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Mathematics Educational Constructions and Structures in Suan Xue Qi Meng(算學啓蒙) and Muk Sa Jib San Bub(黙思集算法)  

Yun, Hye Soon (Center for Teaching and Learning Development, Dankook University)
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Journal for History of Mathematics / v.25, no.4, 2012 , pp. 11-19 More about this Journal
Zhu Shi Jie's Suan Xue Qi Meng (算學啓蒙) is one of the most important books which had a great influence to the development of Chosun Mathematics and Gyung SunJing's Muk Sa Jib San Bub is the oldest Chosun mathematics book. In this paper, comparing Suan Xue Qi Meng (算學啓蒙) with Muk Sa Jib San Bub, we study the mathematics educational constructions and structures in books and then conclude that their structure can be used in present school mathematics.
Suan Xue Qi Meng (算學啓蒙); Chosun Mathematics((朝鮮算學); MukSa Jib San Bub;
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  • Reference
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