• Title/Summary/Keyword: basic psychological needs

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Studios on the Physical and Psychological Analysis in Street Spaces for Improving the Streetscape of Olympic Daero (올림픽대로의 경관향상을 위한 가로공간 구성요소의 물리량과 심리량 분석에 관한 연구)

  • 김광래;진희성
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.23-41
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    • 1988
  • Environmental design pattern of the nine Small Urban Spaces at C.B.D. in City of Seoul are surveyed and analyzed for user's satisfaction and behavior under the environmental design evaluation by using Chrisopher Alexander's Pattern Language. Small Urban Spaces as a part of streetscape are formed by physical factors as well as visual environment and interacting user's behavior. Therefore, user's satisfacuion and behavior at the nine Urban Small Spaces were investigated under the further search for some possibilities of a pplication of those Pattern Languages. A pattern language has a structure of a network. It is used in sequence, going through the patterns, moving always from large patterns to smaller, always from the ones which create comes simply from the obsernation that most of the wonderful places of the city were not made by architects but by the people. It defines the limited number of arrangements of spaces that make sense in any given culture. And it actually gives us the power to generate these coherent arrangement of space. As a results, 'Plazl', 'Seats' and 'Accessibility' related design patterns are highly evaluated by Pattern Frequency, Pattern Interaction and their Composition ranks, thus reconfirm Whyte's Praise of urban Small Spaces in our inner city design environments. According to the multiple regression analysis of user's evaluation, the environmental functins related to the satisfaction were 'Plaza', 'Accessibility' and 'Paving'. According to the free response, user's prefer such visually pleasing environmental design object as 'Waterscape' and 'Setting'. In addition to, the basic needs in Urban Small Spaces are amenity facilities as bench, drinking water and shade for rest.

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Current Status of Korean Fashion Design Sensibility Evaluation Methods and Their Application Overseas (국내 패션디자인 감성평가 연구방법의 현황과 해외 적용 방안에 대한 연구)

  • An, Hyosun;Lee, Inseong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.660-668
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    • 2016
  • In the $21^{st}$ century of digital information society, design is changing from an analog era that focuses on logical and rational knowledge to a new paradigm of an era focused on sensible communications that can react fast. Design becomes to fulfill sensible needs; moreover, full efforts are being made in the academic research of sensibility evaluation for the conceptualization, quantization, and visualization of design sensibilities based on the measurement and evaluation of sensibility. This study provides insight into a sensibility evaluation method to understand the global user's sensibility in the fashion design field. As for research methods, first, measurement methods of physical, psychological, and physiological reactions to design sensibility were examined through written research on sensibility evaluation in both domestic and overseas research. Next, studies on sensibility during the past 15 years from 2000 to 2014 in the field of domestic fashion design were analyzed to grasp research trends in sensibility evaluation methods; subsequently, suitable sensibility evaluation methods for current fashion design were discussed. As a result of the study, it was shown that most sensibility evaluation studies in the field of domestic fashion design are based on surveys using sensibility terms. However, it requires the process of translating among different terms in different lingual cultures and within the limits of a uniformed evaluation. In this regard, recent cases of overseas design studies have been applying new methods to measure physiological reactions such as eye tracking methods combined with IT. The analysis of multilateral sensibility evaluation methods in this study have significant meaning for use as basic data to establish a planning for an evaluation scale to measure the sensibility of global consumers towards modern fashion design more quantitatively.

The Relationship between Players' Characteristics and Trolling Behavior: Focused on (플레이어의 개인 성향과 게임 내의 트롤링 행위의 관계 : <리그 오브 레전드>를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jun Myong;Na, Jung Hwan;Doh, Young Yim
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2016
  • This study explores how players' characteristic factors affect on trolling behaviors. The data was collected through online survey from online communities of League of Legends(N=914, male=770, female=144, average of age=22.19, SD of age=4.78). Questionnaire includes age, level/tier, self-esteem, basic psychological needs, aggression, and trolling behaviors. Result shows that player characteristic factors which influence on players trolling behavior are 'age', 'physical aggression', 'verbal aggression'. Discussion suggests that the understanding of player's characteristics which influence on trolling behaviors has to precede the improvement of system structure in order to eradicate trolling behaviors.

Effectiveness of Drinking Reduction Program Focused on Self-Determination Enhancement for College Students with Problematic Drinking (문제음주 대학생을 위한 자기결정성증진 절주프로그램 개발 및 효과)

  • Ma, Jin-Kyoung;Yoo, Moon-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.265-279
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study examined the impact of a drinking reduction program on drinking motivation, drinking refusal self-efficacy, and problematic drinking behaviors in college students with problematic drinking habits. Methods: This study incorporated a non-equivalent control group prepost-test design. Study participants included 58 college students who scored 12 or more in the AUDIT-K test (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-Korean version) (experimental group: 30; control group: 28). The intervention consisted of eight sessions and was conducted once a week. It was designed to promote autonomy, competence, and relatedness-the three elements of basic psychological needs in self-determination theory. The participants were assessed before the intervention, immediately after, and four weeks post intervention. Data were collected from October 12 to December 31, 2017. The analysis employed the chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, independent t-test, and repeated measures ANOVA using SPSS/WIN 22.0. Results: The mean age of participants was 21.8 years. There were 30 men (51.7%) and 28 women (48.3%). The differences in drinking motivation, drinking refusal self-efficacy, and problematic drinking behaviors were statistically significant for the group by time interaction (F = 42.56, p < .001; F = 54.96, p < .001; F = 39.90, p < .001, respectively). Conclusion: The findings indicate that the intervention effectively decreases drinking motivation, increases drinking refusal self-efficacy, and decreases problematic drinking behaviors. It can be an efficient strategy for college students with problematic drinking habits to enhance their self-determination ability.

Derivation of Necessary Items for Implementation of Gardens in Urban Agricultural Parks

  • Hong, In-Kyoung;Jung, Young-Bin;Yun, Hyung Kwon;Lee, Sang-Mi
    • Journal of People, Plants, and Environment
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.329-339
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    • 2021
  • Background and objective: This study was conducted to obtain empirical data for deriving necessary items for the creation and management of gardens in urban agricultural parks while maintaining the publicness of the place by examining the difference in perception among park visitors about the gardens in the public parks. Methods: A survey was conducted on users of urban agricultural parks in 6 locations and 113 copies of the questionnaire were collected. After understanding the demographic characteristics and the current use of the garden, we identified the importance of the necessary items for the public gardens. Results: 108 subjects(95.6%) responded that gardens are needed in urban parks, for psychological and emotional health (26.2%) and for interaction and friendship with family and neighbors(23.2%). For use of garden crops, most were private sales(96 subjects, 64.4%), and both sales preferred to partially donate their crops. Most used communal gardens operated by public institutions(30.1%). It was found that 96.4% of the respondents were satisfied with gardening activities, and 107(94.7%) of them showed their intention to participate in the gardening in the future. The Kaiser Meyer Olkin value was .848 and the significance level was .001, proving the validity of factor analysis. The factors were named composition elements(Factor 1), management items(Factor 2), convenience elements(Factor 3), and operational facilities(Factor 4). In the survey on the creation and management of gardens in urban agricultural parks, there were no statistically significant differences, but all items had correlations. Conclusion: The results have reflected the needs of actual users in establishing the plans to operate urban gardens, thereby having great utility value as the basic data for continuous garden management. Further research can be conducted to derive detailed elements that can guarantee sustainability of urban gardens and suggest high-quality data for management of gardens in urban agricultural parks.

Practices for Readiness of Future Specialists for Professional Self-Determination in the Information Society

  • Olena Kochubei;Mykola Dubinka;Inna Knysh;Ihor Poliakov;Olga Tsokur;Vasyl Tiahur;Oleksandr Kuchai
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.12
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 2023
  • Professional self-determination of the individual is a complex and lengthy process of finding and realizing yourself in the profession. The main goal of professional self-determination is clarified. The basic concepts of readiness for professional self-determination of future specialists in the modern information society are revealed. The following approaches to the consideration of the concept of readiness are defined: functional-psychological, personal, activity-based. Based on the components of readiness identified by the researchers, it can be assumed that the structure of professional self-determination of the future specialist contains motivational, cognitive and activity components. Self-determination is defined as a multidimensional process that can be considered from different points of view: as a series of tasks, that society sets for the emerging individual, and which the individual must solve in a certain period. As a process of step-by-step decision-making, with the help of which the individual forms a balance between his desires and inclinations, on the one hand, and the needs of society, on the other; as a process of forming an individual lifestyle, part of which is professional activity. A number of tasks of professional self-determination of a future specialist in the information society are formulated. Diagnostic practices for determining the degree of readiness of future specialists for future professional success are characterized. Practices are developed as a basis for creating an individually oriented correctional and development program to promote the formation of future specialists' focus on future professional success. Their task is to ensure control over the dynamics of this process, assess the effectiveness of this career guidance work. Practices are aimed at identifying the degree of thorough knowledge of the conditions for achieving professional success in the chosen field of activity among future specialists.

A Study for the Development of Standardized Management Manuel in Sanhujoriwon - Centered on the Management of Women & Newborn - (산후조리원의 표준화 관리 지침을 위한 연구 - 산모와 신생아 관리현황을 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Eun-Sil;Yoo, Eun-Kwang
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.301-313
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the frame for standardized manual for Sanhujoriwon by finding out the status of the management of women & newborn in Sanhujoriwon, like postpartum care center. The subjects were 95 staffs of 22 Sanhujoriwon agreed on oral consent, in Seoul and Bundang, Korea. Data were collected from Sep. 15 to Oct. 24, 2001. The instrument used for this study was a structured questionnaire consisted of 16 items of general characteristics & educational characteristics about postpartum care, 31 items of degree of management of women's postpartum care (Cronbach's $\alpha$.93 ), 24 items of degree of management of newborn's care(Cronbach's $\alpha$.94 ), 10 items of methods of management of women's postpartum care, 8 items of methods management of newborn's care. The data were analyzed by the SPSS/PC+ program using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results of the study were as follows ; 1. The mean of the degree of management for postpartum women was 4.1. The mean score for the degree of management of general postpartum care for women was 4.00 & traditional postpartum care(Sanhujori) was 4.20. The degree of management of traditional postpartum care was higher than general postpartum care for women. 2. The degree of management for newborn : The mean score for the degree of management of newborn was 4.37. 3.There was a strong positive correlation between general postpartum care and traditional postpartum care($r=.744^{**}$), and postpartum mother care and newborn care($r=.798^{**}$). 4.The basic frame for the management of the women and newborn in Sanhujoriwon. 1) For women: Integrated postpartal care Physical management : Vital sign & BP check, contraction of uterus, form and amount of lochia, management of personal hygiene, management of breast & breast-feeding, management of postpartum exercise, prevention of infection, symptom & sign of high risk and prevention & management of high risk condition; Emotional-psychological management: assessment and management of mother-baby attachment, emotional state; Educational management : education of vaccination schedule, urinary incontinence, rearing infant, breast-feeding ; and Environmental management : temperature, humidity, disinfection, cleaning, light, infection control integrated with 6 principles of Sanhujori. 2) For newborn Physical management : check of vital sign, management of umbilical cord, jaundice, prevention of infection, management of diaper rash; Emotional-psychological management : assessment of sleep, crying, activity, response of mother-baby attachment; and Environmental management : temperature, humidity, disinfection, cleaning, light, infection control integrated with 6 principles of Sanhujori. In conclusion Sanhujoriwon must be health care center for the postpartum women and newborn. Therefore, the establishment of various laws and regulations in such a way to meet the realistic needs of Sanhujoriwon as a health care center for women and infants future health should be done. The standardized management manual based on the results is absolutely required above all.

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The Need for Rehabilitation Day Care Program Service of Stroke Survivors (재가 뇌졸중환자의 주간재활간호 프로그램 서비스 요구조사)

  • Jeong, Seong-Hee;Suh, Moon-Ja
    • The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.29-44
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    • 1999
  • This study was carried out to obtain basic data required to plan and develop Rehabilitation Day Care Program for the stroke Survivors at home in Korea. The subjects comprised of 118 stroke survivors who discharged from 4 hospitals in Seoul during the past 2 years. The data were collected from August 3, 1998 to September 18, 1998, through interviews with questionnaires about general characteristics, activities of dally living, depression and service need of rehabilitation day care program at the outpatient clinics by trained nursing graduates. Data were analyzed with descriptive analysis, Pearson's correlation analysis, and Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS/WIN program. The results obtained are as follows ; 1. The mean score of the general need of rehabilitation day care program of stroke survivors was 2.78(range 1-4). The highest need among the service categories of the rehabilitation day care program was self-care and restorative activities category, and health services referral category, recreation category, psychosocial activities category in order. The needs of each category are as follows ; 1) In the health services referral category, the need for speech therapy was highest, followed by the need for physical therapy and occupational therapy. 2) In the psychosocial activities category, the need for self-help group was highest. 3) In the self-care and restorative activities category, the need for bathing was highest, followed by bowel training, and ambulation training. 4) The need for the recreation category was 2.62. 2. Among the need for the effect related to the utilization of day care program, the need for survivors' physical and psychological well-being was highest and was followed by the need for caregiver's physical and psychological wellbeing. Pearson's correlation analysis revealed following results ; 1. The need for rehabilitation day care program service displayed a correlation with the level of education, ADL, and the level of depression, and a reverse correlation with age. 2. The need for the effect related to the utilization of rehabilitation day program displayed a correlation with the level of education, ADL, and the level of depression. The stepwise multiple linear regression analysis revealed following results : 1. For the need for rehabilitation day care program service, 28.4% of the variance was initially explained by one variable, level of depression. The level of depression plus two variables, survivors' age and ADL, explained 34.2% of the variance in the need for rehabilitation day care program service. 2. For the need for the effect related to the utilization of rehabilitation day care program, 12.4% of the variance was initially explained by one variable, level of depression. The level of depression plus one variable, level of education, explained 20.4% of the variance in the need for the effect related to the utilization of rehabilitation day care program. In conclusion, above characteristics should be considered when we are planning to develop stroke survivors' rehabilitation day care program.

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Comparison of Oral Health Related Living Quality of the Elder with Physical Debilities & Ones Capable of Living at Homes (Using GOHAI Grouping) (거동불편노인과 자가 활동 가능노인의 구강건강관련 삶의 질 관련 비교 - GOHAI 군집화를 활용하여 -)

  • Park, Nam-Gyu;Ko, Young-Gyu
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.273-281
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This study conducted a survey on the elderly of 65 years and over with physical debilities and ones capable of living at home residing in Jeju Special Self-Government Province to compare and analyze demo-sociological characteristics and factors influencing on oral health related living quality. And also this study intended to provide basic data for developing effective public medical policies and health promotion programs to increase oral health related living quality of the elder. Methods: The elderly of 65 years and over living in Jeju Special Self-Government Province were interviewed individually from 7 February 2011 to 18 April and interview results of a total of 220 subjects were analysed for this study. Results: Current status of the elderly including ones with & without physical debilities influenced functional limitation and behavioral aspects of GOHAI criteria used in this study. The elderly with physical debilities experienced less limitation in food chewing and swallowing, and pronunciation than ones capable of living at home. On the analogy of the previous study(by Park, N. G., 2010) in which oral health related quality and satisfaction of life of the elderly with physical debilities were different due to their physical, circumstantial and psychological limitations, the former's oral health conditions are worse than the ones capable of living at home and because of medical care accessability limitation they suffer from deteriorated oral condition. By the comparison of factors influencing on the living quality relating to the oral health of the elderly with physical debilities and ones capable of living at home, 2 factors, age and living area, were meaningful factors commonly influencing on the oral health related living qualities of both. The elderly of 75 years and over were more affected by psychological and behavioral aspects of oral health related living quality than the ones of 65-74 years, and the ones living in country suffered from functional limitations, pains and discomfort more than ones in city. Additionally, being different from the elderly capable of living at home, the ones with physical debilities were influenced by the factors of average monthly income and medical security type. Conclusion: Improvement of programs and systems to increase oral health related quality of life needs to be carried out preferentially for the elderly of 75 years and over, and dwelling in country. Also this study suggests that the policy of paying the denture insurance allowance in 2012 need effective planning considering the elderly's current status, age, living area, medical security type.

Neuroscientific Challenges to deontological theory: Implications to Moral Education (의무론에 대한 신경과학의 도전: 도덕교육에의 시사)

  • Park, Jang-Ho
    • Journal of Ethics
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    • no.82
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    • pp.73-125
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    • 2011
  • This article aims to search for moral educational implication of J. D. Greene's recent neuro-scientific approaches to deontological ethics. Recently new technique in neuroscience such as fMRI is applied to moral and social psychological concepts or terms, and 'affective primacy' and 'automaticity' principles are highlighted as basic concepts of the new paradigm. When these principles are introduced to ethical theories, it makes rooms of new and different interpretations of them. J. D. Greene et al. claim that deontological moral judgments or theories are just a kind of post hoc rationalization for intuitions or emotions by ways of neuroscientific findings and evolutionary interpretation. For example, Kant's categorical imperative in which a maxim should be universalizable to be as a principle, might be a product of moral intuition. Firstly this article tries to search for intellectual backgrounds of the social intuitionalism where Greens' thought originates. Secondly, this article tries to collect and summarize his arguments about moral dilemma responses, personal-impersonal dilemma catergorizing hypothesis, fMRI data interpretations by ways of evolutionary theory, cultural and social psychological theories, application to deontological and consequential theories, and his suggestion that deontological ethics shoud be rejected as a normative ethical thought and consequentialism be a promising theory etc. Thirdly, this tries to analyse and critically exam those aspects and argumentation, especially from viewpoints of the ethicists whose various strategies seek to defeat Greene's claims. Fourthly, this article criticizes that his arguments make a few critical mistakes in methodology and data interpretation. Last, this article seeks to find its implications for moral education in korea, in which in spite of incomplete argumentation of his neuroscientific approach to morality, neuroethics needs to be introduced as a new approach and educational content, and critical materials as well.