• Title/Summary/Keyword: and generational differences

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Childcare Time of Working Mothers and Fathers: A Comparison of Time Use of Generation X and Generation Y (X세대와 Y세대의 자녀돌봄시간은 어떻게 다른가?: 어린 자녀를 둔 일하는 어머니와 아버지의 생활시간사용을 중심으로)

  • Seo, Jiwon;Lee, Jung Eun
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzed the composition of the time use and childcare time use of working mothers and fathers of Generations X and Y, differences between generations, differences between mothers and fathers, and factors affecting childcare time. We analyzed the lifetimes of working parents of preschool children(n=2,287) using Statistics Korea's Time Use Survey for 2014 and 2019. The main results are as follows: First, when comparing the lifetimes of Generations X and Y, in 2014, Generation Y mothers had longer commuted times, whereas for fathers, there was no difference between generations. Second, comparing the time use of Generations X and Y, regardless of the survey period, Generation Y mothers had longer sleep times than their counterparts, while Generation Y fathers had longer time in sleep, home management, and childcare than their counterparts. Third, in analyzing the factors affecting parents' childcare time for mothers of both generations, the less sleep times, mealtimes, working times, commuted times, home management times, and leisure times, the longer the childcare times. In the case of fathers, for Generations X and Y, the less sleep times, mealtimes, market work times, commuted times, and leisure times, the more childcare times. However, in Generation X fathers, home management time and the gender role attitude affect childcare time. While the generation gap was not clear for mothers, it was confirmed for fathers. Therefore, it was proposed not only gender differences but also generational characteristics should be taken into account to provide implications for child care policies, especially for fathers, in community care support systems incluing education and counseling programs.

Intergenerational Comparison of the Leisure Attitudes, Activities, and Leisure Constraints (여가인식, 활동유형 및 여가제약의 세대간 비교)

  • 윤소영;차경욱
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2004
  • The purposes of this study were compare the leisure attitudes, leisure activities, and leisure constraint among three different generations - teenagers, adults, and elderly adults. Data were obtained from a Questionnaire completed by both male and female lived metropolitan, and aged over 13. Using the factor analysis, this study classified the types of leisure attitudes. The leisure attitude was divided to 4 factors - reducing stress, self-realization, family activity, and surplus time. In order to compare the attitudes, activities, and constraints of leisure among three different generations, ANOVA was used The findings of this study are as follows: First, there were significant differences between teenager group and the others. The teenagers (n=107) recognized the leisure as a mechanism of reducing stress, or as just surplus time. They liked sports, computer games, travels, and reading books, but were not likely to like leisure activities shared with family members. Their leisure constraints were significantly larger than those of the other groups. Teenagers' constraints of time, money, and skills could be leisure barriers. Second, adults group (n=123) attached importance to the family leisure activities. They liked to spend time with their family members, but they seemed to be relatively passive in most types of leisure activities. They like to read newspapers and magazines, and to participate in religious activities. Third, elderly adults' (n=86) purpose of leisure activities was to improve the health condition, and to develop relationships with their friends. They liked sports such as swimming and aerobic dance, travels, religious activities and community service activities. Their good health condition and economic resources could decrease the leisure constraints.

Life-styles and Factors Considered for Housing Choices for Two Co-residential Generations (세대간 라이프스타일과 주택선택시 고려요인 비교연구)

  • Jo In Sook;Shin Hwa Kyoung
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.22 no.6 s.72
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to discover similarities and dissimilarities in life style and other factors for housing choices between two generations living in same household. It will provide knowledge that is helpful in understanding the two generations and develop marketing strategies for houses as a commodity that accommodates the life style of both generations. The data of this study were collected from October to November 2003, using a structured, self-report questionnaire that contains questions on 40 dimensions of life style and 33 items on housing choices. The original respondents consisted of 307 university students and their parents living in Seoul. The ages of the younger generation were limited from ぉ to 29. The final participants in this study included 224 sets of university students and their parents, that is, about 448 respondents. Frequency, percentage, factor analysis, paired t-test and means were used for data analysis. The results show that the life style may be divided into nine sub-types. There were generational differences in If-oriented lifestyle, Conservative lifestyle, As- service self-expression lifestyle, Pragmatic lifestyle, Convenience lifestyle, Self-development lifestyle, and Leisure-oriented lifestyle. Especially in the categories of Convenience lifestyle, If-oriented lifestyle and Positive Self-expression lifestyle, the younger generation ranked higher than their parents. The most important factors in housing choice may be divided into eight sub-categories. Among them are economic factors, housing amenities, housing design, distance from parents and children, social and environmental qualifies, and distance from work place and school. The two generations differed over the importance of the factors. The younger generation particularly valued the factors of distance from parents and children, housing amenities, housing design.

The Net Generation Debate: Unpacking Individual Perceptions and Lived Experiences toward Technology Use in Education

  • CHOI, Hyungshin;SO, Hyo-Jeong
    • Educational Technology International
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.257-281
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to examine individual perceptions and lived experiences of the Net generation of student teachers and the previous generation of teachers about their technology use in education. The participants of this study include 106 pre-service teachers and 50 in-service teachers from one teacher education university in Korea. Employing a mixed methodology, we first empirically examined the participants' perceptions toward multiple variables related to technology use in education, namely (a) past ICT experiences in schools, (b) personal computer use, (c) constructivist belief, (d) computer efficacy, (e) attitude toward computer in education, and (f) prospective computer use. In addition, we conducted face-to-face interviews with selected participants for the in-depth investigation of their lived experiences about technology use, beliefs, and attitude. Results indicate that there are significant differences between in-service and pre-service teachers in their prior experiences with technology in schools. However, the pre-service and in-service teachers did not differ significantly in their beliefs, attitude and other technology-related variables, which may indicate the danger of generational determinism in the Net Generation debate. The analysis of interview narratives revealed two major themes about the interplay of one's agency and structural changes in the participants' lived experiences with technology use in education: (a) transition from negative past experiences to opportunities for positive computer use, and (b) attitudes formation and change through apprenticeship experiences and structural influences. In conclusion, this study suggests that the Net Generation debate should move beyond dichotomous or techno-centric thinking. There is a critical need to pay more attention to develop deeper understandings of the fundamental diversity existing within the generation itself. Implications for teacher education are also discussed.

A Study on Intergenerational Affective Solidarity in Korean Families (세대간 애정적 결속에 있어서 부계와 모계의 비교 연구)

  • Choi, Seul-Ki;Choi, Sae-Eun
    • Survey Research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.89-112
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to explore emotional closeness between grandparents and grandchildren in Korean families with a focus on the lineage. The effects of the geographical proximity and the normative aspect as well as intergenerational financial, instrumental, and emotional supports were taken into consideration to accounting for the grandparent-grandchildren affective solidarity. Research questions are addressed using the data of "Survey on Generational Solidarity and Differences in Cultural Experience and Perception in Korea", and a series of multinomial regression model were conducted. Findings indicate that the salient factor to boost grandchildren's affective solidarity with paternal grandparents is financial transfers between grandparents and parents. By contrast, all types of intergenerational supports affected grandchildren's emotional closeness toward maternal grandparents. Geographical proximity was associated with the affective solidarity between grandchildren and maternal grandparents. The effects of normative solidarity were not shown at both lineages.

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Income and Asset Differentials in Gangnam and Non-Gangnam Households in Seoul: An Application of Oaxaca Decomposition Method (서울시 강남과 비강남 지역간 소득 및 재산 격차와 요인분해)

  • Lee, Sang-Eun;Choi, Yoo-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.62 no.3
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    • pp.31-58
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    • 2010
  • Using Seoul Welfare Panel Study, this research examines regional differentials in income and asset between Gangnam households and Non-Gangnam households in Seoul. Applying the Oaxaca decomposition method, it also decomposes factors associated with the differentials into explained and unexplained components. Results show that average monthly income is about 4 million won for Gangnam households and 3.2 million won for Non-Gangnam households. The explained component accounts for most of the income differential, which mainly originates from differences in the distributions of individual and household characteristics associated with the monthly income. The net asset differential between the two regions is much greater than the income differential. The net asset is about 460 million won for Gangnam households and approximately 280 million won for Non-Gangnam households. Most of the net asset differential is remained unexplained after controlling for covariates which measure demographic characteristics of householders and various features of labor market in which household members are employeed. It implies that other factors such as inter-generational transfers of wealth may play a significant role in creating the net asset differential.

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The Effect of Human Capital on Life Satisfaction of the Elderly (노인의 인적자본이 생활만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Ahn Na
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.193-199
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    • 2022
  • This study tried to understand the effect of human capital of the elderly on life satisfaction. Data from the 8th KReIS additional survey were used for the study subjects, and the number of subjects was 1987. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and regression analysis were performed using SPSS 20.0. As a result, gender, age, education level, economic activity status, generational composition, spouse presence, and exercise type showed significant differences in life satisfaction. Life satisfaction and health status showed the highest positive (+) correlation, and monthly average income and education level showed the highest negative (-) correlation. As for human capital that affects life satisfaction, life satisfaction was higher in women than men, employed rather than unemployed, married generations, health, average monthly income, and regular exercise.

Factors influencing quality of life for individuals and Korean society: Indigenous psychological analysis across different generations (한국 사회와 개인 삶의 질 인식에 대한 토착심리 탐구: 삶의 질을 높이는 요소와 낮추는 요소에 대한 세대별 지각을 중심으로)

  • Youngshin Park;Uichol Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.161-195
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to examine factors influencing quality of life for individuals in the family, school or workplace, leisure settings, and Korean society using the indigenous psychological analysis. A total of 3,406 participants, consisting of 1,331 elementary, middle, high school students and 2,075 parents and teacher, completed an open-ended questionnaire developed by Kim and Park (2004b). The respondents reported the factors that influence quality of life in Korean society as follows: Economic condition, collective effort, leisure and cultural life, harmonious interpersonal relationships, effective government policy, and educational attainment. The factors that reduce quality of life in Korean society are as follows: Economic uncertainty, political instability, lack of citizenry, ingroup favoritism, corruption, lack of facilities for leisure and social life, and overemphasis on educational achievement. Second, the factors that influence quality of life in the family are as follows: Harmonious family relations and financial security. For students relationship with friends and academic achievement are reported as important factors influencing quality of life at school. For adults, harmonious interpersonal relationship, financial factors and occupational achievement are reported as important factors influencing quality of life at the workplace. For leisure and social leisure life, financial security, leisure time and interpersonal relationships are reported as important factors influencing quality of life. Third, as for generational differences, students reported political instability and adults reported economic uncertainty as the most important factor reducing quality of life in Korean society. For family life, students reported conflicts among family members and adults reported financial constraints as the most important factor reducing quality of life. For leisure and social life, students reported lack of leisure time and adults reported financial constraints as the most important factor reducing quality of life. Fourth, for students the following characteristics were associated with higher quality of life: Higher socio-economic status of the family, younger, and higher academic achievement. For adults, the following characteristics were associated with higher quality of life: Higher socio-economic status of the family and greater achievement their social life. Implications of these results on the quality of life in Korea, focusing on human relationship, financial factors, self-regulation and educational achievement are discussed.

A Comparative Study on theories of Korean Theatre and Japan Theatre : focused on 'Kwandaega(廣大歌)' and 'Poogjahwajun(風姿花傳)' (한·일 연극이론의 비교 연구 - 「광대가(廣大歌)」와 「풍자화전(風姿花傳)」을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ikdoo
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.23
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    • pp.5-36
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    • 2011
  • The purposes of this treatise are to compare theories of theatre in 'Kwandaega' with theories of theatre in 'Poongjahwajun', to recognize differences of theories between the former and the latter, and to find out the comparative characteristics of theories of Korean theatre. There are four differences between the former and the latter. These are as follows; Firstly, in the aspect of contents, the former is consisted of discussions about nature of theatre, discussions about acting, discussions about staging, and the latter is consisted of discussions about nature of theatre, discussions about acting, discussions about staging, discussions about origin, and discussions about dramaturgy. Secondly, in the aspect of nature, the nature of theatre in the former is recognition and practice as 'homo performans', the nature of theatre in the latter is realization of 'flower[花]'. Thirdly, in the aspect of acting, discussions about acting of the former are consisted of 'Sachae' theory'(Inmulchirae, Sasulchirae, Dekm, Nerumsae), discussions about acting of the latter are consisted of method of training per ages, method of training per role playings, trainings in everyday life. Fourthly, in the aspect of staging, the focus of staging in the former is realization of an endless series of changes[千變萬化], the focus of staging in the latter is realization of 'flower[花]'. There are four characteritics in the theories of Kwangdaega. These are as follows; Firstly, the contents of kwangdaega are consisted of discussions about nature of theatre, discussions about acting, discussions about staging. This theory is theory centered on actor/actress. Secondly, the nature of thestre in Kwangdaega is recognition and practice as 'homo performans', supporting of self-generational values, supporting of folk, new interpretation about secularism. Thirdly, the discussions about acting are consist of 'Sachae Theory'. Fourthly, the discussions about staging are consisted of realizations of an endless series of changes[千變萬化]

Longitudinal Mediation Effect of Coping Strategies on the Relationship between PercievedStress and Psychological Distress during the COVID-19 Pandemic (코로나 대유행 시기 지각된 스트레스가 심리적 디스트레스에 미치는 영향: 대처전략의 종단매개효과)

  • Dami Lee;DeokHee Lee;DongHun Lee
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.223-252
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    • 2023
  • The aim of this study is to examine the longitudinal mediation effect of coping strategies(emotion-focused, problem-focused, and maladaptive) on the relationship between perceived stress during the COVID-19 andemic and psychological distress(negative affect, depression, anxiety, and anger). ). Also, This study sought to find generational differences between coping strategies used during the COVID-19 pandemic. The participants were 941 adult aged between twenties and seventies. The final participants were recruited on two separated longitudinal time points, Time 1 and Time 2. The result were as follows: Only Maladaptive coping strategy(Time 2) had a mediating effect on the relationship between COVID-19 stress(Time 1) and psychological distress(Time 2). . The result of the generation-based multi-group analysis did not yield significant differences in the use of coping strategies. This study is meaningful that it longitudinally examined the psychological distress of adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Implications, limitations and directions for future research are presented.