• 제목/요약/키워드: aerodynamic damping

검색결과 115건 처리시간 0.024초

회전발사체 미익형상 롤댐핑 특성에 관한 실험연구 (An Experimental Study on Roll-Damping Characteristics of a Finned Spinning Projectile)

  • 오세윤;이도관;김성철;김상호;안승기
    • 한국항공우주학회지
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    • 제40권10호
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    • pp.894-900
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구의 목적은 풍동시험을 통해 회전발사체에서 발생하는 동적 롤댐핑 특성을 실험적으로 연구하는데 있었으며, 이를 위해 약 8,000 rpm으로 회전하는 회전발사체 실험모형에 작용하는 롤댐핑 특성의 측정을 위한 고속풍동시험을 국방과학연구소 삼중음속풍동에서 수행하였다. 실험시의 마하수는 0.6~0.9까지의 천음속 영역이었으며 이때의 받음각 구간은 최대 0~15 deg에 해당하였다. 측정된 공기역학적 댐핑 특성으로부터 회전체의 마찰 특성을 공제하기위한 베어링 마찰특성에 대한 평가도 함께 수행하였다.

간격 변화에 따른 DVD 디스크의 동특성 연구 (Dynamic Characteristics Research of DVD Disk due to Disk-Wall Gap)

  • 임효석;이승엽
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2003년도 추계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.1095-1100
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    • 2003
  • Experimental studies on the aerodynamic coupling effect on natural frequencies, critical speed and flutter instability of DVD disks are investigated in this paper. The experimental results are compared with the theoretical analyses where the aerodynamic effects are represented in terms of elastic, lift and damping and stiffness components. The experiments are performed using a vacuum chamber and DVD disks rotating in vacuum, open and enclosure with several different gaps between disk and wall. The following three results are given. One is that the aerodynamic effect by the surrounding air reduces the natural frequencies and critical speeds of the vibration modes. The second is that natural frequency decreases as the disk-wall gap is decreased. Finally, it is shown that the disk vibration is reduced as the gap between the disk and the rigid wall decreases.

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Experimental analysis of aerodynamic stability of stress-ribbon footbridges

  • Pirner, Miros;Fischer, Ondrej
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 1999
  • The dynamic properties of one-span or multi-span reinforced concrete footbridges of catenary form (see e.g., Fig. 1) include the very low fundamental natural frequency, usually near the step-frequency of pedestrians, and the low damping of bending vibrations. The paper summarized the results of model as well as full-scale measurements with particular reference to the influence of torsional rigidity of the stress-ribbon on the magnitude of aerodynamic response, the results of measurements on footbridges of catenary form being completed by results obtained on footbridges of some other types. Additionally the influence of the local broadening of the bridge deck on the bridge response was tested. Starting from these results the criterion has been derived for the decision, whether the flutter analysis is necessary for the design of the footbridge.

CD 및 DVD 디스크의 진동 특성 (Vibration Characteristics of CD and DVD Disks)

  • 이승엽;임효석
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2003년도 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.998-1003
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    • 2003
  • The aerodynamically excited vibration and natural frequency of rotating CD and DVD disks are analytically and experimentally studied in this paper The theoretical analysis uses a fluid-structure model where the aerodynamic effects are represented in terms of elastic, lift and damping components. The explicit expression on natural frequency of the air coupled disk is obtained as functions of the three aerodynamic coefficients. The experiments performed using a vacuum chamber and CD/DVD disks rotating in vacuum, open air and enclosure give three main results. One is that the aerodynamic effect by the surrounding air reduces the natural frequencies and critical speeds of the vibration modes. The second is that natural frequency of disks rotating in open air is larger than that in enclosure. Finally, it is shown that the disk vibration is reduced as the gap between the disk and the rigid wall decreases.

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Wind-induced response and loads for the Confederation Bridge -Part II: derivation of wind loads

  • Bakht, Bilal;King, J. Peter C.;Bartlett, F.M.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.393-409
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    • 2013
  • This paper uses ten years of on-site monitoring data for the Confederation Bridge to derive wind loads and investigate whether the bridge has experienced its design wind force effects since its completion in 1997. The load effects derived using loads from the on-site monitoring data are compared to the load effects derived using loads from the 1994 and 2009 wind tunnel aerodynamic model tests. The research shows, for the first time, that the aerodynamic model-based methodology originally developed in 1994 is a very accurate method for deriving wind loads for structural design. The research also confirms that the bridge has not experienced its specified (i.e., unfactored) wind force effects since it was opened to traffic in 1997, even during the most severe event that has occurred during this period.

부분 유입되는 터빈 블레이드의 과도 응답 특성에 대한 수치 해석 (Numerical Analysis on Transient Response of Turbine Blandes by Partial Admission)

  • 이진갑
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.396-404
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    • 1998
  • A numerical analysis is presented for the transient behavior of a rotating turbines blades. The response due to partial admission during start-up and resonance pass is considered, Modal analysis and numerical integation method are used for solving the problems A theory for determining the material and aerodynamic damping values of turbine blades is presented. The damping values of the various modeling of blaes-uniform beam and tapered twisted beam-are calculated and the influence on blades response is investigated. The effect of angular velocity on transient response are also shown.

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Ground effects on wind-induced responses of a closed box girder

  • Mao, Wenhao;Zhou, Zhiyong
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.397-413
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    • 2017
  • When bridges are constructed with lower heights from the ground, the formed channel between the deck and the ground will inevitably hinder or accelerate the air flow. This in turn will have an impact on the aerodynamic forces on the deck, which may result in unexpected wind-induced responses of bridges. This phenomenon can be referred to "ground effects." So far, no systematic studies into ground effects on the wind-induced responses of closed box girders have been performed. In this paper, wind tunnel tests have been adopted to study the ground effects on the aerodynamic force coefficients and the wind-induced responses of a closed box girder. In correlation with the heights from the ground in two ground roughness, the aerodynamic force coefficients, the Strouhal number ($S_t$), the vortex-induced vibration (VIV) lock-in phenomena over a range of wind velocities, the VIV maximum amplitudes, the system torsional damping ratio, the flutter derivatives, the critical flutter wind speeds and their variation laws correlated with the heights from the ground of a closed box girder have been presented through wind tunnel tests. The outcomes show that the ground effects make the vortex-induced phenomena occur in advance and adversely affect the flutter stability.

Aerodynamic stability of iced stay cables on cable-stayed bridge

  • Li, Shouying;Wu, Teng;Huang, Tao;Chen, Zhengqing
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.253-273
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    • 2016
  • Ice accretions on stay cables may result in the instable vibration of galloping, which would affect the safety of cable-stayed bridges. A large number of studies have investigated the galloping vibrations of transmission lines. However, the obtained aerodynamics in transmission lines cannot be directly applied to the stay cables on cable-stayed bridges. In this study, linear and nonlinear single degree-of-freedom models were introduced to obtain the critical galloping wind velocity of iced stay cables where the aerodynamic lift and drag coefficients were identified in the wind tunnel tests. Specifically, six ice shapes were discussed using section models with geometric scale 1:1. The results presented obvious sudden decrease regions of the aerodynamic lift coefficient for all six test models. Numerical analyses of iced stay cables associated to a medium-span cable-stayed bridge were carried out to evaluate the potential galloping instability. The obtained nonlinear critical wind velocity for a 243-meter-long stay cable is much lower than the design wind velocity. The calculated linear critical wind velocity is even lower. In addition, numerical analyses demonstrated that increasing structural damping could effectively mitigate the galloping vibrations of iced stay cables.

실측 데이터를 이용한 공용중인 강사장교의 버페팅 응답 분석 (A Study on Buffeting Responses of a In-service Steel Cable-stayed Bridge Using Full-scale Measurements)

  • 이덕근;공민준;유동우
    • 대한토목학회논문집
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    • 제36권3호
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    • pp.349-359
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    • 2016
  • 공용 중인 교량의 버페팅 응답을 해석적으로 평가하기 위해서는 교량 현장의 난류강도, 난류 스펙트럼, 조도계수, 거스트 계수 등 풍하중에 대한 분석이 우선되어야 하고, 해석 결과는 정적 공기력 계수, 플러터계수, 구조 감쇠비, 공기역학적 감쇠비, 고유 진동수 등 여러 변수에 의해 영향을 받는다. 본 논문에서 대상으로 한 교량은 32년째 공용 중에 있는 교량으로써 교량 주변의 지형조건은 설계 및 시공 당시에 비해 많은 변화가 발생하였으며 최근 기후 변화로 인한 풍 환경 역시 큰 변화가 있다. 이러한 이유로 대상교량에서 실측한 풍속 데이터를 분석하여 난류강도, 난류길이, 지표조도계수, 풍속 스펙트럼 등 교량 현장의 풍하중을 평가하였다. 교량 주변의 풍환경 평가 결과, 대상 교량은 해상교량임에도 불구하고 지표조도구분 II의 특성을 나타내고 있었다. 또한 실측한 구조물의 가속도, 변위 응답 데이터를 통해 대상교량의 감쇠비, 정적 공기력 계수, 고유진동수를 평가하여 계측기반 버페팅 해석 변수를 산정하였다. 계측데이터 기반의 해석 변수와 케이블강교량설계지침에 제시된 해석 변수를 적용하여 총 4가지 경우에 대한 버페팅 해석을 수행하였으며, 그 결과 10분 평균 풍속 25m/s이하에서 측정된 버페팅 응답과 계측 기반 해석 변수를 적용한 해석 응답이 가장 잘 일치함을 확인하였고, 계측 풍속과 Gumbel 확률분포를 이용하여 추정한 200년 재현기대 풍속인 45m/s에서의 버페팅 응답을 제시하였다.

공력면 전개에 필요한 전개 에너지의 추산에 관한 연구 (A Study on Estimation of Energy required for Fin Unfolding)

  • 정석영
    • 한국항공우주학회지
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    • 제37권3호
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 2009
  • 공력면의 전개 거동을 지배하는 미분방정식을 적분 형태를 바꾸어 전개 가능한 조건을 유도하여 전개에 필요한 힌지 토크를 추산할 수 있는 방정식을 얻었다. 방정식의 해는 주어진 전개 조건과 공력 조건에 대해 전개가 가능하기 위하여 전개 장치에 저장되어야 할 최소의 전개 에너지이며 방정식을 풀기위하여 공력과 중력, 마찰력 등 공력면에 작용하는 모멘트의 적분을 계산하여야 한다. 공력 롤 감쇠와 마찰력과 같은 비가역적 현상에 대한 적분을 수행하기 위하여 몇가지 가정과 모델링이 필요하였으며 특히 공력 롤 감쇠의 적분을 위하여 전개 각속도를 전개각만의 함수로 표현되도록 모델링하였고 이는 전개 과정에서 나타날 수 있는 최대 각속도와 형태를 가정함으로써 가능하였다. 방정식 풀이와 전개 각속도의 모델을 위하여 전개 에너지를 대표하는 이상 전개 각속도를 정의하였으며 최소의 전개 에너지를 구하는 방정식은 이상 전개 각속도에 대한 이차 방정식으로 표현된다. 제안된 추산법을 검증하기 위하여 여러 가지 전개 조건과 공력 조건에 대하여 최소 전개에너지를 추산하고 기 개발된 전개 거동 모사 프로그램을 이용하여 여러 형태의 전개 토크 형태에 대하여 추산 결과의 타당성을 비교 검토하였다.