• Title/Summary/Keyword: chromium

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Investigation on Harmful Trace Elements in Some Food Additives (식품첨가물중(食品添加物中) 유해미량금속(有害微量金屬) 함량(含量)에 관(關)하여)

  • Kirn, Jeung-Ok;Song, Jae-Chul;Young, Han-Chul;Ha, Yeung-Lae
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 1979
  • In order to investigate harmful trace elements in ford additives used in food processing the contents of Copper, Lead, Cadmium, Chromium, Manganese, Nickel and Iron are determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. These Elements are Extracted with APDC-MIBK extract method. Samples are collected from the food Industrial companies in Korea. Samples studied as shown in Table 1 are food colors(3-samples, Flavoring Agents(7-samples), Acidifiers(4-samples) Baking Powders(4-samples), Emulsifiers(2-samples), Thickeners(2-samples), Antioxidants(2-samples), Intensifiers(2-samples), Seasonings(3-samples), modifiers (10-samples) Most of the food additives contained comparatively a little small amount of harmful trace elements. However, the contents of harmful trace elements of Sodium Carbonate, Food Yellow No.5, Food Blue No.1, Food Red No.2 and Alkalies added in noodles are significantly higher than the other food additives. The obtained results are as follows ; 1) Sodium Carbonate contained Cadmium; 16.73 ug/g and Lead ; 61.55 ug/g. 2) Food Yellow No. 5 contained Cadmium: 1.67ug/g and Lead; 23.46 ug/g. 3) Food Blue No. 1 contained Cadmium; 1. 16 ug/g and Lead; 23.46 ug/g. 4) Food Red Ho. 1 contained Cadmium; 1.91 ug/g and Lead 23.08 ug./g. 5) Alkalies added in noodles contained Cadmium; 6. 11 ug/g and Lead; 53.85 ug/g.

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The Distribution Behavior of Alloying Elements in Matrices and Carbides of Chromium White Cast Iron (크롬백주철의 기지조직 및 탄화물에 있어서 합금원소의 거동)

  • Ryu, Seong-Gon
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.489-492
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    • 2000
  • Three different white cast irons alloyed with Cr and Si were prepared in order to study their distribution be-havior in matrices and carbides. The specimens were produced using a 15kg-capacity high frequency induction fur-nace. Melts were super-heated to $1600^{\circ}C$, and poured at $1550^{\circ}C$ into a pepset mold. Three combinations of the alloys were selected so as to observe the distribution behavior of Cr and Si : 0.5%C-25.0%Cr-1.0%Si(alloy No. 1), 0.5%C-5.0%Cr-1.0%Si(alloy No. 2) and 2.0%C-5.0%Cr-1.0%Si(alloy No. 3). Cellular $M_7C_3$ carbides-$\delta$ferrite eutectic were developed at $\delta$ferrite liquid interfaces in the alloy No. 1 while only traces of $M_7C_3$ carbides-$\delta$ferrite eutectic were precipitated in the alloy No. 2. With the addition of 2.0% C and 5.0% Cr, ledeburitic $M_3C$ carbides instead of cellular $M_7C_3$ carbides were precipitated in the alloy No. 3. Cr was distributed preferentially to the $M_7C_3$ carbides rather than to the matrix structure while more Si was partitioned in the matrix structure rather than the $M_7C_3$ carbides. $K^m$ for Cr was ranged from 0.56 to 0.68 while that for Si was from 1.12 to 1.28. $K^m$ for Cr had a lower value with increased carbon contents. The mass percent of Cr was higher in the $M_7C_3$ carbides with increased Cr contents.

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A Study for Kinetics and Oxidation Reaction of Substituted Benzyl Alcohols using Cr(VI)-Heterocyclic Complex(Cr(VI)-Isoquinoline) (Cr(VI)-헤테로고리 착물(Cr(VI)-Isoquinoline)를 이용한 치환 벤질 알코올류의 산화반응과 속도론에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Young-Cho;Kim, Young-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.6000-6007
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    • 2013
  • Cr(VI)-heterocyclic complex[Cr(VI)-isoquinoline] was synthesized by the reaction between of heterocyclic compound(isoquinoline) and chromium trioxide, and characterized by IR and ICP analysis. The oxidation of benzyl alcohol using Cr(VI)-isoquinoline in various solvents showed that the reactivity increased with the increase of the dielectric constant(${\varepsilon}$), in the order : cyclohexene$CH_3$, m-Br, m-$NO_2$). Electron- donating substituents accelerated the reaction, whereas electron acceptor groups retarded the reaction. The Hammett reaction constant(${\rho}$) was -0.69(308K). The observed experimental data have been ratiolized. The hydride ion transfer causes the prior formation of a chromate ester in the rate-determining step.

Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in the Changseon area, Korea, and Assessment of Potential Risk to Human Health

  • Mok, Jong Soo;Yoo, Hyun Duk;Kim, Poong Ho;Yoon, Ho Dong;Park, Young Cheol;Kim, Ji Hoe;Kwon, Ji Young;Son, Kwang Tae;Lee, Hee Jung;Ha, Kwang Soo;Shim, Kil Bo;Jo, Mi Ra;Lee, Tae Seek
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.313-318
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    • 2014
  • From 2008 to 2013, the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis were collected from a major area of mussel production (Changseon area), which is a designated shellfish-cultivating area for export, located on the southern coast of Korea. The samples were analyzed for mercury (Hg) using a direct Hg analyzer and for other metals, such as cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), arsenic (As), chromium, copper, nickel, and zinc, using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The concentrations and bioaccumulation of the heavy metals were determined, and a potential risk assessment was conducted to evaluate their hazards towards human consumption. The concentration and bioaccumulation ratio of Cd were the highest of the three hazardous metals (Cd, Pb, and Hg). The concentrations of hazardous metals in all samples were within the limits set by Korea and other countries. The estimated dietary intake (EDI) was compared to the provisional tolerable daily intake (PTDI) adopted by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The EDIs of all heavy metals tested for mussel samples ranged from 0.01 to 4.99% of the PTDI; the highest value was measured for As. The hazard index (HI) can be used to assess the risk of heavy metal consumption associated with contaminated food. The HI for all samples was far less than 1.0, which indicates that the mussels produced in the Changseon area do not represent an appreciable hazard to humans and are fit for consumption.


  • Choi, Young-Jin;Yook, Jong-In;Chung, Moon-Kyu
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.717-729
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    • 1999
  • Although many studies on the cytotoxicity of the dental cast base metal alloys and their components have been carried out, the results are rather conflicting because of the different type of cells used and the various experimental procedures taken. Recently a number of scientists have claimed that it would be preferable to focus on the use of cells from relevant specific location of the human bodies. Consequently, the primary cultured oral keratinocyte derived from oral mucous along with nickel chloride and several of widely used dental cast base metal alloys(two Ni-Cr alloys and one Co-Cr alloy)in domestic were selected for this study, from which 1) The amounts of released metal ions were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry, 2) The cytotoxicity of nickel chloride and dental cast base metal alloys was evaluated via MTT assay, and finally, 3) The amounts of released metal ions and the cytotoxicity of nickel chloride were correlated with the cytotoxicity of dental cast base metal alloys And, the results were summarized as follows; 1. Nickel ion from Ni-Cr alloys and Cobalt ion from Co-Cr alloys resulted in maximum releasing rate during first 2h hours, followed by a decrease in releasing rate with time. Chromium ion were found to be minimal in all alloys. 2. In cytotoxic test. with $40{\mu}M,\;80{\mu}M$ of nickel chloride, there were observed an increase in the relative cell number compared to control samples after 24 hours. With $160{\mu}M$, there was found to be no difference in the relative cell number with control, except that 48 hour showed a increase in relative cell number. With $320{\mu}M$, the relative cell number remained constant and decreased after 48 hours, and with $640{\mu}M$, a continuing decrease in relative cell number was observed throughout test period. 3 The sensitivity of primary cultured oral epithelium to nickel was lower compared to the cells used in other studies. 4. CB-80 Soft and Regalloy showed no cytotoxicity to primary cultured oral epithelium and New crown resulted in a slight cytotoxicity. In conclusion, it was shown that the primary cultured oral keratinocytes could be applied successfully as testing cells in cytotoxicity test. Futhermore, the dental cast base metal alloys used in this study were found to be biocompatible.

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Determinations of Environmental Hormones and Heavy Metals in Seawater of Tongyeong Marine Ranching Ground of Korea (통영 바다목장 해역의 해수 내 환경호르몬과 중금속 분석)

  • Hahn, Young-Hee;Lee, Jung-Sun;Lee, Jin-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.313-318
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    • 2007
  • Monitoring for the quality of coastal water is necessary to improve its biological resources and to maintain healthy environments. We measured the concentrations of phenols, nine polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), tributyltin (TBT) in surface water at 5 stations and the concentrations of mercury (Hg), chromium (Cr (VI)), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) in surface water of 10 stations in Tongyeong marine ranching ground of Korea in August, 2003. The concentrations of analytes were determined as follows: phenols: 1.6$\sim$2.8 ppb, PCBs: not detected (ND), Hg: <0.1 ppb, Cr (VI): 0.01$\sim$5.32 ppb, Cd: ND$\sim$0.41 ppb and Pb: 0.43$\sim$2.60 ppb. These concentrations satisfied the standards of human health protection in coastal water by Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea as follows: phenols; 5 ppb, PCBs: 0.5 ppb, Hg: 0.5 ppb, Cr (VI): 50 ppb, Cd: 10 ppb and Pb: 50 ppb. TBT was not listed in the standards. The concentrations of Sn in TBT analyzed in sea water of Tongyeong marine ranching ground were in the range of ND$\sim$0.0273 ppb which are similar with the values of 8$\sim$35 ng Sn $L^{-1}$ (0.008$\sim$0.035 ppb) in Chinhae Bay studied by Shim et al.. Therefore, the quality of sea water in Tongyeong marine ranching ground was safe enough to protect human health.

Monte Carlo Simulation for Development of Diagnostic Multileaf Collimator (진단용 다엽콜리메이터 개발을 위한 몬테칼로 시뮬레이션 연구)

  • Han, Su-Chul;Park, Seungwoo
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.595-600
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    • 2016
  • The diagnostic multileaf collimator(MLC) was designed for patient dose reduction in diagnostic radiography We used monte carlo simulation code (MCNPX, LANL, USA) to evaluate efficiency of shielding material for making diagnostic MLC as preliminary study. The diagnostic radiography unit was designed using SRS-78 program according to tube voltage (80,100,120 kVp) and acquired energy spectrums. The shielding material was SKD11 alloy tool steel that is composed of 1.6% carbon(C), 0.4% silicon(Si), 0.6% manganese (Mn), 5% chromium (Cr), 1% molybdenum(Mo) and vanadium(V). The density of it was $7.89g/cm^3$.Using tally card 6, we calculated the shielding efficiency of MLC according to tube voltage. The results was that 98.3% (80 kVp), 95.7 %(100 kVp), 93.6% (120 kVp). We certified efficiency of diagnostic MLC fabricated from SKD11 alloy steel by monte calro simulation. Based on the results, we designed the diagnostic MLC and will develop the diagnostic MLC for reduction of patient dose in diagnostic radiography.

Improving the Corrosion Resistance of Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel by Treatment with a Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Coating Solution (유/무기 하이브리드 코팅액에 의한 냉간압연강판의 내식특성)

  • Kim, Jung-Ryang;Choi, Chang-Min;Nam, Ki-Woo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.405-412
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    • 2012
  • In the past, a very popular way to reduce the corrosion rate of zinc was the use of chemical conversion layers based on $Cr^{+6}$. However, the use of chromium salts is now restricted because of environmental protection legislation. Previous research investigated the optimum corrosion resistance of galvanized steel treated with an organic/inorganic solution containing Si. The result showed that the optimum corrosion resistance occurred by heat treatment of $190^{\circ}C$ in 5 min. In this study, one organic and three hybrid organic/inorganic coating solutions were applied to cold-rolled (CR) carbon steel. The coatings were then evaluated for corrosion resistance under a salt spray test. The coating solutions examined in this study consisted of urethane-only, urethane-Si, urethane-Si-Ti, and urethane-Si-Ti-epoxy. The results of the 7 h salt spray test showed that the urethane-Si-Ti and urethane-Si-Ti-epoxy coating solutions had superior corrosion resistance on CR steel.

Concentration of Vanadium in Jeju Groundwater Using Reverse Osmosis Processes (역삼투 공정을 이용한 제주 지하수의 바나듐 농축)

  • Lee, Ho-Won;Moon, Soo-Hyoung;Ko, Kyung-Soo
    • Membrane Journal
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.241-249
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    • 2008
  • This study is to concentrate vanadium in Jeju groundwater using reverse osmosis processes, and to utilize the concentrate for vanadium water. Groundwater samples were taken from Wahyul, Ayum, and Seogwipo groundwater wells with different in vanadium content each other. Their vanadiuln concentrations were 31.8, 44.5, and 53.0 ppb, respectively. The rejection coefficients of every component in groundwater were increased with the increase of TMP At the TMP of $8 kg_f/cm^2$, the rejection coefficients of vanadium, sodium, potassium, aluminium, iron, and barium were $97.4%{\sim}99.0%,\;97.7%{\sim}97.8%,\;98.0%{\sim}98.3%,\;94.8%{\sim}97.5%,\;88.0%{\sim}96.4.0%$, and $97.9{\sim}98.0%$, respectively. And those of magnesium, calcium, chromium, mauganese, and strontium in three groundwater were more than 99.0% at the same TMP. It was possible that vanadium contents of Wahyul, Ayum and Seogwipo groundwater were concentrated into 58.6, 118.9, and 165.1 ppb, respectively, by 6 stages treatment at the recovery ratio of 15%. And these concentrated water (vanadium water) did not exceed the permissible drinking water standards.

Assessment of Emitted Volatile Organic Compounds, Metals and Characteristic of Particle in Commercial 3D Printing Service Workplace (실제 3D 프린팅 작업장에서 발생하는 공기 중 유기화합물, 금속 및 입자특성 평가)

  • Kim, Sungho;Chung, Eunkyo;Kim, Seodong;Kwon, Jiwoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: 3D printing technologies have become widely developed and are increasingly being used for a variety of purposes. Recently, the evaluation of 3D printing operations has been conducted through chamber test studies, and actual workplace studies have yet to be completed. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the emission of volatile organic compounds(VOCs), metals, and particles from printing operations at a workplace. This included monitoring conducted at a commercial 3D printing service workplace where the processes involved material extrusion, material jetting, binder jetting, vat photo polymerization, and powder bed fusion. Methods: Area samples were collected with using a Tenax TA tube for VOC emission and MCE filter for metals in the workplace. For particle monitoring, Mini Particle Samplers(MPS) were also placed in the printer, indoor work area, and outdoor area. The objective was to analyze and identify particles' size, morphology, and chemical composition using transmission electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy(TEM-EDS) in the workplace. Results: The monitoring revealed that the concentration of VOCs and metals generated during the 3D printing process was low. However, it also revealed that within the 3D printing area, the highest concentration of total volatile organic compounds(TVOC) was 4,164 ppb at the vat photopolymerization 3D printing workplace, and the lowest was 148 ppb at the material extrusion 3D printing workplace. For the metals monitoring, chromium, which, is carcinogenic for humans, was detected in the workplace. As a characteristic of the particles, nano-sized particles were also found during the monitoring, but most of them were agglomerated with large and small particles. Conclusions: Based on the monitoring conducted at the commercial 3D printing operation, the results revealed that the concentration of VOCs and metals in the workplace were within Korea's occupational exposure limits. However, due to the emission of nano-sized particles during 3D printing operations, it was recommended that the exposure to VOCs and metals in the workplace should be minimized out of concern for workers' health. It was also shown that the characteristics of particles emitted from 3D printing operations may spread widely within an indoor workplace.