• 제목/요약/키워드: anova analysis

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통계학적 방법을 사용한 해양미생물 Bacillus velezensis A-68균주의 섬유소 분해효소 생산 조건 최적화 (Rapid Statistical Optimization of Cultural Conditions for Mass Production of Carboxymethylcellulase by a Newly Isolated Marine Bacterium, Bacillus velezensis A-68 from Rice Hulls)

  • 김보경;김혜진;이진우
    • 생명과학회지
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.757-769
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    • 2013
  • 섬유소 분해효소(carbxymethylcellulase)를 생산하는 미생물을 해수에서 분리하여 16S rDNA 및 gyrase 유전자의 염기서열을 분석하여 동정한 결과, Bcaillus velezensis로 확인되었으며 B. velezensis A-68로 명명하였다. 이 균주가 생산하는 섬유소 분해효소의 생산 조건을 최적화하기 위하여 통계학적 방법인 response surface method (RSM)를 사용하였다. 이 균주의 생육에 최적인 왕겨, 효모 추출물 및 배지의 초기 pH는 60.2 g/l, 7.38 g/l 및 7.18이었으나, 섬유소 분해효소 생산에 최적인 왕겨, 효모 추출물 및 배지의 초기 pH는 50.0 g/l, 5.99 g/l 및 7.30이었다. 통계학적인 분석 결과, 균주의 생육 및 균주의 섬유소 분해효소 생산에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 것은 효모 추출물이었다. 이 균주의 생육과 섬유소 분해 효소의 생산에 최적인 $K_2HPO_4$, NaCl, $MgSO_4{\cdot}7H_2O$$(NH_4)_2SO_4$의 농도는 각각 7.50, 1.00, 0.10, and 0.80 g/l이었다. 이 균주의 생육 및 섬유소 분해효소 생산에 최적인 온도는 각각 $30^{\circ}C$$35^{\circ}C$로 생육에 최적인 조건과 섬유소 분해효소 생산에 최적인 조건이 다름을 알 수 있었다. 이 균주가 생산하는 섬유소 분해효소의 생산성은 83.8 m/l이며, 이는 최적화하기 전의 생산성에 비하여 3.3배 증가한 것이다. 이 연구를 통하여 농업 부산물인 왕겨를 섬유소 분해효소 생산을 위한 기질로 개발하였으며, 해수에서 분리한 미생물을 사용함으로써 섬유소 분해효소의 생산기간을 3일로 단축할 수 있었다.

건강검진 수검자에서 혈청 Vitamin D 수준과 인슐린저항성 및 β-세포 기능과의 관련성 (Association of Serum Vitamin D with Insulin Resistance and Beta Cell Function in Korean Health Checkup Examinees)

  • 김한수;류소연;박종;한미아;최성우;신민호
    • 농촌의학ㆍ지역보건
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    • 제43권1호
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    • pp.18-30
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 농촌 지역에 거주하며 당뇨병이 없는 건강한 성인을 대상으로 혈청 비타민 D와 인슐린 저항성 및 췌장의 베타세포 기능과의 관련성을 확인하기 위하여 시행되었다. 연구대상은 전라남도 해남군에 소재한 종합병원 건강검진실에서 건강검진을 받은 당뇨병이 없는 20세 이상 성인 374명이었고, 분산분석과 공분산분석을 이용하여 혈청 비타민 D 수준에 따라 HOMA-IR과 $HOMA-{\beta}$을 비교하였다. 분석결과, 연구대상 중 비타민 D 결핍군, 불충분군, 충분군은 각각 38.5%, 48.1%, 13.4%이었다. 비타민 D 수준에 따른 HOMA-IR 평균은 충분군 $1.92{\pm}1.08$, 불충분군 $1.99{\pm}1.04$, 결핍군 $2.91{\pm}1.05$로 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었으며, 다른 관련변수를 통제한 상태에서 비교한 공분산 분석 결과에서도 비타민 D 수준에 따른 HOMA-IR은 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었다. 비타민 D 수준에 따른 $HOMA-{\beta}$ 평균은 충분군 $84.69{\pm}1.07$, 불충분군 $78.41{\pm}1.04$, 결핍군 $80.48{\pm}1.04$ 이었고, 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다. 결론적으로 우리나라 농촌지역 성인의 혈청 비타민 D 수준은 부족한 경우가 매우 높았고, 비타민 D 수준에 따른 인슐린 저항성은 관련이 있음을 알 수 있었다. 인슐린 저항성 및 당뇨병 예방을 위해서 비타민 D의 충분한 형성을 위한 보충제, 햇볕 노출과 영양 섭취 등에 대한 충분한 정보 및 교육이 필요할 것으로 생각된다.

임상 간호사의 교대근무 기간이 circadian rhythm 변화에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Shift Interval for the Clinical Nurse on the Circadian Rhythm)

  • 황애란;정현숙;임영신;이혜원;김조자
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.129-149
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    • 1991
  • Circadian rhythm is entrained in the 24-hour time interval by periodic factors in the environment, known as zeitgeber. But most rotating work schedules are outside the range of the entrainment of the pacemaker timing the human circadian sleep - wake cycle. It has been postulated that physiological and emotional disturbances occur in most human functions when the circadian rhythm is disturbed. So application of circadian principles to the design of shift schedules can aid in maintaining the temporal integrity of the circadian system and thereby minimize for the shift worker any detrimental consequences of circadian disruption. This study was a quasi-experimental study to test the effect of shift intervals for the clinical nurse on the circadian rhythm. Twenty nurses newly employed in general units of two hospitals were selected as an experimental group and twelve college nursing students as a control group. Both groups were selected according to an established criteria using a purposive sampling technique. Ten subjects were assigned to a weekly shift group and another ten to a biweekly shift group engaged in a semi -continuous shift schedule(sunday off) with a backward direction, that is, morning -evening - night shift. The control group worked a morning shift for 42 days. Oral temperature rhythm, waking tim, sleep - wake cycle, fatigue, and mental performance were measured during the experimental period. The data collection period was from April 30, 1990 to June 10, 1990. MANOVA, paired t-test, ANOVA, and Student Newman Keuls method were used for statistical analysis. The results are summarized as follows. 1. Phase delay in the acrophase of temperature rhythm was shown according to the backward rotating shift. A complete adaptation to work on the night shift was achieved between the sixth and ninth day of the night shift. 2. There was no difference in either waking time or sleep- wake cycle according to the duration of the working day for every shift group. Significant difference was found in the waking time and the sleep -wake cycle for subjects on the morning, evening, and night shift in both of the shift groups(weekly shift group : λ=0.121, p<0.01, λ=0.112, p<0.01, biweekly shift group : λ=0.116, p<0.01, λ=0.084, p<0.01). 3. There was no difference in fatigue between the first working day and the last working day for the control group and for the biweekly shift group. In the weekly shift group, physical fatigue was significantly different for the first day and the sixth day of the night shift(t=-2.28, p<0.05). Physical fatigue and total fatigue on the first day of the night shift showed a significant difference among the control group, the weekly shift group, and the biweekly shift group(F=5.79, p<0.01, F=4.56, p<0.05). There was a significant difference between the shift groups and the control group(p<0.05), Physical fatigue, neurosensory fatigue and total fatigue on the last day of the night shift showed a significant difference among the control group, the weekly shift group, and the biweekly shift group(F=12.65, p<0.01, F=7.77, p<0.01, F=9.68, p<0.01). There was a significant difference between the shift groups and the control group(p<0.05). 4. No difference in mental performance was seen between the first day and the last day of work in each case. An arithmatic test on the first day of the night shift revealed a significant difference among the control group, the weekly shift group, and the biweekly shift group(F=3.79, p<0.05). There was a significant difference between the shift groups and the control group(p<0.05) . The digital symbol substitution test and the arithmetic test on the last day of the night shift showed a significant difference among the control group, the weekly shift group, and the biweekly shift group(F=3.68, p<0.05, F=5.55, p<0.01), and both showed a significant difference between the shift groups and the control group(p<0.05). Accordingly, this study showed that during night duty, the waking time, sleep- wake cycle, and fatigue increased and mental performance decreased compared with morning and evening duty. It was also found that the weekly shift group had a higher fatigue score on the sixth day of night duty as compared to the -first day, but the waking time, sleep- wake cycle, and mental performance revealed no difference for the duration of the night duty or between shift groups, and complete adaptation of temperature rhythm was achieved between the sixth and ninth day of night duty. It is possible to conclude from these results that for intermediate circadian type in a healthy young woman, a biweekly shift system is more compatible with the circadian timing system than weekly shift system.

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모유수유에 대한 여대생의 지식 및 태도 (The Knowledge and Attitude on Breast Feeding of Female University Students)

  • 김성희;최의순
    • 여성건강간호학회지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.93-106
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data in order to develop of some educational programs for increasing breast feeding by studying the female university student's knowledge and attitude on breast feeding, who will become a mother in future. The respondents of this research were selected at random for 462 female students at the university in Seoul and Kyongki area, and it was the period collected the data from Oct 28, 2000 to Nov 8, 2000. The method of study distributed the measuring tools of knowledge with 33 items and the tools of measurement with 20 items on the attitude of breast feeding to the respondents directly, and collected them. The data were analyzed to use SPSS program. Unpaired t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient and Multiple regression analysis were used for the calculation of difference between groups and the results were as follows ; 1. The breast feeding was 50.6% in the period of lactation for the respondents and the nuclear families were 81.7% in family constituent unit. In the future the wisher of breast feeding was 91.5%, the medical personnel was a major informer who enjoyed their best confidence, Besides the respond-ents responded that the proper period for education of the breast feeding was in a high school. 2. The level of Knowledge on breast feeding. The respondents's knowledge on breast feeding was average $16.40{\pm}4.59$ points on the basis of 33 points and On the merits and demerits ratio of breast feeding has shown highest but there was low in the field of such a concrete and practical plan as the estimate of breast feeding and the method and mindfulness for breast feeding. The higher grader, the college of the natural science showed significantly the higher points in the knowledge degree by respondents's characters and in such cases the persons of breast feeding or the informed of breast feeding by a medical personnel or the women of strong will for breast feeding action in the future. 3. The Attitude on breast feeding. There was relatively shown a positive attitude of the total average $60.50{\pm}7.59$ points and the average evaluation $3.04{\pm}.36$ points in the attitude on breast feeding. The attitude by each factors has the highest points in the practical action aspect but the lowest in the emotional aspect. The attitude on breast feeding by respondents's characters significantly showed a positive attitude in such cases the persons of breast feeding or the informed of breast feeding or the women of strong will for breast feeding action in the future. 4. Relation to knowledge and attitude on breast feeding. There was shown a correlation of definition in the relation to knowledge and attitude on breast feeding, 5.Factors which have an effect on knowledge and attitude on breast feeding. The factors which have an effect on knowledge of breast feeding were attitudes on breast feeding, graders, the college of natural science and the informed of breast feeding. Also the factors which have an effect on attitude on breast feeding were on will and knowledge on breast feeding, a large family, the informed of breast feeding. In conclusion, it will have to enforce a systematic education on the method of a practical breast feeding enlarged by a medical personnel and professional early enough as the information provision on breast feeding enables one to increase knowledge and attitude on it, besides it has relations with their practical will.

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모유수유교육과 추후간호방법이 산모의 모유수유실천율과 모유수유방법에 미치는 효과 - 가정방문과 전화상담을 중심으로 - (Effect of Breast-feeding Education and Follow-up care on the Breast-feeding Rate and the Breast-feeding Method - Focused on Home Visit and Phone Counselling -)

  • 박숙희;고효정
    • 여성건강간호학회지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.30-43
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    • 2001
  • This was a pre-experimental study to confirm the breast-feeding ability and effect of follow up care on the breast-feeding rate and the breast-feeding method by the mother-infant breast-feeding assessment tool for the mothers who got the breast-feeding education. The subjects were 46 mothers who experienced normal delivery of infants at a college hospital in K-city, Kyungsangbuk-do, from July 1 to October 21, 2000. The instrument for data obtainment were The Mother-Infant Breast-Feeding Assessment Tool of Johnson et al. (1999), and The Breast- Feeding Method Measurement Tool of Jeong, Geum-hee(1997). This instrument was reliable, showing Cronbach $\alpha$.751. This study classified them into 3 groups: at high risk for breast-feeding failure, at risk for breast-feeding problems, and at low risk for breast-feeding failure by the mother-infant breast-feeding assessment tool on the day of discharge from the hospital after delivering individual breast-feeding education to the subjects. This study investigated the breast-feeding rate and the breast-feeding method through mail questionnaire at the four week after childbirth, and through the phone counselling and the home visit for follow up care at the first week and the second week after childbirth. The sixth week after childbirth, this study investigated the breast-feeding rate by phone. The data analyzed the hypothesizes by $x^2$-test, paired t-test, ANOVA, Wilcoxon signed rank test, Wilcoxon rank sum test and trend analysis using SPSS/PC+ WIN 10.0 program. The results were as follows : 1) Hypothesis 1-1, "there won't be any difference the breast-feeding rate of a group at risk for breast-feeding failure by the time elapsed" was supported through constant the breast-feeding rate, because changes in the breast-feeding rate by the time elapsed after childbirth wasn't statistically significant(t= -1.501, p=.270). Hypothesis 1-2, "there won't be any difference the breast-feeding rate of group at low risk for breast-feeding failure by the time elapsed" was supported through constant the breast-feeding rate, because changes in the breast-feeding rate by the time elapsed after childbirth wasn't statistically significant(t=-1.732, p=.225). 2) Hypothesis 2-1, "there won't be any difference between the breast-feeding method of group at risk for breast-feeding failure for four weeks after childbirth and just after childbirth” was rejected, because the mean point of post test appeared to be higher than that of pre test(t=-7.267, p=.000). Hypothesis 2-2, "there won't be any difference between the breast-feeding method of the group at low risk for breast-feeding failure for four weeks after childbirth and just after childbirth" was rejected, because the mean point of post test appeared to be higher than that of pre test(t=-2.501, p=.012). 3)The 3rd hypothesis, "there won't be any difference between breast-feeding method of groups at risk for breast-feeding problems and at low risk for breast-feeding failure at the 4th week after childbirth and just after childbirth" didn't show any difference between the breast-feeding method of groups at risk for breast-feeding problems and at low risk for breast-feeding failure in the advance test(t=-1.521, p=.130) but there was difference between them in post test (t=-2.012, p=.044). As a result, the 3rd hypothesis was supported by pre test, but it was rejected by post test. In conclusion, this study confirmed breast- feeding education and follow up care just after childbirth were effective for the breast-feeding rate and method. Accordingly, it is proposed that successful nursing intervention of breast-feeding to be necessary by continuously providing follow up care through the mother-infant breast-feeding assessment tool as well as to execute individual breast-feeding education to mothers just after childbirth.

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Relationship between Brand Personality and the Personality of Consumers, and its Application to Corporate Branding Strategy

  • Kim, Young-Ei;Lee, Jung-Wan;Lee, Yong-Ki
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.27-57
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    • 2008
  • Many consumers enjoy the challenge of purchasing a brand that matches well with their own values and personalities (for example, Ko et al., 2008; Ko et al., 2006). Therefore, the personalities of consumers can impact on the final selection of a brand and its brand personality in two ways: first, the consumers may incline to purchase a brand or a product that reflects their own personalities; second, consumers tend to choose a company that has similar brand personalities to those brands that are being promoted. Therefore, the objectives of this study are following: 1. Is there any empirical relationship between a consumer's personality and the personality of a brand that he or she chooses? 2. Can a corporate brand be differentiated by the brand personality? In short, consumers are more likely to hold favorable attitudes towards those brands that match their own personality and will most probably purchase those brands matching well with their personality. For example, Matzler et al. (2006) found that extraversion and openness were positively related to hedonic product value; and that the personality traits directly (openness) and indirectly (extraversion, via hedonic value) influenced brand effects, which in turn droved attitudinal and purchase loyalty. Based on the above discussion, the following hypotheses are proposed: Hypothesis 1: the personality of a consumer is related to the brand personality of a product/corporate that he/she purchases. Kuksov (2007) and Wernerfelt (1990) argued that brands as a symbolic language allowed consumers to communicate their types to each other and postulated that consumers had a certain value of communicating their types to each other. Therefore, how brand meanings are established, and how a firm communicate with consumers about the meanings of the brand are interesting topics for research (for example, Escalas and Bettman, 2005; McCracken, 1989; Moon, 2007). Hence, the following hypothesis is proposed: Hypothesis 2: A corporate brand identity is differentiated by the brand personality. And there are significant differences among companies. A questionnaire was developed for collecting empirical measures of the Big-Five personality traits and brand personality variables. A survey was conducted to the online access panel members through the Internet during December 2007 in Korea. In total, 500 respondents completed the questionnaire, and considered as useable. Personality constructs were measured using the Five-factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) scale and a total of 30 items were actually utilized. Brand personality was measured using the five-dimension scale developed by Aaker (1997). A total of 17 items were actually utilized. The seven-point Likert-type scale was the format of responses, for example, from 1 indicating strongly disagreed to 7 for strongly agreed. The Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) was used for an empirical testing of the model, and the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) was applied to estimate numerical values for the components in the model. To diagnose the presence of distribution problems in the data and to gauge their effects on the parameter estimates, bootstapping method was used. The results of the hypothesis-1 test empirically show that there exit certain causality relationship between a consumer's personality and the brand personality of the consumer's choice. Thus, the consumer's personality has an impact on consumer's final selection of a brand that has a brand personality matches well with their own personalities. In other words, the consumers are inclined to purchase a brand that reflects their own personalities and tend to choose a company that has similar brand personalities to those of the brand being promoted. The results of this study further suggest that certain dimensions of the brand personality cause consumers to have preference to certain (corporate) brands. For example, the conscientiousness, neuroticism, and extraversion of the consumer personality have positively related to a selection of "ruggedness" characteristics of the brand personality. Consumers who possess that personality dimension seek for matching with certain brand personality dimensions. Results of the hypothesis-2 test show that the average "ruggedness" attributes of the brand personality differ significantly among Korean automobile manufacturers. However, the result of ANOVA also indicates that there are no significant differences in the mean values among manufacturers for the "sophistication," "excitement," "competence" and "sincerity" attributes of the corporate brand personality. The tight link between what a firm is and its corporate brand means that there is far less room for marketing communications than there is with products and brands. Consequently, successful corporate brand strategies must position the organization within the boundaries of what is acceptable, while at the same time differentiating the organization from its competitors.

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대학의 고객경영전략 수립을 위한 대학유형별 CRM 전략 요소의 차별성 분석 (Difference Test of CRM Strategic Factors by university type for building customer strategy of university)

  • 박근;김형수;박찬욱
    • CRM연구
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.43-68
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구는 최근 대학경영에 있어서 '고객'이라는 개념의 인식과 고객지향적 경영전략의 중요성이 확대됨에 따라 대학산업에 적합한 전사적 CRM 전략을 본격적으로 논의하기위한 토대로써 대학의 유형별 CRM 전략 요소의 차이점을 검증하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 CRM 전략의 핵심 프레임워크인 CRM 프로세스(CRM Process)와 고객자산가치 운영요소(Customer Equity Drivers) 이론을 중심으로 대학경영에 적합한 CRM 전략요소 측정도구를 개발하고, 대학의 평가순위과 대학의 소재 지역에 따라 구분되는 12가지 대학유형간의 차이를 다변량 분산분석 (MANOVA)을 통해 검정하였다. 분석결과, CRM 프로세스 활동과 고객자산가치 요소들의 수준이 대학의 평가순위 그룹유형에 대해서는 유의한 차이가 있지만, 대학의 소재 지역 그룹유형에 대해서는 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 존재하지 않았다. 즉, 관계획득활동과 관계강화활동이 상위권 대학과 하위권 대학에서 유의하게 차이가 나는 것을 알 수 있었고, 고객자산가치 요소 중 상위권 대학의 브랜드가치와 관계가치는 중위권 대학 및 하위권 대학과 유의한 차이가 발견되었으며, 또한 상위권 대학의 제품/서비스 가치(구매가치)는 하위권 대학의 구매가치와, 그리고 중위권 대학의 브랜드 가치는 하위권 대학의 브랜드 가치와도 분명한 차이가 존재한다는 것을 알 수 있다.

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수술실간호사의 직무수행과 피로에 관한 연구 (A Study On the Operating Room Nurses' Performances of Duties and Their Fatigue)

  • 박정숙
    • 한국직업건강간호학회지
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.110-127
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    • 1997
  • The aim of this study is to present the basic datum for the promotion of effectiveness and improvement of nursery tasks, by grasping the situation of operating room nurses tasks and the degree of their fatigue. For these researches, 70 nurses out of the operating rooms of 3 university-affiliated hospitals-two in Seoul and one in Pusan, were chosen at random by a non-probability sampling method. These researches were done from April 14 to April 26 in 1997 by questionairing method. The questionaire was composed of 30 items, which asks the examinees of their physical, mental, and neurosensory symptoms, with 10 items respectively. The reliability of the research instrument was turned out very high with Cronbach's ${\alpha}=.9376$. The datum were electronically processed using Statistics Program for Social Sciences(SPSS). The analysis of datum in this study has a general character, in which the demosociological character and the special ex-officio character was calculated by frequency and percentage. The situation of tasks in operating rooms was calculated by frequency and percentage. The fatigue of operating room nurses was calculated by average and standard deviation. To compare the fatigue with regard to the character of operating room nurse's tasks, t-test and F-test(ANOVA) were used after the character of variations, and the variations at the level of P<.05 which might have some meaning was verified after the fact with Duncan's Multiple Range(DMR). The results of this research are as follows : 1) The nurses working in operating rooms show their fatigue in three fields-in Group I physical symptoms 3.28, in Group III neurosensory symptoms 2.85, and in Group II mental symptoms 2.73, which shows I Dominant type (general type). 2) They complain, in Group I they are "feeling the heavy legs," 3.28 and in Group II they "occasionally forget soon what to do," 3.09. and in Group III, they "feel lumbago," 3.47, which is the highest rate of the three. The highest rate results from the character of their tasks, in which they have to move rapidly the heavy appliances and do their jobs standing many hours, especially wearing heavy radiation protector. 3) As to transportation, subway using group feel the greatest fatigue, 3.18(F=4.315, P=.008). 4) As to department, nurses in the orthopedic's surgery part feel the greatest fatigue, 3.26(F=2.040, P=.050). 5) As to the change of physical symptoms, the group answering that they found physical abnormality after working in operating rooms show the greatest fatigue, 3.12(t=-3.13, P=.003). 6) At to the general circumstances, the group answering that they receive insufficient consideration on their physical abnormality in their department, show the greatest fatigue, 3.10(F=3.200, P=0.47). 7) As to the relation with superior officers, the group answering that their superior officer has an impetuous temperament, show great fatigue, 3.11(F=4.855, P=.011). 8) As to the time of feeling fatigue, the fatigue reaches the highest point 1~2 hours after operations, 3.04(F=2.703, P=.046). 9) When they feel fatigue after scrub nurse duties, they feel the greatest fatigue 2 hours after the duties, 3.09( F=2.841, P=.038). 10) As to the operation instruments, when they use complex instruments borrowing from the outside in addition to the basic instruments, their fatigue becomes the greatest, 3.09(F=7.831, P=.000). 11) As to the kind of operation, when they participate in orthopedic's surgery operations, they feel the greatest fatigue, 3.18(F=4.362, P=.000). With the above results, it is proved that the degree of operating room nurses' fatigue is considerably high. So it may be concluded that the measure for lessening the fatigue should be find immediately, not on the level of personal matters but on the level of hospital nursing administration.

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도재 표면 처리가 따른 세라믹 브라켓의 전단 접착 강도 및 탈락 양상 (Shear bond strength and debonding failure mode of ceramic brackets according to the surface treatment of porcelain)

  • 이정남;이철원
    • 대한치과교정학회지
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    • 제28권5호
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    • pp.803-812
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    • 1998
  • 도재의 표면처리가 세라믹 브라켓의 전단 접착강도에 미치는 영향과 브라켓 탈락 양상을 알아보기 위해 60개의 ceradent 도재 시편을 glazing 후 군당 10개씩 여섯 군으로 다음과 같이 분류하였다: 1군(silane), 2군(etching+silane), 3군(stone+silane), 4군(sandblasting+silane), 5군(stone+etching+silane), 6군(sandblasting+etching+silane) 통상적인 방법으로 세라믹 브라켓을 접착한 후 전단 접착강도를 측정하고 탈락양상을 육안 및 주사전자현미경으로 관찰하여 다음과 같주 결론을 얻었다. 1. 표면처리 후 silane을 도포한 2군부터 6군은 silane만을 도포한 1군에 비해 유의성 있는 전단 접착강도의 증가를 보였다(P<0.05). 2. 한 가지 방법 이상으로 표면처리한 3군부터 6군은 서로 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다(P>0.05). 3. etching 표면 처리한 2군은 sandblasting 표면 처리한 4군과 복합 표면 처리한 5,6 군에 비해 전단 접착 강도가 낮았다. (p<0.05) 4. sandblasting 표면 처리한 4군은 주사 전자 현미경 소견상 복합 처리한 5,6군보다 감소된 요철 정도를 보였으나 전단접착 강도 측정 결과 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. (p>0.05) 이상의 결론을 종합해볼 때 도재에 세라믹 브라켓을 접착하기 위해서는 한가지 이상의 방법에 의한 도재의 표면처리 후 silane을 도포해야 임상적으로 적절한 접착강도를 얻을 수 있으며, 술식의 간편성을 고려할 때 sandblasting 후 silane 처리를 하는 것이 효율적일 것으로 사료된다.

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유아교육기관에서의 급식관리 실태에 대한 교사 및 학부모의 인식 연구 (The Different View Point of Child Education Center Food Service Program between the Parents and the Teachers)

  • 이영미
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제10권5호
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    • pp.654-667
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    • 2005
  • To survey the different view points about food service programs among parents and teachers, 2 types of questionnaires, which consisted of attitude, perception, satisfaction and demand of the food service program in child education centers, were used. The data was collected from 2450 parents and 450 teachers who attended a child education center in 16 provinces, nationwide. SPSS was used for descriptive analysis and ANOVA test and $X^2-test$. The frinding results were as follows. 1. The average serving size of meal (lunch) were 80 meals per day and 167 meals per day at large institutions. Mean cost of snacks was 14,709 won per month and mean costs of lunch were 29,319 won per month. The mean price was not significantly different according to the scale of institution. The numbers of servings of lunch, morning snack and afternoon snack were 5, 3.4 and 3.5 times per week each. $56.4\%$ of the institutions served meals to children in classrooms, but the national/public institutions, which were attending elementary school, served meals in a dining place in the elementary school. 2. Teacher controlled serving portion size of snacks $(79.6\%)$ and lunch $(88.8\%)\;and\;30.1\%$ of teacher did not allow leaving lunch food. The ratio of knowing about preserved meals of the teacher who worked at a small institution was significantly higher than the teacher who worked at large institutions (p<0.01). 3. Between parents and teachers, several different view points about school lunch programs were detected. Most parents and teachers wanted that the school lunch to be fully cooked and served at the child education institution itself, but $12.2\%$ of parents and $14.4\%$ of teachers wanted a catering service. The teachers group preferred 'lunch box from home' and 'home partially prepared lunch' as an ideal meal serving type than the parent groups (p<0.01). And there were significantly different view points about price factors in school meals, teachers group highly answered that operating expenses must be added in meal prices. 4. The teacher groups' priorities of education activities during meal time were a significantly lower score than parents group in overall education activities. Teacher and parent groups pointed out that individual sanitation activities were most important of the education activities during meal time, but promoting good eating habits was the lowest score in both groups. 5. 'Improving taste and food quality' was most urgent in food service at child education centers, but there were significantly different view points between parent groups $(64.5\%)$ and teacher groups $(43.8\%)\;(p<0.05)$. They answered at a lower percent in 'employee qualified person' and 'cost control' point to improve food service, but there were also different opinions between the two groups (p<0.01). 6. As to the matter of the advantages and disadvantages of catering services, two group answered that the advantages of a catering service were 'convenience' and 'to solve facilities and labor problems', disadvantages were 'lower in food freshness' and 'sanitation problems'. There were also several different view pionts in catering services, the parents groups were more anxious about food sanitation than teachers. This study found several different view points about school food services among parents and teachers. To improve food services at child education institutions, there is a need to adjust the differences between the two groups through interactive communication channels and education and to employ dietitians as taking charge of adjusting roles between the two groups.