• Title/Summary/Keyword: aesthetics characteristics

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Reconsideration of Film Music with Repetitive Rhythm Characteristics - Focusing on the Aesthetic and Functional Meaning of Philip Glass's Film Music - (반복적인 리듬 특성을 지닌 영화음악의 고찰 - 필립 글래스(Philip Glass)의 영화음악에 관한 미학적, 기능적 의미를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Sang-Yoon
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.183-192
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    • 2019
  • This study studied five major films from the 1980s to the 2000s when Philip Glass's minimal music was used, and studied the aesthetic and functional meaning of the minimal music. Minimal music has a repetitive rhythm and is understood to be aesthetically monotonous, to avoid a particular purpose, or as an expression of moveless. On the one hand, it can mean infinite persistence by repetitive rhythms, or sometimes repetition with subtle changes. The functions of film music were applied as the function of film music common to many theorists. As a result of the analysis of the music in five films, the aesthetic meaning of Philip Glass's minimal music was most relevant to the characteristics of the film story, and the functional meaning of the film music was determined by the structure, form, and genre of the film. Therefore, the theme of the film and the contents of the story played an important role in the aesthetic interpretation of film music with repetitive rhythm characteristics. And the elements of the plot such as the structure, form, and genre of the film are thought to have had a significant effect on the functional interpretation of the film music. The aesthetic value of the film music is closely related to the story of the film, and the functional meaning of the film music is interpreted as determined by the formal elements of the film.

A Study on Plant Symbolism Expressed in Korean Sokwha (Folk Painting) (한국 속화(俗畵)(민화(民畵))에 표현된 식물의 상징성에 관한 연구)

  • Gil, Geum-Sun;Kim, Jae-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2011
  • The results of tracking the symbolism of plants in the introduction factors of Sokhwa(folk painting) are as the following. 1. The term Sokhwa(俗畵) is not only a type of painting with a strong local customs, but also carries a symbolic meaning and was discovered in "Donggukisanggukjip" of Lee, Gyu-Bo(1268~1241) in the Goryo era as well as the various usage in the "Sok Dongmunseon" in the early Chosun era, "Sasukjaejip" of Gang, Hee-mang(1424~1483), "Ilseongrok(1786)" in the late Chosun era, "Jajeo(自著)" of Yoo, Han-joon(1732~1811), and "Ojuyeonmunjangjeonsango(五洲衍文長箋散稿)" of Lee, Gyu-gyung(1788~?). Especially, according to the Jebyungjoksokhwa allegation〈題屛簇俗畵辯證說〉in the Seohwa of the Insa Edition of Ojuyeonmunjangjeonsango, there is a record that the "people called them Sokhwa." 2. Contemporarily, the Korean Sokhwa underwent the prehistoric age that primitively reflected the natural perspective on agricultural culture, the period of Three States that expressed the philosophy of the eternal spirits and reflected the view on the universe in colored pictures, the Goryo Era that religiously expressed the abstract shapes and supernatural patterns in spacein symbolism, and the Chosun Era that established the traditional Korean identity of natural perspective, aesthetic values and symbolism in a complex integration in the popular culture over time. 3. The materials that were analyzed in 1,009 pieces of Korean Sokhwa showed 35 species of plants, 37 species of animals, 6 types of natural objects and other 5 types with a total of 83 types. 4. The shape aesthetics according to the aesthetic analysis of the plants in Sokhwa reflect the primitive world view of Yin/yang and the Five Elements in the peony paintings and dynamic refinement and biological harmonies in the maehwado; the composition aesthetics show complex multi-perspective composition with a strong noteworthiness in the bookshelf paintings, a strong contrast of colors with reverse perspective drawing in the battlefield paintings, and the symmetric beauty of simple orderly patterns in nature and artificial objects with straight and oblique lines are shown in the leisurely reading paintings. In terms of color aesthetics, the five colors of directions - east, west, south, north and the center - or the five basic colors - red, blue, yellow, white and black - are often utilized in ritual or religious manners or symbolically substitute the relative relationships with natural laws. 5. The introduction methods in the Korean Sokhwa exceed the simple imitation of the natural shapes and have been sublimated to the symbolism that is related to nature based on the colloquial artistic characteristics with the suspicion of the essence in the universe. Therefore, the symbolism of the plants and animals in the Korean Sokhwas is a symbolic recognition system, not a scientific recognition system with a free and unique expression with a complex interaction among religious, philosophical, ecological and ideological aspects, as a identity of the group culture of Koreans where the past and the future coexist in the present. This is why the Koran Sokhwa or the folk paintings can be called a cultural identity and can also be interpreted as a natural and folk meaningful scenic factor that has naturally integrated into our cultural lifestyle. However, the Sokhwa(folk paintings) that had been closely related to our lifestyle drastically lost its meaning and emotions through the transitions over time. As the living lifestyle predominantly became the apartment culture and in the historical situations where the confusion of the identity has deepened, the aesthetic and the symbolic values of the Sokhwa folk paintings have the appropriateness to be transmitted as the symbolic assets that protect our spiritual affluence and establish our identity.

A Study on the Aesthetic Characteristics of the digital silhouette animation, (미셀 오슬로의 <밤의 이야기>를 통해 본 디지털 실루엣 애니메이션의 미학적 특성 연구)

  • Moon, Jae-Cheol;Kim, YoungOk
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.32
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2013
  • Silhouette Animation has been recognized as a genre of animation since the very beginning of the animation history, and also Its segmental movement and Aesthetic expression has led a variety of semantic interpretations. Especially the French animation director, Michel Ocelot, recently integrated 3-dimensional digital to the silhouettes animation, and it extended the possibility of the silhouettes animation in many aspects. In his latest animation feature, , he showed how he made changes in 3-dimension by creating and evolving his own way and style of silhouette animation. Although mainstream digital animations preferably to show realistic images and motion, Michel Ocelot used very selective movement, subjective digital colors and extended space which couldn't be expressed in the way of creating traditional style of silhouette animation. This alternative slow movement and the unique aesthetics in 3-dimension emphasize the unconscious elements of color, composition, patterns, and it provides digitally enhanced images and pictorial impression. In addition, the acquisition of digital three-dimensional use of space made possible to provides the wider formative imagination to the audience. In this paper, we analyzed aesthetic characteristics of the digital silhouette animation, (2011), specially focusing on the aspects of Movement, Image, Space, which could not be found in the traditional silhouette animation. It is significant to obtain diversity of the future digital animation and its positive development. In addition, this provides opportunity to explore Michel Ocelot's new experiments and animation philosophy.

A Study on Visual Mise-en-Scene of VR Animation (VR 애니메이션 의 시각적 미장센 연구)

  • Lee, Lang-Goo;Chung, Jean-Hun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.407-413
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    • 2017
  • Mis-en-Scene is a direction method of image aesthetics for constructing screen and space. Mis-en-Scene is important factor not only in plays and movies, but also in animations, and it is a strong method to induce audience to immerse in the works and to continue the immersion. This study examined animation's Mis-en-Scene based on theories of Mis-en-Scene in movies, how Mis-en-Scene is directed and expressed in virtual spaces, and what factors and characteristics induce audience to immerse in the works and continue the immersion through analysis on visual Mis-en-Scene factors of a specific case, VR animation . It was found that as visual Mis-en-Scene factors, character and props, background, unique quality and friendliness of character, natural movement and acting, symbolism and utilization, and variety and consistency of background induce and sustain immersion. It is thought that this study would helpful for related areas based on the findings which suggest that there is a need for differentiated measure and method to catch audience's eyes and sustain immersion utilizing characteristics of vidual Mis-en-Scene factors in VR animation in the future.

A Study on Gilles Clement's Garden View and the 'Garden in motion' - Centering on Conceptual Comparison with William Robinson's Wild Garden - (질 클레망의 정원관(庭園觀)과 '움직이는 정원'에 대한 연구 - William Robinson의 Wild Garden과의 개념비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Kwon, Jin-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2018
  • The background of this study was to consider regenerative environmental characteristics and develop foundations for conceptual grounds and applications in embodying sustainable garden designs demanded in our age. In doing so, this study aimed to have a conceptual understanding of Clement's garden theory influenced by Robinson's naturalistic distinction and compared it with Robinson's wild garden, and the results are as follows: First, for Clement, garden design included an ecological process to settle in the target site as aesthetics of space being formed by the movement of plants. In this sense, making a 'garden in motion' implies to design possibilities to adapt to nature based on trust in it and allow plant seeds not to be planned but to naturally go and find appropriate habitats. Second, the views to wildness can be separated into microscopic and macroscopic views and each has its own expressive characteristics. Robinson's gardens are small and subordinate and play mollification functions for existing spaces. On the contrary, Clement's gardens are the subject of the space, represent macroscopic strategies, and have top-down approaches embodied as infrastructure to play central roles in the ecology. Third, Robinson's and Clement's views to the operation of garden spaces acknowledge the inseparable relationship between nature's autonomy and gardens' wildness and deliver a value that the preservation of nature is a prerequisite to coexistence with the life we desire. Their gardens are analogized by interventions of environmental possibilism and ecological standpoints mediated by plants based on the perspective of environmental determinism.

An Analysis of the Characteristics of Ecological Aesthetics in Patricia Johanson' Landscape Design (패트리샤 요한슨 (Patricia Johanson) 작품의 생태미학적 특성 분석)

  • Choi, Mi-Seon;Lee, Hyung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.118-124
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the ecological aesthetic features and the implications for ecological landscape design by analyzing the design philosophy and ecological artworks of Patricia Johanson, an ecological artist. Literature review and a field visit were conducted to investigate Johanson's four art projects that express the functional purpose, artistry, and locality of symbiosis with nature and restoration of ecosystem habitats. As the results of analysis, first, Johanson's work created 'functional art work' and 'artistic infrastructure'. Second, the historical and regional characteristics were expressed artistically and symbolically. Third, Johanson is characterized by connecting humans and nature through the publicity of works of art, and raising the awareness of preservation of nature and environment among the community and children. Johanson's innovative works can provide inspiration for landscape architects pursuing functional and sustainable landscape design.

Usage Motivation and Humanistic Interpretation of Emoticons in WeChat -Focused on Hwa(和) and Ye(禮)- (WECHAT 이모티콘 사용동기 및 인문학적 해석 -화(和)와 예(禮)를 중심으로-)

  • Kang, Xiao Meng;Kim, Se-Hwa
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.138-146
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of usage motivation of SNS emoticons in Northeast Asian culture regions, with the strong influence of normative society and to interpret these characteristics based on traditional humanistic thought. Since the mainstream SNS of each country is different, this study focused on China's WeChat. For the research, we found 38 motivations for the use of emoticons through literature research and interviews with 21 users, and we surveyed 209 participants for usage motivation. The results were as follows: First, six factors were derived from the motivation for use of emoticons, these factors were named emotional expressions, aesthetics, usability, impression management, entertainment, and sense of collectivism. Second, we explained how the ideas of 'Hwa(和)' and 'Ye(禮)' appeared in the use of emoticons, focusing on 'Impression management' and 'Sense of collectivism' among the motives of using emoticons. Hwa(和) is interpreted as a factor of 'sense of collectivism' which intends to strengthen the feeling of belonging in the chat room using emoticons and actively emphasize oneself and to be well integrated in the communication process. Ye (禮) is interpreted as a factor of 'impression management' which forms and maintains a better relationship with the moral code of ethics.

On the "Virtual and Real" and Blankness in Chinese Landscape Painting

  • Dongqi, Liu
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.174-183
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    • 2022
  • The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper and written below the author information. Use the word "Abstract" as the title, in 12-point Times New Roman, boldface type, italicized, centered relative to the column, initially capitalized, fixed-spacing at 13 pt., 12 pt. spacing before the text and 6 pt. after. The abstract content is to be in 11-point, italicized, single spaced type. Leave one blank line after the abstract, and then begin the keywords. All manuscripts must be in English. When it comes to the issue of "virtual and real" in traditional Chinese painting, the first impression is to describe the problems of painting strokes and ink, layout of pictures, etc., but it runs through the initial conception of the work, creation in the middle and aesthetic appreciation of the work. It exists in the whole process of artistic creation and appreciation. In essence, it is a problem of aesthetic thinking and philosophical thinking. Because the traditional Chinese painting theory is influenced by Taoism, when the concept of "virtual and real" is implemented in the specific picture of Chinese painting, it is contained in the specific shape of "physics", that is, the painting theory research of "blank space" in the picture. Based on the traditional Taoist philosophy of China, this paper takes the "virtual and real" view in Lao Zhuang's thought as the research object, deeply analyzes and compares its relationship with the "virtual and real" in Chinese landscape painting, and finds out their artistic spirit, essential characteristics and how to present them. This paper mainly discusses the internal relationship between Taoist philosophy and "virtual and real" in Chinese landscape painting from the following aspects. The introduction expounds the origin, purpose, significance, innovation and research methods of the topic. This paper analyzes the philosophical thoughts about landscape in the philosophical thoughts represented by Lao Tzu and Zhuangzi. The development of Chinese traditional aesthetics theory is closely related to Taoist philosophy, which has laid the foundation and pointed out the direction for the development of Chinese painting theory since ancient times. It also discusses the influence of the Taoist philosophy of "the combination of the virtual and real" on the emergence and development of the artistic conception of landscape painting. Firstly, through the analysis of the artistic conception of landscape painting and its constituent factors, it is pointed out that the artistic conception is affected by the personality and the painting artistic conception. Secondly, through the Taoist thought of "the combination of the virtual and real" in landscape painting, so as to reflect that it is the source of the artistic conception of Chinese landscape painting. It is the unique spiritual concept of "Yin and Yang" and "virtual and real" that creates the unique "blank space" aesthetic realm of Chinese painting in the composition of the picture. Finally, it focuses on the "nothingness" in Taoist philosophy and the "blank space" in Chinese landscape painting. The connotation of the "blank space" in Chinese painting exceeds its own expressive significance, which makes the picture form the aesthetic principle of emotional blending, virtual and real combination and dynamic and static integration. Through the "blank space", it deepens the artistic characteristics of the picture and sublimates the expression of "form" in Chinese painting.

A Study on the Type and Sense of Place of the Lighting Design of Urban Public Space (도시 공공공간 조명디자인 유형과 장소성에 관한 연구)

  • Ma, Dong Qing;Yoon, Ji Young
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.27
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    • pp.101-114
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    • 2017
  • Based on the relationship between urban public space, urban lighting and the sense of place, this paper aims to analyze the lighting environment types with the sense of place and their characteristics. First, with the theory study as the research foundation, it extracts six spatial factors of public space lighting design and then analyzes 12 relevant cases on the basis. Finally, it divides the 12 cases into four types, Basic types, Storytelling, Interactive and Multi-Media and analyzes the core design factor and characteristics of various types. The results show that: first, functionality, sustainability and aesthetics are the basic factors to realize the urban public space lighting places. Second, the six cases of "Storytelling" show that the theme of specific areas, namely the exploration of "story" is conducive for lighting design to form clear and definite environment recognition. Third, for "Interactive" and "Multi-Media", the intervention of new media technology and new lighting way has made the wide expansion of urban lighting design connotation and extension. The research results show that strengthening the urban location performance by the lighting design could improve the city image, which provides the basis for the development of urban public space lighting design.

Grotesque Aesthetics with a Focus on Animations of Lee, ae-rim Director (카니발 그로테스크 미학과 이애림 감독의 애니메이션)

  • Oh, Jin-hee
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.47
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    • pp.81-101
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    • 2017
  • The present study argues that film director Lee Ae-rim animation works depict the world of the grotesque and not only are important sociocultural phenomena but also hold the significance of humor and subversion. The grotesque exhibits the intriguing characteristics of expressing a perspective critical of the existing society through the sensibilities of minorities and is used broadly as a term not only in the aesthetic sense but also designating sociocultural phenomena. Although discussed separately in terms of Mikhail Bakhtin's carnival grotesque and Mary Russo's uncanny grotesque, the grotesque fundamentally rejects existing order and conventions and is externalized through unique expressions, thus opening up a rich possibility for rejection, humor, satire, transformation, and deconstruction of and regarding the authority of the mainstream. Although they constitute a fictional medium, animation films are social products as well so that they are affected by society, culture, and history and stand as important texts that must be interpreted in terms of the relationships between humans' instinctive desires and society and between the overall culture and artistic media. However, the rarity of grotesque portrayals in South Korean animation films also proves that it is a society where even problems that are in themselves sensitive must be manifested ingeniously on a conventional level. South Korean society has a unique history of colonialism and national division and is simultaneously in the unique situation of a society that has undergone growth at a nearly unprecedented rate. Consequently, the society exhibits closed yet dynamic particularity where everyday tension and rigidity, wariness of others and extreme competition are intertwined in a complex manner. Intensively analyzed in the present discussions, director Lee's animation films and are characterized mainly by grotesque images, nonlinear narratives, and vivid depictions. In such a context, these works not only are artistic products of South Korean society but also rejections of a rigid society and share the significance of the aesthetics of the carnival grotesque, which consists of subversive expressions directed at a new world.