• 제목/요약/키워드: clothing form

검색결과 974건 처리시간 0.022초

현대 패션에 나타난 재현과 되기 현상에 대한 비교 연구 -미메시스와 들뢰즈의 되기 이론을 중심으로- (A Comparative Study on the Representation and Becoming Phenomenon Expressed in Contemporary Fashion -Focusing on the Theory of Mimesis and Deleuze's Becoming-)

  • 양희영
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.200-212
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    • 2009
  • Since the late of 20C, contemporary fashion have becoming enlargement between role and function of fashion through the combination and the deconstruction among various different spheres. Because multi-functional and trans-formal fashion transforms and extends original space and role toward any other fields through the morphologic and structural combination, this has been freed form the representational function pursuing more simple morphologic imitation, and becomes to change the space that is able to 'becoming' of Jill Deleuze. This paper intends to make a comparative study between the representation phenomenon about simple morphologic imitation of existing fashion design, and the becoming phenomenon of fashion focused on the change toward any other different object. This studies' conclusion as follows. 1) First representation imitates a lot of nature forms that are able to be restored any fixed form and picture. 2) Second representation is the representation of representation that re-imitates imitated object and art work. 3) Ontalogical becoming is classified with depaysement, self-presentation of fashion, morphing, and becoming the nature as a element.

티셔츠 디자인에 대한 분석 (An Analysis on T-shirts Design)

  • 최정화
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제29권11호
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    • pp.1410-1420
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze characteristics of effective expression on T-shirts pattern by peirce's semiotic theory. The methods of this study was to analyze 721 T-shirts patterns in designer's collection from 2000 to 2004. The results of this study were as follows: First of all, iconic expression showed high frequency after 2000. Characteristics of effective expression were as follows: In geometric expression, repetition was presented as a symbolic sign by regular proportion and rule of dot, line, plane, irregularity, mixture of irregular dot, line, plane. Mixed expression was presented as a iconic and symbolic sign by collage, mixture of dot, line, plane, icon and letter. In iconic expression, simplification of iconic sigrl was presented as a iconic sign by simplification of form, color, texture, realistic expression using digital as a iconic sign, and symbolic face, body as a symbolic sign. Pop art's expression was presented as a iconic sign by a cartoon and commercial character and illusion was presented as a iconic sign. In letter's expression, brand logo was presented as a symbolic sign by transformation of letter's design, a symbolic sign of numeral by transformation of size, thickness, form, color. Symbolic message phrase was presented by slogan, fashion trend, brand image, descriptive indication message as a index sign by using icon or singleness. In conclusion, characteristics of effective expression on T-shirts pattern will present not only the theoretical foundation to raise the value added, but also the information about beauty sense of times, political and social value.

카툰과 웹툰 속에 나타나는 이성주의 복식과 탈코르셋에 관한 고찰 (A Study on Rational Dress and Escape the Corset Expressed in Cartoons and Webtoons)

  • 유희은;전재훈
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제45권6호
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    • pp.1017-1034
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    • 2021
  • The "Escape the corset" movement raises the question of gender norms in dressing by rejecting the socially established ideal women's clothing. The context is similar to Rational dress of the 19th century, which claimed that women could also wear pants. Cartoons and webtoons reflect the characteristics of each era, including images and stories, and express social problems of the time implicitly and satirically. Thus, this study examined women's clothes expressed in cartoons and webtoons and analyzed their characteristics. The results are as follows. As an expression to the recipient of both clothes, women tried to form their identity through a rational attitude and break away from their embellishment, which was regarded as oppression from society. On the other hand, as an expression of the attitude of others towards the recipient of both clothes, people argued the changed appearance of women as a non-ideal form which should be corrected. This study is significant for proving that the dressing contains gender norms of the time beyond the trends.

발라(Giacomo Balla)의 복식디자인 연구 (A Study on the Clothing Design of Giacomo Balls)

  • 이금희
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제21권6호
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    • pp.1094-1105
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    • 1997
  • Balla within Italian art is characterized by the irreducibility of proteiforme work. He was aware of the possibility of abolishing all the barriers between major arts and minor arts and he placed dissemination of art in life: He applied his idea of a lively, joyous art to the world around him. His irruption of art into life appeared in futurist clothing. As a father of Futurist fashion he designed the futurist dress for men and women. It was invented a new type of dress. It was conceived as the realisation of his art-life-festivity and created with an mimic funtion of modern city. In futurist men's out-fit, he eliminated static lines, forms and colors and he used asymmetrical cuts and various strong bright colors. The colors was the determinent of factor of use of clothing. Women's dress was secondary to his reevaluation of the male dress but it was current with other European trend. He made dynamic patterns in textile design, which were the key point in the futurist design. The factors of the futurist textile design were abstract character, dynamic character and asymmetrical character. But the patterns was not related to the dynamic forms. His invention of the new style was simple form with dynamic patterns as a modernizing factor in clothing design.

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실버세대를 위한 기능성의류 개발실태 - 기능성제품 특허분석을 중심으로 - (Actual Conditions of Functional Clothing development for the Elderly - Based on Patent Analysis of Functional Products -)

  • 정희경;이정란
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.971-978
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    • 2014
  • This study investigates the developmental conditions of functional clothes for the elderly. First, preceding studies and relevant web sites were analyzed along with a survey of commercial functional elderly clothes in Korea. A KIPRIS patent information database was used to study registered and disclosed patents and utility models in order to analyze patent application trends in relevant fields. Patents were searched by year of application from 1990 to 2013. Keywords used for searching included 'senior, aged, and elderly'. Among collected data, overlapping and irrelevant data were excluded to select 162 cases for analysis. Details of analysis are annual patent application trends of functional elderly clothes, topic analysis, shape and characteristics. An examination of commercially available functional clothing products for the elderly indicated that most of products were developed in the form of inner wear or protective clothing for seniors who have bodily discomfort. An annual patent application of functional elderly clothes showed slight fluctuations; however, there was an overall increase. For patent topics, technologies related to secretion and excretion were the most at 47 cases total (29%), followed by 23 cases (14%) on biometric information technology. However, the development of relevant technologies seems necessary in the future as therapeutic function and fiber technologies gradually stagnate.

상의 스트라이프의 방향, 폭, 색상대비가 인상형성에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Stripe Pattern Direction, Width, and Color Contrast of Upper Garment on Impression Formation)

  • 문주영;강경자
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of clothing style and mixtures of stripe pattern direction, width, and coloration of an upper garment. The experimental materials made for this study are a set of stimuli and response scale(The 7-Point semantic). The subjects were 480 female undergraduate students in Seoul, Busan, Gyung-nam. The 80 stimuli which were variously incorporated with clothing styles and stipe patterns were assessed by the students. The following contents summarizes the results of the research. Impression factors of the stimuli consists of the 5 dimensions(Attractiveness, Show, Activity, Clearness, mildness). Amon these, the Attractiveness and Show dimensions proved to be more important. The clothing style and pattern direction indicated main effect in attractiveness and activity dimension. The pattern coloration showed a significant effect in dimensions except attractiveness and clearness. The pattern width had a significant effect only in the activity. Significant interaction effects of each clothing clause were found in the attractiveness, activity and clearness, but Show and mildness had no significant interaction effect. This research, as the 06 S/S, F/W trend, is a meaningful study in that it handled in the form of expression the stripe pattern used unrestrictedly in the casual wear or the formal wear by a fashion keyword.

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What Do Consumers Expect and Gain from the Sharing Economy? A Systematic Literature Review (2016-2021) on the Antecedents and Outcomes

  • Jeesoo Kim;Soyeong Lee;Zhenghao Tong;Hongjoo Woo
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제48권2호
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    • pp.367-381
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    • 2024
  • The sharing economy (SE) describes an economic system in which consumers share a product or service via collaborative consumption. Reasonably, the SE receives much attention in the fashion industry as a sustainable form of consumption. However, a systematic review of the antecedents and outcomes of consumer participation in SE is limited by researchers' and practitioners' hindered understanding of what consumers expect and gain from the SE. This study offers a systematic review of the SE research conducted from January 2016 to July 2021 and proposes a conceptual model. In terms of antecedents, three factors, composed of nine categories and 153 variables, were identified: 1) consumer factors (80 variables), 2) platform/product factors (69 variables), and 3) environmental factors (4 variables). The outcomes included 14 variables divided into two categories: 1) positive outcomes (8 variables) and 2) negative outcomes (6 variables). The results provide recommendations for future research on applying the SE to the fashion sector. First, to more thoroughly investigating antecedents of consumer participation in fashion sharing, the research must focus on barriers and environmental factors, in addition to demographic and psychological variables. Secondly, research on the outcomes of participating in fashion sharing, including economic and social benefits, is needed.

송광시 조사도에 나타난 복장에 관한 연구 - 색과 문양을 중심으로 - (A Study on the Costumes in a Portrait of the Buddhist Monk of the SONG KWANG Temple.)

  • 안명숙
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 1994
  • This study investigates the costumes of the Most Reverend Priest, which shows a portrait of the Buddhist monk in Koryo dynasty, owned by SONG KWANG Temple. A surplice and a long sleeved Buddhist robe was chiefly shown up a portrait of a Buddhist monk. The purpose of this study find out the color, form, pattern, material, adornment of the costumes which is appeared a portrait, and also seek to changing process according to the times. the finding in this paper are ; * A surplice - color : red, green, yellow etc. form' big size surplice, provision surplice. pattern : no. material : unstriated silk. adornment' bolt, ribbon. * A long sleeved Buddhist robe- color : grey, blue, dark blue, pink, green, chestnut .etc. pattern : no. In comparison with a survery of previous studies of Buddhist comstumes, the color and type of the Koryo dynasty are more brilliant various color. In other words, the social status of monk in the Koryo is higher than present day.

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여중생의 하반신 체형분류에 따른 유형별 인대개발 (Development of Dress Forms for the Middle-high School Girls Based on their Lower Body Types)

  • 임지영;김혜경
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.886-897
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    • 1999
  • Fitness of clothes becomes a major concern in apparel industry. But girls had difficulties to buy ready-made clothes of good fit. To solve this problem it is necessary to classify girls' lower body Into several kinds of somatotypes and to develop dress form. The purposes of this study was to classify lower body types of middle-high school an provide the dress forms based on the analysis of their lower body types. The subjects for anthropometric measurement were 402 middle-high school girls of 13 to 15 year-old. The result of factor analysis indicated that 5 factors were extracted from anthropometric measurments through factor analysis and those factors comprise 71% of total variance. 4 clusters were categorized using 5 factor scores by cluster analysis 4 lower body dress forms for middle-high school girls were made of gypsum mould. By the analysis of more photograph three dimensional characteristics of somatotype and overlapped cross-section diagrams were analyzed.

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현대 패션에 나타난 중첩 기법의 유형과 사례분석 (Types of Overlapping Technique in Contemporary Fashion)

  • 임지아;김민자
    • 복식
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    • 제63권8호
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    • pp.106-124
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    • 2013
  • Compared to traditional fashion design, modern fashion design is used as a means that creates original and multiple types of beauty beyond fixed and standardized concept and form. Overlapping technique is the most suitable means to shed classical, authoritative and conservative form and it enables diverse borrowing and quotation for creation. This study aimed to analyze overlapping techniques that are expressed in art, architecture and fashion to find out its characteristics in the field of fashion. The result of this study is as follows. Based on theories of visual perception and advance research, types of overlapping technique were classified as pile, repetition, penetration and transparency. When comparing overlapping techniques in modern fashion with those of painting and architecture, fashion was distinctive in that it had movement and communicativeness through overlapping of fashion and the human body. Therefore, the overlapping technique has wide application and adaptation and can cause specialty, movability, communicativeness and collectivity, which can arouse psychological inspiration.