• Title/Summary/Keyword: backfill

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A Study on Earth Pressure Properties of Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Used as Back-fill Material (뒷채움재로 이용한 고로 수쇄슬래그의 토압특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Baek, Won-Jin;Lee, Kang-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2006
  • Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GBFS) is produced in the manufacture process of pig-iron and shows a similar particle formation to that of natural sea sand and also shows light weight, high shear strength, well permeability, and especially has a latent hydraulic property by which GBFS is solidified with time. Therefore, when GBFS is used as a backfill material of quay or retaining walls, the increase of shear strength induced by the hardening is presumed to reduce the earth pressure and consequently the construction cost of harbor structures decreases. In this study, using the model sand box (50 cm$\times$50 cm$\times$100 cm), the model wall tests were carried out on GBFS and Toyoura standard sand, in which the resultant earth pressure, a wall friction and the earth pressure distribution at the movable wall surface were measured. In the tests, the relative density was set as Dr=25, 55 and 70% and the wall was rotated at the bottom to the active earth pressure side and followed by the passive side. The maximum horizontal displacement at the top of the wall was set as ${\pm}2mm$. By these model test results, it is clarified that the resultant earth pressure obtained by using GBFS is smaller than that of Toyoura sand, especially in the active-earth pressure.

A Study of the Measurement of Nonwoven Geotextile Deformation with Strain Gauges (스트레인 게이지를 이용한 부직포의 변형거동 계측에 관한 연구)

  • Won, Myoung-Soo;Kim, You-Seong;Kim, Hyeong-Joo;Park, Byung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2007
  • Because of the increasing use of clayey soil as the backfill in reinfurced soil structures and embankments, nonwoven geotextiles of drain capability have been receiving much attention. However, there are few studies on the deformation behavior analysis of nonwoven geotextiles in reinforced soil structures in the site because nonwoven geotextiles which have low tensile stiffness and higher deformability than geogrids and woven geotextiles, are difficult to measure their deformation by using strain gauges. In this study, it was suggested that a new and more convenient method could measure the deformation behaviour of nonwoven geotextile using a strain gauge and examine the availability of the method by conducting laboratory tests and applying to two geosynthetics reinforced soil (GRS) walls in the site. The result of wide-width tensile test conducted under confining pressure of 70 kPa shows that the local deformation of nonwoven geotextile to be measured with strain gauges has a similar pattern to the total deformation measured with LVDT. In the GRS walls, nonwoven geotextile shows a larger deformation range than the woven geotextile and geogrid. However, the deformation patterns of these three reinforcement materials are similar. The function of strain gauges attached to nonwoven geotextile in the walls works normally for 16 months. Therefore, the method proposed in this study for measuring nonwoven geotextile deformation using a strain gauge has proved useful.

Variation of Earth Pressure Acting on the Cut-and-Cover Tunnel Lining due to Geotextile Mat Reinforcement (지오텍스타일 매트의 설치에 의한 개착식 터널 라이닝에 작용하는 토압의 변화)

  • Bautista, F.E.;Park, Lee-Keun;Im, Jong-Chul;Joo, In-Gon
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.25-40
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    • 2007
  • Excessive earth pressure is one of the major mechanical factors in the deformation and damage of Cut-and-Cover Tunnel lining in shallow tunnels and portals of mountain tunnels (Kim, 2000). Excessive earth pressure may be attributed to insufficient compaction and consolidation of backfill material due to self-weight, precipitation and vibration caused by traffic (Komiya et al., 2000; Taylor et al., 1984; Yoo, 1997). Even though there were a lot of tests performed to determine the earth pressure acting on the tunnel lining, unfortunately there were almost no case histories of studies performed to determine remedial measures that reduce differential settlement and excessive earth pressure. In this study the installation of geotextile mat was selected to reduce the differential settlement and excessive earth pressure acting on the cut-and-cover tunnel lining. In order to determine settlement and earth pressure reduction effect (reinforcement effect) of geotextile mat reinforcement, laboratory tunnel model tests were performed. This study was limited to the modeling of rigid circular cut-and-cover tunnel constructed at a depth of $1.0D\sim1.5D$ in loose sandy ground and subjected to a vibration frequency of 100 Hz. Model tests with varying soil cover, mat reinforcement scheme and slope roughness were performed to determine the most effective mat reinforcement scheme. Slope roughness was adjusted by attaching sandpaper #100, #400 and acetate on the cut slope surface. Mat reinforcement effect of each mat reinforcement scheme were presented by the comparison of earth pressure obtained from the unreinforced and mat reinforced model tests. Soil settlement reduction was analyzed and presented using the Picture Analysis Method (Park, 2003).

Seismic analysis and dynamic behavior characterization of rib-reinforced pre-cast tunnels (리브 보강 프리캐스트 터널의 내진 해석 및 동적거동 특성 파악)

  • Song, Ki-Il;Jung, Sung-Hoon;Cho, Gye-Chun
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.287-301
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    • 2009
  • The novel cut-and-cover tunnel construction method using rib-reinforced pre-cast arch segments has been recently developed and applied for practice to secure a structural stability of high covering and wide width section tunnels. Cut-and-cover tunnels are usually damaged by the seismic behavior of backfill grounds in case of a low covering condition. Seismic analyses are performed in this study to characterize the dynamic behavior of rib-reinforced pre-cast arch cut-and-cover tunnels. Seismic analyzes for 2 lane cast-in-place and rib-reinforced pre-cast arch cut-and-cover tunnels are carried out by using the commercial FDM program (FLAC2D) considering various field conditions such as the covering height embankment slope and excavation slope. It can be concluded that the amplification of seismic wave is reduced due to an increase in the structural stiffness induced by rib-reinforcement. The results show that the rib-reinforced pre-cast arch cut-and-cover tunnels are more effective against the seismic loading, compared to the cast-in-place cut-and-cover tunnels.

Derivation of Engineered Barrier System (EBS) Degradation Mechanism and Its Importance in the Early Phase of the Deep Geological Repository for High-Level Radioactive Waste (HLW) through Analysis on the Long-Term Evolution Characteristics in the Finnish Case (핀란드 고준위방폐물 심층처분장 장기진화 특성 분석을 통한 폐쇄 초기단계 공학적방벽 성능저하 메커니즘 및 중요도 도출)

  • Sukhoon Kim;Jeong-Hwan Lee
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.725-736
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    • 2023
  • The compliance of deep geological disposal facilities for high-level radioactive waste with safety objectives requires consideration of uncertainties owing to temporal changes in the disposal system. A comprehensive review and analysis of the characteristics of this evolution should be undertaken to identify the effects on multiple barriers and the biosphere. We analyzed the evolution of the buffer, backfill, plug, and closure regions during the early phase of the post-closure period as part of a long-term performance assessment for an operating license application for a deep geological repository in Finland. Degradation mechanisms generally expected in engineered barriers were considered, and long-term evolution features were examined for use in performance assessments. The importance of evolution features was classified into six categories based on the design of the Finnish case. Results are expected to be useful as a technical basis for performance and safety assessment in developing the Korean deep geological disposal system for high-level radioactive waste. However, for a more detailed review and evaluation of each feature, it is necessary to obtain data for the final disposal site and facility-specific design, and to assess its impact in advance.

Review on Rock-Mechanical Models and Numerical Analyses for the Evaluation on Mechanical Stability of Rockmass as a Natural Barriar (천연방벽 장기 안정성 평가를 위한 암반역학적 모델 고찰 및 수치해석 검토)

  • Myung Kyu Song;Tae Young Ko;Sean S. W., Lee;Kunchai Lee;Byungchan Kim;Jaehoon Jung;Yongjin Shin
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.445-471
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    • 2023
  • Long-term safety over millennia is the top priority consideration in the construction of disposal sites. However, ensuring the mechanical stability of deep geological repositories for spent fuel, a.k.a. radwaste, disposal during construction and operation is also crucial for safe operation of the repository. Imposing restrictions or limitations on tunnel support and lining materials such as shotcrete, concrete, grouting, which might compromise the sealing performance of backfill and buffer materials which are essential elements for the long-term safety of disposal sites, presents a highly challenging task for rock engineers and tunnelling experts. In this study, as part of an extensive exploration to aid in the proper selection of disposal sites, the anticipation of constructing a deep geological repository at a depth of 500 meters in an unknown state has been carried out. Through a review of 2D and 3D numerical analyses, the study aimed to explore the range of properties that ensure stability. Preliminary findings identified the potential range of rock properties that secure the stability of central and disposal tunnels, while the stability of the vertical tunnel network was confirmed through 3D analysis, outlining fundamental rock conditions necessary for the construction of disposal sites.

Quality Enhancement of Recycled Concrete Aggregates for Backfill Materials by CO2 Carbonation: Development of a 5-kg-scale Prototype Reactor (이산화탄소의 탄산화 반응을 이용한 되메움재용 순환골재의 품질 개량: 5kg급 프로토타입 반응조 개발)

  • Kim, Jinwoo;Jeon, Min-Kyung;Kwon, Tae-Hyuk;Kim, Nam-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2024
  • In this study, recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) were treated in a 5-kg-scale prototype reactor with carbon dioxide (CO2) to enhance their material quality and geotechnical performance. The aggregate crushing value (ACV) and California bearing ratio (CBR) were measured on untreated RCAs and CO2-treated RCAs. After CO2 treatment, the ACV decreased from 35.6% to 33.2%, and the CBR increased from 97.5% to 102.4%. The CO2 treatment caused a reduction of fine particle generation and an increase in bearing capacity through carbonation. When CO2 treatment was performed with mechanical agitation, which provided additional enhancement in mechanical quality, the ACV was reduced further to 30.3%, and the CBR increased to 137.7%. If upscaled effectively, the proposed CO2 treatment technique would be an effective method to reduce carbon emissions in construction industries.

Risk assessment for development of consecutive shield TBM technology (연속굴착형 쉴드 TBM 기술 개발을 위한 리스크 평가)

  • Kibeom Kwon;Hangseok Choi;Chaemin Hwang;Sangyeong Park;Byeonghyun Hwang
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.303-314
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    • 2024
  • Recently, the consecutive shield tunnel boring machine (TBM) has gained attention for its potential to enhance TBM penetration rates. However, its development requires a thorough risk assessment due to the unconventional nature of its equipment and hydraulic systems, coupled with the absence of design or construction precedents. This study investigated the causal relationships between four accidents and eight relevant sources associated with the consecutive shield TBM. Subsequently, risk levels were determined based on expert surveys and a risk matrix technique. The findings highlighted significant impacts associated with collapses or surface settlements and the likelihood of causal combinations leading to misalignment. Specifically, this study emphasized the importance of proactive mitigation measures to address collapses or surface settlements caused by inadequate continuous tail void backfill or damaged thrust jacks. Furthermore, it is recommended to develop advanced non-destructive testing technology capable of comprehensive range detection across helical segments, to design a sequential thrust jack propulsion system, and to determine an optimal pedestal angle.

Monitoring Roadbed Stability to Prevent Cascading Hazards in Daejeon City, South Korea, Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data

  • Manik DAS ADHIKARI;Seung-Bin LEE;Seong-Wuk KIM;Hyeon-Jun KIM;Jeremie TUGANISHURI;Sang-Guk YUM;Ji-Myong KIM
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.102-111
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    • 2024
  • Roadbed stability is paramount in urban areas as it directly affects public safety and city operations. South Korea's major metropolis has experienced 1127 cases of ground subsidence since 2014, affecting subways, roads, railways, and construction sites. Notably, about 40% of these incidents coincide with heavy summer rainfall, while 60% resulted from utility damage, improper backfill, and groundwater fluctuations. Subsequently, roadbed instability leads to a range of cascading hazards, including sinkholes and road failures, endangering public safety and the economy. Therefore, continuous monitoring of roadbed stability and implementing proactive measures are essential for a resilient transportation infrastructure. However, terrestrial in-situ observations like GPS provide accurate surface's displacement with high temporal accuracy but limited spatial resolution. To address this issue, we used the InSAR permanent scatterer (PSInSAR) technique to process 35 Sentinel-1 SLC datasets acquired between 2017 and 2022 to monitor and prevent cascading hazards in Daejeon City, South Korea. The results revealed an average subsidence rate of -0.88mm/year with a maximum of -7.73 mm/year. Notably, the southern part of the city exhibited significant roadbed instability, with an average and maximum cumulative subsidence of -5.13 mm and -44.95 mm, respectively. The deformation data was then integrated with road geometry to develop a vulnerability map of the city, highlighting the pronounced roadbed deformation in the southern region. Time-series subsidence variations correlated with groundwater fluctuations data from 2017 to 2022, showing a decline in groundwater levels from 4.63m to 9.9m in the southern region. Furthermore, a comparison between subsidence rates and effective shear wave velocity (Vs30) revealed that most subsidence events were associated with Vs30 values below 420 m/sec, indicating a clear lithological influence on the spatial distribution of roadbed instability. Thus, the integrated geotechnical and hydrogeological data with PSInSAR monitoring can better understand the processes responsible for roadbed instability in areas with small-scale variations.

A Study on Value Properties and Repair Status of Stone Structures in Royal Palace and Tomb Heritages of the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 궁능 석축의 가치속성 및 수리실태 연구)

  • Jo, Heok-Jun;Kim, Min-Seon;Kim, Choong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to evaluate the repair status of stone structures, which are landscape heritage, focusing on cultural heritage repair norms. The study reviewed 296 repair reports published by the Cultural Heritage Administration and selected 8 cases of stone structure repairs. The repair status of these stone structures was evaluated based on three value attributes in the repair norms applied to cultural heritage both domestically and internationally: form and design, materials and quality, and tradition and technology. The results are as follows. First, in terms of form and design, changes were mainly focused on the foundation and backfill stones, which are non-visible structures, rather than the visible face stones. Second, in terms of materials and quality, there were numerous cases of inadequate verification and historical investigation. Despite significant differences in the strength and color of stones depending on their origin, which greatly impact the value attributes of the stone structures, the process of verifying the origin of replacement materials was omitted. Third, crucial elements such as tools, instruments, and techniques, which are vital for maintaining the value attributes of tradition and technology, were not recorded. Adherence to cultural heritage repair norms in the repair of stone structures was low. To enhance the repair quality of stone heritage, it is essential to strengthen compliance standards for maintaining the value attributes of non-visible structures, improve the historical investigation and verification of material origins, and establish detailed recording methods for the repair techniques and procedures used.