• 제목/요약/키워드: black persimmon tree

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염색집성목을 이용한 목가구 개발에 관한 연구 2 (A Study on the Development of Wooden Furniture used with Dyed-Glued laminated Wood)

  • 김동귀
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2012
  • Recently, shows the possibility of providing such dyed-gathered woods after forming single boar This studyds with using cheap timbers generated by the thinning. It is helpful for master artisans are suffering from finding qualified materials. Traditionally, the master artisan has been used the beautiful grained wood from around roots of old zelkova trees and black persimmon trees. Instead, this study shows that dyed-gathered woods replace the natural grained wood and also produces a furniture made of an aggregate and a plate from walnut trees and ash trees which are a contrast to dyed-gathered woods. Dyed-gathered woods can reproduce the various colors to satisfy people's tastes, and the dignified grains that we can see in the old woods. Besides, dyed-gathered woods can replace rare materials and provide higher reliability of supplies.

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First Report of Leptosphaerulina saccharicola Isolated from Persimmon (Diospyros kaki) Tree Bark in Korea

  • Fulbert, Okouma Nguia;Ayim, Benjamin Yaw;Das, Kallol;Lim, Yang-Sook;Lee, Seung-Yeol;Jung, Hee-Young
    • 한국균학회지
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    • 제47권1호
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2019
  • A fungal strain, designated PTT-2, was isolated from the bark of the trunk of a persimmon (Diospyros kaki) tree in Cheongdo, Korea. The isolate showed morphological similarities with Leptosphaerulina saccharicola. Strain PTT-2 had more rapid growth on potato dextrose agar medium than on oatmeal agar, malt extract agar, and synthetic nutrient poor agar media, with colony sizes of 53.8 mm, 49.8 mm, 48.4 mm, and 28.1 mm after 7 days at $25^{\circ}C$ temperature, respectively. Strain PTT-2 produced ascospores, which had irregular wavy edges, oblong to ellipsoidal shape, hyaline appearance and $23.6{\times}10{\mu}m$ size. The black ascomata were developed on PDA medium, and asci were recorded. A BLAST search of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, TEF1-${\alpha}$ and RPB2 gene sequences revealed that strain PTT-2 showed more than 99% nucleotide similarity with a strain of Leptosphaerulina saccharicola previously reported from Thailand. A neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree was constructed by concatenating the above-mentioned sequences, and showed that strain PTT-2 clustered in the same clade with L. saccharicola. Based on these findings, this is the first record of Leptosphaerulina saccharicola occurring in Korea.

지표면 관리방법이 감 해충 발생과 생물다양성에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Biodiversity and Pests Insects Occurrence on Surface Management Methods in Persimmon Orchards)

  • 최덕수;김도익;고숙주;강범용;박종대;최경주;김상수
    • 한국유기농업학회지
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.669-684
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    • 2013
  • 본 실험은 감과수원의 지표면 관리방법(녹비작물 재배, 초생재배, 청경재배)이 감 해충 발생량과 생물다양성에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 감 과수원의 녹비작물을 가해하는 해충은 알팔파바구미, 긴꼬리볼록진딧물, 아카시아진딧물 등 7종이며 가장 피해가 심한 해충은 알팔파바구미였으나 감나무에 피해를 주는 해충은 없었다. 과수원 지표면 피복식물에 서식하는 해충과 천적은 재배방법 즉 유기재배와 초생재배에 따라 발생량의 차이는 없었다. 차잎말이나방은 연 3회 발생최성기를 나타내는데 감나무에 피해는 경미하였으며 재배방법별 총 발생량은 유기재배 1,261마리, 관행초생재배 1,003마리, 청경재배 621마리로 청경재배 포장에 비해 지표면에 식물체가 존재하는 포장에서 발생량이 많았다. 복숭아순나방은 연 4회 발생하였는데 역시 감나무에 피해는 극히 적었다. 재배방법별 토양내 서식 미소동물 종과 개체수는 유기재배 22종 838개체, 초생재배 17종 421개체, 청경재배 15종 381개체였으며 종 풍부도는 유기재배 3.12, 초생재배 2.65, 청경재배 2.36으로 유기 > 초생 > 청경 순으로 개체수와 풍부도가 높았다.