• 제목/요약/키워드: age-grade of space

검색결과 34건 처리시간 0.023초

상완와관절의 수동하방활주운동이 오십견환자의 외전운동과 관절 내 움직임에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Glenohumeral Abduction Motion and Intra-articular Movement after Passive Caudal Gliding Mobilization in Frozen Shoulder Patients)

  • 서종학;배성수;김철용
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.126-152
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the value of passive caudal gliding mobilization of the glenohumeral joint on the range of motion (ROM) of active and passive abduction; to evaluate the value of pain relief through visual analogue scale (VAS); to evaluate the correlation between improvement of shoulder abduction and intra-articular movement measured by fluoroscopy in frozen shoulder patients. The subjects consisted of twenty-one patients with clinically diagnosed frozen shoulder (11 males, 10 females) between 40 and 63 years of age (mean age : 52.7 years). The traction and caudal gliding mobilization based on the convex-concave rule in the resting position and at end range of abduction was peformed for 15 minutes per day and was repeated 10 times during a 2 week period. The ROM of abduction was measured by goniometer and pain was measured by VAS. The intra-articular movement was measured by fluoroscope, Neurostar Plus TOP (Siemens, Germany). ROM measurements of each patient was acquired at pre-treatment, immediate post-treatment and 2 week post-treatment. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 10.0 for Windows software and data was analyzed using the paired-test and the pearson correlation. The results of this study are as follows: 1. There was a significant decrease of VAS between pre-treatment data and 2 week post-treatment data (P<.05) but no significant difference between pre-treatment and immediate post-treatment data (P>.05). 2. There was a significant increase in ROM of active and passive abduction in the pre-treatment data, immediate post-treatment data, and in 2 week post-treatment data (P<.05). 3. With regard to results of the joint play test, there was a significant difference in the grade of traction between pre-treatment data and immediate post-treatment data and between pre-treatment data and 2 week post-treatment data (P<.05). There was no significant difference between immediate post-treatment data and 2 week post-treatment data (P>.05). 4. With regard to results of the joint play test, there was a significant difference in the grade of caudal gliding between pre-treatment data and immediate post-treatment data and between pre-treatment data and 2 week post-treatment data (P<.05). There was no significant difference between immediate post-treatment data and 2 week post-treatment data (P>.05), 5. With regard to the results of fluoroscopic findings, there was a significant change of the glenohumeral joint space between pre-treatment data and immediate post-treatment data and between immediate post-treatment data and 2 week post-treatment data (P<.05). There was no significant change of the glenohumeral joint space between immediate post-treatment data and 2 week post-treatment data (P>.05). 6. With regard to the results of fluoroscopic findings, there was a significant change of acromiohumeral joint space between the three data (pre-treatment data, immediate post-treatment data, 2 week post-treatment data) (P<.05). 7. Mobility grade by joint play test was significantly increased and was correlated to improved ROM of active and passive abduction (P<.05). In this study of frozen shoulder, passive caudal gliding techniques of the glenohumeral joint results in statistically significant changes in active and passive abduction as well as in VAS. There is also a significant correlation between joint play test and ROM of abduction.

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대곡천 암각화군의 공학적 진단과 보존방안의 제안 (An Engineering Survey and Proposal on Preservation of Petrograms at Daegok Brook)

  • 조홍제;문종규
    • 터널과지하공간
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.194-206
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    • 2010
  • 울산 태화강 지류인 대곡천변에 선사시대 암각된 것으로 추정되는 반구대 암각화와 천전리 각석이 있다. 이들 암각화군은 중생대 백악기 퇴적암인 셰일면에 새겨져 있어 6000여년 동안 비바람에 풍화되어 풍화 5등급을 넘어 지금은 박리가 되고 있는 상태이다. 더욱이 반구대 암각화는 하류 사연댐의 수몰지구내에 존재하므로 45년 동안 1년 중 168일간은 물속에 잠겨있는 상태를 반복하여 왔다. 본 연구는 암각화군의 공학적 상태를 점검하여 암각화 본체의 강도증진과 풍화정지를 위한 대안을 제시하려는 목적으로 연구를 진행하였다.

동맥관 개존증의 임상적 고찰 (A retrospective clinical study of isolated patent ductus arteriosus)

  • 곽영태
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.593-606
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    • 1984
  • With the ligation of patent ductus arteriosus by Gross in 1938, surgeons first entered the field of congenital heart disease. Interruption of a ductus is one of the most satisfactory and curative operations in the field of surgery for congenital heart disease. 27 cases of isolated patent ductus arteriosus were operated from Jan. 1978 to July 1984 at the Department of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery in Kyung-Hee University Hospital. Retrospective clinical analysis of these patients were: 1. Sex ratio, female: male, was 2:1. 2. Mean age at operation was 9.85\ulcorner.58 years. The youngest patient was a 23 month-old girl and the oldest one was a 24 year-old male. 3. More than half of the patients had less than 50 percentile of growth retardation. 4. Chief complaints of the patients were frequent URI [52%], dyspnea on exertion [33%], generalized weakness [22%], palpitation [7%], but 7 patients [26%] had no subjective symptoms. 5. Continuous machinery murmur could be heard at the 2nd or 3rd intercostal space on the left sternal border in 22 patients [81%]. The other S patients made systolic murmur with accentuation of the second heart sound and those were associated with pulmonary hypertension. 6. Radiologic findings of Chest P-A were cardiac enlargement in 15 patients [55%], enlargement of pulmonary conus and/or increasing density of pulmonary vascularity in 20 patients [74%]. 7. Electrocardiographic findings of the patients were within normal limit in 13 patients [48%], LVH in 4 patients [15%], biventricular hypertrophy in 3 patients [11%]. 8; echocardiogram was obtained from 11 patients. Ductus was directly visualized in 7 patients. Left atrial enlargement is the secondary change of left to right shunt, 10 patients had LA/Ao ratio more than 1.2. 9. Cardiac catheterization performed in 25 patients. The mean value of the results were:SO2[PA-RV]= 14.72\ulcorner6.01%, Qp/Qs=2.22\ulcorner.80, peak systolic pulmonary arterial pressure=48.28\ulcorner1.60 mmHg. 10. 26 patients were operated through the left posterolateral thoracotomy: closure of ductus by double ligation in 14 cases, triple ligation in 5 cases, and division with suture in 8 cases. One patient suffer from aneurysmal rupture of main pulmonary artery, endocarditis, hemopericardium was treated with cardiopulmonary bypass via median sternotomy and closure of ductus through the ruptured main pulmonary artery. 11.There was no death associated with the operation, but 3 cases were experienced with intraoperative rupture around the ductus resulting in massive bleeding. The other complications were transient hoarseness in one patient, atelectasis in left lower lobe in 3 patients, and postoperative systemic hypertension in 4 patients with unknown etiology. 12. Pulse pressure was reduced, 11.47+5.92 mmHg, postoperatively, as compare to preoperative status. 13. Intraoperative wedge lung biopsy from lingular segment for the evaluation of the pulmonary vascular disease was taken in S patients with severe pulmonary hypertension. The result was Heath-Edward grade I in one case, grade II in two cases, and grade III in two cases.

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청소년의 가족식사와 혼밥 비교분석: 청소년의 시간활용과 가족특성을 중심으로 (Analyzing adolescent family meal vs. alone meal: Focusing on adolescent time use and family characteristics)

  • 차승은;이현아
    • 한국가족관계학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.135-156
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: This study aim to determine adolescent meal time, which provides the important context of parent-child sharing time. We divided mealtime into family meal and alone meal, and analyzed the time/space context of each meal time as well as the social determinations. Method: We employed adolescents age 10-18 who live with married patents and attends school at the present (n=5,128) from the original data of Korean Time Use Survey. Results: More adolescent were engaged in family meal rather than eating alone in daily bases. However, the trend show difference by day of week and academic grade; family meal are more prevalent in weekends rather than weekdays. As adolescent reaches high school age, the proportion of eating alone beats the proportion of family meal time. Most of the meal occur at home. Having meal outside was relatively scares, especially on weekdays. Tobit and logistic analysis reveal that, on weekday meal, less school hours, more time spent at the private academy, having family leisure event, and long mother's housework hours were positively associated with family meal time. In weekend model, father's education gradient was associated with family meal time, showing higher the father's education level, there were higher chance of having weekend family meal. As for the eating alone, relevant factors were similar with family meal but the directions were the opposite; having family leisure were negatively associated with alone meal, both weekdays and weekend. Long academy hours, meal preparing and leisure alone were positively associated eating alone. Overall, weekday meal time was strongly linked with adolescent daily schedules and time use, while for weekends meal, in both family meal and alone meal, the influence of parent factors were discovered. Conclusion: The results indicates that alone meal and the family meal are not exclusively related but seem to be complementary. Families tend to enjoy family meal yet, there are some necessary situation that adolescent need to be on their own. Increase in ready-made food industries, growing independence of children by age seem partly allow adolescent children to eat alone. Careful attentions may require for monitoring weekends meal situation and the family factor of adolescent in future studies.

Durability characteristics of recycled aggregate concrete

  • Saravanakumar, Palaniraj;Dhinakaran, Govindasamy
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제47권5호
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    • pp.701-711
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    • 2013
  • People started to replace natural aggregate with recycled aggregate for a number of years due to disposal problem and certain other potential benefits. Though there are number of drawbacks with use of recycled aggregates like lesser modulus of elasticity, low compressive strength, increase in shrinkage, there are results of earlier studies that use of chemical and mineral admixtures improves the strength and durability of recycled concrete. The use of recycled aggregate from construction and demolition wastes is showing prospective application in construction as alternative to natural aggregates. It conserves lot of natural resources and reduces the space required for the landfill disposal. In the present research work, the effect of recycled aggregate on strength and durability aspects of concrete is studied. Grade of concrete chosen for the present work is M50 (with a characteristic compressive strength of 50 MPa). The recycled aggregates were collected from demolished structure with 20 years of age. Natural Aggregate (NA) was replaced with Recycled Aggregate (RA) in different percentages such as 25, 50 and 100 to understand its effect. The experiments were conducted for different ages of concrete such as 7, 14, 28, 56 days to assess the compressive and tensile strength. Durability characteristics of recycled aggregate concrete were studied with Rapid chloride penetration test (as per ASTMC1202), sorptivity test and acid test to assess resistance against chloride ion penetration, capillary suction and chemical attack respectively. Mix design for 50 MPa gives around 35 MPa after replacing natural aggregate with recycled aggregate in concrete mix and the chloride penetration range also lies in moderate limit. Hence it is understood from the results that replacement of NA with RA is very much possible and will be ecofriendly.

Digilog를 이용한 과학관의 활성화 방안 (A study on Vitalizations of Science Museum with Digilog-Book)

  • 윤영두;최훈;최은영
    • 한국정보통신학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정보통신학회 2013년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.566-568
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    • 2013
  • 최근 정부의 창조과학의 일환으로 과학교육의 활성화를 위한 정책을 추진하고 있지만 과학전시는 인프라의 부족과 예산 및 인력의 부족으로 많은 어려움을 겪고 있는 현실이다. 과거의 과학관은 현장학습 체험의 대표적인 장소이자 유청소년들의 호기심의 장소였다. 그러나 현대에는 과학관의 경쟁상대는 테마파크나 온라인 게임들이 경쟁의 대상으로 부각되어지면서 체험과 교육이라는 두 가지 목표를 달성하기 위한 과학체험 전시기기의 변화가 요구되어진다. 해외 선진 과학관의 사례를 살펴보면 과학관이 단순한 과학교육 체험의 장이 아닌 하나의 문화공간으로서 휴식과 엔터테인먼트를 제공하고 있으며, 과학이외에도 주변 생활을 다양한 장르의 예술이나 패션 등과 결합하여 전시를 기획하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 현재의 획일화 되어진 전시기기의 설명 패널을 디지로그 북을 이용한 설명 패널로 교체하여 관람객의 연령과 학년에 맞춘 서비스를 제공함으로서 과학지식에 대한 지적 호기심 유발과 관람객의 만족도를 높일 수 있는 방안을 제시 하고자 한다.

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Lack of Relation of Survivin Gene Expression with Survival and Surgical Prognostic Factors in Endometrial Carcinoma Patients

  • Aksoy, Rifat Taner;Thran, Ahmet Taner;Boran, Nurettin;Tokmak, Aytekin;Isikdogan, Betul Zuhal;Dogan, Mehmet;Thlunay, Hakki Gokhan
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제15권16호
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    • pp.6905-6910
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    • 2014
  • Background: The relation ofsurvivin gene expression to survival and surgical prognostic factors in the patients with endometrial carcinoma is unclear. Materials and Methods: In this study, 62 cases who were operated due to endometrial carcinoma were investigated between 2003 and 2011 in the the gynecological oncology clinic of Female Disease Training and Investigation Hospital of Etlik Zubeyde, Hanim, Turkey. Clinical and surgical prognostic factors were investigated by screening the records of these cases. With the standard streptavidin-biotin immune peroxidase method, cytoplasmic and nuclear expression of survivin was investigated in sections with specific antibodies (1:100, diagnostic Bio Systems, USA) primer. The aim was to elucidate any relation between survivin expression and defined prognostic factors and survival. Results: There was no statistically significant relationship between cytoplasmic and nuclear indexes identified for survivin and age, body mass index, the levels of preoperative hemoglobin, platelet and Ca 125, stage, grade, lymph node meastasis, the number of meta statical lymph nodes (total, paraaortic and pelvic), myometrial invasion, serosal invasion, adnexal involvement, the presence of acid in the first diagnosis, the involvement of omentum, the adjuvant treatment application of the cases, the presence of recurrence and rate of mortality (p>0.05). Statistical significance was noted for the presence of advanced stage lymph node metastasis (pelvic, paraaortic, pelvic and paraaortic), serosal involvement, positive cytology, lymph vascular space invasion, intra abdominal metastasis, and omentum involvement. When investigated the relation between cytoplasmic and nuclear survivin indexes and total survival, the result was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Conclusions: In our study, there was no statistically significant relationship between the rates of cytoplasmic and nuclear survivin expression with identified prognostic factors and total or non-disease survival.

Effect of Modified High-heels on Metatarsal Stress in Female Workers

  • Kim, Kwantae;Peng, Hsien-Te
    • 한국운동역학회지
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.197-204
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    • 2019
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of high-heels (HH) modification on metatarsal stress in female workers. Method: Seven females who work in clothing stores ($heights=160.4{\pm}3.9cm$; $weights=47.4{\pm}4.1kg$; $age=31.3{\pm}11.1yrs$; $HH\;wear\;career=8{\pm}6.5yrs$) wore two types of HH (original and modified). The modified HH had been grooved with 1.5 cm radius and 0.2 cm depth around the first metatarsal area inside of the shoes using the modified shoe-last. Participants were asked to walk for 15 minutes on a treadmill and to stand for 10 minutes with original and modified HH, respectively. Kinetics data were collected by the F-scan in-shoe system. After each test, participants were asked to rate their perceived exertion using the Borg's 15-grade RPE scale and interviewed about their feeling of HH. Nonparametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test and effect size (Cohen's d) were used to determine the difference of the variables of interest between the original and modified HH. Results: In the present study, modified HH of the peak contact pressure of 1st metatarsal (PCP) left, PCP right, pressure time integral (PTI) left, peak pressure gradient (PPG) left during standing and PPG right during walking are greater than original HH. And even it didn't show statistically significant, the average in all pressure values of modified HH showed bigger than original HH. It surmised to be related to awkward with modified HH. Even though they said to feel the comfortable cause of big space inside of HH in the interview, they seemed to be not enough time to adapt with new HH. So their walking and standing postures were unstable. Conclusion: Modified the fore-medial part of HH can reduce the stress in the first metatarsal head and big toe area during standing and walking.

Effects of Stocking Density or Group Size on Intake, Growth, and Meat Quality of Hanwoo Steers (Bos taurus coreanae)

  • Lee, Sang-Moo;Kim, Jae-Yeon;Kim, Eun-Joong
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제25권11호
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    • pp.1553-1558
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of stocking density or group size on feed intake, daily gain, and carcass characteristics of Hanwoo (Korean indigenous breed) steers reared from 7 months to 31 months of age. Thirty Hanwoo steers were divided into four groups with three replicates each (a total of 12 pens). In each group, one (G1), two (G2), three (G3), and four steers (G4) per pen were allocated as treatments. Pen size was $32.0m^2$, and therefore Hanwoo steers in G1, G2, G3, and G4 were reared under different space allowances, i.e. 32.0, 16.0, 10.6, and $8.0m^2$/steer, respectively. Steers were reared following a conventional beef cattle management method in Korea, and were offered a fixed amount of commercial concentrate with ad libitum forages. Results were subjected to analysis of variance with stocking density as the main effect, and significance was declared at p<0.05. Although total feed intake was not significantly altered, it numerically increased in animals of low stocking density (G1) compared to those subjected to high stocking density treatment (i.e. G4). Feed conversion ratio was higher (p<0.05) in G3 compared to G1 and G2. Animals in G1 (low stocking density) grew faster (p<0.05) than those of high stocking density (G3 and G4). Back fat thickness, meat yield index, and meat yield grade were similar among all levels of stocking density. However, longissimus muscle area was larger in G1 and G2 (p<0.01) compared to G3 and G4, and animals in G3 produced smaller carcasses (p<0.05). Carcass quality traits, including marbling score, meat color, fat color, texture, maturity and meat quality grade, as determined by a group of experts, were not significantly different among the treatments. In conclusion, lower stocking density resulted in increased feed efficiency, daily gain, and carcass weight in Hanwoo steers. However it remains unclear whether such differences are the results of stocking density or group size, or a combination of both. Nonetheless, these results confirm previous studies reporting a negative effect of increased stocking density on animal productivity. Further, animal welfare under an intensive farming system in relation to economical return is discussed.

Health Promoting Lifestyle Behaviour in Medical Students: a Multicentre Study from Turkey

  • Nacar, Melis;Baykan, Zeynep;Cetinkaya, Fevziye;Arslantas, Didem;Ozer, Ali;Coskun, Ozlem;Bati, Hilal;Karaoglu, Nazan;Elmali, Ferhan;Yilmaze, Gulay
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제15권20호
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    • pp.8969-8974
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    • 2014
  • Background: The aim of this study was to determine the predictors of health promoting lifestyle behaviour among medical students attending seven of the medical schools in Turkey. Materials and Methods: This crosssectional descriptive study was performed during the second semester of the first and last (sixth) years of study from March to May 2011. A questionnaire with two sections was specifically designed. The first section contained questions on demographic characteristics; the second consisted of the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile II (HPLP) Scale. From a total of 2,309 medical students, 2,118 (response rate 91.7%) completed the questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t, Anova, Tukey test and binary logistic regression analysis. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee of Erciyes University. Results: The mean age was $20.7{\pm}2.9$ years and it was found that 55.1% were men, 62.3% were in the first year. The overall prevalence of smoking was 19.1%, and for drinking alcohol was 19.4%. HPLP point averages of the first year students were $129.2{\pm}17.7$, and for last year $125.5{\pm}19.0$. The overall mean score for the HPLP II was $2.5{\pm}0.4$. They scored highest on the spiritual growth subscale ($2.9{\pm}0.5$), interpersonal relations ($2.8{\pm}0.5$), health responsibility subscale ($2.3{\pm}0.5$), nutrition subscale ($2.3{\pm}0.5$), stress management subscale ($2.3{\pm}0.4$), and the lowest subscale physical activity ($2.0{\pm}0.5$). It is established that student's grade, educational level of parents, economic status of family, marital status, smoking and general health perception of the students resulted in a significant difference in HPLP Scale total score average and the mean score of majority of subscales. There was no statistically significant difference between the total HPLP when evaluated for gender, chronic disease, alcohol drinking status and BMI. Conclusions: Based on these results, particularly in the curriculum of medical students in order to increase positive health behaviours including physical activity, health promotion issues, and giving more space to aim at behaviour change in these matters is recommended.