• Title/Summary/Keyword: citizenship rights

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The Influence of Global Citizenship Consciousness of University Students Majoring in Business Administration on Human Rights Sensibility

  • LEE, Hyo-Young
    • East Asian Journal of Business Economics (EAJBE)
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2021
  • Purpose - This study verified the mediating effect of volunteer activities in the influence of global citizenship consciousness on human rights sensitivity of university students majoring in business administration. Research design, data, and methodology - The survey was conducted on 172 4-year college students in G City, Korea. SPSS 23.0 program was used to perform frequency analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis, and multiple regression analysis. In addition, path analysis was conducted to confirm the mediating effect of volunteer activities. Result - First, the "justice domain" had a statistically significant effect on human rights sensitivity. Second, the "cognitive domain" had a positive and significant effect on volunteer participation. Third, the volunteer participation of university students majoring in business administration had a positive and significant effect on human rights sensitivity. Fourth, in the relationship between global citizenship consciousness and human rights sensibility of university students, volunteer participation had a partial mediating effect. Conclusion - The period of college enrollment is an important time to establish life goals and strategies as adults. Therefore, if the university environment is built to grow into a healthy global citizen, it will help to cultivate global competence and the "sensitivity to human rights" that is more emphasized in the era of the 4th industrial revolution.

Two Face of Citizenship Discourse - Reinterpretation of Social Citizenship of Marshall - (시민권 담론의 두 얼굴 - Marshall의 사회적 시민권에 대한 재해석을 중심으로 -)

  • Seo, Jeong-hee
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • no.39
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    • pp.147-165
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    • 2008
  • This Study analysis two features of social citizenship in the period of rights revolution. Discousive arguments are derived from different reinterpretations of social citizenship of Marshall. Some insist that main idea of welfare state is rights of social citizenship and the other insist that social rights is realized after doing duty. Especially the latter emphasis work obligation in which individual responsibility and duty, these discussion underlie wokrfare policy. This reserch examine two contrary discourses based on Marshall's theory, and make a close inquiry into correct interpretation about Marshall. New rights, the Conservative party and New Labour seek for ground on Marshall's citizenship theory, but these are distortion on it. Marshall insisted that citizenship constituted rights and duties but he claimed that discharge of a duty isn't precondition of the exercise of the right.

The Construction and Characters of the Welfare Rights (복지권의 구성과 성격)

  • Ahn, Chi-Min
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.55
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    • pp.5-25
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    • 2003
  • This study analysed the components and characters of welfare rights through discussions of the concepts and types of universal rights, and discussions of human rights and citizenship rights. Welfare rights is claims rights which requires somewhat, and it is positive rights. And it is generally passive rights, but it contains collective participation rights which is active rights. The result of total discussions of rights, human rights, and citizenship rights led us to know the components and characters of welfare rights. Welfare rights contains social rights, economic rights, and cultural environmental rights. Social rights are composed of the right of social security, social welfare service, health, education, and residency. Economic rights are composed of the right of labor, intervension of labor market, job security, and capital control. cultural environmental rights are composed of the right of culture and environment. And welfare rights has several characters. First, it is natural rights which is bestowed on the citizens or people in modern civil societies. it is samely characterised as liberties and political rights. second, it has the same values like other rights such as lberties and political rights. Or it is more important, because it is necessary for other rights. Third, it is not the objective being which is constant, but it is changed, formed and constructed as total rights with human rights and citizenship rights. Fourth, it is truely rights, but is simultaniously accompanied by obligations. But the obligations is unconditional like as other rights. Endly, levels of welfare on the welfare rights must be modicum rather than minimum. The meaning of modicum level is uncertain, but it aims to the entire participation of peoples as citizen and social integration. And it has to aim to the prevention of heridity and continuity of inequality.

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The Characteristics of Social Rights and the Security of Social Rights (사회권의 성격과 사회권 보장)

  • Ahn, Chi-Min
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.371-392
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    • 2006
  • The studies and concerns of social rights and the security of social rights continue steadily, and extend there range and realms. But not only ideological and political threats on them but also critical views still are widespread. Therefore we need adequate researches on the characteristics of social rights and the meanings of the security of social rights, which are more fundamental. So this study was intended for more precise understanding on social rights and the meanings of the security of social rights through researches on the characteristics of social rights. The characteristics of social rights which this study researched are rights and duties, citizenship rights and social justice, and methodology and ideology. Through this research, I discussed justness of social rights and clarified the security of social rights not to be defined categorically but to be procedural concept. I argued that security of social rights is necessary to realize other citizenship rights such as civil rights, political rights, and I discussed this has to be considered dimension of social justice. And I discussed the necessity and the levels of distribution, which are accomplished not to dimension of simple social security and social welfare benefits but to dimension of human liberties, rights, and equalities.

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The influence of pre-service early childhood teachers' civic awareness on their ability to teach democratic citizenship education: The mediating role of multicultural beliefs

  • Kim, Hee-Young;Lee, Ji-Young
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to investigate the impact of pre-service early childhood teachers' civic awareness and multicultural beliefs on their ability to teach democratic citizenship education and to verify the mediating effect of multicultural beliefs in the relationship between civic awareness and the ability to teach democratic citizenship education. The subjects of the study were 226 pre-service early childhood teachers, and a survey was conducted. As a result of the study, first, the civic awareness of pre-service early childhood teachers influenced the ability to teach democratic citizenship education, and the influence of the sub-variables of civic awareness was in the order of rights awareness, responsibility, community awareness, and rational decision-making awareness. Second, the multicultural beliefs of pre-service early childhood teachers also affected the ability to teach democratic citizenship education, and multicultural understanding had the strongest influence among the sub-variables of multicultural beliefs. Thirdly, we found that multicultural beliefs partially mediated the relationship between civic awareness and the ability to teach democratic citizenship education. Additionally, the results highlight the importance of educational interventions targeting multicultural beliefs, as they partially mediate the relationship between civic awareness and the ability to teach democratic citizenship education.

Qualitative Research on the Sociocultural Adaptation and the Human Rights Situation of Migrant Women from Russia, CIS and Mongolia (러시아·CIS국가, 몽골 출신 이주여성의 사회문화적 적응 및 인권 실태에 관한 질적 연구)

  • 서승현
    • Russian Language and Literature
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    • no.66
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    • pp.181-217
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    • 2019
  • The Korean society is very rapidly changing into a multi-cultural society. Nowadays, the number of migrants living in Korean society more 2.3 million(4.6% of the nation's population), and analysts say that it will be increased nearly 5.8% of the population by 2021. Moreover, marriage migrant women from Russia, CIS and Mongolia in South Korea accounted for 3.8% of total marriage migrants 4.6% involving female foreigners in March of 2019. So this study is so important to consider the lack of informations and research on Russian, CIS and Mongolian migrant women in the Republic of Korea. The study shows that recently women's migration from Russia, CIS and Mongolia also was increased. But our multi-cultural policy just focused on marriage migrant women from Asian countries, and it has been based on Korean patriarchy and assimilation ideology in Korea, even if migrant women were hoping to get their equal human rights as Korean citizens. So the researcher carried out the survey about the socio-cultural adaptation and the human rights situation as qualitative research, with in-depth interviews of migrant women from Russia, CIS and Mongolia plus their migrant women's rights experts. We should make the new framework of multi-cultural policy to assure their human rights, citizenship and gender equality.

Citizenship in the Age of Glocalization and Its Implication for Geography Education (글로컬 시대의 시민성과 지리교육의 방향)

  • Cho, Chul-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.618-630
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    • 2015
  • This study is to try to find citizenship needed in the age of glocalization and its implication for geography education. With formation of nation-state after modern, the rights and duties are applied to members of a state in a given territory. But Although states grant de jure citizenship, identity as a citizen is increasingly seen as something that is gained beyond and below the state. Citizenship might be conceived as relational rather than absolute, something that is constituted by its connections or network with different people and places rather than something defined by the borders of the nation-state. New space of citizenship has multiple dimension, and is fluid, mobile, multidimensional, transnational, negotiative. Citizenship operates in an increasingly complex web of overlapping spaces, and is reconceptualized as multiple citizenship based on multiscale. Citizenship should now be thought of as multi-level, reflecting individuals simultaneous membership of political communities at a variety of spatial scales and perhaps of non-territorial social groups. Thus, Citizenship education through geography should focus more on interconnected and layered multiple citizenship than bounded national citizenship.

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Delphi Study on Human Rights Education Framework for Families (가족인권교육 프로그램 체계도 구성을 위한 델파이 연구)

  • Choi, Saeeun;Joo, Hyunjung;Lee, Gisun
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.315-331
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    • 2020
  • This study clarifies the definition of and to provides guidelines on educational objectives, core concepts, and content in developing a Human Rights Education Program for families. The Delphi survey method was used to develop a Human Rights Education Program for families. As a result, a Human Rights Education Program for families was defined as education that would ensure all members of the family enjoy universal human rights without discrimination. In addition, that the prejudice and discrimination against socially marginalized would not be created within the family by learning values and attitudes that respects human rights and freedom. The objectives were to learn the merit of respecting individuals, relationships, and community. Core concepts of the program were the rights for myself and others, communicating and responsibilities and a sense of citizenship. Content included human rights, respect of oneself and others, empathetic understanding, acceptance, communication in an intimate relationship, conflict management, sharing the role of caring the family, no discrimination against the socially marginalized, and creating an inclusive community culture. This study can be used as a guideline for family human rights education based on family human rights, which is the core of family democracy.

A Study on 'Cultural Diversity' Contents for a Global Citizenship Education from Social Studies (사회과에서 세계시민교육을 위한 '문화 다양성'수업 내용 구성)

  • Kim, Da-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.167-181
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    • 2010
  • The multicultural society under globalization have made an impact on the education since the end of 20th century. This study is for the theoretical approach and presentation of method about global citizenship education in globalization & multicultural society today. As an education which is suitable in the globalization & multicultural society I present 'cultural diversity' education. The 'cultural diversity' education for fostering global citizenship is needed to enhance the cultural sensibility while learning other cultures. The 'cultural diversity' education is having the values of human rights, fairness, diversity respect and living together. So I present the study lesson plans of 'cultural diversity' education for a global citizenship education from elementary school 6 grade social studies "Natural environments and cultures of world regions" chapter.

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Direction of Global Citizenship Education in the Age of Infodemic : A Case Study of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Korea

  • Jisu Park
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.82-91
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    • 2023
  • In 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic began in full-scale, the WHO Director-General warned of the dangers of an infodemic. The infodemic is a phenomenon in which false information spreads rapidly like an epidemic and causes chaos, and it was noted that the COVID-19 pandemic is not just limited to health problems, but also linked to a variety of issues such as human rights, economic inequality, various discrimination, hate speech, fake news, global governance etc. In the field of education, it is necessary to think about how to connect this global situation with school classes. Accordingly, this study suggested the direction for global citizenship education by analyzing how the infodemic spreads on Korean social media with the case of the recent global COVID-19 pandemic. According to the research results, the rate of negative emotions was higher than positive ones in the emotions that generate infodemic, while anxiety and anger were focused among negative emotions. In addition, the infodemic tended to spread widely with the feelings of anger rather than anxiety, and the feelings of anger led to advocating aggressive policies against certain country and regions. Therefore, global citizenship education is required to focus on a sense of duty and responsibility as a citizen, not on the level of national identity based on an exclusive sense of belonging. Furthermore, global citizenship education needs to lead to presenting a blueprint for education in a way that can enhance the awareness of the global community for joint response to global challenges and realize common prosperity based on sustainability and justice.