• 제목/요약/키워드: air flow field

검색결과 804건 처리시간 0.031초

상용 CFD코드를 이용한 공조기 입구 형상 설계 (Inlet Shape Design of Air Handling Unit Using Commercial CFD Code)

  • 최영석;주종일;이용갑;주원구
    • 한국유체기계학회 논문집
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.54-59
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    • 2002
  • A commercial CFD code is used to compute the 3-D viscous flow field within the inlet flow concentrator of the newly developed AHU (Air Handling Unit). To improve the performance of the AHU, the inlet air needs to be gradually accelerated to the fan's annular velocity without causing turbulence or flow separation. Three major geometric parameters were selected to specify the inlet shape of the AHU. The performance of the AHU could be measured by the inlet and outlet flow uniformity and the total pressure loss through the inlet flow concentrator. Several numerical calculations were carried out to determine the influence of the geometric parameters on the performance of the AHU. The best geometric values were decided to have efficient inlet shape with analyzing CFD calculation results.

Triboelectrostatic Separation System for Separation of PVC and PS Materials Using Fluidized Bed Tribocharger

  • Lee, Jae-Keun;Shin, Jin-Hyouk;Hwang, Yoo-Jin
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • 제16권10호
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    • pp.1336-1345
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    • 2002
  • A triboelectrostatic separation system using a fluidized bed tribocharger for the removal of PVC material in the mixture of PVC/PS plastics is designed and evaluated as a function of electric field strength, air flow rate, and the mixing ratio of two-component mixed plastics. It consists of a fluidized-bed tribocharger, a separation chamber, a collection chamber and a controller. PVC and PS particles can be imparted negative and positive surface charges, respectively, due to the difference in the work function values of plastics suspended in the fluidized-bed tribocharger, and can be separated by passing them through an external electric field. Experimental results show that separation efficiency is strongly dependent on the electric Deld strength and particle mixing ratio. In the optimum conditions of 150 Ipm air flow rate and 2.6 kV/cm electric field strength a highly concentrated PVC (99.1%) can be recovered with a yield of more than 99.2% from the mixture of PVC and PS materials for a single stage of processing.

Defrost nozzle의 토출 공기에 의한 승용차 실내 유동장 및 온도장 해석 (3-D Numerical analysis of flow and temperature field of automobile cabin by discharged air from defrost nozzle)

  • 강규태;박금성;박원규;장기룡
    • 한국전산유체공학회지
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2002
  • The velocity and temperature profiles in the cabin of the automobile affect greatly the comfortableness of passengers. In this paper, the three dimensional flow and temperature analysis in the cabin of real automobile have been peformed. The three dimensional Navier-Stokes equation solver was validated by comparing with the other numerical data of a 1/5 scale model. The temperature field of cavity was also analyzed for the validation of energy equation solver. After the code validation, the numerical analysis of real field of flow and temperature of an automobile was peformed and the present result provides the insight of flow and temperature field of the inside of cabin.

유동장 해석을 통한 승용차 원심 회전차의 형상 설계 (Design of Centrifugal Impeller for Passenger Car by Flow Field Analysis)

  • 이동렬
    • 한국기계기술학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2011
  • For the purpose of the enhancement of the air conditioner performance and fuel effciency, several cases of centrifugal impeller for passenger car air conditioner have been numerically analyzed by changing central angle of blades and length of outlet for shape optimization of the impeller. Commercial CFD program Fluent 6.3.26 has been used to compute velocity, temperature, pressure and turbulence intensity that can lead numerous results. The central angles of two blades and three cases of outlet length led 4~12% and 3.5~6.4% differences of velocity and flow rate, respectively. The velocity distribution near the blade surface was axisymmetric and had a maximum value of 22.19 m/s and velocity of the vertical direction of the impeller showed linear increase with horizontal direction. At case 3 of oultet length, there existed a a minimum pressure value of -133320 Pa.

덕트의 입구조건이 팬의 특성에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Duct Inlet Condition on Flow Characteristics of Fan)

  • 김종수;조강래
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.217-224
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    • 1995
  • The effects of duct inlet conditions on fan characteristics and upper wind velocity fields were investigated for two kinds of impellers. As the duct inlet condition, the relative positions between duct inlet and fan impeller and the size of baffle plate mounted on a duct inlet were selected. The 3-dimensional velocity components in flow fields were measured by a 5-holes pitot tube. From the results of measurements, it was found that the size of baffle plate scarecely effect on upper wind flow fields and characteristics of fan. It was also confirmed that the upper wind velocity distributions can be estimated by the potential flow field with large baffle plate at duct inlet.

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Supersonic Jet Noise Control via Trailing Edge Modifications

  • Kim, Jin-Hwa;Lee, Seungbae
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • 제15권8호
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    • pp.1174-1180
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    • 2001
  • Various experimental data, including mixing areas, cross correlation factors, surface flow patterns on nozzle walls, and far field noise spectra, was used to draw a noise control mechanism in a supersonic jet. In the underexpanded case, mixing of the jet air with ambient air was significantly enhanced as presented before, and mixing noise was also dramatically reduced. Screech tones, in the overexpanded case, were effectively suppressed by trailing edge modifications, although mixing enhancement was not noticeable. From mixing and noise performance of nozzles with modified trailing edges, enhancing mixing through streamwise vortices seems an effective way to reduce mixing noise in the underexpanded flow regime. However, screech tones in the overespanded flow regime is well controlled or suppressed by making shock cells and/or spanwise large scale structures irregular and/or less organized by a proper selection of trailing edges. The noise field in the overexpanded flow regime was greatly affected by the symmetricity of the nozzle exit geometry. In the underexpanded flow regime, the effects of the symmetricity of the nozzle exit on mixing were negligible.

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입구 유동 가진에 의한 사각 발열체 주위의 유동제어 및 열전달촉진 (II) 온도장 수치해석 (Flow Control and Heat Transfer Enhancement from a Heated Block by an Inflow Pulsation (II) Thermal Field Computation)

  • 리광훈;김서영;성형진
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제14권7호
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    • pp.599-606
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    • 2002
  • uniform temperature. The surfaces of the block are taken at a constant higher temperature. The channel walls are assumed to be adiabatic. Results on the time-dependent temperature field are obtained and averaged over a cycle of pulsation. The effect of the important governing parameters, such as the Strouhal number on the flow and the heat transfer is investigated in detail. The results indicate that the recirculating flow behind the block are substantially affected by the pulsation frequency. These, in turn, have a strong influence on the thermal transport from the heated element to the pulsating flow. The frequency at which the enhancement is maximum is determined.

주기적인 원주형 장애물이 있는 덕트유동 및 열전달의 비직교좌표변환에 의한 해석 (Numerical Analysis of Flow and Heat Transfer in Duct with Repeated Cylindrical Blockages by Non-orthogonal Coordinate Transformation)

  • 최영돈;이건휘
    • 대한설비공학회지:설비저널
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.473-488
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    • 1988
  • This paper is concerned with the prediction of two dimensional turbulent flows in the parallel plate with the repeated cylindrical blockages. The purpose of this paper is to find the effect of the eccentricity and the pitch of the repeated cylindrical blockages on the flow field, heat transfer coefficients and friction factors. A special technique is developed for the solution of the fully developed turbulent recirculating flow, in which the flow field varies periodically. A non-othogonal coordinate transformation is employed to solve the momentum and the energy equations. The results show that the pitch ratio or the eccentricity of the repeated blockages become smaller, or the Reynolds number of the flow larger, friction factors and heat transfer coefficients increase.

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플레넘 챔버 내의 유동 특성에 관한 실험적 연구 (An Experimental Study on the Flow characteristics in the Plenum Chamber)

  • 정재우;이기형;이창식
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제7권7호
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 1999
  • The MPI engine becomes increasingly popular because it meets two requirements of stringent pollutant emission and the lower fuel consumption. Even though supplies the same amount of fuel to each cylinder , it is hard to precisely control the air-duel ration due to the different amount of air flowing into each cylinder. The uniformity of air-fuel ration in each cylinder is considerably affected by the plenum chamber configuration . This study is focused on experimentally analyzing the flow characteristics within the plenum chamber In the present experiment , steady and valve dynamic state flow tests are performed and the flow field inside the plenum chamber is visualized and measured by utilizing a laser sheet visualization technique and a PTV method. These measured results indicate that the flow structure in the plenum chamber is highly influenced by the plenum chamber configurations, suction flow rates, crank speeds and so on.

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고분자전해질 연료전지의 환원극 블록과 공기 유량 영향에 대한 전산 해석 연구 (A Numerical Study of Cathode Block and Air Flow Rate Effect on PEMFC Performance)

  • 조성훈;김준범
    • 공업화학
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.96-102
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    • 2022
  • 고분자전해질막 연료전지의 반응물인 수소와 산소는 기체 상태이므로, 반응물이 원활히 전달될수록 작동 전압의 손실을 줄일 수 있다. 높은 전류밀도 영역에서 산소 물질 전달이 전압 손실을 좌우하므로, 환원극 유로의 형상 변경에 대한 연구들이 진행되어 왔다. 환원극 유로 형상 중에서 유로를 막는 블록은 반응물을 다공성 매질인 기체확산층으로 강제 대류 하도록 사용되었다. 본 연구에서는 간단한 단 채널의 연료전지 모델에 블록을 배치하였다. 전산 유체역학을 사용하였고, 공기 공급 유량을 달리하였을 때 블록으로 인한 강제 대류 효과가 전압-전류 곡선과 국부 전류 밀도에 대한 영향을 연구하였다. 기체확산층으로의 강제 대류 현상을 통하여 적은 공기 공급 유량으로도 높은 전류 밀도를 얻을 수 있었다. 다수의 블록을 직렬로 배치한 경우에 1개의 블록만 배치한 것보다 강제 대류 효과를 증가시켜 높은 전류밀도를 얻을 수 있었다.