• 제목/요약/키워드: black-crowned night herons

검색결과 6건 처리시간 0.024초

Vertical nest stratification and breeding success in a six mixed-species heronry in Taeseong, Chungbuk, Korea

  • Park, Shi-Ryong;Kim, Kwan-Yong;Chung, Hoon;Choi, Yu-Seong;Sung, Ha-Cheol
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 2011
  • In 2001, we conducted a study to assess the effects of differential arrival times and nest-site selection on reproductive performance in a mixed-species heronry consisting of six species in Taeseong-ri, Chungbuk, Korea. We recorded the arrival dates, nest heights, clutch sizes, and brood sizes after 15-20 days of the age of the birds' chicks. The grey herons and cattle egrets arrived first and last, respectively, on the colony site. In the homogenous vegetation structure of the breeding site, the pitch pine trees (Pinus rigida) were mainly used for building nests on 48 of the 50 pine trees (96%). The breeding species vertically stratifies the nest sites according to their body size, except for the cattle egrets and black-crowned night herons that nested at sites higher than those predicted from their body size. The mean nest success rates of the six species under study were positively correlated with the mean nest heights. Our findings suggest that aggressive interspecific interactions among neighbors influence nest-site selection to enhance breeding success.

해오라기 (Nycticorax nycticorax) 암.수의 번식기 일주행동 비교 (Comparison with Diurnal Activity of Male and Female of the Black-crowned Night Herons Nycticorax nycticorax on Breeding Season)

  • 김정수;이두표;구태회
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.1-4
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    • 2003
  • 해오라기의 번식기 일주행동 중 activity budget은 수컷의 경우, 서기 29.5%, 깃털다듬기 21.5%, 편한행동 10.9%의 순이었고, 암컷은 휴식 26.3%, 둥지유지·보수 18.4%, 깃털다듬기 15.3%로서 암컷과 수컷사이에 고도의 유의차가 나타났다(p<0.01). Activity-time budget은 수컷의 경우 서기 38.7%, 이동 33.5%, 깃털다듬기 11.5%로 나타났고 암컷은 휴식 55.4%, 서기 18.4%, 깃털다듬기 9.4%로서 암컷과 수컷사이에는 고도의 유의차가 있었다(p<0.01). 번식시기에 있어서 암·수의 activity budget을 살펴보면, 수컷은 번식기동안 서기와 깃털다듬기가 전체행동의 약 50%를 차지하였다. 그러나 암컷은 짝짓기시기부터 부화기까지 휴식과 둥지유지·보수가 50%이상을 차지하였지만 육추기 I부터는 휴식과 둥지유지·보수가 급감하고 서기가 증가하였다. Activity-time budget에서 수컷은 포란기 Ⅱ 까지는 서기가 증가하였지만 부화기부터는 서기가 감소하고 이동이 증가하였다. 암컷은 산란기부터 부화기까지 휴식이 80% 이상을 차지하였으나, 이후에는 이들이 감소하고, 서기가 급격히 증가하였다.

Foraging Habitat Preferences of Herons and Egrets

  • Choi, Yu-Seong;Kwon, In-Ki;Yoo, Jeong-Chil
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.237-244
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    • 2007
  • We investigated the foraging habitat preferences of herons and egrets in an agricultural area in Asan city, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea. In the study area, rice fields were the most abundant habitat type (86.8%) and total suitable feeding habitat was greater in the northern area (59.0%) than the southern area (22.5%) of the colony. Most feeding herons and egrets were located in the northern area of the colony. The number of feeding individuals in a given area was related to the available feeding area (Pearson correlation, r=0.773, p<0.001 for field habitats; r=0.901, p<0.001 for freshwater habitats). Feeding habitat preferences differed among species. Grey herons (Ardea cinerea), great egrets (Egretta alba), and black-crowned night herons (Nycticorax nycticorax) used reservoirs and ditches. However, intermediate egrets (E. intermedia) and cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis) were dependent on rice fields. The little egret (E. garzetta) was a habitat generalist using all types of habitats. The two largest species, grey herons and great egrets, fed at deeper site than little egrets and foraged in deeper sites in reservoirs than in ditches (${\chi}^2-test,\;{\chi}^2{_3}=26.6$ and p<0.001 for grey herons, ${\chi}^2{_3}=17.5$ and p<0.001 for great egrets). All species displayed seasonal changes in feeding habitat use and these changes were related with changes in availability of feeding habitats.

Breeding Site Preferences and the Effects of Breeding Black-crowned Night Herons (Nycticorax nycticorax) on Soil Characteristics at Bamsum Island in Seoul

  • Nam, Jong-Min;Jeon, Sung-Je;Kim, Jae-Geun
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.341-346
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    • 2007
  • Nest density was determined and tree and soil characteristics around Nycticorax nycticorax breeding sites and non-breeding sites on Bamsum Island in Seoul were analyzed from May 2005 to October 2006 to identify breeding site preferences of N. nycticorax and the effects of N. nycticorax nesting density on nesting tree structure and soil characteristics. N. nycticorax preferred trees of low height ($3.5{\sim}6$ m) and small diameter at breast height in high density Salix communities. Excrement of heron juveniles was dropped on the soil under the nests. The soil nutrient content under nests (P: 126.0 mg/kg, N: 202.8 mg/kg, EC: 549 ${\mu}S/cm$, pH 4.7) was much higher than that of control soils from Bamsum Island not enriched by heron excrement (P: 41.5 mg/kg, N: 42.0 mg/kg, EC: 342 ${\mu}S/cm$, pH 5.1). Formation of Salix communities on the shores of Bamsum Island is ongoing, and their structure has been directly influenced by annual flooding. After flooding, the nutrient content differences between heron-affected soils and control soils were not significant. This might be the reason that Salix communities on Bamsum were not affected by nesting herons as in other terrestrial communities where herons nest. This result indicates that flooding plays an important role in sustaining Salix communities on Bamsum Island where herons nest. The results of this study may increase understanding of N. nycticorax breeding behavior which may be useful for conservation planning.

Morphological Characterization of Apharyngostrigea ibis Azim, 1935 (Trematoda: Diplostomoidea) from Ardea cinerea jouyi and Nycticorax nycticorax in Korea

  • Kim, Hyeon-Cheol;Hong, Eui-Ju;Ryu, Si-Yun;Choi, Kyoung-Seong;Yu, Do-Hyeon;Cho, Jeong-Gon;Park, Jinho;Chae, Joon-Seok;Park, Bae-Keun
    • 한국임상수의학회지
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    • 제36권6호
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    • pp.330-335
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    • 2019
  • Apharyngostrigea ibis (Trematoda: Strigeidae) were obtained from the small intestine of two black-crowned night herons (Nycticorax nycticorax) and three grey herons (Ardea cinerea jouyi) between July 2006 and September 2018 in Daejeon metropolitan city and Kangwon province, Republic of Korea. The body is covered with a relatively thick cuticle, devoid of spines, and bipartite. The body measures at 2.3-3.33 × 0.86-1.20 mm, and the fore-body is ventrally concave. The oral sucker leads into a short esophagus that is devoid of a muscular pharynx. The worm was studied with a scanning electron microscope for the first time resulting in the detection of a pair of lappets located at the bilateral portion of the oral sucker. This is the first record of A. ibis in the Republic of Korea.

제주도에서 번식하는 흑로 Egretta sacra의 산란수, 알크기, 번식주기 (Clutch, Egg Size and Breeding Cycle of The Pacific Reef Heron(Egretta sacra) on Jeju Island, Korea)

  • 오홍식;김원택;김완병
    • 한국환경생태학회지
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2007
  • 2004년 2월부터 2005년 6월까지 제주특별자치도 애월읍 신엄리에서 흑로의 번식과정을 조사하였다. 한배 산란수는 $3.24{\pm}0.75$개(N=17, 범위 $2{\sim}4$개)였으며, 알은 새벽이나 밤에 $1{\sim}3$일 간격으로 산란하였다. 알(N=39)의 크기는 장경 $46.73{\pm}l.91mm$, 단경 $34.06{\pm}0.83mm$, 무게 $27.67{\pm}3.12g$, 두께 $0.26{\pm}0.03mm$였다. 흑로의 둥지 보수나 짓기는 매년 2월부터 시작해서 늦게는 4월말까지, 산란기는3월초부터 늦게는 5월 초순까지였고, 부화기는4월 초순에서 5월 중순까지, 이소기는 5월 중순부터 7월말까지였다. 보충 산란은 1차 번식과정 중 포란과 육추에 실패한 $5{\sim}6$월에 바로 시도하는 것으로 추정된다. 포란 기간은 $28.17{\pm}4.12$일(N=6)이었으며, 알은 비동시성으로 부화되었다. 육추 기간은 $40.00{\pm}6.84$일(N=5)이었으며, 새끼의 부리, 날개, 부척, 체중의 성장속도는 부화가 빠른 개체일수록 빠른 경향을 보였다. 우리나라에서 번식하는 백로과 조류의 산란시기를 비교해보면, 흑로는 왜가리보다는 느렸으나, 해오라기, 쇠백로, 중대백로는 보다는 빨랐다.