• Title/Summary/Keyword: bridge damage

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A study on a dielectric heating system for amplifying the resonant gain using the capacitance of electrodes (전극의 용량성분을 이용한 공진이득 증폭형 유전가열장치에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Shin-Hyo;Lee, Chang-Woo;Bae, Han-Nah;Cho, Dae-Kweon
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.39 no.9
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    • pp.940-946
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we study a method that amplifies the output gain of a high voltage pulse using 300 kHz or higher frequency. We conducted a study on a method for amplifying the output gain using the resonance between the capacitance components of the load and the parasitic components of the circuit, instead of the conservative method for amplifying the pulse-amplitude by raising the voltage of the power stage. In particular, the method simplifies the circuit configuration throughout the appliance of flyback-type topology instead of the bridge-type. There are advantages that prevent damage from overload and the heat in the output circuit through the hard switching by amplifying the gain of the output voltage applying to the load as given by the capacitance component of the output electrode to the output pulse waveform. This study proposed a method to enhance the spatial and electrical efficiency of the contact-type heating device through the dielectric heating method applied to the field of medical and industrial heating.

The Effect of Defect Location Near a Circular Hole Notch on the Relationship Between Crack Growth Rate (da/dN) and Stress Intensity Factor Range (δK) - Comparative Studies of Fatigue Behavior in the Case of Monolithic Al Alloy vs. Al/GFRP Laminate - (원공노치 인근에 발생한 결함의 위치변화가 균열성장률(da/dN) 및 응력확대계수범위(δK)의 관계에 미치는 영향 - 단일재 알루미늄과 Al/GFRP 적층재의 피로거동 비교 -)

  • Kim, Cheol-Woong;Ko, Young-Ho;Lee, Gun-Bok
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.31 no.3 s.258
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    • pp.344-354
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    • 2007
  • The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of arbitrarily located defect around the circular hole in the aircraft structural material such as Al/GFRP laminates and monolithic Al alloy sheet under cyclic bending moment. The fatigue behavior of these materials may be different due to the defect location. Material flaws in the from of pre-existing defects can severely affect the fatigue crack initiation and propagation behavior. The aim of this study is to evaluate effects of relative location of defects around the circular hole in monolithic Al alloy and Al/GFRP laminates under cyclic bending moment. The fatigue behavior i.e., the stress concentration factor($K_t$), the crack initiation life($N_i$), the relationship between crack length(a) and cycles(N), the relationship between crack growth rate(da/dN) and stress intensity factor range(${\Dalta}K$) near a circular hole are considered. Especially, the defects location at ${\theta}_1=0^{\circ}\;and\;{\theta}_2=30^{\circ}$ was strongly effective in stress concentration factor($K_t$) and crack initiation life($N_i$). The test results indicated the features of different fatigue crack propagation behavior and the different growing delamination shape according to each location of defect around the circular hole in Al/GFRP laminates.

A Case Study of the Underwater Blasting Using Emulsion Explosives (에멀젼폭약을 사용한 수중발파 사례)

  • An, Bong-Do;Lee, Ik-Joo;Heo, The-Moon
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2007
  • In many cases of underwater blasting in South Korea, the special blasting is mainly used for deepening harbor, installing gas pipes, or well blasting to build a bridge. The procedure of well blasting is almost same with shaft blasting, but the difference is that water is filled in before blasting. In case of deepening blasting under water, the first step like drilling, arranging explosives, and wire connection is done on a barge, then the next step such as charging and tamping is accomplished under water by expert divers. Therefore, underwater blasting needs precise and exact plan before blasting. In this paper, authors would like to introduce a case of underwater blasting for deepening the Busan new port with emulsion explosives and non-electric detonators in order to get some of 8,500TEU out sized container vessels entered into the port and to make safe. Considering environment and vibration, the blasting was controlled to minimized the damage to the lighthouse nearby. It will be great help to many other blasting sites where emulsion explosives and non-electric detonators are used for underwater blasting through this case.

Study on stiffness deterioration in steel-concrete composite beams under fatigue loading

  • Wang, Bing;Huang, Qiao;Liu, Xiaoling;Ding, Yong
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.499-509
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this paper is to investigate the degradation law of stiffness of steel-concrete composite beams after certain fatigue loads. First, six test beams with stud connectors were designed and fabricated for static and fatigue tests. The resultant failure modes under different fatigue loading cycles were compared. And an analysis was performed for the variations in the load-deflection curves, residual deflections and relative slips of the composite beams during fatigue loading. Then, the correlations among the stiffness degradation of each test beam, the residual deflection and relative slip growth during the fatigue test were investigated, in order to clarify the primary reasons for the stiffness degradation of the composite beams. Finally, based on the stiffness degradation function under fatigue loading, a calculation model for the residual stiffness of composite beams in response to fatigue loading cycles was established by parameter fitting. The results show that the stiffness of composite beams undergoes irreversible degradation under fatigue loading. And stiffness degradation is associated with the macrobehavior of material fatigue damage and shear connection degradation. In addition, the stiffness degradation of the composite beams exhibit S-shaped monotonic decreasing trends with fatigue cycles. The general agreement between the calculation model and experiment shows good applicability of the proposed model for specific beam size and fatigue load parameters. Moreover, the research results provide a method for establishing a stiffness degradation model for composite beams after fatigue loading.

Initial development of wireless acoustic emission sensor Motes for civil infrastructure state monitoring

  • Grosse, Christian U.;Glaser, Steven D.;Kruger, Markus
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.197-209
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    • 2010
  • The structural state of a bridge is currently examined by visual inspection or by wired sensor techniques, which are relatively expensive, vulnerable to inclement conditions, and time consuming to undertake. In contrast, wireless sensor networks are easy to deploy and flexible in application so that the network can adjust to the individual structure. Different sensing techniques have been used with such networks, but the acoustic emission technique has rarely been utilized. With the use of acoustic emission (AE) techniques it is possible to detect internal structural damage, from cracks propagating during the routine use of a structure, e.g. breakage of prestressing wires. To date, AE data analysis techniques are not appropriate for the requirements of a wireless network due to the very exact time synchronization needed between multiple sensors, and power consumption issues. To unleash the power of the acoustic emission technique on large, extended structures, recording and local analysis techniques need better algorithms to handle and reduce the immense amount of data generated. Preliminary results from utilizing a new concept called Acoustic Emission Array Processing to locally reduce data to information are presented. Results show that the azimuthal location of a seismic source can be successfully identified, using an array of six to eight poor-quality AE sensors arranged in a circular array approximately 200 mm in diameter. AE beamforming only requires very fine time synchronization of the sensors within a single array, relative timing between sensors of $1{\mu}s$ can easily be performed by a single Mote servicing the array. The method concentrates the essence of six to eight extended waveforms into a single value to be sent through the wireless network, resulting in power savings by avoiding extended radio transmission.

Effect of Near- and Far-Fault Earthquakes for Seismic Fragility Curves of PSC Box Girder Bridges (PSC 상자형교의 지진취약도 곡선에 대한 근거리 및 원거리 지진의 영향)

  • Jin, He-Shou;Song, Jong-Keol
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2010
  • Seismic fragility curves of structures represent the probability of exceeding the prescribed structural damage state for a given various levels of ground motion intensity, such as peak ground acceleration (PGA). This means that seismic fragility curves are essential to the evaluation of structural seismic performance and assessments of risk. Most of existing studies have not considered the near- and far-fault earthquake effect on the seismic fragility curves. In order to evaluate the effect of near- and far-fault earthquakes, seismic fragility curves for PSC box girder bridges subjected to near- and far-fault earthquakes are calculated and compared. The seismic fragility curves are strongly dependent on the earthquake characteristics such as fault distance. This paper suggests that the effect of near- and far-fault earthquakes on seismic fragility curves of PSC box girder bridge structure should be considered.

Predictive model of fatigue crack detection in thick bridge steel structures with piezoelectric wafer active sensors

  • Gresil, M.;Yu, L.;Shen, Y.;Giurgiutiu, V.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.97-119
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents numerical and experimental results on the use of guided waves for structural health monitoring (SHM) of crack growth during a fatigue test in a thick steel plate used for civil engineering application. Numerical simulation, analytical modeling, and experimental tests are used to prove that piezoelectric wafer active sensor (PWAS) can perform active SHM using guided wave pitch-catch method and passive SHM using acoustic emission (AE). AE simulation was performed with the multi-physic FEM (MP-FEM) approach. The MP-FEM approach permits that the output variables to be expressed directly in electric terms while the two-ways electromechanical conversion is done internally in the MP-FEM formulation. The AE event was simulated as a pulse of defined duration and amplitude. The electrical signal measured at a PWAS receiver was simulated. Experimental tests were performed with PWAS transducers acting as passive receivers of AE signals. An AE source was simulated using 0.5-mm pencil lead breaks. The PWAS transducers were able to pick up AE signal with good strength. Subsequently, PWAS transducers and traditional AE transducer were applied to a 12.7-mm CT specimen subjected to accelerated fatigue testing. Active sensing in pitch catch mode on the CT specimen was applied between the PWAS transducers pairs. Damage indexes were calculated and correlated with actual crack growth. The paper finishes with conclusions and suggestions for further work.

A Case Study on Settlement Promotion of a Large Size Open Caisson using Air-Jet an Method (공기분사공법을 이용한 초대형 Open Caisson의 침하촉진에 대한 사례연구)

  • Jeong, Jin-Seob;Lee, Jong-Cheon;Kim, Hae-Woog;Kim, Tae-Hyung
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.227-233
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    • 2009
  • This experimental study has been carried out to investigate the reduction in side friction of open caisson using air-jet method. For this study, the large size caisson having air-pockets was used. This caisson was used as substructure of bridge. By using air-jet method, settlement time was decreased and even settlement was reached to the depth which conventional methods could not be. We found that the side resistance decreases to less then half the expected value. In addition to these merits, the air-jet method can result in self-weight settlement without applying additional load. Also the open caisson damage caused by blasting can be prevented with this method.

An Effectiveness Analysis of Commercial Vehicle's Loading Pattern and Prevention of Overloading with On-board Truck Weight Sensors (화물차량 부착 중량센서 적용을 통한 운행패턴 및 과적 예방 효과 분석)

  • Kim, Jong Woo;Jho, Youn Beom;Jung, Young Woo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.153-172
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    • 2018
  • Overloading of Commercial vehicles have been an important area of transportation as one of the main causes of pavement damage, bridge collapse, severe traffic accident, etc. In this study, we analyzed the effects of overweight prevention by analyzing overweight driving patterns and using weight sensors. First, we analyzed relevant literatures of overweight and surveyed the commercial weight sensors. Then we chose the typical type of overweight vehicles based of overweight enforcement data analysis. MEMs inclinometer weight sensor were installed to 10 test vehicles and data was collected by weight sensors and gps in real time. As a result of gross vehicle weight and axle weight analysis, it was found weight sensor could decrease overweight rate. However, since the number of samples of test vehicles is insufficient to represent the whole commercial vehicle, further studies are deemed possible through the extension test.

Characteristics of Road Weather Elements and Surface Information Change under the Influence of Synoptic High-Pressure Patterns in Winter (겨울철 고기압 영향에서 도로 위 기상요소와 노면정보 변화 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Baek-Jo;Nam, Hyounggu;Kim, Seon-Jeong;Kim, Geon-Tae;Kim, Jiwan;Lee, Yong Hee
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.329-339
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    • 2022
  • Better understanding the mechanism of black ice occurrence on the road in winter is necessary to reduce the socio-economic damage it causes. In this study, intensive observations of road weather elements and surface information under the influence of synoptic high-pressure patterns (22nd December, 2020 and 29th January, and 25th February, 2021) were carried out using a mobile observation vehicle. We found that temperature and road surface temperature change is significantly influenced by observation time, altitude and structure of the road, surrounding terrain, and traffic volume, especially in tunnels and bridges. In addition, even if the spatial distribution of temperature and road surface temperature for the entire observation route is similar, there is a difference between air and road surface temperatures due to the influence of current weather conditions. The observed road temperature, air temperature and air pressure in Nongong Bridge were significantly different to other fixed road weather observation points.