• Title/Summary/Keyword: advertising effects

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The Effects of Consumers' Perceptual Brand Value on the Receptive Degree of Product in Extension Types of Vertical Brand Extension (소비자 지각측면의 브랜드 가치가 수직적 브랜드확장의 확장방향성 형태별 제품 수용도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hwa-Dong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2014
  • This Study analyzed empirically how do brand value components of consumer perception side effect on receptive degree of product in extension types of vertical brand extension, and how does the difference of receptive degree among products of extension types be showed under the positive effect of brand value. First, brand awareness has positive effect on upward and downward extension, and receptive degree of product is higher in downward extension than upward extension. Second, brand association doesn't have positive effect on upward extension but has positive effect on downward extension. Third, perceived quality showed similar results to brand awareness. Only, receptive degree of upward extension product in high perceived quality is higher than in high brand awareness or in high brand association. Fourth, examining about interaction effect among brand value components, interaction effect between brand awareness and brand association exists in downward extension, interaction effect between brand awareness and perceived quality exists in upward and downward extension, and interaction effect between brand association and perceived quality exists in upward and downward extension. By this interaction effect, the difference of receptive degree among products of extension types grows larger.

Effects of Consumer Innovativeness on the Evaluation of the Online Fashion Advertisement Sustainability (온라인 패션광고의 지속가능성 평가에 대한 소비자 혁신성 효과)

  • Son, Mi Young;Yoon, Namhee
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of consumer innovativeness on the evaluation of online fashion advertisement sustainability and on purchase intentions of advertising products. Online survey have been conducted of 573 people who had experience of online advertisements. The data collected from the surveys were analyzed by the factor analysis, the t-test and the multiple regression analysis. the results are as follows: Firstly, it has been identified that the concept of sustainability of online fashion advertisement consists of four sub-elements of the objectivity of advertisement expressions, the non-harmfulness of advertisement expressions, the protection of personal information, and the non-infringement of web use. Secondly, the group that has a higher consumer innovativeness shows a significantly higher experience of online advertisements as well as more many internet use hours than those who have a lower consumer innovativeness. In addition, comparing with the group that shows lower consumer innovativeness, the group who has higher consumer innovativeness shows a significantly higher recognition of the protection of personal information, the non-infringement of web use and the objectiveness of advertisement expressions among the sub-elements of online fashion advertisement. Lastly, the objectiveness of advertisement expressions and the non-infringement of web use significantly affect the intentions of the group that has high consumer innovativeness to purchase advertised products, and the purchase intentions of those who have low consumer innovativeness are significantly affected by the objectiveness of advertisement expressions and the protection of personal information.

The Effectiveness of Anti-Smoking Advertisement on Smoking Cessation Intention in Citizens of Ulsan Metropolitan City (울산광역시 시민에서 금연 광고가 금연 의향 및 유지에 미치는 영향)

  • Ock, Jongwoo;Pyo, Jeehee;Ock, Minsu;Kim, Seo-jun;Yoo, Cheolin
    • The Journal of Health Technology Assessment
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.114-122
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of the typical anti-smoking advertisement on smoking cessation intention in citizens of Ulsan Metropolitan City. Methods: A total of 700 citizens (600 adults and 100 high school student) participated in face-to-face interviews survey using paper questionnaire. Three anti-smoking advertisements were used in this study; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patient video advertisement, tobacco hazard information advertisement, and COPD patient voice advertisement. Each participant randomly evaluated only one of the three non-smoking anti-smoking advertisements. Participants were asked whether they had seen or heard anti-smoking advertisements before and asked whether they understood the advertisement well. They also assessed the effectiveness of non-smokers to maintain smoking cessation and how effective it would be to help smokers quit. Results: Among the three anti-smoking advertisements, 54.8% of participants said that they watched COPD patient video advertisement before. More than 95% of participants said they can understood anti-smoking advertisements. Among the three anti-smoking advertisements, tobacco hazard information advertisement was evaluated to be most effective to maintain non-smokers' smoking cessation (234, 92.5%). Tobacco hazard information advertisement was also evaluated to be most effective to make smokers quit smoking (216, 84.7%). Conclusion: Anti-smoking advertisements have a positive effect on non-smoker's willingness to keep smoking and smokers' willingness to quit smoking. In future studies, it would be meaningful to look at the long-term effects of smoking cessation or to evaluate the effectiveness of the more various anti-smoking advertisements.

Experience of Aging Simulation Clothes among Undergraduate Nursing Students (간호대학생의 노인체험복 착용경험에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Hyesun;Kim, Eungjong;Kim, Junghee
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.141-157
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    • 2010
  • This quasi-experimental study examined the experience of simulation clothes and its effects among undergraduate nursing students. Method: The experimental group consisted of 44 sophomore students in a diploma nursing program, while 41 students comprised the comparison group. Only the experimental group experienced the functional decline of aging after taking on simulation clothes. Homogeneity between the groups was analyzed using t-test, and Fisher's exact test. Paired t-test and t-test were adopted for testing changes of attitudes and awareness of supporting elders. In addition, contents of students' reports of the aging simulation experience were analyzed. Results: No significant quantitative effect was observed in attitudes toward elders and awareness of supporting elders. However, the simulation experience seemed to have enhanced students' understanding of elders and of basic elder care as well. Furthermore, the students could think of preparing for their later lives. Conclusion: The experience of simulation clothes is a meaningful learning opportunity in gerontological nursing curriculum. Students' experiences need to be shared and reinforced in a discussion session. Safety should be secured in the process of the experience. The simulation experience can be further developed to raise its quality.

A Study on the Influence of Augment Reality(AR) Types on Brand Attachment (증강현실 광고유형이 브랜드애착에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Eum, Seong-Won
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.241-254
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    • 2019
  • This study is a study on the consumer reaction to the augmented reality advertisement which is a recent issue. this study was conducted based on the necessity of marketing advertisement technique suitable for the 4th industrial revolution era. First, we present the types of augmented reality ads based on previous studies, and examined the effects of enjoyment and formation of brand attitudes on brand attachment on products or services based on the perceived value of consumers for these types of ads. This study is briefly summarized as follows. Hypothesis (H1) empirical value had a positive effect on pleasure, and hypothesis H2) empirical value also had a positive effect on brand attitude. Hypothesis (H3) symbolic value had a positive effect on pleasure and hypothesis (H4) symbolic value had positive influence on brand attitude. Hypothesis (H5) Practical value has a positive effect on pleasure. Hypothesis (H7) Pleasure affects positively (+) influence on brand attitude. Hypothesis (H8, H9) enjoyment affects affection and brand attitude affects affection positively. Hypothesis (H6) Practical value did not affect brand attitude positively. It can be seen that the augmented reality advertisement communicates with consumers through experience or symbolic side rather than perceive practical value by consumer. The implication of this study is that the augmented reality advertisement is highly interactive with consumers and can induce consumer participation. This means that consumers are more aware of empirical and symbolic values rather than experiencing practical value through augmented reality advertising.

Exploring the Possibility of Management Approach to Basic Income Discussion (기본소득 논의에 관한 경영학적 접근 가능성 탐색)

  • Tag, Dong-il
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.179-189
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    • 2022
  • In the face of revolutionary changes in industry, the relationship between labor and income needs to be reconceptualized in the period of social revolution. The absolute decrease in labor due to the absence of labor is caused by automation, smartization, AI, robot labor, etc., which we must accept whether we want to or not. However, while gross social product and capital of the state or society increase, individual income is likely to decrease. During this transformation period, the state or politics must prepare for the problems caused by the decline in individual income. Until now, there have been various levels of discussion on social welfare or social security from the perspective of welfare or assistance. Attempts or studies at the experimental level have been conducted at the level of many countries or local governments and have found positive and negative effects. There is no basic income system that is widely implemented at the national level, and various discussions are taking place from a future-oriented perspective. Therefore, I propose to look at it from a new perspective based on the perspective so far. We explored that it is part of a positive approach to examine the importance and necessity of basic income in terms of working hours, quality of labor, income, quality of life, value of spare time, and work-life balance. The goal is to actively accept the absolute lack of working hours, replacement of mechanical labor, and polarization due to changes in the industry paradigm, and to look at the problems that come from a positive perspective. If we are going to accept it anyway, we should not look at these issues as short-sighted, but prepare them preemptively and establish a primitive plan from a long-term and overall perspective. Smartphones have changed the world over the past decade and have been lost, but wouldn't there be a lot of new discoveries? Shouldn't we think of it as a great opportunity to improve the quality of life through technological changes?

The Effects of Signboard Improvement Reflecting Local Characteristics : The Mediating Roles of Informativeness, Entertainment, and Irritation (지역 특성을 반영한 간판 개선의 효과 : 정보성, 오락성, 방해성의 매개 역할)

  • Yesolran Kim;Se-Jin Lee
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2024
  • Signboard plays a pivotal role in crafting the initial impression of a storefront and contributing to the overall aesthetics of the local environment. Since 2012, the South Korean government has been annually implementing signboard improvement projects as part of its commitment to enhance urban landscapes and invigorate local business districts. Particularly noteworthy in recent years is the government's emphasis on creating signborad that aligns with the characteristics of the cities. This study aimed to investigate the impact on stores and the local area when incorporating local characteristics into signboard, with a focus on the mediating roles of informativeness, entertainment, and irritation. A survey was conducted among 150 undergraduate and graduate students who had experience visiting areas with improved signboard. The findings indicate that local fit of signboards has a positive impact on intention to visit store and area by mediating informativeness and entertainment. On the other hand, irritation does not exert a significant influence within this structural relationship. The results of this study contribute to broadening the scholarly understanding of signboards and signboard improvement, highlighting the importance of incorporating local characteristics into signboard to small business owners and local government practitioners.

The Effects of Bundle Price Discount Framing and Message Framing on Consumers' Evaluation of Bundle Component (번들가격할인 프레이밍과 메시지 프레이밍이 소비자의 번들구성제품에 대한 평가에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Sojin
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.55-77
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    • 2011
  • This study investigate the interaction effects of bundle price discount framing and message framing on consumer's attitude of bundle component. Although each effect of bundle price discount framing and message framing has been explored individually, few attempts have been made to invest them jointly. This study tests the interaction effects of bundle price discount framing and message framing on consumer's evaluation of bundle component. Moreover, this research focuses on consumer's evaluation of individual bundle component while the existing research on bundling primarily focused on consumer's evaluation of the bundle. Prior research suggests that consumers are sensitive to the framing of prices and discounts in the presentation of the bundle offer. For example, there is considerable evidence that partitioning or consolidating the prices of a bundle can influence the attractiveness of the bundle offer. Similarly, there is evidence that an equivalent price reduction to the overall bundle, one of the individual products in the bundle, or distributed among the individual products in the bundle can alter the perceived attractiveness of the offer (e.g. Chakravarti, Krish, Paul, and Srivastava 2002; Hamilton and Srivastava 2008; Janiszewski and Cunha 2004; Johnson, Herrmann and Bauer 1999; ; Morwitz, Greenleaf, and Johnson 1998; Yadav 1994; 1995). In line with these earlier research, this research suggests that the bundle type can influence the consumer's evaluation of bundle component. There are two types of bundle - mixed-leader bundle and mixed-joint bundle. In mixed-leader bundling, the price of one of the two products is discounted when the other product is purchased at the regular price. In mixed-joint bundling, a single price is set when the two product are purchased jointly. This study supposes that the teeth whitening product is the leader product in a mixed-leader bundle. So bundle price discount framing is manipulated such as "Buy the teeth whitening product (regular price \80,000) and get 50% discount on the functional toothpaste(regular price \40,000), special set price \100,000" or "Buy the functional toothpaste and the teeth whitening product as a set and get discount for the set, special set price \60,000". Message framing is manipulated through the product claims described in an advertising bill. The positive framing presents that "Over 95% of users achieved the expected 2-3 shades of improvement in two weeks" where as the negative framing presents "less than 5% of users did not achieve the expected 2-3 shades of improvement in two weeks". This study uses hypothetical brand name of the teeth whitening product and the functional toothpaste This study is based on a 2x2 factorial design with bundle discount framing (mixed-leader bundle vs. mixed-joint bundle) and massage framing (positive vs. negative). The dependant variables are consumer's perceived quality and attitude of the teeth whitening product The data reveals that two dependant variables are correlated, so the data is analyzed with two-way MANOVA. This research explores the significant interaction effect of bundle discount framing and message framing on consumer's perceived quality and attitude of the teeth whitening product. When the message framing is positive, consumer's perceived quality and attitude of the teeth whitening product is higher in mixed-leader bundle than mixed-joint bundle condition. However, when the message framing is negative, consumer's evaluation is higher in mixed-joint bundle than mixed-leader bundle. The author explains this result by stating that consumers are less likely to use heuristics such as price-quality association and value discounting hypothesis(Raghubir 2004) in the negative message framing condition. Additionally, consumer's perceived risk of the teeth whitening product in the negative message framing condition can be more reduced by the bundle partner(e.g. the toothpaste) in mixed-joint bundle than mixed-leader bundle. Based on the results, marketing managers are advised to use different bundle type based on message framing of their product.

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The Effect of College students' Perceived Marketing Communication, Value and Consumption Emotion on Store Loyalty in Discount Store (대학생들이 지각하는 종합슈퍼마켓의 마케팅 커뮤니케이션, 가치, 소비감정이 점포충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Hoe-Chang;Ju, Yoon-Hwang
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2012
  • Rapidly growing sales amount and the number of discount stores caused many side effects and sensitive issues in Korea. Because these severe competition due to more expensive cost just like excessive increase in advertising and location selection, and these caused completely ruined small merchants as well as passed on to the consumer. This Study focused on competitiveness of discount store in Korea to the perspective of college students, as explored the relationships between marketing communication and store loyalty. And, examined for two moderating effect, 1) consumers' value separated by hedonic value and utilitarian value between marketing communication and store loyalty, and 2) consumers' value separated by hedonic value and utilitarian value between marketing communication and consumption emotion. Finally, this study examined for mediating effect of consumption emotion between marketing communication and store loyalty. In order to verify the relationship, moderating and mediating effects, data were collected from 130 college students in Whasung, Gyeonggi Province to test theoretical model and its hypotheses. Findings are as followed : First, analysis showed that factors such as advertisement(β =.221, p<.05), publicity(β =.513, p<.01), sales promotion(β =.234, p<.01), word of mouth(β =.627, p<.01) and physical environment(β =.339, p<.01) for marketing communication in the discount store have statistically significant positive effect on store loyalty. But the result of regression analysis for which factors are more impact in marketing communication between store loyalty showed that word of mouth(β =.53, p<.01) is only statistically significant. Second, publicity(β =-.895, p<.05), the sub-dimension of marketing communication shows only statistically significant negative moderating effect on store loyalty. But, the results of the moderating effect of value between marketing communication and consumption emotion verified that utilitarian value show statistically significant, specifically advertisement(β =.294, p<.01), physical environment(β =.418, p<.01), sales promotion(β =.245, p<.01), word of mouth(β =.414, p<.01) and publicity(β =1.137, p<.05), respectively. And hedonic value show statistically significant, specifically advertisement(β =.286, p<.01), physical environment (β =.418, p<.01), sales promotion(β =.236, p<.01) and word of mouth(β =.420, p<.01), respectively. But publicity(β =.145, p=.119) is not statistically significant. Finally, the results verified mediating effect for consumption emotion between all factors for marketing communication and store loyalty showed that factors such as advertisement, publicity, word of mouth and physical environment for marketing communication except sales promotion were statistically significant fully mediated in advertisement, and partially mediated in publicity, word of mouth and physical environment. This testified that the consumption emotion had the most important factor to enhance store loyalty to the perspective of College students. These results can provide important implications and invaluable tips for planning marketing strategies and gaining access to new potential customers. Implications and future research directions are also discussed.

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The Effect of Manufacturing Method Preferences for Different Product Types on Purchase Intent and Product Quality Perception (제품유형에 따른 제조방식 선호가 구매의도와 품질지각에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Guk-Hee;Park, Seong-Yeon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2016
  • Studies have observed various phenomena regarding the effect of the interaction between type, price, and brand image of a product on consumers' purchase intent and product quality perception. Yet, few have studied the effect of the interaction between product type and manufacturing method on these factors. However, the advent of three-dimensional (3D) printers added a new manufacturing method, 3D printing, to the traditional methods of handicraft and automated machine-based production, and research is necessary since this new framework might affect consumers' purchase intent and product quality perception. Therefore, this study aimed to verify the effects of the interaction between product type and manufacturing method on purchase intent and product quality perception. To achieve this, in our experiment 1, we selected product types with different characteristics (drone vs. violin vs. cup), and measured whether consumers preferred different manufacturing methods for each product type. The results showed that consumers preferred the 3D printing method for technologically advanced products such as drones, the handmade method for violins, and the automated machine-based manufacturing method, which allows mass production, for cups. Experiment 2 attempted to verify the effects of the differences in manufacturing method preferences for each product type on consumers' purchase intent and product quality perception. Our findings are as follows: for drones, the purchase intent was highest when 3D printing was used; for violins, the purchase intent was highest when the violins were handmade; for cups, the purchase intent was highest when machine-based manufacturing was used. Moreover, whereas the product quality perception for drones did not differ across different manufacturing methods, consumers perceived that handmade violins had the highest quality and that cups manufactured with 3D printing had the lowest quality (the purchase intent for cups was also lowest when 3D printing was used). This study is anticipated to provide a wide range of implications in various areas, including consumer psychology, marketing, and advertising.