• Title/Summary/Keyword: asp

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Chemical composition changes in fermented Doenjang depend on Doenjang koji and its mixture (된장 koji 및 그 혼합에 따른 된장 숙성 과정중의 화학성분 변화)

  • Joo, Hyun-Kyu;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Oh, Kyun-Teak
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.351-360
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    • 1992
  • In order to improve the qualities of Doenjang were investigated on the enzyme activity in the koji and changes in chemical composition, flavors and sensory envaluation of Doenjang which were prepared with Rh. delemar koji, Asp. oryzae koji and traditional Meju with mixed koji and soybean as the ratio of optimum mixture. Asp. oryzae koji was indicated highest activities ${\alpha}$ and ${\beta}-amylase$ as 312 mg/ml, 235 mg/ml while Rh. delemar the lowest activities as 16 mg/ml, 38 mg/ml in aging for 40 days amino type ntrogen was the highest in the Asp. oryzae and Rh. delmear mixture koji(D group), Asp. oryzae(A group), and Asp. oryzae koji and Rh. delemar koji(C group) as 460 mg%, 440 mg% and 426 mg% in aging for 40 days. The main flavor components of Doenjang were detected as fellows phenol-2-kmethoxy, 4H-pyran-4-one-3-hydroxy-2-methyl, benzenthanol, 1-octan-3-ol, tetra-methyl pryrazine, 1,3,6 cyclooctatrien. Asp. oryzae(A) and Asp. oryzae koji with Rh. delemar koji mixture(C), group were the most excellent in taste, flavor color for fermented Doenjang at 40 days.

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An Empirical Analysis on the Success Factors of ASP Services (ASP 서비스 성공요인에 관한 실증적 분석)

  • Chung Young-Soo;Jung Chul-Ho
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.25-53
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    • 2005
  • To overcome rapidly changing business environment, companies are focusing on their core business areas. Outsourcing in general has become a standard to sustain competitive advantage. ASP(Application Service Provider) service, another form of IT outsourcing, is business model for providing a contractual service offering to deploy, host, manage and rent access to an application from a centrally managed facility. The main purpose of this study is to investigate on the factors contributing to the success of ASP services by conducting an empirical research to enterprises using ASP service. For this purpose, we developed a research model based on the literature reviews of ASP services, IT outsourcing, and relational exchange. A total of 106 usable survey responses has been used in the analysis. The unit of analysis was relationship and respondents were person in charge of ASP service of each corporation. The findings indicates that (1) service tangibles, customization, partnership, IS maturity and monitoring of the vendor had an positive influence upon non-economic benefits, (2) service tangibles, IS maturity and monitoring of the vendor had an positive influence upon economic benefits, and (3) service tangibles, reliability, partnership and monitoring of the vendor had positive influence upon satisfaction about outcomes of relationships.

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The Moderating Effects of Organizational Characteristics on the Relationship between Relational Characteristics and Performance in ASP Services (조직특성과 관계교환특성이 ASP 서비스 성과에 미치는 상호작용효과 분석)

  • Chung, Young-Soo;Jung, Chul-Ho
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.13-39
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    • 2006
  • The primary purpose of this study is to examine the interaction effects of organizational characteristics as contextual variables on the relationship between relational exchange characteristics and ASP service performance. The effect of relational exchange characteristics on ASP service performance has been also investigated. For this purposes, we developed a research model based on the literature reviews of ASP services, relational exchange theory, and contingency theory. A total of 106 usable survey responses from companies using ASP services has been analyzed in the study. The findings indicate that (1) flexibility and partnership had a positive influence upon noneconomic profit, (2) information sharing had a positive influence upon economic profit, (3) organizational size and IS maturity had a partial moderating effect on the relationship between relational exchange characteristics and ASP service performance, and (4) the subgroup analysis, conducted to determine the exact nature of interaction effect, reveals that the relationship between relational exchange characteristics and noneconomic profit is significantly stronger with a high level of organizational size than with a low level, and that the relationship between relational exchange characteristics and economic profit is significantly stronger with a low level of IS maturity than with a high level.

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e-Business 환경에 있어서 ASP(Application Service Provider)의 서비스 품질(Service Quality) 요인에 관한 연구

  • 최재영;박지훈
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.387-390
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    • 2001
  • e-Business는 최근 IT산업에서 가장 빈번히 등장하는 화두이다. 인터넷이 빠른 속도로 보급되고 시간과 공간의 한계를 극복할 수 있는 가능성을 제공함에 따라 기존의 오프라인 시스템들의 인터넷과 연동이 추구되고 있다. 인터넷과의 연동은 단순한 정보의 공유뿐만 아니라 지식, S/W, E/W 등의 거의 모든 IT자원들에 대한 공유를 촉발시키고 있다〔1〕. 1990년대 정보기술 아웃소싱은 괄목할 만한 성장을 가져왔다. 최근 새로운 종류의 아웃소싱 비즈니스 모델인 ASP(Application Service Providers)의 등장으로 정보기술 시장의 주요 이슈로 주목받고 있다. 하지만 아직 초기단계이기 때문에 수요층의 인식부족, 효과에 대한 확신 부족 등과 같은 여러 걸림돌이 있지만 e-Business의 핵심영역으로 발전할 것으로 전망된다. ASP는 e-Business관련 소프트웨어 및 어플리케이션을 배송하는 하나의 방식이다. 즉, ASP는 e-Business를 가능하게 하는 Enabler라고 볼 수 있다〔3〕. 본 연구는 ASP(Application Service Provider, 이하 ASP)의 서비스 품질의 차원을 분류하여 고객에게 보다 중요한 품질 요인을 찾기 위한 측정의 개념적 틀을 제시하고자 한다.

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HBV Polymerase Residues $Asp^{429}$ and $Asp^{551}$, Invariant at Motifs A and C are Essential to DNA Binding

  • Kim, Youn-Hee;Hong, Young-Bin;Jung, Gu-Hung
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.498-502
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    • 1998
  • HBV polymerase shares several regions of amino acid homology with other DNA-directed and RNA-directed polymerases. The amino acid residues $Asp^{429}$, $Gly^{518}$, $Asp^{551}$, $Lys^{585}$, and $Gly^{641}$ in the conserved motifs A, B', C, D, and E in the polymerase domain of HBV polymerase were mutated to alanine or histidine by in vitro site-directed mutagenesis. Those mutants were overexpressed, purified, and analyzed against DNA-dependent DNA polymerase activity and affinity for DNA binding. All those mutants did not show DNA-dependent DNA polymerase activities indicating that those five amino acid residues are all critical in DNA polymerase activity. South-Western analysis shows that amino acid residues $ASp^{429}$ and $ASp^{551}$ are essential to DNA binding, and $Gly^{318}$ and $Gly^{585}$ also affect DNA binding to a certain extent.

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Development of ASP-Business Support Platform based on SOA (SOA 기반 ASP비즈니스 지원플랫폼 개발)

  • Han, Eun-Young;Jeon, Un-Bae
    • 한국IT서비스학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.203-209
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    • 2007
  • 그동안 많은 솔루션 벤더들이 다양한 이기종 시스템들의 느슨한 연결 및 유연한 서비스 중개, 용이한 확장성까지 두루 갖춘 통합된 비즈니스 지원플랫폼 모델을 제시해 왔다. 최근 표준 웹서비스 기술과 SOA(Service Oriented Architecture) 개념이 확산되면서, 이를 ASP비즈니스의 서비스 어플리케이션 통합 및 비즈니스 프로세스 통합에 적용하는 사례도 증가하고 있다. KT는 현재 상용서비스 중인 ASP비즈니스 'bizmeka' 의 현황을 분석하고, 시장을 예측하여 다양한 경우의 비즈니스 프로세스들을 모듈화 및 웹서비스화한 후, 이를 메시지 라우팅 및 워크플로우 기능을 통해 실행하는 구조의 SOA 기반 ASP비즈니스 지원플랫폼을 개발하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 ASP비즈니스 지원플랫폼 구축의 기반 기술로서 SOA 및 관련 기술에 대해 살펴보고, KT가 개발 중인 플랫폼의 개념과 모델, 설계 및 구현 내용 등을 소개한다.

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Design of Open Framework Extended Module for ASP Software Development (ASP 소프트웨어 개발을 위한 오픈 프레임워크 확장 모듈 설계)

  • Kwon, Young-Oh;Lee, Se-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2008
  • 이 논문에서는 오픈 프레임워크를 사용하여 ASP를 개발하는데 적합하도록 향상된 ASP 개발 전용 프레임워크를 제안한다. 시스템은 MVC 개발 방법론과 쿼리 및 ASP정보를 XML로서 관리하도록 만들어진 프레임워크로서 고객의 요구 사항에 빠르게 대응하는 유연성과 개발자로서는 이미 만들어진 템플릿 소스를 상속받아 구현되어지는 기본 모델과 개발방법만 신경 쓰도록 하여 개발속도의 향상과 시스템의 무결성을 강화시키는 프레임워크를 제안하였다. 실험결과를 통해 기존에 개발하는 방식들에 비해 향상된 개발 속도와 모델 소스의 양이 기존에 비해 29% 정도만의 라인수를 가졌음을 보여준다.

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A Study of the Success Factors for the Development of IS Outsourcing (정보시스템 아웃소싱의 성공요인에 관한 연구)

  • Nam, Ki-Chan;Jeong, Tae-Seog;Hahm, Yong-Seok
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.149-159
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    • 2002
  • It is estimated that the world market size of the outsourcing of information system will be 780 billions in 2004, and that of ASP, one of outsourcing markets, will be 24 billions in 2005. The domestic outsourcing market also has 6 times grown in 2001 compared to the size in 2000. However, there have been only a few systematic researches about information system outsourcing and ASP in Korea. Though the importance of ASP has been recognized, no business model has been examined. So, this research was done to survey the outsourcing of information system and the meaning/present status of ASP, and to consider several factors to successfully introduce this service to companies. Especially, this research focused on ASP.


  • Lee, Seul-Ki;Yu, Jung-Ho;Kim, Chang-Duk
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.1453-1462
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    • 2009
  • It is very important for performance of information system that we make an effort to raise user's satisfaction by continuously grasping user's requirement by evaluation of PMIS based on ASP service quality and reflecting this to information system. However, It is lack that developments of suitable evaluation index of PMIS based on ASP service quality. Hereupon, In this study, we propose the evaluation indicators. First, The evaluation area is classified by form the foundation of D & M IS Success Model (2003); system quality, information quality, service quality. Second, The detail evaluation item which include considerations which are gotten through investigation of the construction industry and PMIS based on ASP is grouping by form the foundation SERVQUAL which is a service quality evaluation tool proposed PZB(1988). It is suitable to evaluate PMIS based on ASP service quality in construction industry and able to evaluate various aspects.

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A Case of JTEL's ERP Implementation through ASP (ASP 방식을 통한 제이텔의 ERP도입사례)

  • Hahm, Yong-Seok;Nam, Ki-Chan
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 2002
  • The JTEL's success case of implementing ERP through ASP is studied in this paper. This paper especially presents the detail processes of implementing ERP through ASP and the advantages of that. Critical success factors in this case study are that pre-prepared ERP template and repetitive prototyping methodology was successfully utilized and that end users involved positively and accepted the standard best-practice processes of the ERP template in this project. These factors reduced ERP training periods and also the whole implementation periods, which made the project time quite short and TCO less. Considering these success factors, ASP method provides the advantages of global e-business IT environment, continuous new IT technologies and flexible response to the business changes to the small and medium firms. Finally, the paper suggests the new direction and possibility for small and medium firms focusing on the core competency and utilizing new system infrastructure through ASP method compared with in-house implementation.