• Title/Summary/Keyword: backfill

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Performance Analysis of a Deep Vertical Closed-Loop Heat Exchanger through Thermal Response Test and Thermal Resistance Analysis (열응답 실험 및 열저항 해석을 통한 장심도 수직밀폐형 지중열교환기의 성능 분석)

  • Shim, Byoung Ohan;Park, Chan-Hee;Cho, Heuy-Nam;Lee, Byeong-Dae;Nam, Yujin
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.459-467
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    • 2016
  • Due to the limited areal space for installation, borehole heat exchangers (BHEs) at depths deeper than 300 m are considered for geothermal heating and cooling in the urban area. The deep vertical closed-loop BHEs are unconventional due to the depth and the range of the typical installation depth is between 100 and 200 m in Korea. The BHE in the study consists of 50A (outer diameter 50 mm, SDR 11) PE U-tube pipe in a 150 mm diameter borehole with the depth of 300 m. In order to compensate the buoyancy caused by the low density of PE pipe ($0.94{\sim}0.96g/cm^3$) in the borehole filled with ground water, 10 weight band sets (4.6 kg/set) were attached to the bottom of U-tube. A thermal response test (TRT) and fundamental basic surveys on the thermophysical characteristics of the ground were conducted. Ground temperature measures around $15^{\circ}C$ from the surface to 100 m, and the geothermal gradient represents $1.9^{\circ}C/100m$ below 100 m. The TRT was conducted for 48 hours with 17.5 kW heat injection, 28.65 l/min at a circulation fluid flow rate indicates an average temperature difference $8.9^{\circ}C$ between inlet and outlet circulation fluid. The estimated thermophysical parameters are 3.0 W/mk of ground thermal conductivity and 0.104 mk/W of borehole thermal resistance. In the stepwise evaluation of TRT, the ground thermal conductivity was calculated at the standard deviation of 0.16 after the initial 13 hours. The sensitivity analysis on the borehole thermal resistance was also conducted with respect to the PE pipe diameter and the thermal conductivity of backfill material. The borehole thermal resistivity slightly decreased with the increase of the two parameters.

Setup of Infiltration Galleries and Preliminary Test for Estimating Its Effectiveness in Sangdae-ri Water Curtain Cultivation Area of Cheongju, Korea (청주 상대리 수막재배지의 지중 침투형 갤러리 설치와 예비 주입시험)

  • Moon, Sang-Ho;Kim, Yongcheol;Kim, Sung-Yun;Ki, Min-Gyu
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.445-458
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    • 2016
  • Most of water curtain cultivation (WCC) area in Korea has been inveterately suffering from the gradual draw-down of groundwater level and related shortage of water resources at the late stage of WCC peak time. To solve this problem, artificial recharge techniques has been recently applied to some WCC area. This study introduces infiltration gallery, which is one of the artificial recharge methods, and tentatively examined the effectiveness of three galleries installed at Sangdae-ri WCC area of Cheongju City. Seven galleries are set up at each empty space between eight vinyl houses in this area and its dimension is designed as 50 cm in each width and height and 300 cm in each length. Installation process was including bed excavation, backfill with gravels and silica sands, and completion of gallery by equipment of piezometer and covering with non-woven cloth. For each B, C, D gallery, 3 types of test including preliminary, four step and one long-term injection were performed. The first preliminary test showed the rough relations between injection rates and water level rise as follows; 20 cm and 30 cm level rise for $33.29{\sim}33.84m^3/d$ and $45.60{\sim}46.99m^3/d$ in B gallery; 0 cm, 16 cm and 33 cm level rise for $21.1m^3/d$, $33.98m^3/d$ and $41.69m^3/d$ in C gallery; 29 cm and 42 cm level rise for $48.10m^3/d$ and $52.23m^3/d$ in D gallery. Afterwards, more quantitative results estimating effectiveness of artificial recharge were reasoned out through stepped and long-term injection tests, which is expected to be employed for estimating water quantity re-injected into the aquifer through these galleries by natural injection over the period of WCC peak time.

Behaviors of the High-profile Arch Soil-steel Structure During Construction (높은 아치형 지중강판 구조물의 시공 중 거동 분석)

  • 이종구;조성민;김경석;김명모
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 2003
  • The metallic shell of soil-steel structures are so weak in bending moment that it should sustain the applied load by the interaction of the backfill soil around the structures. The shell can be subjected to excessive bending moment during side backfilling or under live-load when the soil cover is less than the minimum value. The current design code specifies the allowable deformation and Duncan(1979) and McGrath et al.(2001) suggested the strength analysis methods to limit the moments by the plastic capacity of the shell. However, the allowable deformation is an empirically determined value and the strength analysis methods are based on the results of FE analysis, hence the experimental verification is necessary. In this study, the full-scale tests were conducted on the high-profile arch to investigate its behaviors during backfilling and under static live-loads. Based on the measurements, the allowable deformation of the tested structure could be estimated to be 1.45% of rise, which is smaller than the specified allowable deformation. The comparison between the measurements and the results of two strength analyses indicate that Duncan underestimates the earth-load moment and overestimates the live-load moment, while McGrath et al. predicts both values close to the actual values. However, as the predicted factors of safeties using two methods coincide with the actual factor of safety, it can be concluded that both methods can predict the structural stability under live-loads adequately when the cover is less than the minimum.

Dynamic Characteristics of Liquidity Filling Materials Mixed with Reclaimed Ash (매립석탄회를 혼합한 유동성 충진재의 동적거동특성)

  • Chae, Deokho;Kim, Kyoungo;Shin, Hyunyoung;Cho, Wanjei
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 2014
  • Recently, there have been various lifeline installations constructed in the underground space of urban area due to the effective use of land. For newly installed lifelines or the management of the installed lifelines, many construction activities of excavation and backfilling are observed. Around these area, there are possibilities of collapse or excessive settlement due to the leaking of the pipe or unsatisfactory compaction of backfill material. Besides, construction costs can be saved since the on-site soils are used. The application of this liquidity filling material is not only to the lifeline installation but also to underpin the foundation under the vibrating machinery. On the evaluation of the applicability of this method to this circumstance, the strength should be investigated against the static load from the machine load as well as the vibration load from the activation of the machine. In this study, the applicability of the liquidity fill material on the foundation under the vibrating machinery is assessed via uniaxial compression and resonant column tests. The liquidity filling material consisting of the on-site soils with loess and kaolinite are tested to investigate the static and dynamic characteristics. Furthermore, the applicability of the reclaimed ash categorized as an industrial waste is evaluated for the recycle of the waste to the construction materials. The experimental results show that the shear modulus and 7 day uniaxial strength of the liquidity filling material mixed with reclaimed ash show higher than those with the on-site soils. However, the damping ratio does not show any tendency on the mixed materials.

Comparison of apical sealing ability of continuous wave of obturation technique using EndoTwinn and System B (EndoTwinn과 System B continuous wave of obturation units를 이용한 근단부 근관충전 효율비교)

  • Shin, Hyun-Ju;Park, Jeong-Kil;Hur, Bock;Kim, Hyeon-Cheol
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.522-529
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the apical leakage of the root canal filled with the System B and the EndoTwinn(the combined application of heat and ultrasonic vibration). Sixty extracted premolars with straight root were cleaned and shaped to size 35. Group SB was obturated using System B and Group ET was filled with EndoTwinn. A size 35 of 0.06 tapered gutta-percha and Adseal were used and the plugger which could be introduced to 4 mm short of working length was selected in the obturation procedure. As the positive control, Group PC was not filled. In Group SB, ET and PC, all external surfaces of each tooth were coated with nail varnish leaving only 1 mm area around the apical foramen. In the negative control of Group NSB and Group NET, all of external tooth surface including apical foramen was coated with the nail varnish. The specimens were immersed in methylene blue dye solution for 2 days. Then the specimens were sectioned at each 1 mm from apex to 5 mm level. The final score of one specimen was given by summing up of the points at all levels. The dye leakage of Group ET was significantly less than that observed in Group SB (p < 0.05). And the frequency of gutta-percha pulling out from root canal when the plugger was removed was more often with the System B than with EndoTwinn but there was no significant difference.

Structural Behavior of the Buried flexible Conduits in Coastal Roads Under the Live Load (활하중이 작용하는 해안도로 하부 연성지중구조물의 거동 분석)

  • Cho, Sung-Min;Chang, Yong-Chai
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.323-328
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    • 2002
  • Soil-steel structures have been used for the underpass, or drainage systems in the road embankment. This type of structures sustain external load using the correlations with the steel wall and engineered backfill materials. Buried flexible conduits made of corrugated steel plates for the coastal road was tested under vehicle loading to investigate the effects of live load. Testing conduits was a circular structure with a diameter of 6.25m. Live-load tests were conducted on two sections, one of which an attempt was made to reinforce the soil cover with the two layers of geo-gird. Hoop fiber strains of corrugated plate, normal earth pressures exerted outside the structure, and deformations of structure were instrumented during the tests. This paper describes the measured static and dynamic load responses of structure. Wall thrust by vehicle loads increased mainly at the crown and shoulder part of the conduit. However additional bending moment by vehicle loads was neglectable. The effectiveness of geogrid-reinforced soil cover on reducing hoop thrust is also discussed based on the measurements in two sections of the structure. The maximum thrusts at the section with geogrid-reinforced soil cover was 85-92% of those with un-reinforced soil cover in the static load tests of the circular structure; this confirms the beneficial effect of soil cover reinforcement on reducing the hoop thrust. However, it was revealed that the two layers of geogrid had no effect on reducing the overburden pressure at the crown level of structure. The obtained values of DLA decrease approximately in proportion to the increase in soil cover from 0.9m to 1.5m. These values are about 1.2-1.4 times higher than those specified in CHBDC.

Computation of Passive Earth Pressure Coefficient considering Logarithmic Spiral Arc (대수나선 파괴면을 고려한 수동토압계수의 계산)

  • Lee, Seung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.425-433
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    • 2019
  • In this study, a simple method of calculating the passive earth pressure coefficient, which is based on the limit equilibrium method, was proposed and the calculated earth pressure coefficients were compared with those of several researchers. The angle of the linear failure surface, which is combined with the logarithmic spiral arc, to the failure surfaces of the passive zone was derived and the whole passive thrust acting on the Rankine passive zone was considered in the proposed method instead of considering the horizontal component of passive thrust. The variations of the passive earth pressure coefficients of the proposed method showed the same tendency as that of the Coulomb's passive earth pressure coefficients with an inclined angle of backfill and internal friction angle. The magnitude of passive earth pressure coefficients of the proposed method were smaller than those of the Coulomb in almost all cases. A comparison of the passive earth pressure coefficients with the wall friction angle revealed the passive earth pressure coefficients of the proposed method to be smaller than those of the Coulomb and the differences between the two values increased with increasing internal friction angle and wall friction angle. A comparison of the passive earth pressure coefficients of the proposed method with those of the existing researchers for the considered internal friction angles of $25^{\circ}$, $30^{\circ}$, $35^{\circ}$, and $40^{\circ}$ and three wall friction angles revealed the maximum percentage differences for the Kerisel and Absi method, Soubra method, Lancellotta method, $Ant\tilde{a}o$ et al. method, Kame method, and Reddy et al. method to be 4.8%, 3.8%, 31.1%, 4.0%, 20.6%, and 12.8% respectively. The passive earth pressure coefficient and existing pressures were similar in all cases.

A Numerical Analysis to Estimate Disposal Spacing and Rock Mass Condition for High Efficiency Repository Based on Temperature Criteria of Bentonite Buffer (벤토나이트 완충재 설계 기준 온도에 따른 고효율 처분시스템 처분 간격 및 암반 조건 산정을 위한 수치해석적 연구)

  • Kim, Kwang-Il;Lee, Changsoo;Kim, Jin-Seop;Cho, Dongkeun
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.289-308
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    • 2021
  • This study conducts coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical numerical modeling to investigate the maximum temperature and conditions for securing mechanical stability of the high-level radioactive waste repository when temperature criteria of bentonite buffer are 100℃ and 125℃, respectively. In case of temperature criterion of buffer as 100℃, the maximum temperatures at the interface between canister and buffer are calculated to be 99.4℃ and 99.8℃, respectively for a case with disposal tunnel spacing of 40 m and deposition hole spacing of 5.5 m and for the other case with disposal tunnel spacing of 30 m and deposition hole spacing of 6.5 m. In case of temperature criterion of buffer as 125℃, spacings of disposal tunnel and deposition hole could be decreased to 30 m and 4.5 m, respectively, which reduces the disposal area up to 55% compared to the disposal area of KRS+. According to analysis of mechanical stability for various disposal spacings, RMR of rock mass for KRS+ should be larger than 72.4 which belongs to good rock in RMR classification to prevent failure of rock mass. As disposal spacing is decreased, required RMR of rock mass is increased. In order to prevent failure of rock mass for a case with disposal tunnel spacing of 30 m and deposition hole spacing of 4.5 m, RMR larger than 87.3 is needed. However, mechanical stability of the repository is secured for all cases with RMR over 75 considering the enhancement of rock strength due to confining stress induced by swelling of the bentonite buffer and backfill.

Feasibility Assessment on the Application of X-ray Computed Tomography on the Characterization of Bentonite under Hydration (벤토나이트 수화반응 특성화를 위한 X선 단층촬영 기술 적용성 평가)

  • Melvin B., Diaz;Gyung Won, Lee;Seohyeon, Yun;Kwang Yeom, Kim;Chang-soo, Lee;Minseop, Kim;Jin-Seop, Kim
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.491-501
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    • 2022
  • Bentonite has been proposed as a buffer and backfill material for high-level radioactive waste repository. Under such repository environment conditions, bentonite is subjected to combined thermal, hydrological, mechanical, and chemical processes. This study evaluates the feasibility of applying X-ray CT technology on the characterization of bentonite under hydration conditions using a newly developed testing cell. The cylindrical cell is made of platic material, with a removable cap to place the sample, enabling to apply vertical pressure on the sample and to measure swelling pressure. The hydration test was carried out with a sample made of Gyeonju bentonite, with a dry density of 1.4 g/cm3, and a water content of 20%. The sample had a diameter of 27.5 mm and a height of 34 mm. During the test, water was injected at a constant pressure of 0.207 MPa, and lasted for 7 days. After one day of hydration, bentonite swelled and filled out the space inside the cell. Moreover, CT histograms showed how the hydration process induced an initial increase and later progressive decrease on the density of the sample. Detailed profiles of the mean CT value, CT standard deviation, and CT gradient provided more details on the hydration process of the sample and showed how the bottom and top regions exhibited a decrease on density while the middle region showed an increase, especially during the first two days of hydration. Later, the differences in CT values with respect to the initial state decreased, and were small at the end of testing. The formation and later reduction of cracks was also characterized through CT scanning.

An Analysis of Wooden Wells from the Three Kingdoms Period in the Yeongsan River Basin (영산강유역 삼국시대 목조우물에 대한 검토)

  • CHOI Misook
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.6-22
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    • 2024
  • This paper examines the characteristics of wooden wells from the Three Kingdoms period that were discovered in the Yeongsan River basin, in addition to their functions based on the distribution of the remains and excavated artifacts found near the wells. A total of 11 wooden wells have been found at six archeological sites along the middle and upper reaches of the Yeongsan River basin. These wooden wells were built in a wider variety of forms than wells made of other materials due to the ease of processing resulting from the physical properties of wood. However, due to the limited geological conditions in which these wells can be installed and their rapid decay, the discovery of such wells is rare. They tend to be located in the clay and mud layers of old river channels or near river channels where it was relatively easy to obtain water from the riverbed. The wooden wells are mostly square or rectangular in shape and were assembled transversely, and some include support beams in their construction. The backfill was reinforced with either stone, a mixture of stone and clay, or a mixture of clay and pottery shards. The material mainly used was pine wood boards, with wood from chestnut trees being used as a sub-material. Various artifacts, such as pottery and wooden containers, animal bones, and seeds, have been excavated in small quantities. The excavated pottery items consist mostly of flat cups with a cover, mounted cups, pottery stands, wide-mouthed jars with a hole, and round pottery. Based on the environment and remains of the sites, the wells are thought to have been used for domestic and production purposes. The assumed primary function was to obtain domestic water, as most of the wells were located within residential spaces where the area's inhabitants lived. The wells were also used to obtain water for agricultural purposes, as well as for productive purposes such as for operating kilns and smelters. Lastly, the wooden wells were also found to be strongly associated with rites, as evidenced by the artifacts found inside them.