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Evaluation of Flow Characteristics of Mud Treatment System for Onshore Drilling (육상시추용 Mud treatment system의 유동특성 평가)

  • Kim, Seung-Chan;Chun, Joong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.24 no.6_2
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    • pp.763-772
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    • 2021
  • Drilling Mud Treatment Systems are widely used for Oil Gas drilling mud circulation, horizontal directional drilling mud recycling, geothermal drilling, mining, coal exploration drilling, water well drilling. Degasser is a device used in drilling to remove gasses from drilling fluid which could otherwise form bubbles. For small amounts of entrained gas in a drilling fluid, the degasser can play a major role of removing small bubbles that a liquid film has enveloped and entrapped. As with the desander, its purpose is to remove unwanted solids from the mud system. The smaller cones allow the desilter to efficiently remove smaller diameter drill solids. In this study, a simulation study is conducted on the degasser of the facility in the Mud Treatment System to conduct a performance review on the gas separation in the mud.

A Case study of a Soyangin Patient with Diabetic neuropathy (소양인 당뇨병성 말초신경병증 치험 1례)

  • Park, Gyung-Hun;Jeon, Soo-Hyung;Kim, Jong-Won
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2021
  • Objective We report a case about a Soyangin patient with diabetic neuropathy. His symptoms were alleviated with Sasang Constitutional medicine. Methods A Soyangin patient with diabetic neuropathy was treated by herbal medicine, acupuncture, pharmacopuncture according to Sasang Constitutional Medicine. The progress was evaluated with numerical rating scale(NRS) and blood sugar test(BST). Results Sasang Constitutional Medicine seems to be effective for the symtoms of the patient with diabetic neuropathy in this case. Conclusions This case study shows that Sasang Constitutional Medicine may be an effective treatment for Soyangin's diabetic neuropathy.

Retroperitoneal Abscess Masquerading as Pyelonephritis (신우신염으로 오인된 복막뒤농양)

  • Lim, Deok-Gyo;Lee, Taek-Jin
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.168-172
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    • 2021
  • Retroperitoneal infections are rarer than intra-abdominal infections in children; however, they can lead to significant morbidity in cases of missed diagnosis. We present a case of retroperitoneal abscess caused by extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in a 10-year-old female adolescent who failed to show clinical improvement following empirical antibiotic therapy.

NIST 경량암호 공모 최종 후보 10종에 대한 경량 AEAD 최신 동향

  • Lee, Yongseong;Hong, Seokhie
    • Review of KIISC
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2022
  • 전자기기의 통신에 있어서 암호 시스템은 안전한 통신을 가능하게 해주는 주요 수단이다. 사물 인터넷과 같은 소형화된 전자기기가 등장함에 따라 기존에 사용하던 AES와 같은 암호 시스템은 소형 디바이스가 작동하는 저전력, 저면적 환경에서 동작하기에 큰 부담을 주게되었다. 이에 따라 다양한 경량 암호들이 제안되어 왔다. 2018년 NIST에서는 이러한 경량 암호의 표준화 작업을 위하여 공모사업을 시작하였고, 2021년 3월에 최종 후보 10종이 발표되었다. 최종 후보로 선택된 10종의 경량 암호의 구조는 향후 새로운 환경에서 사용 가능한 암호 알고리즘을 설계하거나 암호 시스템이 특정 환경에서 소비하는 자원을 가늠하는데 중요한 척도가 될 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 최종후보 10종에 대한 특징을 확인하고자 한다.

Flow Prediction-Based Dynamic Clustering Method for Traffic Distribution in Edge Computing (엣지 컴퓨팅에서 트래픽 분산을 위한 흐름 예측 기반 동적 클러스터링 기법)

  • Lee, Chang Woo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.1136-1140
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    • 2022
  • This paper is a method for efficient traffic prediction in mobile edge computing, where many studies have recently been conducted. For distributed processing in mobile edge computing, tasks offloading from each mobile edge must be processed within the limited computing power of the edge. As a result, in the mobile nodes, it is necessary to efficiently select the surrounding edge server in consideration of performance dynamically. This paper aims to suggest the efficient clustering method by selecting edges in a cloud environment and predicting mobile traffic. Then, our dynamic clustering method is to reduce offloading overload to the edge server when offloading required by mobile terminals affects the performance of the edge server compared with the existing offloading schemes.

DEVS-based Digital Twin Simulation Environment Modeling for Alternative Route Selection in Emergency Situations of Unnamed Aerial Vehicles (무인비행체의 유사시 대안 경로 선택을 위한 DEVS 기반 디지털 트윈 시뮬레이션 환경 모델링)

  • Kwon, Bo Seung;Jung, Sang Won;Noh, Young Dan;Lee, Jong Sik;Han, Young Shin
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.1007-1021
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    • 2022
  • Autonomous driving of unmanned aerial vehicles may have to pay expensive cost to create and switch new routes if unexpected obstacles exist or local map updates occured by the control system due to incorrect route information. Integrating digital twins into the path-following process requires more computing resources to quickly switch the wrong path to an alternative path, but it can quickly update the path during flight. In this study, we design a DEVS-based simulation environment which can modify optimized paths through short-term simulation of multi-virtual UAVs for applying digital twin concepts to path follow. Through simulation, we confirmed the possibility of increasing the mission stability of UAV.

A preliminary study of the anti-inflammatory activities of the Japanese oak silk moth, Antheraea yamamai

  • Park, Seung-Won
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.17-21
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    • 2022
  • The present study aimed to determine whether a hemolymph prepared from Antheraea yamamai larvae had the same biological activities using a Bombyx mori hemolymph prior to exposure to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in order to induce an inflammatory response. The effects of the hemolymph were determined using a reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction to assess the expression of pro-inflammatory molecules. The A. yamamai hemolymph exerted anti-inflammatory effects on LPS-activated human monocytic leukemia cells via Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4-mediated suppression, similar to the B. mori hemocyte extract. Treatment with the A. yamamai hemolymph significantly suppressed LPS-induced upregulated inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) mRNA expression at all tested concentrations compared with the control, similar to the B. mori immune-challenged hemolymph. Finally, the A. yamamai hemolymph, like the B. mori immune-challenged hemolymph, suppressed all of these concentrations in a dose-independent manner. These results demonstrate that the hemolymph of A. yamamai exhibited important biologically active substances. Further in-depth functional studies are required to fully understand the mechanisms underlying the biological activities of wild-type silkworm hemolymphs.

Is the Peak-Affect Important in Fast Processing of Visual Images in Printed Ads?: A Comparative Study on the Affect Integration Theories

  • Bu, Kyunghee;Lee, Luri
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.96-108
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    • 2022
  • This study investigates how affects elicited by visual images in print ads are integrated to form a liking for the ads. Assuming a sequential rather than simultaneous processing of still-cut images, we adopt the 'think-aloud' method to capture consumers' spontaneous responses to visual images. We hypothesize that not only would consumers show mixed affects toward a still-cut visual image but that they would also integrate their serial affects heuristically rather than simply averaging the affects as suggested by the compensatory hypothesis. By comparing the effects of two contradictory affect integration hypotheses (i.e., peak-affect and mood-maintenance) with compensatory integration, using a single regression model, we found that peak-negative along with mood maintenance integration of serial affects for a print ad works best in the formation of ad liking. The results also support our initial premise that people can have mixed valence even toward a still-cut ad.

A Real-Time Sound Recognition System with a Decision Logic of Random Forest for Robots (Random Forest를 결정로직으로 활용한 로봇의 실시간 음향인식 시스템 개발)

  • Song, Ju-man;Kim, Changmin;Kim, Minook;Park, Yongjin;Lee, Seoyoung;Son, Jungkwan
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.273-281
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we propose a robot sound recognition system that detects various sound events. The proposed system is designed to detect various sound events in real-time by using a microphone on a robot. To get real-time performance, we use a VGG11 model which includes several convolutional neural networks with real-time normalization scheme. The VGG11 model is trained on augmented DB through 24 kinds of various environments (12 reverberation times and 2 signal to noise ratios). Additionally, based on random forest algorithm, a decision logic is also designed to generate event signals for robot applications. This logic can be used for specific classes of acoustic events with better performance than just using outputs of network model. With some experimental results, the performance of proposed sound recognition system is shown on real-time device for robots.

메타버스 보안 위협 요소 및 대응 방안 검토

  • Na, Hyunsik;Choi, Daeseon
    • Review of KIISC
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2022
  • 메타버스는 인공지능, 블록체인, 네트워크, 가상 현실, 착용 가능한 기기 등 수많은 현대 기술들이 발전하면서 서로 융합되어 생성된 대규모 디지털 가상화 세계이다. 현재 메타버스 기반 다양한 플랫폼들이 대중화되면서 산업계 및 연구계에서는 메타버스의 발전에 주목하고 있으며, 긍정적인 시장 전망을 예상하고 있다. 하지만, 아직까지 메타버스 세계에서 발생할 수 있는 보안 위협 요소 및 대책에 관한 연구는 상대적으로 부족하다. 메타버스는 새로운 패러다임의 컨텐츠 및 서비스를 제공하고, 기존 IT 환경에서보다 방대하고 예민할 수 있는 사용자의 데이터를 요구하며, 여러 IT 기술들이 결합된 시스템인 만큼 고려해야 할 보안 위협 요소들이 많다. 본 논문에서는 메타버스 아키텍처를 소개하고, 사용자의 이용 환경, 가상 환경 및 디지털 트윈 환경에서 발생할 수 있는 보안 위협 요소들에 대해 제시하면서, 이에 대해 메타버스 서비스 제공자, 사용자 및 관련 제도 관리자들이 고려할 수 있는 대책들에 대해 소개한다.