• Title/Summary/Keyword: certainty

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Price Earning Ratio And Firm Valuation (주가수익률과 기업평가)

  • 여동길
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.9 no.14
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 1986
  • Those facts I have studied on the theoretical characteristics of stock price earning ratio related with firm evaluation are as followings. First, I have investigated stock valuation analysis under certainty in view of Miller's, Modigliani's and Linter's theories in Chapter Ⅱ, and it is found that stock valuation under uncertainty to which the basic model of MM theory and the concept of capitalization ratio are applied is the same output, as in the case under certainty. And I have examined the stock valuation of growth corporations in which net investment, total capitals and operating profits are expected. Second, I have reexamined the fact that stock price profits are the erotical indices of firm valuation and the firm valuation on the basis of stock price earning ratio in Chapter III. As a whole, I have surveyed the stock price earning ratio theory of the growth stocks and there have been found some problems as such scholars as Malkiel and others have suggested focusing on the stock price structure of growth stocks. To conclude, there must be incessant efforts for the study of security analysis to make it develop ideally.

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6 Key Characteristics for Excellent Environmental Education Materials (환경교육 교재가 갖추어야 할 137가지 조건)

  • 이재영
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.166-173
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    • 2001
  • This study was designed to find answers for the two questions that had been raised in the study of Lee and Fortner(2000): 1) How can the appropriateness of classification of environmental issues by perceived certainty and tangibility be improved? and 2) How are perceived certainty, tangibility, significance of environmental issues and willingness to act to solve those problems related to each other? A questionnaire consisted of 40 questions was administered to 144 college students. Results of the study revealed that classification through cluster analysis appeared to be more appropriate and credible than classification by mean scores or medians. Four major factors were found to have high positive correlations to each other as hypothesized. These results imply for environmental educators that people's attitude toward and behavior on environmental problems are likely to be more strongly and meaningfully associated with their perceptions of those problems that are subjective and flexible than physical or chemical characteristics of the problems that are frequently considered as objective.

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A Study on an Obstacle Recognition and Contact Protection System for Excavator (굴삭기 장애물 인식 및 접촉방지 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • 김성호;천종현;박경섭;임종형
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.398-398
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    • 2000
  • Since there is a blind zone in driver's view around the excavator, industrial accidents between the equipment and the workers within the zone have been occurred frequently. The purpose of this paper is to develop a obstacle recognition system which can prevent such an accident by providing the driver with the information on direction and distance of the obstacle within the blind zone. We designed the ultrasonic sensor based obstacle recognition system which consists of sensor arrays and a control unit connected via CAN(controller area network). The Cross-correlation technique and histogramic probability distribution method are used as a reliable obstacle detection algorithms to remove the environmental noise. The experimental results using a real excavator show the effectiveness of the system.

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A Method of Knowledge Base Verification for Nuclear Power Plant Expert Systems Using Extended Petri Nets

  • Kwon, I.W.;Seong, P.H.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.522-531
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    • 1996
  • The adoption of expert systems mainly as operator supporting systems is becoming increasingly popular as the control algorithms of system become more and more sophisticated and complicated. The verification phase of knowledge base is an important part for developing reliable expert systems, especially in nuclear industry. Although several strategies or tools have been developed to perform potential error checking, they often neglect the reliability of verification methods. Because a Petri net provides a uniform mathematical formalization of knowledge base, it has been employed for knowledge base verification. In this work, we devise and suggest an automated tool, called COKEP(Checker Of Knowledge base using Extended Petri net), for detecting incorrectness, inconsistency, and incompletensess in a knowledge base. The scope of the verification problem is expanded to chained errors, unlike previous studies that assume error incidence to be limited to rule pairs only. In addition, we consider certainty factor in checking, because most of knowledge bases have certainty factors.

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Moving towards Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines

  • Jung, Jae Hung;Franco, Juan VA;Dahm, Philipp
    • Urogenital Tract Infection
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2018
  • The Institute of Medicine in its report "Clinical Practice Guidelines we can trust" defined standards for clinical practice guidelines. However, many guidelines continue to rely on expert opinion and lack a formal framework for moving from evidence to recommendations. These guidelines may or may not be labeled as "consensus statements" and do not meet contemporary standards for guideline documents we would refer to as "evidence-based". Therefore, the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation working group developed a novel, rigorous and transparent approach to grading certainty (quality) of evidence. In addition, it created a system for "moving from evidence to decisions", for example for the development of evidence-based guidelines. In this article, we aim to introduce this approach to appraising the certainty of relevant evidence and estimate the benefits and detriments of health care interventions within the larger context of evidence-based medicine.

Analysis of the Maturity Selection on Ship Finance: A Behavioral Finance Perspective

  • Kim, Wu-Seok
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.121-133
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze decision-making regarding ship finance term selection from the behavioral finance perspective and to confirm if the causes and backgrounds of decision-making related to the term selection of ship finance are explicitly explained by behavioral finance theories. Additionally, through a case study, this study infers if decisions are irrational. Narrative and questionnaire responses on the selection of the ship finance period were obtained and analyzed from the behavioral finance perspective. Some shipping companies incur additional losses by choosing inappropriate ship-financing terms. This study applied behavioral finance theories, such as the certainty effect, availability heuristic, and loss aversion, to clearly explain the causes and background of such decision-making. Based on the results, it was found that behavioral finance theories impact ship financing decisions and errors related to behavioral finance can result in irrational decisions. Ship finance managers must be vigilant in preventing behavioral finance errors that can affect the decision-making term of ship finance.

Word Recognition Using VQ and Fuzzy Theory (VQ와 Fuzzy 이론을 이용한 단어인식)

  • Kim, Ja-Ryong;Choi, Kap-Seok
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 1991
  • The frequency variation among speakers is one of problems in the speech recognition. This paper applies fuzzy theory to solve the variation problem of frequency features. Reference patterns are expressed by fuzzified patterns which are produced by the peak frequency and the peak energy extracted from codebooks which are generated from training words uttered by several speakers, as they should include common features of speech signals. Words are recognized by fuzzy inference which uses the certainty factor between the reference patterns and the test fuzzified patterns which are produced by the peak frequency and the peak energy extracted from the power spectrum of input speech signals. Practically, in computing the certainty factor, to reduce memory capacity and computation requirements we propose a new equation which calculates the improved certainty factor using only the difference between two fuzzy values. As a result of experiments to test this word recognition method by fuzzy interence with Korean digits, it is shown that this word recognition method using the new equation presented in this paper, can solve the variation problem of frequency features and that the memory capacity and computation requirements are reduced.

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A Comparative Assessment of the Efficacy of Frequency Ratio, Statistical Index, Weight of Evidence, Certainty Factor, and Index of Entropy in Landslide Susceptibility Mapping

  • Park, Soyoung;Kim, Jinsoo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.67-81
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    • 2020
  • The rapid climatic changes being caused by global warming are resulting in abnormal weather conditions worldwide, which in some regions have increased the frequency of landslides. This study was aimed to analyze and compare the landslide susceptibility using the Frequency Ratio (FR), Statistical Index, Weight of Evidence, Certainty Factor, and Index of Entropy (IoE) at Woomyeon Mountain in South Korea. Through the construction of a landslide inventory map, 164 landslide locations in total were found, of which 50 (30%) were reserved to validate the model after 114 (70%) had been chosen at random for model training. The sixteen landslide conditioning factors related to topography, hydrology, pedology, and forestry factors were considered. The results were evaluated and compared using relative operating characteristic curve and the statistical indexes. From the analysis, it was shown that the FR and IoE models were better than the other models. The FR model, with a prediction rate of 0.805, performed slightly better than the IoE model with a prediction rate of 0.798. These models had the same sensitivity values of 0.940. The IoE model gave a specific value of 0.329 and an accuracy value of 0.710, which outperforms the FR model which gave 0.276 and 0.680, respectively, to predict the spatial landslide in the study area. The generated landslide susceptibility maps can be useful for disaster and land use planning.

A Study on De Morgan's Perspectives on Mathematics Education (수학교육에 관한 드모르간의 관점 조명)

  • Choi, Ji-Sun;Yu, Mi-Kyung;Park, Sun-Yong;Kwon, Seok-Il;Park, Kyo-Sik
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.223-237
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, We focus on grasping De Morgan's perspectives on mathematics education systematically. His perspectives can be summarized as followings. First, historico-genesis of mathematics must be considered in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Second, mathematical conception of students must be formulated progressively. Third, it is important to use errors which come out continually in the process of passing from inductive stage to deductive stage. Fourth, personal knowledge of students is important in the teaching and learning of mathematics. These De Morgan's four perspectives are the way of approach for experiencing moral certainty first of all to get to mathematical certainty. Moral certainty which he presented is a combination of rationality and humanity to fill up gaps between Platonism and general public education.

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Weighted Fuzzy Reasoning Using Weighted Fuzzy Pr/T Nets (가중 퍼지 Pr/T 네트를 이용한 가중 퍼지 추론)

  • Cho, Sang-Yeop
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.10B no.7
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    • pp.757-768
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes a weighted fuzzy reasoning algorithm for rule-based systems based on weighted fuzzy Pr/T nets, where the certainty factors of the fuzzy production rules, the truth values of the predicates appearing in the rules and the weights representing the importance of the predicates are represented by the fuzzy numbers. The proposed algorithm is more flexible and much closer to human intuition and reasoning than other methods : $\circled1$ calculate the certainty factors using by the simple min and max operations based on the only certainty factors of the fuzzy production rules without the weights of the predicates[10] : $\circled2$ evaluate the belief of the fuzzy production rules using by the belief evaluation functions according to fuzzy concepts in the fuzzy rules without the weights of the predicates[12], because this algorithm uses the weights representing the importance of the predicates in the fuzzy production rules.