impact on consumers' clothing purchase behaviors.

한국과 미국의 의료복 특허 동향 분석 (Analysis on Patent Trends for Medical Clothing of Korea and USA)

  • 박정현;이정란
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.488-500
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    • 2011
  • This study analyzes medical clothing trends and provides future directions for research. Based on 38 patents in Korea and 221 patents in the USA, the contents of patents were analyzed by year, subject, clothing type, and specific content. The results are as follows. The number of patent applications in Korea and the USA was found to be increasing. The distribution by subject was in the order of patient clothing, medical personnel clothing, and materials for medical clothing. Clothing of various types such as upper garment, bottoms, pajamas, gowns, and jump-suits were observed in patient clothing comparatively. However, gowns occupied a higher portion in medical personnel clothing. Patents in the USA related to patient clothing included patient clothing that provided examination convenience, monitoring patient clothing, patient clothing revising appearance, and patient clothing that assisted in movement. Korean patents related to patient clothing include functional patient clothing, patient clothing providing examination convenience, clothing for Alzheimer patients, and monitoring patient clothing. Many of the patents related to medical personnel clothing were about surgery gowns and mainly concerned with developments related to devices that allows putting on gowns while maintaining a sterile state and functionality to prevent liquid permeation. Regarding materials for medical clothing, there were many applications on breathability and liquid impermeable materials.

교육과정기 이전의 의생활 분야의 교육내용에 대한 고찰 (제2보) -중등 가사를 중심으로- (Clothing & Textiles Education before the First Curriculum (Part II) -Secondary School Home Economic Textbooks-)

  • 이영숙;유혜자
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제33권8호
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    • pp.1203-1214
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    • 2009
  • The theory of household arts and practical acts are two traditional mainstream topics of official South Korean secondary home economics education. The clothing and textile education within the Secondary School Home Economics Textbook (1948) is various and practical. The first year textbook discusses the symbolism and maintenance of uniforms that provides information on the characteristics of cotton. Clothing and textiles are covered in 26 pages out of the 76 page book. The second year textbook includes the theory of color and form, along with the characteristics of flax and silk. Clothing and textile education is covered in 33 pages out of the 97 second year textbook. The third year textbook deals with the characteristics of wool, manufactured fibers, cross weaving, removing stains, clothing arrangements, and equipment; 5 chapters (56 pages out of 137) are spent on clothing and textiles. The fourth year textbook introduces the history of clothing, laundry principles, dyeing, bedclothes, and bed accessories; 4 chapters (63 pages out of 125 pages) are spent on clothing and textiles. The Secondary School Home Economics Textbook (1948) is highly extensive and profound in depth. It is comparable with modern college or specialized high school level clothing and textile education in terms of clothing materials, clothing maintenance, color theories, and dyeing.

겨울용 쾌적 보온성 의복의 온열특성에 관한 연구 - 무풍환경하에서 - (A Study on the Thermal Characteristics of Comfortable Heat-Retaining Winter Clothing)

  • 송민규;권명숙
    • 복식
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    • 제58권6호
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    • pp.24-34
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to create a database of information on fabric factors(i.e., fabric insulation, fabric weight, clothing weight, fabric thickness, air permeability, and water vapor resistance) of clothing used for insulations, to compare them according to clothing types, and to estimate thermal resistance of clothing using these factors. A total of 25 kinds of clothing were selected(9 types for suits, 6 types of jacket, 5 types for shirts, and 5 types for trousers). The results of this study were as follows; Thermal insulation of clothing showed the highest positive correlation(0.85, p>0.01) with thermal insulation of fabric and very high positive correlation with water vapor resistance, fabric thickness, fabric weight, and clothing weight, respectively, 0.77, 0.77, 0.73, 0.71(p>0.01). Fabric weight of jacket was higher than that of shirts and trousers. Air permeability of shirts was the highest of clothing types. Clothing insulation of jacket was higher than that of shirts and trousers and its fabric insulation was also the highest of clothing types. Regression analysis showed that fabric thickness, water vapor resistance, and fabric weight would be useful factors for estimating the thermal resistance of clothing.

의류제품에 대한 상표충성형성 모델 (Model of Clothing Brand Loyalty Formation)

  • 진병호;고애란
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.502-511
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    • 1996
  • While much research on brand loyalty have been conducted until now, little has been challenged to integrate the results of previous (studies and how the brand loyalty is developed. The purpose of this study was to) suggest and test the model of clothing brand loyalty formation via consideration of all related variables simultaneously using the LISREL. The subjects were 505 male and female college graduates or higher white collar workers in their twenties and thirties living in Seoul, Korea. The data were collected by self- administered questionnaires. The results showed that consumer knowledge, product involvement, and perceived risk are positively related to information search. However, the influence of perceived risk on information search is statistically insignificant. Product involvement is also positively related to consumer satisfaction. Information search and consumer satisfaction are positively related to brand loyalty, respectively. In conclusion, consumer knowledge, product involvement, and perceived risk have positive influences on brand loyalty through the mediating variables of information search and consumer satisfaction.

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Automatic Pattern Setting System Reacting to Customer Design

  • Yuan, Ying;Huh, Jun-Ho
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • 제15권6호
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    • pp.1277-1295
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    • 2019
  • With its technical development, digital printing is being universally introduced to the mass production of clothing factories. At the same time, many fashion platforms have been made for customers' participation using digital printing, and a tool is provided in platforms for customers to make designs. However, there is no sufficient solution in the production stage for automatically converting a customer's design into a file before printing other than designating a square area for the pattern designed by the customer. That is, if 30 different designs come in from customers for one shirt, designers have to do the work of reproducing the design on the clothing pattern in the same location and in the same angle, and this work requires a great deal of manpower. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a technology which can let the customer make the design and, at the same time, reflect it in the clothing pattern. This is defined in relation to the existing clothing pattern with digital printing. This study yields a clothing pattern for digital printing which reflects a customer's design in real time by matching the diagram area where a customer designs on a given clothing model and the area where a standard pattern reflects the customer's actual design information. Designers can substitute the complex mapping operation of programmers with a simple area-matching operation. As there is no limit to clothing designs, the variousfashion design creations of designers and the diverse customizing demands of customers can be satisfied at low cost with high efficiency. This is not restricted to T-shirts or eco-bags but can be applied to all woven wear, including men's, women's, and children's clothing, except knitwear.

아웃도어 웨어 기능성 소재에 대한 연령별 인지 및 선호도 (A Study on Recognition and Preference of Functional Textile Material of Outdoor Clothing by Age)

  • 서민녕;김아현;구영석
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.184-193
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    • 2016
  • This study investigates the recognition and preference of functional textile material about outdoor clothing widely used in the current fashion market. The study targeted 216 males and females in their 20s to 50s who wear outdoor clothing as casual wear. To analyze data, frequency analysis, cross tabulation analysis and ANOVA were conducted with the SPSS 21.0 statistical package. The results are as follows. First, recognition of functional textile material of outdoor clothing showed that 20s was the lowest preference and all age groups preferred lightweight textile material. In information recognition of functional outdoor clothing, 40s showed the highest recognition, while 20s showed the lowest recognition. Second, 40s and 50s preferred functional material to 20s and 30s. In particular, 40s and 50s preferred clothing items with water vapor permeability & water repellent material to 20s and 30s. All age groups preferred insulation material jumpers, water vapor permeability & water repellent material jumpers and stretch pants. Third, reasons for purchasing functional material clothing was: design for the age group 20s and 30s versus health and function for the age group 40s and 50s. It is necessary to develop functional clothing products based on exact consumer information and preferences.

유비쿼터스 시대의 청소년 의복문화 - UFC(Ubiquitous Fashionable Computer) 패션 상품에 대한 수용 가능성을 중심으로 - (Adolescents' Clothing Culture in the Ubiquitous Era - Focused on Receptiveness about UFC(Ubiquitous Fashionable Computer) Fashion Products -)

  • 전재훈;하지수
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제31권2호
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    • pp.319-330
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to improve ubiquitous fashion design which adolescents can be satisfied with. The methods of this study are documentary research of previous studies, survey research and deep interviews. For this study 371 students are selected as samples of survey. As a result of this study, we could know that the adolescents of the 21st century are enjoying actively the culture of consumers and the culture of information era. Domestic adolescents have much knowledge and interest in information and in UFC fashion products. So we can predict that domestic adolescents' interest and desire of UFC fashion products will increase gradually. As for using occasions, adolescents will use UFC fashion products for 'mobile', 'exercise', 'social followship', and as for using purposes, they will use UFC fashion products for 'listening to music', 'playing games', 'communication', 'search for information', etc. So when we develop UFC fashion products for adolescents, we'd rather develop the products for entertainment than for studying. To satisfy the various tastes of adolescents, UFC fashion products must also consider the design factors like styles, colors, materials, etc. In conclusion all UFC fashion products for adolescents must have not only the basic qualities like functions and conveniences, but also the qualities of designs.

실버세대를 위한 기능성의류 개발실태 - 기능성제품 특허분석을 중심으로 - (Actual Conditions of Functional Clothing development for the Elderly - Based on Patent Analysis of Functional Products -)

  • 정희경;이정란
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.971-978
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    • 2014
  • This study investigates the developmental conditions of functional clothes for the elderly. First, preceding studies and relevant web sites were analyzed along with a survey of commercial functional elderly clothes in Korea. A KIPRIS patent information database was used to study registered and disclosed patents and utility models in order to analyze patent application trends in relevant fields. Patents were searched by year of application from 1990 to 2013. Keywords used for searching included 'senior, aged, and elderly'. Among collected data, overlapping and irrelevant data were excluded to select 162 cases for analysis. Details of analysis are annual patent application trends of functional elderly clothes, topic analysis, shape and characteristics. An examination of commercially available functional clothing products for the elderly indicated that most of products were developed in the form of inner wear or protective clothing for seniors who have bodily discomfort. An annual patent application of functional elderly clothes showed slight fluctuations; however, there was an overall increase. For patent topics, technologies related to secretion and excretion were the most at 47 cases total (29%), followed by 23 cases (14%) on biometric information technology. However, the development of relevant technologies seems necessary in the future as therapeutic function and fiber technologies gradually stagnate.