• Title/Summary/Keyword: center qi

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The Jing-Qi-Shen Cultivation Method and its characteristic of Donguibogam (『동의보감(東醫寶鑑)』의 정기신(精氣神) 양생법(養生法)과 그 특징)

  • Jeong, Chang-hyun;Baik, You-sang;Wie, Bo-young;Jang, Woo-chang
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : Various cultivation methods can be found suggested in Donguibogam(東醫寶鑑) Naegyeongpyeon(內景篇) ranging from Juchenhwahu(周天火候), massage(按摩), physical and breathing exercise(導引), fetal breathing(胎息), clicking teeth(叩齒), saliva swallowing (嚥液), sounding the celestial drum(鳴天鼓), Six words(六字訣), Seven step(七星步), God pillow method(神枕法), and Taoism. Methods : The cultivation methods in Donguibogam are mainly found in the first volume of Naegyeongpyeon, and some can be discovered in Oehyeongpyeon(外形篇) and Japbyeongpyeon(雜病篇). This paper aims to study the system and special features of the cultivation methods that unfold within the first volume of Naegyeongpyeon. Results : Donguibogam's cultivation methods are Jing-Qi-Shen cultivation method(精氣神養生法), and Naegyeongpyeon's Sinhyeong(身形) can be described as a collection of general remarks, and Jing(精), Qi(氣), and Shen(神) is dealt individually. The condition for Jing culvation is not to spill sperm, Qi cultivation is to control the breathing, and Shen culviation is having a calm mind. Conclusions : The Jing-Qi-Shen cultivation method of Donguibogam revolves around Taoism integrated with Buddhism. It places importance in the cultivation of the Inner Center(內丹), and emphasizes Shen in particular among Jing, Qi, and Shen.

Study on Mechanistic Pattern Identification of Disease for Uterine, Urine and Excrements Parts of DongEuiBoGam NaeGyungPyen ("동의보감(東醫寶鑑)" "내경편(內景篇)"의 포(胞), 소변(小便), 대편(大便)에 나타난 질병(疾病)의 변증화(辨證化) 연구)

  • Kim, Yeong-Mok
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.727-736
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    • 2010
  • This study is about researching mechanistic pattern identification of disease for DongEuiBoGam NaeGyungPyen by analysing with pattern identification of modern Traditional Korean medical patholgy as more logical, systematic and standardized theory. Disease pattern mechanisms of uterine, urine and excrements parts of DongEuiBoGam NaeGyun gPyen in NaeGyungPyen of DongEuiBoGam are these. Menstrual irregularities in DongEuiBoGam can be classified flui d-humor depletion, blood deficiency, qi deficiency, qi stagnation, qi stagnation complicated by heat, blood stasis, blood deficiency complicated by heat, syndrome of heat entering blood chamber, syndrome of cold entering blood chamber. The disease pattern of abdominal pain after menstruation in DongEuiBoGam is blood deficiency complicated by heat, and a dysmenorrhea represents blood stasis with heat, fluid-humor deficiency. Advanced menstruation represent dual heat of the qi and blood, delayed menstruation is blood deficiency. The disease pattern of inhibited urination in DongEuiBoGam can be classified deficiency heat pattern of kidney yin deficiency(yin deficiency with effulgent fire), kidney qi deficiency, yin deficiency with yang hyperactivity, fluid-humor depletion, spleen-stomach dual deficiency, and excess he at pattern of bladder excess heat. The disease pattern of urinary incontinence in DongEuiBoGam can be classified deficiency pattern of kidney-bladder qi deficiency, consumptive disease, lung qi deficiency, kidney yin deficiency(yin deficiency with effulgent fire), kidney yang deficiency and excess pattern of lower energizer blood amassment, bladder excess heat. And most of them are deficiency from deficiency-excess Pattern Identification. The disease pattern of diarrhea in DongEuiBoGam can be classified deficiency pattern of qi deficiency, qi fall, spleen yang deficiency, kidney yang deficiency and so on and excess pattern of wind-cold-summerheat-dampness-fire, phlegm-fluid retention, dietary irregularities, qi movement stagnation. And most of them are deficiency from deficiency-excess Pattern Identification. Like these, this study identify pattern of disease in DongEuiBoGam by mechanism of disease theory.

Traditional Korean Medical Treatment for Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy - a Case Report (항암제 투여 후 발생한 수족비증(手足痺症) 환자 치험례)

  • Yoo, Seung-Yeon;Jeong, Jong-Soo;Park, Jae-Woo;Yoon, Seong-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Traditional Oncology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2007
  • Chemotherapy has many known side effects. Neuropathy is a common side effect when using cisplatin. The clinical course varies and depends on the agents used and their cumulative dose. Although symptoms can resolve completely, in most patients chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy is either only partially reversible or completely irreversible. Current management for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy is symptomatic relief using membrane stabilizing medications and antidepressants. Dysaesthesia and pain involving the feet and hands are described in traditional korean medicine. In traditional korean medicine, the pathogenesis is related to the inability to direct Qi and Blood to the extremities, and is associated with Qi, Blood, Yang and Kidney deficiencies. We report a case of a 52 years old female patient treated with acupuncture and bleeding treatment for the goal of improving the symptoms of chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy. Further study and other medical method will be needed in order to improve the effect and determine the long-term effect of traditional korean medicine in treating Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy.

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Analysis of Oriental Obesity Pattern Identification Questionnaire on Overweight and Obese Korean Adult Women (과체중 및 비만 성인 여성의 비만변증 설문 결과 분석)

  • Hwang, Mi-Ja;Moon, Jin-Seok;Park, Kyoung-Su;Song, Mi-Yeon
    • Journal of Korean Medicine for Obesity Research
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2008
  • Objectives We aimed to explore obesity pattern among overweight and obese Korean adult women using oriental obesity pattern identification questionnaire. Methods This survey was performed using data of 83 overweight and obese women aged from 20 to 55 yrs (BMI ${\geq}\;23\;kg/m^2$ : n=18, BMI ${\geq}\;25\;kg/m^2$ :n=65) in Seoul, from 2007 to 2008. Subjects were given written consent and this study was performed under the permission of institutional review board of Kyung-Hee East-west Neo Medical Center. Results 1. The distribution of oriental obesity pattern identification did not show any differences between obese and overweight group(p>0.05). 2. The ratio of significantly-scored oriental pattern identification was ordered by Stagnation of the liver Qi(肝欝, 21.7%) > Indigestion(食積, 18.1%) > Spleen deficiency(脾虚, 16.9%) > Yang deficiency(陽虚, 14.5%) (n=83). 3. The frequency of top-scored oriental obesity pattern was ordered by Stagnation of the liver Qi(肝欝, 36.1%) > Indigestion(食積, 24.1%) > Yang deficiency (陽虚, 15.7%) (n=83). 4. The frequency of oriental obesity pattern identification was ordered by Stagnation of the liver Qi(肝欝, 41.7%) > Indigestion(食積, 29.2%) > Yang deficiency(陽虚, 12.5%) > Stagnation of the liver Qi and Yang deficiency(肝欝兼陽虚, 8.3%) (n=24). Conclusions In Korean adult overweight and obese women, Stagnation of the liver Qi(肝欝), Indigestion(食積), and Yang deficiency (陽虚) were found to be the main pathology based on oriental obesity pattern identification questionnaire. It suggests that not only physical status but also general condition and emotional problem should be concerned in treatment of obesity. This study could play a role as a preliminary data of oriental obesity pattern identification.

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Basic Principles of the 『Spleen-stomach theory』 by Li Dong-yuan (이동원(李東垣) 『비위론(脾胃論)』에 담겨 있는 생리기반이론)

  • Choi, Hee-Yun;Kim, Kwang-Joong
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.911-920
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    • 2010
  • The basic principles in the "Spleen-stomach theory(脾胃論)" sets up the phases and roles of spleen-stomach (脾胃) by establishing Earth(地 坤 土) and exposing the reality of spleen-stomach(脾胃) of human body which has its own shape and form with Heaven's reality exhibited. The meaning of Earth is based on the constant meaning of Earth in 'Earth Original-Earth as extended and stable ground(坤元一正之土)' giving form and shape, and Earth's movement with circulation, then exposes itself as 'Earth as plowing land(耕種之土)' concerning both the application of Five Phases and the physical characteristics of Earth. The Yin-Yang recognition on Earth is revealed as Yin Earth(陰土)-Yang Earth(陽土). Spleen(脾) was established as Yin Earth(陰土) and Stomach(胃) as Yang Earth(陽土). The seasonal assignment of Earth is Indian Summer(長夏), which is divided from Summer, and becomes Heat(熱), and the Yin-Yang recognition of Earth comes to be the meaning of the center and border. According to the Five Phasic recognition, it becomes Earth(土) and gets to be Dampness(濕) in accordance with Six Qi(六氣). 'Extreme Yin(至陰)' indicates Qi's status exposing the fundamental meaning regarding the role of creating, changing, and propelling Spleen-Stomach(脾胃) as a characteristic Yin Earth. Earth comprehends 'Four Courses(四維)' meaning, recognizes them as four parts of the 12 Earth's Branches(辰戌丑未) and the terminals of four seasons(四季之末), and has the meaning of the president of the change in four seasons. The theory of principle in the "Spleen-stomach theory(脾胃論)" stands on the basis of the 'Form Qi theory(形氣論)' and that of 'Upbearing, Downbearing, Floating, and Sinking theory(升降浮沈論)'. It manifests the theory of movement in the interaction between Form(形) and Qi(氣), and 'Qi Interior Form Exterior(氣裏形表)' indicates that Qi(氣) moves interiorly and Form(形) exteriorly.

A Study on the Development of the Questionnaire for Pattern Identification of Liver-qi Stagnation Infertility (간울형 불임 변증 설문지 개발 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Yeon;Baek, Seon-Eun;Park, Eun-Ji;Ahn, Soo-Yeon;Lee, Da-Hee;Ha, Ki-Tae;Yoo, Jeong-Eun
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.68-79
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The aim of this study is the development of the questionnaire for pattern identification of Liver-qi stagnation infertility. Methods: We conducted a literature review and retrieved the symptoms and diagnosis from Korean and Chinese literatures which mentioned pattern identification of Liver-qi stagnation infertility. Based on the findings, We conducted three times expert Delphi surveys on selection of question items and determination of weight. Results: 12 questionnaire items for subjects and 4 questionnaire items for researchers were selected from 19 references. From expert delphi surveys, we finally determined 14 questionnaire items (10 items for subjects, 4 items for researchers) which are clinically significant and obtained weight of question items. Conclusions: Questionnaire for pattern identification of Liver-qi stagnation infertility was developed through experts' discussion. Further study is required to identify the validity and reliability of this pattern identification instrument for Liver-qi stagnation infertility.

Korean Modern Army Physical Education through Thought Liang, qi-chao (양계초(梁溪超) 사상(思想)을 통해서 본 한국 근대 군(軍) 체육사상(體育思想))

  • Nam, duck-hyun
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.66
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    • pp.277-301
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    • 2017
  • The modern political scientist Liang, qi-chao (1873-1929), who insisted on the richness of China, was a major axis of Korean intellectuals in the nineteenth century. His patriotism for Chinese reconstruction oppressed by Western powers has greatly influenced Korea 's will to build a modern nation. There was military power and physical education at the center of Liang, qi-chao thought. He emphasized military strength through military strength with a strong stamina, so he mentioned the necessity of military and physical education. Based on the idea of this kind of Liang, qi-chao, the korean intellectuals believed that the Korean people should be born healthy through physical education. The initial introduction of physical education in Korea was integrated with the Military Sports. For the first time, Being introduced Western Sports in 1895, The fact that the army athletic gymnastics was first introduced into school education in 1896 proves this oneness. Moreover, Ethnic scholars continued to focus on fostering strong nationality through physical education based on the spirit of Liang, qi-chao, and was emphasizing the gymnastics of the military sportsman at the central idea.

Oriental Medicine Music therapy for The treatment of Sasangin's disdases (사상체질인(四象體質人)의 병증(病證) 치료를 위한 한방음악치료(韓方音樂治療)에 관한 연구;장부대소(臟腑大小)와 호흡출납(呼吸出納)을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Seung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2007
  • The biological and pathological states of lung, spleen, liver and kidneys are determined by nature and emotion of sorrow, anger, joy and pleasure, It is considered that the music, besides medicine or acupuncture, can be a way of treating as a therapeutics for the treatment of Sasangin's diseases. This study is to find out a way of music therapy for the treatment of Sasangin's diseases. The ways of music therapy in each constitution based on 'the great and small of Viscera and Bowels' and 'the exhale and inhale, the drawing in and sending out' are as follows: 1. In case of Soeumin, a skip going up melodic progression, dotted rhythm and the major triad harmonic progression are recommended to improve the Qi of warm Yang. 2. In case of Soyangin, in regular sequence down melodic progression, a sixteenth note and the minor triad harmonic progression are recommended to improve the Qi of cool Yin. 3. In case of Taeumin, in regular sequence going up melodic progression, a sixteenth note and the bright and active the major triad harmonic progression are recommended to improve the Qi of dispersing exhale. 4. In case of Taeyangin, a skip down melodic progression, a quarter note and a diminished triad harmonic progression are recommended to improve the Qi of gathering inhale.

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Mathematics Educational Constructions and Structures in Suan Xue Qi Meng(算學啓蒙) and Muk Sa Jib San Bub(黙思集算法) (산학계몽(算學啓蒙)과 묵사집산법(黙思集算法)의 수학 교육적 구성과 구조)

  • Yun, Hye Soon
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2012
  • Zhu Shi Jie's Suan Xue Qi Meng (算學啓蒙) is one of the most important books which had a great influence to the development of Chosun Mathematics and Gyung SunJing's Muk Sa Jib San Bub is the oldest Chosun mathematics book. In this paper, comparing Suan Xue Qi Meng (算學啓蒙) with Muk Sa Jib San Bub, we study the mathematics educational constructions and structures in books and then conclude that their structure can be used in present school mathematics.

Relationship between Aminotransferase and DITI (좌우 늑골하 부위 체표온도와 혈중 Aminotransferase 농도와의 관계)

  • Kim, Seung-Hyun;Park, Myung-Won;Cho, Jung-Hoon;Jang, Jun-Bock;Lee, Kyung-Sub
    • Journal of Oriental Medical Thermology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2004
  • This study examined the relationship between aminotransferase and DITI in the diagnosis of Liver Qi stagnation. An analysis was performed on the thermographic findings of 17 subjects with abnormally high aminotransferase value and 26 with no problem in blood sample at the Kangnam Korean Hospital, KyungHee University, Seoul, Korea, from March 2003 to May 2003. The body temperature was assessed by DITI thermographic measurements were performed on Rt. and Lt. subcostal area. Value of ${\delta}T$ and absolute value of ${\delta}T$ were tested by Mann-whitney U test. The absolute value of ${\delta}T$ was statistically significant(P<0.00). The ${\delta}T$ was also significant(P<0.01) and the temperature of Rt. area was higher than that of Lt. area. It is believed that DITI may be a favorable alternative to the diagnosis of Liver Qi stagnation.

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