• Title/Summary/Keyword: astronomical observatory

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Accretion Flow and Raman-scattered O VI and C II Features in the Symbiotic Nova RR Telescopii

  • Heo, Jeong-Eun;Lee, Hee-Won;Angeloni, Rodolfo;Palma, Tali;Di Mille, Francesco
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.39.2-39.2
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    • 2018
  • RR Tel is an interacting binary system in which a hot white dwarf (WD) accretes matter from a Mira variable via gravitational capture of the stellar wind. We present a high-resolution optical spectrum of RR Tel obtained with MIKE at Magellan-Clay telescope, Chile. We find broad emission features at 6825, 7082, 7023, and $7053{\AA}$, which are formed through Raman scattering of far-UV O VI ${\lambda}{\lambda}$ 1032 and $1038{\AA}$, C II ${\lambda}{\lambda}$ 1036 and $1037{\AA}$ with atomic hydrogen. Raman O VI 6825 and 7082 features are characterized by double-peaked profiles indicative of an accretion flow with a characteristic speed ~ 30km/s, whereas the Raman C II features exhibit a single Gaussian profile with FWHM ${\sim}10{\AA}$. Monte Carlo simulations for Raman O VI and C II are performed by assuming that the emission nebula around the WD consists of the inner O VI disk with a representative scale of 1 AU and the outer part with C II sphere. The best fit for Raman profiles is obtained with an asymmetric matter distribution of the O VI disk, the mass loss rate of the cool companion ${\dot{M}}{\sim}2{\times}10^{-6}M_{{\odot}/yr}$ and the wind terminal velocity v~10 km/s. We also find O VI doublet at 3811 and $3834{\AA}$, which are blended with other emission lines. Our profile decomposition shows that the O VI ${\lambda}{\lambda}$ 3811, 3834 doublet have a single Gaussian profile with a width ~ 25 km/s. A comparison of the restored fluxes of C II ${\lambda}{\lambda}$ 1036 and 1037 from Raman C II features with the observed C II ${\lambda}1335$ leads to an estimate of a lower bound of N(CII) > $9.87{\times}10^{13}cm^{-2}$ toward RR Tel, which appears consistent with the presumed distance D ~ 2.6 kpc.

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Solar farside magnetograms from deep learning analysis of STEREO/EUVI data

  • Kim, Taeyoung;Park, Eunsu;Lee, Harim;Moon, Yong-Jae;Bae, Sung-Ho;Lim, Daye;Jang, Soojeong;Kim, Lokwon;Cho, Il-Hyun;Choi, Myungjin;Cho, Kyung-Suk
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.51.3-51.3
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    • 2019
  • Solar magnetograms are important for studying solar activity and predicting space weather disturbances1. Farside magnetograms can be constructed from local helioseismology without any farside data2-4, but their quality is lower than that of typical frontside magnetograms. Here we generate farside solar magnetograms from STEREO/Extreme UltraViolet Imager (EUVI) $304-{\AA}$ images using a deep learning model based on conditional generative adversarial networks (cGANs). We train the model using pairs of Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) $304-{\AA}$ images and SDO/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) magnetograms taken from 2011 to 2017 except for September and October each year. We evaluate the model by comparing pairs of SDO/HMI magnetograms and cGAN-generated magnetograms in September and October. Our method successfully generates frontside solar magnetograms from SDO/AIA $304-{\AA}$ images and these are similar to those of the SDO/HMI, with Hale-patterned active regions being well replicated. Thus we can monitor the temporal evolution of magnetic fields from the farside to the frontside of the Sun using SDO/HMI and farside magnetograms generated by our model when farside extreme-ultraviolet data are available. This study presents an application of image-to-image translation based on cGANs to scientific data.

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Application of a non-equilibrium ionization model to rapidly heated solar plasmas

  • Lee, Jin-Yi;Raymond, John C.;Reeves, Katharine K.;Shen, Chengcai;Moon, Yong-Jae;Kim, Yeon-Han
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.53.1-53.1
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    • 2019
  • We apply a non-equilibrium ionization (NEI) model to a supra-arcade plasma sheet, shocked plasma, and current sheet. The model assumes that the plasma is initially in ionization equilibrium at low temperature, and it is heated rapidly by a shock or magnetic reconnection. The model presents the temperature and characteristic timescale responses of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board Solar Dynamic Observatory and X-ray Telescope (XRT) on board Hinode. We compare the model ratios of the responses between different passbands with the observed ratios of a supra-arcade plasma sheet on 2012 January 27. We find that most of observations are able to be described by using a combination of temperatures in equilibrium and the plasma closer to the arcade may be close to equilibrium ionization. We also utilize the set of responses to estimate the temperature and density for shocked plasma associated with a coronal mass ejection on 2010 June 13. The temperature, density, and the line of sight depth ranges we obtain are in reasonable agreement with previous works. However, a detailed model of the spherical shock is needed to fit the observations. We also compare the model ratios with the observations of a current sheet feature on 2017 September 10. The long extended current sheet above the solar limb makes it easy to analyze the sheet without background corona. We find that the sheet feature is far from equilibrium ionization while the background plasma is close to equilibrium. We discuss our results with the previous studies assuming equilibrium ionization.

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The Standard Processing of a Time Series of Imaging Spectral Data Taken by the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph on the Goode Solar Telescope

  • Chae, Jongchul;Kang, Juhyeong;Cho, Kyuhyoun
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.46.1-46.1
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    • 2018
  • The Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) on the Goode Solar Telescope (GST) at Big Bear Solar Observatory is the imaging Echelle spectrograph developed by the Solar Astronomy Group of Seoul National University and the Solar and Space Weather Group of Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute. The instrument takes spectral data from a region on the Sun in two spectral bands simultaneously. The imaging is done by the organization of intensity data obtained from the fast raster scan of the slit over the field of view. Since the scan repeats many times, the whole set of data can be used to construct the movies of monochromatic intensity at arbitrary wavelengths within the spectral bands, and those of line-of-sight velocity inferred from different spectral lines. So far there are two standard observing configurations: one recording the $H{\alpha}$ line and the Ca II 8542 line simultaneously, and the other recording the Na I D2 line and Fe I 5435 line simultaneously. We have developed the procedures to produce the standard data for each observing configuration. The procedures include the spatial alignment, the correction of spectral shift of instrumental origin, and the lambdameter measurement of the line wavelength. The standard data include the movie of continuum intensity, the movies of intensity and velocity inferred from a chromospheric spectral line, the movies of intensity and velocity inferred from a photospheric line. The processed standard data will be freely available online (fiss.snu.ac.kr) to be used for research and public outreach. Moreover, the IDL procedures will be provided on request as well so that each researcher can adapt the programs for their own research.

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  • Kim, Yun Hak;Chung, Sun-Ju;Udalski, A.;Bond, Ian A.;Jung, Youn Kil;Gould, Andrew;Albrow, Michael D.;Han, Cheongho;Hwang, Kyu-Ha;Ryu, Yoon-Hyun;Shin, In-Gu;Shvartzvald, Yossi;Yee, Jennifer C.;Zang, Weicheng;Cha, Sang-Mok;Kim, Dong-Jin;Kim, Hyoun-Woo;Kim, Seung-Lee;Lee, Chung-Uk;Lee, Dong-Joo
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.53 no.6
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    • pp.161-168
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    • 2020
  • We report the discovery of a giant exoplanet in the microlensing event OGLE-2017-BLG-1049, with a planet-host star mass ratio of q = 9.53 ± 0.39 × 10-3 and a caustic crossing feature in Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet) observations. The caustic crossing feature yields an angular Einstein radius of θE = 0.52 ± 0.11 mas. However, the microlens parallax is not measured because the time scale of the event, tE ≃ 29 days, is too short. Thus, we perform a Bayesian analysis to estimate physical quantities of the lens system. We find that the lens system has a star with mass Mh = 0.55+0.36-0.29 M⊙ hosting a giant planet with Mp = 5.53+3.62-2.87 MJup, at a distance of DL = 5.67+1.11-1.52 kpc. The projected star-planet separation is a⊥ = 3.92+1.10-1.32 au. This means that the planet is located beyond the snow line of the host. The relative lens-source proper motion is μrel ~ 7 mas yr-1, thus the lens and source will be separated from each other within 10 years. After this, it will be possible to measure the flux of the host star with 30 meter class telescopes and to determine its mass.

Establishment of Remote Meteor Spectroscopic Observation System and Observation Case Study (원격 유성 분광 관측 시스템 구축과 관측 사례 연구)

  • Choi, Dong-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2022
  • We provide a detailed description of the installation and operation of a remote spectroscopic meteor observation system at Unjangsan optical astronomy observatory. Three light-sensitive charge-coupled device cameras were installed, and two cameras had a diffraction grating attached to the front of the lens. Station employ sensitive "Watec-902H2" cameras in combination with f/1.2 lenses were installed in November 2019. Diffraction gratings for spectral observations were used at 500 l/mm. Observations were conducted from November 2019 to June 2020. We employed the SonotaCo UFO software suite for meteor detection. Subsequently, meteor spectra were analyzed using field-tested RSpec software. To analyze the observation images, astronomical calibration and photometric calibration were performed, and the chemical elements of the meteor were determined. The study results are presented along with the system setup installation and operation experience. Brief information regarding the origin of the meteor was also provided based on the results.


  • Kim, Changmin;Lee, Young Sun;Beers, Timothy C.;Masseron, Thomas
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.23-36
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    • 2022
  • We present a method to determine nitrogen abundance ratios with respect to iron ([N/Fe]) from molecular CN-band features observed in low-resolution (R ~ 2000) stellar spectra obtained by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST). Various tests are carried out to check the systematic and random errors of our technique, and the impact of signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios of stellar spectra on the determined [N/Fe]. We find that the uncertainty of our derived [N/Fe] is less than 0.3 dex for S/N ratios larger than 10 in the ranges Teff = [4000, 6000] K, log g = [0.0, 3.5], [Fe/H] = [-3.0, 0.0], [C/Fe] = [-1.0, +4.5], and [N/Fe] = [-1.0, +4.5], the parameter space that we are interested in to identify N-enhanced stars in the Galactic halo. A star-by-star comparison with a sample of stars with [N/Fe] estimates available from the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) also suggests a similar level of uncertainty in our measured [N/Fe], after removing its systematic error. Based on these results, we conclude that our method is able to reproduce [N/Fe] from low-resolution spectroscopic data, with an uncertainty sufficiently small to discover N-rich stars that presumably originated from disrupted Galactic globular clusters.


  • Lee, Chung-Uk;Kim, Yunjong;Kim, Seung-Lee;Lee, Dong-Joo;Cha, Sang-Mok;Lee, Yongseok;Kim, Dong-Jin
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.113-119
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    • 2021
  • It is difficult for observers to conduct an optical alignment at an observatory without the assistance of an optical engineer if optomechanical parts are to be replaced at night. We present a practical tilt correction method to obtain the optimal optical alignment condition using the symmetricity of optical aberrations of a wide-field on-axis telescope at night. We conducted coarse tilt correction by visually examining the symmetry of two representative star shapes obtained at two guide chips facing each other, such as east-west or north-south pairs. After coarse correction, we observed four sets of small stamp images using four guide cameras located at each cardinal position by changing the focus positions in 10-㎛ increments and passing through the optimum focus position in the range of ±200 ㎛. The standard deviation of each image, as a function of the focus position, was fitted with a second-order polynomial function to derive the optimal focus position at each cardinal edge. We derived the tilt angles from the slopes converted by the distance and the focus position difference between two paired guide chip combinations such as east-west and north-south. We used this method to collimate the on-axis wide-field telescope KMTNet in Chile after replacing two old focus actuators. The total optical alignment time was less than 30 min. Our method is practical and straightforward for maintaining the optical performance of wide-field telescopes such as KMTNet.

IMSNG: Automatic Data Reduction Pipeline gppy for heterogeneous telescopes

  • Paek, Gregory S.H.;Im, Myungshin;Chang, Seo-won;Choi, Changsu;Lim, Gu;Kim, Sophia;Jung, Mankeun;Hwang, Sungyong;Kim, Joonho;Sung, Hyun-il
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.53.4-54
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    • 2021
  • Although the era of very large telescopes has come, small telescopes still have advantages for fast follow-up and long-term monitoring observation. Intensive monitoring survey of nearby galaxies (IMSNG) aims to understand the nature of the supernovae (SNe) by catching the early light curve from them with the network of small telescopes from 0.4-m to 1.0-m all around the world. To achieve the scientific goals with heterogeneous facilities, three factors are important. First, automatic processes as soon as data is uploaded will increase efficiency and shorten the time. Second, searching for transients is necessary to deal with newly emerged transients for fast follow-up observation. Finally, the Integrated process for different telescopes gives a homogeneous output, which will eventually make connections with the database easy. Here, we introduce the integrated pipeline, 'gppy' based on Python, for more than 10 facilities having various configurations and its performance. Processes consist of image pre-process, photometry, image align, image combine, photometry, and transient search. In the connected database, homogeneous output is summarized and analyzed additionally to filter transient candidates with light curves. This talk will suggest the future work to improve the performance and usability on the other projects, gravitational wave electromagnetic wave counterpart in Korea Observatory (GECKO), and small telescope network of Korea (SOMANGNET).

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BITSE Preliminary Results

  • Bong, Su-Chan;Yang, Heesu;Lee, Jae-Ok;Kim, Yeon-Han;Cho, Kyung-Suk;Choi, Seonghwan;Baek, Ji-Hye;Park, Jongyeob;Kim, Jihun;Park, Young-Deuk;Kim, Rok-Soon;Lim, Eun-Kyung;Yashiro, Seiji;Makela, Pertti A.;Reginald, Nelson L.;Thakur, Neeharika;Gopalswamy, Natchimuthuk;Newmark, Jeffrey S.;Gong, Qian
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.60.1-60.1
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    • 2021
  • The Balloon-borne Investigation of Temperature and Speed of Electrons in the corona (BITSE) is a technology demonstration mission launched in 2019 to observe the solar corona from ~3 Rs to 15 Rs at four wavelengths (393.5, 405.0, 398.7, and 423.4 nm). Preliminary analysis shows that BITSE imaged the solar minimum corona with the equatorial streamers on the east and west limbs. The narrow streamers observed by BITSE are in good agreement with the geometric properties obtained by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) coronagraphs in the overlapping physical domain. In spite of the small signal-to-noise ratio we were able to obtain the temperature and flow speed of the western steamer. In the heliocentric distance range 4 - 7 Rs on the western streamer, we obtained a temperature of ~ 1.0 ± 0.3 MK and a flow speed of ~ 260 km s-1 with a large uncertainty interval.

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