• Title/Summary/Keyword: blood pressure(BP)

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Effects of Flos Sophora japonica Extract on the Changes of Cerebral Hemodynamics

  • Rha, Young-Ah;Lee, Woo-Sik;Park, Sung-Jin
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.67-70
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to measure the changes of regional cerebral blood flow(rCBF) and blood pressure(BP) in rats, following the intravenous injection of Flos Sophora japonica L.(FSJ) water extract. The measurement was continually monitored by Laser-Doppler Flowmeter and pressure transducer in anaesthetized adult Sprague-Dawley rats for 2 hours to 2 hours and a half through the data acquisition system. FSJ increased the changes of rCBF in rat significantly. The rCBF of FSJ did not change by pretreated propranolol, atropine, L-NNA($N^G$-nitro-L-argininine) and indomethacin. But the rCBF of Flos Sophora japonica L. was increased by pretreated methylene blue. FSJ decreased the changes of BP, significantly. The BP of FSJ did not change by pretreated propranolol, atropine, L-NNA and indomethacin. But the BP FSJ was decreased by pretreated methylene blue. There results indicated that FSJ can increase the rCBF and decrease the BP, that is related to guanylyl cyclase activity.

Exterimental Effects of Acupuncture on the Regional Cerebral Blood Flow and Mean Arterial Blood Pressure in Rats (혈위자침(穴位刺鍼)이 백서(白鼠)의 국소뇌혈류량(局所腦血流量)과 혈압(血壓)에 미치는 실험적(實驗的) 효과(效果))

  • Ahn, Yung-Sun;Park, Chun-Ha;Cho, Myung-Rae;Yoon, Yeo-Choong
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2001
  • Amun(GV15), Habkook(LI4) and Shinsu(B23) have been used as a meridian point for apoplexy, hypertention, vertigo etc. The effects of GV 15, LI4 and B23 on the vascular system is not known. The purpose of this Study was to investigate the effect of several meridian points on the regional cerebral bloof flow(rCBF), mean arterial blood pressure(BP) in rats. The changes of BP and rCBF were tested Laser-Doppler Flowmetry(LDF). Results : The results of this Study were obtained as follows ; 1. GV15 and LI4 were increased significantly rCBF. 2. GV15, LI4 and B23 were increased BP, but have not significance. Conclusion : This results suggest that GV15 was increased rCBF by increasing pial arterial diameter, and LI4 was increased rCBF by increasing BP.

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Design of Head Blood Pressure(HBP) Measurement System and Correlativity Extraction of Blood Pressure(BP) and HBP (두부혈압 측정 시스템의 설계 및 두부혈압과 상완혈압과의 상관성 추출)

  • 이용흠;정석준;장근중;정동영
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.381-389
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    • 2003
  • Various adult diseases (cerebral apoplexy, athymiait, etc.) result from hypertension, blood circulation disturbance and increment of HBP. In early diagnosis of these diseases, MRI, X-ray and PET have been used rather aim for treatment than for a prevention of disease. Since. cerebral apoplexy and athymiait could appear to the regular/irregular persons, it is very important to measure HBP which has connection with cerebral blood flow state. HBP has more diagnosis elements than that of BP. So, we can diagnose accurate hypertension by measuring of HBP. But, existing sphygmomanometers and automatic BP monitors can not measure HBP, and can not execute complex function(measuring of BP/HBP, blood flow improvement). Purpose of this paper is to develop a system and algorithm which can measure BP/HBP for accurate diagnosis. Also, we extracted diagnosis factors by correlativity analysis of BP/HBP. Maximum pressure of HBP corresponds to 62% that of BP, Minimum pressure of HBP corresponds to 46% that of BP. Therefore, we developed the multi-function automatic blood pressure monitor which can measure BP/HBP and improve cerebral blood flow state.

Treatment of hypertension in elderly (노인 고혈압의 치료)

  • Seung Jae Joo;Dong-Soo Kim
    • Journal of Medicine and Life Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2022
  • Whereas systolic blood pressure (SBP) continuously rises with age, diastolic blood pressure (DBP) gradually decreases after the age of 55 years. Therefore, hypertension in the elderly shows the pattern of isolated systolic hypertension. There is evidence on the benefits of controlling blood pressure (BP) in elderly patients with hypertension. The BP lowering effect has also been demonstrated in patients over 80 years of age with hypertension. The BP threshold for the initiation of antihypertensive drug treatment for older adults with hypertension is gradually decreasing. The antihypertensive treatment is recommended if, despite therapeutic lifestyle modifications, SBP ≥140 mmHg or DBP ≥90 mmHg in those aged 65-79 years old, and SBP ≥140-160 mmHg or DBP ≥90 mmHg in those aged ≥80 years old. Although there is no consensus on the target BP for older adults with hypertension, a target SBP of <130-140 mmHg and DBP of <80-90 mmHg are recommended. In older adults over 80 years of age with hypertension, the target SBP is <140-150 mmHg. When the dose of antihypertensive drugs is increased to reach the target SBP, DBP may decrease to less than 70 mmHg, but it should not be <60 mmHg. Thiazide diuretics, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, or angiotensin receptor blockers can be selected as the first-line drug for older adults with hypertension. Beta-blockers may be selected in case of compelling indications.

Design of Noninvasive Arterial Blood Pressure Measurement System by Using Double-Cuffs Oscillometric Method (이중 커프 오실로메트릭법을 이용한 비침습 동맥압 측정시스템의 설계)

  • Lee, Pil-Jae;Lee, Young-Jae;Kim, Dong-Jun;Lee, Jae-Ho;Lim, Min-Gyu;Lee, Jeong-Whan
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.61 no.6
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    • pp.885-890
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    • 2012
  • In this study, a new blood pressure measuring system was proposed and implemented. An additional small-cuff was placed on the center of a inner cuff to measure morphological signals and new oscillometric ratio. The proposed BP-measuring system is composed of an external cuff, an inner cuff and a small-cuff. Oscillation signal from small-cuff is interpolated with 7th-order fitting polynomials and SBP, DBP ratio were 22.2% and 87.7%. Experimental data were gathered from 20 volunteers ($25{\pm}4$ years) and arterial blood pressure values were compared with auscultation, sphygmomanometers, small-cuff and inner-cuff. As a result, the difference in systolic BP between auscultation and the small-cuff was 1.93(${\pm}1.28$) mmHg, and the inner-cuff was 4.53(${\pm}4.39$) mmHg, and sphygmomanometer was 6.68(${\pm}3.99$) mmHg, and the corresponding difference in diastolic BP was 2.50(${\pm}2.04$) mmHg, 3.50(${\pm}3.19$) mmHg, 7.35(${\pm}5.62$), respectively.

Radial Electrical Impedance: A Potential Indicator for Noninvasive Cuffless Blood Pressure Measurement

  • Huynh, Toan Huu;Chung, Wan-Young
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.239-244
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    • 2017
  • Noninvasive, cuffless, and continuous blood pressure (BP) monitoring is essential to prevent and control hypertension. A well-known existing method for this measurement is pulse transit time (PTT), which has been investigated by many researchers as a promising approach. However, the fundamental principle of the PTT method is based on the time interval taken by a pulse wave to propagate between the proximal and distal arterial sites. Consequently, this method needs an independent system with two devices placed at two different sites, which is a problem. Even though some studies attempted to synchronize the system, it is bulky and inconvenient by contemporary standards. To find a more sensitive method to be used in a BP measurement device, this study used radial electrical bioimpedance (REB) as a potential indicator for BP determination. Only one impedance plethysmography channel at the wrist is performed for demonstrating a ubiquitous BP wearable device. The experiment was evaluated on eight healthy subjects with the ambulatory BP monitor on the upper arm as a reference. The results demonstrated the potential of the proposed method by the correlation of estimated systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) BP against the reference at $0.84{\pm}0.05$ and $0.83{\pm}0.05$, respectively. REB also tracked the DBP well with a root-mean-squared-error of $7.5{\pm}1.35mmHg$.

Blood pressure measurements and hypertension in infants, children, and adolescents: from the postmercury to mobile devices

  • Lim, Seon Hee;Kim, Seong Heon
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.65 no.2
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2022
  • A mercury sphygmomanometer (MS) has been the gold standard for pediatric blood pressure (BP) measurements, and diagnosing hypertension is critical. However, because of environmental issues, other alternatives are needed. Noninvasive BP measurement devices are largely divided into auscultatory and oscillometric types. The aneroid sphygmomanometer, the currently used auscultatory method, is inferior to MS in terms of limitations such as validation and regular calibration and difficult to apply to infants, in whom Korotkoff sounds are not audible. The oscillometric method uses an automatic device that eliminates errors caused by human observers and has the advantage of being easy to use; however, owing to its measurement accuracy issues, the development of an international validation protocol for children is important. The hybrid method, which combines the auscultatory and electronic methods, solves some of these problems by eliminating the observer bias of terminal digit preference while maintaining measurement accuracy; however, the auscultatory method remains limited. As the age-related characteristics of the pediatric group are heterogeneous, it is necessary to reconsider the appropriate BP measurement method suitable for this indication. In addition, the mobile application-based BP measurement market is growing rapidly with the development of smartphone applications. Although more research is still needed on their accuracy, many experts expect that mobile application-based BP measurement will effectively reduce medical costs due to increased ease of access and early BP management.

Analysis of Correlativity with Blood Pressure and Measurement of Brain Blood Pressure(BBP) (뇌혈압 측정과 상완 혈압의 상관성 분석)

  • Ko, Su-Bok;Lee, Yong-Heum;Kim, Sung-Gon;Jeong, Dong-Myong
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2001.11c
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    • pp.180-183
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    • 2001
  • In modem city life, the citizen get insufficient exercise and has high levels of stress. Increased Stress causes such minor things as tiredness, disease and mental fatigue, and increase brain blood pressure too. In this paper trying to design the multi-functional blood pressure monitor with airo-dynamic brain hemokinesis improvement function. So this system have developed for the improvement of flows in the capillary blood vessel of head and limbs. Also This system is able to measure brain blood pressure(BBP) which need diagnosis circulation state of brain blood. So, we extracted correlativity of blood pressure(BP) and BBP through clinical experiment. We confirmed that compare factor of BP with BBP is more useful factors for diagnosis state of brain hemokinesis.

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Effect of Calcium Supplementation on Blood Pressure Response to Dietary Soldium Level in Normotensive Young Korean Women with Family History of Hypertension (칼슘의 보충섭취가 식이 나트륨 섭취수준에 따른 혈압 변동에 미치는 영향)

  • 이정원;이은양;이보경
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.661-670
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    • 1999
  • Effects of Ca supplementation on blood pressure(BP) response to dietary Na level were studied in 15 normotensive healthy college women with family history of hypertension. All subjects, randomly divided into 3 groups, ate low Na diet(1816mg/day) prepared in the laboratory during the first 2 weeks and normal Na diet(4064mg/day) of their own home for the next 8 weeks. The one group received daily 1g Ca supplement at both low and normal Na diet periods, the second group took daily 1g Ca supplement only at normal a diet period, and the last group took placebo during both periods. Average Ca and energy intakes at the basal of and during the trial ranged 450-600mg and 1735-1878kcal, respectively. Systolic/diastolic BP was decreased by 9.2-9.8/4.4-4.5 mmHg during low Na diet period and was increased again during next normal Na diet period. However simultaneous Ca supplementation during both low and normal Na diet period suppressed the elevation of systolic/diastolic BP occurred at normal Na diet period. Ca supplementation only at normal Na diet peroid did not affect the BP elevation. The increase of serum Ca and Ca/Mg ratio and the decrease of serum Na and Na/K ratio might be related to the BP lowering effects of Ca supplementation. In conclusion, Ca supplement could attenuate BP elevation induced by increasing Na intake. The BP lowering effect of Ca supplementation was not appeared at low Na intake. Further studies were needed to make it certain. Low Na intake was also confirmed as an effective diet control for lowering blood pressure.

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Effects of Central GABA and Glutamate on Blood Pressure and Single Unit Spikes in the RVLM of Rats

  • Park, Jae-Sik;Lee, Zee-Ihn;Jang, Jae-Hee;Ahn, Dong-Kuk
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.149-154
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    • 2002
  • The blood pressure (BP) is regulated by the nervous system and humoral factors, such as renin- angiotensin system, vasopressin and others. In the present study, we examined the central effects of glutamate and GABA on the cardiovascular regulation by injection of these substances into the lateral ventricle and also investigated the relationship between these central effects and the action of angiotensin II (Ang). Male Sprague Dawley rats, $350{\sim}400$ g, were anesthetized with urethane and instrumented with an arterial catheter for direct measurement of BP and heart rate (HR), and an guide cannula in the lateral ventricle for drug injection. A glass microelectode was inserted into the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) for recording single unit spikes. Barosensitive neurons were identified by changes of single unit spikes in RVLM following intravenous injection of nitroprusside and phenylephrine. The effects of GABA and glutamate injected into the lateral ventricle were studied in single neuronal activity of the RVLM in addition to changes in BP and heart rate, and compared the results before and after treatment with intravenous losartan, nonpeptide Ang II-type 1 receptor antagonist (1 mg/100 g BW). Intracerebroventricular administration of GABA decreased systolic blood pressure (SBP) and HR, but increased the firing rates in the RVLM. However, intracerebroventricular glutamate injection produced effects opposite to GABA. After pretreatment of intravenous losartan, the central effects of GABA on BP and firing rate in the RVLM were significantly attenuated and that of glutamate showed a tendency of attenuation. These results suggested that central GABA and glutamate regulated BP and firing rates in RVLM were inversely related to BP change. The central effects of GABA or glutamate on the autonomic nervous function were modulated by humoral factor, Ang II, by maintaining BP.