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The Effects of Deposition Temperature and RF Power on the Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition of TiCN Films (증착온도와 RF Power가 TiCN박막의 플라즈마 화학증착에 미치는 영향)

  • 김시범;김광호;김상호;천성순
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.323-330
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    • 1989
  • Wear restance titanium carbonitride (TiCN) films were deposited on the SKH9 tool steels and WC-Co cutting tools by plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition (PACVD) using a gaseous mixture of TiCl4, CH4, N2, H2 and Ar. The effects of the deposition temperature and RF(Radio Frequency) power on the deposition rate, chlorine content and crystallinity of the deposited layer were studied. The experimental results showed that the stable and adherent films could be obtained above the deposition temperature of 470C and maximum deposition rate was obtained at 485C. The deposition rate was much affected by RF power and maximum at 40W. The crystallinity of the deposited layer was improved with increasing the deposition temperature and RF power. The TiCN films deposited by PACVD contained much chlorine. The chlorine content in the TiCN films was affected by deposition conditions and decreased with improving the crystallinity of the deposited layer. The deposited TiCN films deposited at the deposition temperature of 520C and RF power of 40W had an uniform surface with very fine grains of about 500\AA size. The microhardness of the deposited layer was 2,300Kg/mm2.

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Mechanical Properties and End-milling Characteristic of AIN-hBN Based Machinable Ceramics (AIN-hBN계 머시너블 세라믹스의 기계적 특성 및 엔드밀링 가공성 평가)

  • Beck, Si-Young;Cho, Myeong-Woo;Cho, Won-Seung
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2008
  • In this study, machining characteristics of AIN-hBN composites were evaluated in end-milling process. As a first step, AIN-hBN composite specimens with various hBN contents were prepared using hot press method. Material properties of the composites, such as relative density, Young's modulus and fracture toughness, were measured and compared. Then, a series of end-milling experinients were performed under various cutting conditions by changing cutting speed, depth-of-cut and feed rate. Cutting force variations were measured using a tool dynamometer during the cutting experiments. Machined surfaces of the specimens were observed using SEM and a surface pro filer to investigate the surface integrity changes. The cutting force decreased with an increases of hBN content. The cutting process was almost impossible for monolithic AIN, owing to severe chipping. In contrast, at high content of hBN, surface damage and chipping decreased, and better surface roughness can be obtained.

Capacitance Fuel Sensor for Commercial Vehicle Software Verification Through R-BENCH TOOL (R-BENCH TOOL을 이용한 상용차용 정전용량 방식의 연료 센서의 소프트웨어 검증 평가)

  • Kim, Sang Woo;Lee, Ju Hyoung;Son, Jung Hyun;Lee, Soo Ho;Lee, Duck Jin
    • Transactions of the KSME C: Technology and Education
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2014
  • Recently vehicle development trend changes from machinery vehicle to the electrical and electronic devices. As well the electrical and electronic devices commercial vehicles are increasing more than machinery system. The capacitance fuel sensor is a sensor that, by measuring the capacitance value of fuel level sensor MCU operating for the final voltage value of the signal output. That is increasing durability and fuel measurement accuracy more than conventional ceramic resistor type. For Sensor software verification R-BENCH TOOL generated test case automatically. We make the programmable Capacitor board for test. And it was confirmed that more than 98% of the high reliability of the software.

Design and Implementation of 3-Dimensional Laminated Dielectric Ceramic Filter in Waveguide Using a DWFD Program (DWFD 프로그램을 이용한 3차원 적층 유전체 세라믹 도파관 필터의 설계 및 제작)

  • Kim, Jong-Chel;Jang, Young-Soo;Kim, Seung-Wan;Lee, Kie-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.515-524
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    • 2013
  • The program for dielectric ceramic waveguide filter was developed based on the direct coupled filter of λ/2 step impedance prototype. This developed program was called DWFD(Direct coupled Waveguide Filter Design). The filter was designed by 3-dimensional laminated type to reduce the size at the 1 GHz. S scattering matrix for this filter was calculated using the DWFD program. The width of inductive irises for laminated filter was computed by HFSS simulation tool. This waveguide filter was designed by 8 poles with bandwidth 25 MHz at the center frequency 881.5 MHz. By using a dielectric constant 35.4 and laminated type, the size of filter was reduced with width 50 mm and height 48 mm rapidly. We can see that the measured results agree well with the HFSS simulation result. Finally, this paper is shown that the design and implementation of waveguide filters can be presented by using DWFD program simply.

Effect of Sintering Variables on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Gas Pressure Sintered Si3N4 (Si3N4 가스압 소결체의 미세조직과 기계적 성질에 미치는 공정변수의 영향)

  • 박동수;김해두;정중희
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 1994
  • Si3N4 with 6w/o Y2O3 and 1.5w/o Al2O3 has been gas pressure sintered and its densification behavior and the effect of the sintering variables on the microstructure and mechanical properties were investigated. Densification rate was higher at temperature below 1775C and between 1870C and 1950C than between 1775C and 1870C. The faster densification at temperature between 1870C and 1950C was thought to be due to the increased amount of liquid phase resulting from the increased amount of Si3N4 dissolving in the liquid. β-Si3N4 and Y-disilicate at temperatures below 1775C, and only β-Si3N4 at 1870C and above were detected by XRD analysis. Three different two-step schedules were employed to obtain sintered body with above 99% theoretical density and to investigate the effect of the sintering variables on the density, the microstructure and the mechanical properties of the sintered body. The sintered density did not change with the heating rate, and the microstructure became coarser as the temperature increased. The strength decreased with the width of β-Si3N4 grain, while the fracture toughness increased with the square root of it. A ceramic cutting tool made of the sintered body showed an uniform flank wear after the cutting test.

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Analysis of a.c. Characteristics in ZnO-Bi2O3Cr2O3 Varistor using Dielectric Functions (유전함수를 이용한 ZnO-Bi2O3Cr2O3 바리스터의 a.c. 특성 분석)

  • Hong, Youn-Woo;Shin, Hyo-Soon;Yeo, Dong-Hun;Kim, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.368-373
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    • 2010
  • In this study, we have investigated the effects of Cr dopant on the bulk trap levels and grain boundary characteristics of Bi2O3-based ZnO (ZB) varistor using admittance spectroscopy and dielectric functions (such as Z,Y,M,ε, and tanδ). Admittance spectra show more than two bulk traps of Zni and Vo probably in different ionization states in ZnO-Bi2O3Cr2O3 (ZBCr) system. Three kinds of temperature-dependant activation energies (Ebts) were calculated as 0.11~0.14 eV of attractive coulombic center, 0.16~0.17 eV of Zn¨i, and 0.33 eV of Vo as dominant bulk defects. The grain boundaries of ZBCr could be electrochemically divided into two types as a sensitive to ambient oxygen i.e. electrically active one and an oxygen-insensitive i.e. electrically inactive one. The grain boundaries were electrically single type under 460 K (equivalent circuit as parallel Rgb1Cgb1) but separated as double one (Rgb1Cgb1Rgb2Cgb2) over 480 K. It is revealed that the dielectric functions are very useful tool to separate the overlapped bulk defect levels and to characterize the electrical properties of grain boundaries.

Variation of Rare Earth Element Patterns during Rock Weathering and Ceramic Processes: A Preliminary Study for Application in Soil Chemistry and Archaeology (암석의 풍화과정 및 도자기 제조과정에 따른 희토류원소 분포도의 변화: 토양화학 및 고고학적 응용을 위한 기초연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Gu;Kim, Kun-Han;Kim, Jin-Kwan
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.133-143
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    • 2008
  • On the basis of chemical composition of granite, gneiss and their weathering products, in this paper, rare earth elements (REEs) was estimated as tracer for clarifying a geochemical variance of earth surface material during weathering process. The chemical composition of clay, clay ware and pottery also were measured for testifying usefulness of REE geochemistry in clarifying the source material of pottery. It was observed that there was no systematic variation of chemical composition among source rock, weathered rock and soil during weathering process. The chemical composition of clay, clay ware and pottery also did not show systematic variation by baking pottery. However, PAAS (Post Archean Australian Shale)-normalized REE patterns of rock-weathered rock-soil and clay-clay ware-pottery are similar regardless of weathering process or ceramic art. Our results confirm that REE geochemistry is powerful tool for clarifying the source materials of surface sediment or archaeological ceramic products.

Regression and ANN models for durability and mechanical characteristics of waste ceramic powder high performance sustainable concrete

  • Behforouz, Babak;Memarzadeh, Parham;Eftekhar, Mohammadreza;Fathi, Farshid
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 2020
  • There is a growing interest in the use of by-product materials such as ceramics as alternative materials in construction. The aim of this study is to investigate the mechanical properties and durability of sustainable concrete containing waste ceramic powder (WCP), and to predict the results using artificial neural network (ANN). In this order, different water to binder (W/B) ratios of 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 were considered, and in each W/B ratio, a percentage of cement (between 5-50%) was replaced with WCP. Compressive and tensile strengths, water absorption, electrical resistivity and rapid chloride permeability (RCP) of the concrete specimens having WCP were evaluated by related experimental tests. The results showed that by replacing 20% of the cement by WCP, the concrete achieves compressive and tensile strengths, more than 95% of those of the control concrete, in the long term. This percentage increases with decreasing W/B ratio. In general, by increasing the percentage of WCP replacement, all durability parameters are significantly improved. In order to validate and suggest a suitable tool for predicting the characteristics of the concrete, ANN model along with various multivariate regression methods were applied. The comparison of the proposed ANN with the regression methods indicates good accuracy of the developed ANN in predicting the mechanical properties and durability of this type of concrete. According to the results, the accuracy of ANN model for estimating the durability parameters did not significantly follow the number of hidden nodes.

Fabrication and Evaluation of a Total Organic Carbon Analyzer Using Photocatalysis

  • Do Yeon Lee;Jeong Hee Shin;Jong-Hoo Paik
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.140-146
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    • 2023
  • Water quality is crucial for human health and the environment. Accurate measurement of the quantity of organic carbon in water is essential for water quality evaluation, identification of water pollution sources, and appropriate implementation of water treatment measures. Total organic carbon (TOC) analysis is an important tool for this purpose. Although other methods, such as chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) are also used to measure organic carbon in water, they have limitations that make TOC analysis a more favorable option in certain situations. For example, COD requires the use of toxic chemicals, and BOD is time-consuming and can produce inconsistent and unreliable results. In contrast, TOC analysis is rapid and reliable, providing accurate measurements of organic carbon content in water. However, common methods for TOC analysis can be complex and energy-intensive because of the use of high-temperature heaters for liquid-to-gas phase transitions and the use of acid, which present safety risks. This study focuses on a TOC analysis method using TiO2 photocatalysis, which has several advantages over conventional TOC analysis methods, including its low cost and easy maintenance. For TiO2, rutile and anatase powders are mixed with an inorganic binder and spray-coated onto a glass fiber substrate. The TiO2 powder and inorganic binder solutions are adjusted to optimize the photocatalytic reaction performance. The TiO2 photocatalysis method is a simple and low-power approach to TOC analysis, making it a promising alternative to commonly used TOC analysis methods. This study aims to contribute to the development of more efficient and cost-effective approaches for water quality analysis and management by exploring the effectiveness and reliability of the developed equipment.

A Study on Micro Ultrasonic machining for Brittle Material Using Ultrasonic vibration (초음파 진동을 이용한 취성재료 가공기술에 관한 연구)

  • 이석우;최헌종;이봉구
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.969-972
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    • 1997
  • Ultrasonic machining technology has been developed over recent years for he manufacture of cost-effective and quality-assured precision parts for several industrial application such as optics, semiconductors, aerospace, and automobile application. The past decade has seen a tremendous in the use of ceramic in structural application. The excellent thermal, chemical and wear resistance of these material can be realized because of recent improvement in the overall strength and uniformity of advanced ceramics. Ultrasonic machining, in which abrasive particles in slurry with water are presented to the work surface in the presence of an ultrasonic-vibrating tool, is process which should be of considerable interest, as its potential is not limited by he electrical or chemical characteristics of the work material, making it suitable for application to ceramics. In order to improve the currently used ultrasonic machining using ultrasonic energy, technical accumulation is needed steadily through development of exciting device of ultrasonic machine composed of piezoelectric vibrator and horn. This paper intends to further the understanding of the basic mechanism of ultrasonic machining for brittle material and ultrasonic machining of ceramics based in the fracture-mechanic concept has been analyzed.

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