• 제목/요약/키워드: aluminum potassium sulfate

검색결과 31건 처리시간 0.019초

볏짚 잿물 매염에 의한 소목 염색에서 명반 첨가가 색상변화에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Aluminum Potassium Sulfate Addition on the Color Change in Caesalpinia Sappan Dyeing by Rice Straw Ash Solution)

  • 서희성;전동원;김종준
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제29권11호
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    • pp.1465-1474
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    • 2005
  • The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the differences in the characteristics of the mordants, synthetic aluminum mordants and ash solutions as natural mordants, used in Caesalpinia sappan dyeing. By introducing aluminum potassium sulfate in the ash solutions, the behavior of the aluminum in the ash solutions were observed. In the rice straw ash solutions, adjusted to the levels of pH6 and pH10, the aluminum potassium sulfate was introduced to achieve various concentration levels. From the analysis of the ash solution of pull, $K^+$ and $Na^+$ ion concentrations were found to be extremely high, while $Al^+$ ion concentration was 0. The color development in the Caesalpinia sappan dyeing by ash solution mordanting was found to be mainly governed not by the mordanting actions of the metallic ions but by those of alkali components. In the case of cotton, the application of pH10 ash solution promoted reddish color development compared to the case of non-mordanting, regardless of the aluminum potassium sulfate addition. In the case of silk, the application of pH10 ash solution increased a* value and decreased b* value compared to the case of non-mordanting.

가압수열 수용액중에서 인산석고로부터 $\alpha$형 반수석고의 생성에 미치는 염류의 영향 (Effects of Salts on the Formation of $\alpha$-Calcium Sulfate Hemihydrated from by-Product Gypsum of Phosphoric Acid Process at Hydrothermal Condition)

  • 이구종;최상흘
    • 한국세라믹학회지
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.343-348
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    • 1987
  • The effects of salts such as aluminum sulfate as inorganic salt(2-4%), and sodium salts of citrate, tartrate, succinate, potassium tartrate and gelatin as organic salts(0.1%) on the formation of ${\alpha}$-calcium sulfate hemihydrate from by-product gypsum of phosphoric acid process under hydrothermal condition at 123$^{\circ}C$ and 133$^{\circ}C$ were investigated. Aluminum sulfate solution exhibited the catalystic effected on the crystallization of ${\alpha}$-calcium sulfate hemihydrate of which was assumed in the prismatic form, and organic salts solution exhibited little effect on the catalystic action to the crystallization, than inorganic salts. In the acidic solution with sulfuric acid(pH=2), needle like crystal of calcium sulfate hemihydrate was obtained. Hydrothermal process with aluminum sulfate solution also showed certain amounts of impurity removal such as phosphorus penataoxide from calcium sulfate hemihydrate.

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코치닐 추출물에 의한 견섬유 염색 (Dyeing of Silk Fabrics by Cochineal Extracts)

  • 한명희
    • 한국염색가공학회지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2000
  • Silk fabrics were dyed by Cochineal extracts after mordanted with various mordants and their properties of dyeing, fastness and change of surface color were investigated. Silk fabrics were mordanted with aluminum potassium sulfate, copper acetate, tin chloride, iron sulfate or chromium potassium sulfate at $60^\circ{C}$ for 30 minutes and subsequently dyed at $60^\circ{C}$ for 60 minutes unless mentioned otherwise. The dye-uptake of silk fabrics increased with the concentration of Cochineal extracts and mordants used. Maximum dye-uptake was obtained at pH 3.5-4, regardless of the type of mordants used. Surface color of silk fabrics changed from red purple to purple when mordanted with Al or Cu mordant, from purple to purple blue with Fe mordant and showed red purple with Sn or Cr mordant, respectively. It also changed according to pH of dyeing bath. Dyed silk fabrics showed poor light fastness but good dry-cleaning, perspiration and rubbing fastness.

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알루미늄용액 처리가 개나리삽수의 생장에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Aluminum Solution Treatment on the Growth of Forsythia koreana Cuttings)

  • 김갑태
    • 한국환경생태학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.9-11
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    • 1992
  • 목본식물에 대한 Al독성에 관한 기초자료를 얻고자, Al농도별(1.0, 2.5및 5.0mM)수용액과 지하수에 수경삽목한 개나리삽수의 생장관련형질(신초의 생장, 엽수, 엽피해율 및 엽록소함량)을 처리간 비교하였다. 모든 생장관련형질들(신초의 생장, 엽수, 엽피해율 및 엽록소함량)에서 처리간 고도의 통계적 유의차가 인정되었으며. 1.0mM 정도의 Al수용액도 개나리삽수의 생장을 현저히 억제하였다.

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Gamma선 조사로 만든 Brucella Vaccine의 생쥐에 대한 면역력 (Immunogenicity of a Gamma-irradiat d Brucella Vaccine)

  • 안태휴
    • 대한미생물학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 1971
  • Brucella melitensis균의 치사량($10^6{\gamma}$)의 Gamma선을 조사해 줌으로써 만든 Vaccine과 가온 또는 화학처치법(ether, formalin, phenol)에 의하여 만든 Vaccine을 생쥐에 접종하여 그 면역성부과능력에 대하여 비교실험 해본 결과, Gamma선 조사에 의하여 만든 Vaccine이 보다 좋은 성적을 가져왔음을 알게 되었다. 생균 Vaccine Brucella-abortus strain 19과 Brucella melitensis의 R-form을 대량 주사 해 주었을때 생쥐에 치명적이었으며, 7종의 adjuvant에 대한 효력비교실험은 Freund's complete adjuvant와 aluminum-potassium sulfate와 pectin을 섞어 만든 adjuvant를 제외하고는 그리 의의있는 차이를 발견하지 못했다.

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쑥을 이용한 천연염색에 관한 연구 (The Study on Natural Dyeing with Artemisia)

  • 임명은;유혜자;이혜자
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제21권5호
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    • pp.911-921
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    • 1997
  • Recently the interest in natural dyeing has been increased because of the color clarity, natural grace and reactionism in fashion. Indigo dyeing, safflower dyeing and Gal-ott in Cheju-Do become generally known, so the study about the natural dyeing is continued with national intrust and support. In this study, 1 used artemisia for various dyeing tests because we can get it easily. 1 tested the dyeability in wool as well as cotton and silk with wormwood in natural dyeing material. I also dyed nylon with the same material for the comparison of the molecular structure. The mercerization and the chitosan treatment were done in cotton to improve the low dyeability in the natural dyeing. The result of this study are as follows; We have to dye repeatedly to get deep color in natural dyeing, and mordant treatment brought good result in color difference and dyeing fastness. 1. Compared with silk, wool and nylon, the dyeability of cotton was the worse. The color difference of cotton was 18.81 without mordants , and 24.05 with mordant. The dyeability of cotton was much increased by mordants such as potassiumdichromate, copper sulfate, iron sulfate and salt water. The color of cotton was turned into yellow-green in potassium dichromate and yellow-green with deep green in copper sulfate. The mercerization and the chitosan treatment of cotton made the improvement in color, dyeability, laundering fastness, abrasion fastness. 2. The color difference of silk was 3 times as high as cotton. It showed the similar degree with the chitosan treated-cotton. That is to say, silk had good dyeability because it contains amino group and carboxyl group. The dyebility of silk was increased by a mordant such as iron sulfate, potassium dichromate and salt water, Drycleaning fastness showed 5 grade, abrasion-fastness was high over 4~5 grade and sunlight fastness showed 1 grade in all case. 3. The color difference of wool was the best among four fabrics because of 18 kinds of amino acids. It is considered that the sulfate of wool has the polarity and help metal- mordants get the better dyeability such as potassium dichromate, iron sulfate, copper sulfate, and aluminum chloride. The color was reddish-green in potassium dichromate, yellow.greenin iron sulfate and copper sulfate, and yellow in the rest mordants. Drycleaning fastness of wool showed over 4~5 grade, abrasion fastness 5 grade. Sunlight-fastness 1 grade. 4. The dyeability of nylon was almost same because of the similar molecular structure with silk. The clarity of color was poor. The color was yellow-green in copper sulfate and yellow in the rest mordants. Laundering fastness and abrasion-fastness of nylon was good. Sunlight- fastness represented 1 grade.

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젖산균 발효유 섭취가 흰쥐의 신장내 알루미늄 축적억제와 신장기능에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Fermented Milk Feeding on Function and Suppression of Aluminum Accumulation in Kidney of Rat)

  • 김중만;박성수;백승화;정동현;최용배;신용서;한성희;홍가형
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.233-239
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    • 1999
  • This study was performed to evaluate the effects of the supplementation of lactic acid bacterias (LAB; S. thermophilus, L. acidophilus) aluminum accumulation and function kidney in rats treated with 250 g/g aluminum sulfate for 4 weeks. Fifty male Sprague Dawley strains were divided into five groups according to the types of supplement. the control, S. thermophilus culture group(A), autoclaved S. thermophilus culture(B), L. acidophilus culture group(C) and autoclaved L. acidophilus(D). The weight gain was increased by supplementation of S. thermophilus culture(A), autoclaved S. thermophilus culture(B), L. acidophilus culture(C), autoclaved L. acidophilus culture(D), especially by supplementation of S. thermophilus cultured(A) as compared to control group. The amount of water intake was increased in control group as compared to the LAB supplemented group. The content of aluminum were decreased 19.57%, 31.25%, 37.10%, and 32.40% in kidney after supplementation of non autoclaved culture group (A,C), and autoclaved group(B,D) respectively, as compared to control group. Water balance, urine volume, and excretion of sodium and potassium decreased in LAB supplemented group and control group. Excretion of creatinine increased in control group and tendency to increased in LAB supplemented group. In conclusion, the effect of suppression of aluminum accumulation was more effective in sup plementation of S. thermophilus culture(A), and L. acidophilus culture(C) than autoclaved S. thermo philus culture(B), and L. acidophilus culture(D).

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알루미늄용액 처리가 세 수종의 종자발아와 묘목생장에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Aluminum Solution Treatment on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Three Tree Species)

  • 김갑태;추갑철;엄태원
    • 한국환경생태학회지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 1993
  • 목본식물에 대한 Al독성에 관한 기초자료를 얻고자, Al농도별(1.0, 2.5및 5.0mM) 수용액과 대조구로 지하수를 모래를 채운 화분에 파종한 곰솔, 측백나무 및 쥐똥나무에 1993년 4월 28일부터 6월 16일까지 주 3회씩, 1회 5mm의 강도로 처리하였다. 6월 26일 묘목을 굴취하여 생장관련형질(묘목의 수, 묘고, 지상부, 지하부 및 개체당 건중량)을 측정하여 수종간, 처리간 비교하였다. Al수용액 처리에 대한 반응은 수종별로 상이하였으며, 쥐똥나무가 세 수종 중에서는 가장 감수성인 것으로 나타났으며, 곰솔이 가장 내성을 지닌 것이라 판단된다.

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칼륨명반과 수산화나트륨으로 활성화된 고로슬래그 미분말의 강도 특성 (The Strength Properties Activated Granulated Ground Blast Furnace Slag with Aluminum Potassium Sulfate and Sodium Hydroxide)

  • 김태완;함형길
    • 콘크리트학회논문집
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구는 수산화나트륨(NaOH)과 칼륨명반($AlK(SO_4)_2{\cdot}12H_2O$)의 농도에 따른 강도특성에 관한 연구이다. 활성화제의 농도에 따른 강도 특성연구를 위해 4%(N1 series)와 8%(N2 series) 농도의 NaOH에 대해 1~5%(K1~K5) 농도의 칼륨명반과 1%(C1)과 2%(C2) 농도의 산화칼슘(CaO)을 고려하였다. 물-결합재 비(W/B)는 0.5, 결합재/잔골재의 비는 0.5로 하였다. 실험결과 알칼리 활성화 슬래그 시멘트(AASC)의 강도는 NaOH와 $AlK(SO_4)_2{\cdot}12H_2O$의 농도에 영향을 받았다. XRD 분석결과 NaOH와 $AlK(SO_4)_2{\cdot}12H_2O$에 의해 활성화된 슬래그의 주요 반응생성물질은 ettringite와 CSH로 나타났다. 그러나 초기재령에서 ettringite와 황산염은 미수화된 고로슬래그 미분말의 표면에 침착하거나 고로슬래그 미분말의 수화반응을 방해하였다. $AlK(SO_4)_2{\cdot}12H_2O$에서 용출된 $SO_4{^{-2}}$ 이온은 고로슬래그 미분말에 포함된 CaO와 첨가된 CaO와 반응하여 석고(gypsum, $CaSO_4{\cdot}2H_2O$)를 생성하고, 다시 CaO와 $Al_2O_3$와 반응하여 ettringite를 생성한다. 따라서 $NaOH+AlK(SO_4)_2{\cdot}12H_2O$는 고로슬래그 미분말의 활성화를 통한 강도향상에 효과가 있음을 알 수 있었다.

알루미늄용액 처리가 개나리와 플라타너스삽수의 생장에 미치는 영향(2) (Effects of Aluminum Solution Treatment on the Growth of Forsythia koreana and Platanus occidentalis Cuttings(2))

  • 김갑태;추갑철;진운학
    • 한국환경생태학회지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.6-9
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    • 1993
  • 목본식물에 대한 Al독성에 관한 기초자료를 얻고자, 이농도별(1.0, 2.5 및 5.0mM)수용액과 대조구로 지하수를 모래를 채운 화분에 삽목한 개나리와 플라타너스의 삽수에 1993년 4월 28일부터 6월 16일까지 주 3회씩 처리하였다. 6월 16일 삽목묘를 굴취하여 생장관련형질(신초의 생장, 엽수 및 엽록소함량)과 뿌리의 길이를 처리간 비교하였다. 모든 생장관련형질들(신초의 생장, 엽수 및 엽록소함량)에서 처리간 고도의 통계적 유의차가 인정되었으며, 뿌리생장의 경우 개나리삽목묘에서는 처리간 통계적 유의차가 인정되었으나, 플라타너스삽목묘에서는 처리간 유의차가 인정되지 않았다.

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