• Title/Summary/Keyword: capability formation

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A Study on Antecedence Factors and Supply Chain Capability for Improving Supply Chain Sustainability (공급사슬 지속가능성 제고를 위한 선행요인들과 공급사슬 역량에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Chan-Kwon;Park, Sung-Min;Kim, Chae Bogk
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.25-52
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between supply chain sustainability antecedent, supply chain competence, and supply chain sustainability. The relationship between supply chain sustainability antecedence factor and supply chain competence, supply chain competence and supply chain sustainability and to identify the differences between sustainability antecedence factors, capacity and sustainability depending on the size of the firm. To accomplish this, each research hypothesis was established and the results are as follows. First, compliance with environmental regulations, NGO response activities, CSR activities, and trade fairness were found to have a significant positive impact on manufacturing agility, environmental management, and social capital. And manufacturing agility, environmental management, and social capital has been confirmed that most of the economic, environmental and social sustainability have a significant positive influence. In addition, it has been confirmed that there are differences in the factors of supply chain sustainability, capacity, and sustainability depending on the size of the company. According to the results of the study, environmental regulation compliance, NGO response activities, CSR activities, and fairness factors selected as the leading factors of supply chain sustainability play a role as fundamental prerequisites for supply chain competence to achieve sustainability. Manufacturing agility, environmental management, and the formation of social capital have confirmed that they can raise the level of economic, environmental and social sustainability. Therefore, it was confirmed that the enhancement of supply chain sustainability precedence factors can lead to enhancement of supply chain competence, and furthermore, sustainability of supply chain. Compared with large corporations, SMEs' supply chain sustainability precedence factor, capacity and sustainability should be further improved.

Effect of Intermittent Plasma Discharge on the Hydrocarbon Selective Catalytic Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides (간헐적 플라즈마 방전이 질소산화물의 탄화수소 선택적 촉매환원에 미치는 영향)

  • Kyeong-Hwan Yoon;Y. S. Mok
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.507-514
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    • 2023
  • The selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of nitrogen oxides (NOx) was investigated in a catalyst (Ag/γ-Al2O3) packed dielectric barrier discharge plasma reactor. The intermittent generation of plasma in the catalyst bed partially oxidized the hydrocarbon reductant for NOx removal to several aldehydes. Compared to using the catalyst alone, higher NOx conversion was observed with the intermittent generation of plasma due to the formation of highly reductive aldehydes. Under the same operating conditions (temperature: 250 ℃; C/N: 8), the NOx reduction efficiencies were 47.5%, 92%, and 96% for n-heptane, propionaldehyde, and butyraldehyde, respectively, demonstrating the high NOx reduction capability of aldehydes. To determine the optimal condition for intermittent plasma generation, the high voltage on/off cycle was adjusted from 0.5 to 3 min. The NOx reduction performance was compared between continuous and intermittent plasma generation on the same energy density basis. The highest NOx reduction efficiency was achieved at 2-min high voltage on/off intervals. The reason that the intermittent plasma discharge exhibited higher NOx reduction efficiency even at the same energy density, compared to the continuous plasma generation case, is that the intermediate products, such as aldehydes generated from hydrocarbon, were more efficiently utilized for the reduction of nitrogen oxides.

A Study Concerning the Background of Formation in Deleuze's System (들뢰즈 체계의 형성 배경에 대한 연구 - 칸트 선험철학 체계 그 심연으로부터의 역류 -)

  • Kim, Dae-hyeon
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.37
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    • pp.329-355
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    • 2021
  • The objective of this paper is to reveal that the formation of Deleuze's system is a result of a back flow of the 'ideal of pure reason' in Kant's system. I will try to seize upon the keyword in his main book, Difference and Repetition, and examine the aspect of mutual transformation between Deleuze's transcendental empiricism and Kant's transcendentalism. When analyzing Deleuze's system, most researchers tend to focus on anti-Hegelianism, but it is proper that Kant be adopted as the start when tracing the way of deployment directly. Fundamentally, Deleuze is different from Hegel in his approach to observing entire ground of thought. Even if Deleuze surely has the capability of becoming in the dialectical context, his systemic environment wherein dialectics is applied is different even at the onset. While Hegel follows the way of origin and copy or a system that begins from a preceding point of origin, Deleuze follows a way of copy and recopy or a system that begins without a point of origin. This characteristic of Deleuze's system originates directly from idealistic play. In fact, we can anticipate and identify in his book that he refers to Kant who accepted the tradition of empiricism. Therefore, the main contents of this paper is to present an overview of Kant's influence on Deleuze's system. While tracing ideas back to Kant's system, the cohabitation of empiricism and rationalism, which Kant felicitously revoiced, there emerges a definitude of world recognition. This occurs through cohabitation, and this is both deconstructed and integrated by Deleuze, and therein definitude is turned into a vision of prosperity. To the vision of prosperity that spans definitude to recognition, a philosopher has the right to select a philosophical system because selection methodology in philosophy is not a problem of legitimacy so much as the needs of the times. Deleuze's choice resulted in the opening of pandora's box in an abyss and secret contents have in turn risen sharply.

The effect of silk fibroin and rhBMP-2 on bone regeneration in rat calvarial defect model (백서 두개골결손모델에서 실크단백과 골형성단백 이식체가 골재생에 미치는 영향)

  • Nam, Jeong-Hun;Noh, Kyung-Lok;Pang, Eun-O;Yu, Woo-Geun;Kang, Eung-Sun;Kweon, Hae-Yong;Kim, Seong-Gon;Park, Young-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.366-374
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    • 2010
  • Introduction: This study evaluated the capability of silk fibroin (SF) and recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 loaded SF (SF-BMP) as a bone defect replacement matrix when grafted in a calvarial bone defect of rats in vivo. Materials and Methods: A total 70 calvarial critical size defects (5.0 mm in diameter) made on 35 adult female Sprague-Dawley rats were used in this study. The defects were transplanted with (1) rhBMP-2 loaded silk fibroin graft (SF-BMP: 0.8+$10\;{\mu}g$), (2) Silk fibroin (SF: $10\;{\mu}g$), and (3) no graft material (Raw). The samples were evaluated with soft x-rays, alkaline phosphatase activity, calcium/phosphate quantification, histological and histomorphometric analysis at postoperative 4 and 8 weeks. Results: The SF-BMP group ($48.86{\pm}14.92%$) had a significantly higher mean percentage bone area than the SF group ($24.96{\pm}11.01%$) at postoperative 4 weeks.(P<0.05) In addition, the SF-BMP group ($40.01{\pm}12.43%$) had a higher % bone area at postoperative 8 weeks than the SF group ($33.26{\pm}5.15%$). The mean ratio of gray scale levels to the host bone showed that the SF-BMP group ($0.67{\pm}0.08$) had a higher mean ratio level than the SF group ($0.61{\pm}0.09$) at postoperative 8 weeks. These differences were not statistically significant.(P=0.168 and P=0.243, respectively) The ratio of the calcium and phosphate contents of the SF-BMP ($0.93{\pm}0.22$) group was lower than that of the SF ($1.90{\pm}1.42$) group at postoperative 4 weeks. However, the SF-BMP group ($0.75{\pm}0.31$) had a higher Ca/$PO_4$ ratio than the SF ($0.68{\pm}0.04$) at postoperative 8 weeks. These differences were not statistically significant.(P=0.126 and P=0.627, respectively) For the bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, which is recognized as a reliable indicator of the osteoblast function, the SF-BMP ($23.71{\pm}8.60\;U/L$) groups had a significantly higher value than the SF group ($12.65{\pm}6.47\;U/L$) at postoperative 4 weeks.(P<0.05) At postoperative 8 weeks, the SF-BMP ($21.65{\pm}10.02\;U/L$) group had a lower bone-specific ALP activity than the SF group ($16.72{\pm}7.35\;U/L$). This difference was not statistically significant.(P=0.263) For the histological evaluation, the SF-BMP group revealed less inflammation, lower foreign body reactions and higher bone healing than the SF group at postoperative 4 and 8 weeks. The SF group revealed more foreign body reactions at postoperative 4 weeks. However, this immunogenic reaction decreased and the remnant of grafted material was observed at postoperative 8 weeks. For histomorphometric analysis, the SF-BMP group had a significantly longer bone length to total length ratio than those of the SF group at postoperative 4 and 8 weeks.(P<0.05) Conclusion: The rhBMP-2 loaded silk fibroin graft revealed fewer immunoreactions and inflammation as well as more new bone formation than the pure silk fibroin graft. Therefore, silk fibroin may be a candidate scaffold for tissue engineered bone regeneration.

Determination of Optimun Coagulant Dosage for Effective Water Treatment of Chinyang Lake -The Effect of Coagulant Dosing on Remoaval of Colloidal Pollutants- (진양호소수의 효과적인 정수처리를 위한 최적응집제 주입량 결정 -콜로이드성 오염물질 처리를 위한 응집제 주입효과-)

  • 이원규;조주식;이홍재;허종수
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.761-772
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    • 1998
  • This study was performed to determine the optimum coagulant dosing amount for effective treatment of raw water. The removal rate of turbidity and the variations of water qualities according to various dosage of coagulants such as Alum, PAC and PACS were investigated. The optimum coagulant dosing amount to make the lowest turbidity of water were 35mg/ι t of Alum, 30mg/ι of PAC and 10mg/ι of PACS in case of 5 NTU of raw water turbidity, and 30mg/ι of Alum, 25mg/ι of PAC and 10mg/ι of PACS in case of 10 NTU of that, respectively. The removal rates of turbidity at 4 min. and 8 min. of settling time were 10 and 72% of Alum, 44 and 62% of PAC and 25 and 55% of PACS in case of 5 NTU, and 52 and 70% of Alum, 90 and 95% of PAC and 10 and 28% of PACS in case of 10 NTU, respectively. Judging from the settling capability of floc., the reaction time of floe. formation and removal efficiency of turbidity, PAC was evaluated as more effective coagulant than Alum and PACS. Also PAC was regarded as the most effective coagulant when the water supply was changed sharply and the fluctuation of the surface loading occured with wide and sharp in settling basin. pH and alkalinity of the water were decreased with increasing coagulants dosage. But pH and alkalinity were not decreased below 5.8 which is the standard for drinking water quality, and 10mg/ι which is the limit concentration of floc. breakage, respectively. Residual Al of the treated water was decreased with increasing coagulants dosage in case of 5 and 10NTU of raw water turbidity. $KMnO_4$ consumption of the water was decreased with increasing coagulants dosage. The reduction rate of $KMnO_4$ consumption at the optimum coagulants dosage were 39% of Alum. 18% of PAC and 11% of PACS in case of 5 NTU of raw water turbidity, and 42% of Alum, 27% of PAC and 36% of PACS in case of 10 NTU of that, respectively. Any relationship was not found between the removal rate of turbidity and KMnO$_4$ consumption. TOC of the water was a bit decreased with increasing coagulants dosage up to 30mg/ι but not changed above 30mg/ι of coagulants dosage. The degree of TOC reduction was increased in the order of Alum, PAC and PACS treatment. Zeta potential of the colloidal floe. at the optimum coagulants dosage was in the range of -20~-15mV in case of 5 NTU of raw water turbidity and 0~0.5mV in case of 10 NTU of that. respectively. Although the kinds and dosages of coagulants were different, zeta potential range were fixed under the conditions of the best coagulation efficiency.

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Effectiveness and characteristics of technology transfer consortia in public R&D sector: The case of Korean TT consortia (공공연구부문에서의 기술이전컨소시엄의 효과와 특성 연구: 공공기술이전컨소시엄 사례를 중심으로)

  • Park, Jong-Bok;Ryu, Tae-Kyu
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.284-309
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    • 2007
  • Technology transfer (TT) consortium is an affiliation of two or more public research institutions (PRIs) that participate in a common technology transfer activity or pool their resources together, with the objective of facilitating technology transfer. Based on empirical analysis of five regional TT consortia (2002-2006) operating in Korea, this paper suggests their effectiveness by employing a TT performance index (TTPI) and identifies possible characteristics involved, such as motivations, facilitators, barriers, and challenges. TTPI devised in the paper is a new composite TT performance index to measure how much the TT performance of a PH changed in a designated year compared to a base year. All the performance indicators of TTPI are well-structured based on the unique TT process that is prevalent in Korea. Further, TTPI can bring different size and focus of PRIs to the same scale for comparison by double-normalizing. The paper tests the effectiveness of TT consortium for the escalation of TT performances in member PRIs by highlighting the differences of TTPI's between 2005 and 2001. As a result, the paper found that the escalation of TTPI for member PRIs was greater than that for non-member PRIs. As for the characteristics of TT consortia, their respective factors obtained by TT expert survey were computed with proportion tests of differences (Z tests) to compare two perspectives between intramural and extramural groups. One of key findings is that there is general homogeneity in stakeholder perspectives regarding motivations, facilitators, barriers, and challenges. Some notable responses are as follow; the most probable motivation to join TT consortium is to share or exchange TT competences for enhanced performance. Second, the most probable facilitator is professional capability of consortium-hired personnel. Third, the foremost probable barriers to effective TT consortium are frequent change of consortium director and passive participation of member PRIs. Lastly, both publicizing TT consortia and developing performance metrics are the most important for the improvement of TT consortia. The understanding of the characteristics of TT consortia increases the likelihood of accelerated success, because TT consortia path from formation to termination encompasses many concepts, processes, principles, and factors. Finally, an analysis of the survey data combined with expert interview and observation data led the authors to derive five conditions as being critical to viable TT consortia in Korea at early stage of technology transfer systems. These conditions include policy infrastructure, proactive participation, excellent professionals, personal motivation, and teaming mechanisms. It is expected that the Korean evidence is a starting point to develop and refine the theory of TT consortia and for additional studies in other countries.

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Isolation and Mycelial Cultivation Submerged of Phellinus sp. (Phellinus sp.의 분리 및 균사체의 액체배양)

  • Kang, Tae-Su;Lee, Dong-Gi;Lee, Shin-Young
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.25 no.4 s.83
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    • pp.257-267
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    • 1997
  • Fruit bodies similar to the Phellinus sp. residing on the mulberry were collected at Yang-yang in Kang-won-do province and one strain of Phellinus sp. was isolated from the fruit bodies. For mass production of the isolated mycelia in a submerged culture, the culture conditions, medium composition, and the effect of various culture systems on the mycelial growth, were investigated. The morphological characteristics of the fruit body were as follows: covered with blackish to black and rough, lower surface with yellowish-brown to dull-brown and smooth, 5-7 cm thick and hard woody. Also, the pure cultured mycelia showed yellowish-brown color, capability of purplish-brown pigment production on the PDA plate media, no-formation of clamp-connection, much binding branch, and enzyme activities such as laccase, tyrosinase and peroxidase. Therefore, pure cultured strain was identified to be Phellinus sp. In the flask culture, the optimum culture conditions for the mycelial production were obtained after cultivation of 8 days at inoculum level of 5%(v/v), media volume of 70 mL, 150 rpm, initial pH 6, and temperature of $30^{\circ}C$. Optimum medium composition from the response surface analysis were determined to be glucose 12.12 g/L, sucrose 12.12 g/L, yeast extract 11.15 g/L, malt extract 11.15 g/L, $KH_2PO_4$ 0.855 g/L and $CaCl_2$ 0.855 g/L. The production of the mycelia after 4 and 8 days of cultivation was 1.95 and 9.89 g/L, respectively. The maximum specific growth rate and productivity were $0.020\;hr^{-1}$ and 1.25 g/L/day, respectively. Among the three different culture systems for the growth of mycelia, the maximum mycelial dry weight of 7.5 g/L was obtained after cultivation of 4 days in the air-lift fermentor under aeration rate of 2.5 vvm. The maximum specific growth rate and productivity were $0.033\;hr^{-1}$ and 1.9 g/L/day, respectively, which were about 1.7 and 4.2 times higher than those of flask culture.

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Electrospun Silk Nano-Fiber Combined with Nano-Hydoxyapatite Graft for the Rabbit Calvarial Model (토끼 두개골 결손부에서 전기 방사된 나노실크-수산화인회석 복합체를 이용한 골재생 효과에 대한 연구)

  • Kye, Jun-Young;Kim, Seong-Gon;Kim, Min-Keun;Kwon, Kwang-Jun;Park, Young-Wook;Kim, Jwa-Young;Lee, Min-Jung;Park, Young-Hwan
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.293-298
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The objective of the present study was to determine the capability of electrospun silk fibroin as a biomaterial template for bone formation when mixed with nano-hydoxyapatite in vivo. Materials and Methods: Ten New Zealand white rabbits were used for this study and bilateral round shaped defects were formed in the parietal bone (diameter: 8.0 mm). The electrospun silk fibroin was coated by nano-hydroxyapatite and grafted into the right parietal bone (experimental group). The left side (control group) did not receive a graft. The animals were sacrificed at 6 weeks and 12 weeks, humanly. The microcomputerized tomogram (${\mu}CT$) was taken for each specimen. Subsequently, they were undergone decalcification and stained for the histological analysis. Results: The average value of all measured variables was higher in the experimental group than in the control at 6 weeks after the operation. BMC in the experimental group at 6 weeks after operation was $48.94{\pm}19.25$ and that in the control was $26.17{\pm}16.40$ (P = 0.027). BMD in the experimental group at 6 weeks after operation was $324.59{\pm}165.24$ and that in the control was $173.03{\pm}120.30$ (P = 0.044). TMC in the experimental group at 6 weeks after operation was $19.50{\pm}6.00$ and that in the control was $10.52{\pm}6.20$ (P = 0.011). TMD in the experimental group at 6 weeks after operation was $508.88{\pm}297.57$ and that in the control was $273.54{\pm}175.91$ (P = 0.06). Gross image of both groups showed higher calcification area at 12 weeks than them in 6 weeks. The average value of ${\mu}CT$ analysis was higher at 12 weeks than that in 6 weeks in both groups. BMC in the experimental group at 12 weeks after operation was $51.21{\pm}8.81$ and that in the control was $33.47{\pm}11.13$ (P = 0.010). BMD in the experimental group at 12 weeks after operation was $323.39{\pm}21.54$ and that in the control was $197.75{\pm}76.23$ (P = 0.012). TMC in the experimental group at 12 weeks after operation was $21.44{\pm}5.30$ and that in the control was $13.31{\pm}4.17$ (P = 0.008). TMD in the experimental group at 12 weeks after operation was $524.47{\pm}19.37$ and that in the control was $299.60{\pm}136.20$ (P = 0.016). Conclusion: The rabbit calvarial defect could be successfully repaired by electrospun silk nano-fiber combined with nano-hydroxyapatite.

Distribution of Total Mercury in Korean Coastal Sediments (한반도 연안역 표층퇴적물 내 총 수은 분포 특성)

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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.76-90
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    • 2018
  • To determine the distribution of mercury (Hg) in the coastal surface sediments around the Korean peninsula, the baseline concentration of Hg was estimated, the extent of contamination was assessed, and the factors controlling the distribution were discussed. The concentrations of Hg in surface sediments were significantly high in Jinhae-Masan Bay in the South Sea, Ulsan-Onsan Bay and Yeongil Bay in the East Sea, but Hg in other sediments showed a similar distribution to Cs and relatively very low concentration between 0.21 and $39.5{\mu}g/kg$ ($13.6{\pm}7.80{\mu}g/kg$). Compared to the sediment quality guidelines in Korea, 8 % of the surface sediments (n=282) analyzed in this study exceeded the values of the threshold effects level (TEL), and six sediments collected around Onsan Port were higher than the value of the probable effects level (PEL). The contamination levels of Hg were assessed by the enrichment factors using the baseline concentration (2.06Cs+1.75) based on the residual analysis from the linear regression line for Cs, and further, factors controlling the distribution of Hg were discussed by the comparison with geochemical substances depending upon the Hg enrichment level. Hg concentrations were correlated well with Cs concentration in the range of less than 1.69 of EF implying grain size control, while in the range of 1.69 and 4.03 Hg concentrations were correlated well with Fe oxyhyroxide and organic carbon contents, which indicates Hg was enriched by superior sorption capability. On the meanwhile, samples with higher EFs (4.03 to 74.9) showed fairly positive correlations with other metals (Cu, Zn, Pb) rather than geochemical substances. For samples in Youngil Bay and Ulsan-Onsan Bay (n=30), Hg concentrations were correlated only with other metals rather than geochemical substances implying simultaneous supply of metal particles from metal refineries. But samples at Gosung, Sokcho and Uljin coast were correlated well with organic carbon even though they had high EFs. In addition, samples in Jinhae-Masan Bay with high contents of S were enriched by relatively high sulfide formation.

Effects of Nipa fruticans Wurmb Extract on Inhibition of UVB-Induced DNA Damage and MMP Expression (해죽순(Nipa fruticans Wurmb) 추출물의 UVB 유도 DNA 손상 및 MMP 발현 억제 효과)

  • So Yeon Han;Tae Won Jang;Da Yoon Lee;Ji-Sun Moon;Yong-Shin Kim;Jae Ho Park
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.271-278
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    • 2024
  • The human skin is an organ that protects the body from physical and chemical factors. The skin is the largest and most massive of the body's organs and is composed of the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. Constant UV exposure to the skin can cause DNA damage, oxidation of proteins, and contribute to adult diseases. Nypa fruticans Wurmb (NF), rich in phytochemicals (polyphenols and flavonoids), has been traditionally used for treating respiratory and other diseases. This study investigated the effects of NF ethyl acetate fraction (ENF) on DNA damage healing and inhibition of wrinkle-related factors in UVB-stimulated Hs68 cells. Westernblotting was used to assess the expression of DNA damage-related proteins and wrinkle-related protein factors. In addition, the wound recovery capability of ENF was confirmed through wound-healing experiments. ENF significantly suppressed the expression of DNA damage-related proteins Phosphorylated H2AX (γ-H2AX), checkpoint kinase 2 (Chk2), protein53 (p53), and Phosphorylated protein53 (p-p53). Furthermore, ENF inhibited the expression of wrinkle-related proteins matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1), matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3), and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9). High concentrations of ENF also enhanced wound healing in Hs68 cells. ENF is thought to have the potential to heal DNA damage by significantly suppressing the expression of γ-H2AX, Chk2, p53, and p-p53, as well as to inhibit wrinkle formation by suppressing the expression of MMP-1, MMP-3, and MMP-9. These results suggest that ENF can be used as a natural resource to suppress skin damage caused by UVB by regulating the γ-H2AX, Chk2, p53, and MMP pathways in Hs68 cells induced by UVB.