• 제목/요약/키워드: advanced fuel cladding

검색결과 77건 처리시간 0.023초

급랭 열처리시 지르코늄 합금의 취성 거동 (Embrittlement Behavior of Zirconium Alloy in Quenching Heat Treatment)

  • 김준환;이종혁;최병권;정용환
    • 열처리공학회지
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.216-222
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    • 2004
  • Study was focused on the quenching embrittlement property of Zircaloy-4 cladding simulated Loss Of Coolant Accident (LOCA) environment in terms of high temperature oxidation and phase transformation. Property in LOCA condition of advanced cladding that contained Nb element was also investigated. Claddings were oxidized at given temperature and given time followed by water quenching. The results showed that ${\beta}$ phase which formed at quenching stage has an influence on cladding property. In case of advanced cladding, Nb retards cladding oxidation, thus enhances quenching resistance.

Design and evaluation of an innovative LWR fuel combined dual-cooled annular geometry and SiC cladding materials

  • Deng, Yangbin;Liu, Minghao;Qiu, Bowen;Yin, Yuan;Gong, Xing;Huang, Xi;Pang, Bo;Li, Yongchun
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제53권1호
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    • pp.178-187
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    • 2021
  • Dual-cooled annular fuel allows a significant increase in power density while maintaining or improving safety margins. However, the dual-cooled design brings much higher Zircaloy charge in reactor core, which could cause a great threaten of hydrogen explosion during severe accidents. Hence, an innovative fuel combined dual-cooled annular geometry and SiC cladding was proposed for the first time in this study. Capabilities of fuel design and behavior simulation were developed for this new fuel by the upgrade of FROBA-ANNULAR code. Considering characteristics of both SiC cladding and dual-cooled annular geometry, the basic fuel design was proposed and preliminary proved to be feasible. After that, a design optimization study was conducted, and the optimal values of as-fabricated plenum pressure and gas gap sizes were obtained. Finally, the performance simulation of the new fuel was carried out with the full consideration of realistic operation conditions. Results indicate that in addition to possessing advantages of both dual-cooled annular fuel and accident tolerant cladding at the same time, this innovative fuel could overcome the brittle failure issue of SiC induced by pellet-cladding interaction.

Out-of-pile Characteristics of Advanced Fuel Cladding (HANA alloys)

  • Park, Jeong-Yong;Park, Sang-Yun;Lee, Myung-Ho;Choi, Byung-Kwon;Baek, Jong-Hyuk;Kim, Jun-Hwan;Kim, Hyun-Gil;Jeong, Yong-Hwan;Kim, Gyu-Tae;Jung, Youn-Ho
    • 한국원자력학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국원자력학회 2005년도 춘계학술발표회
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    • pp.423-424
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    • 2005
  • The performance of HANA claddings was evaluated in out-of-pile conditions. All the performance test results revealed that HANA claddings were superior to the reference claddings such as Zircaloy-4 and A-cladding. Corrosion resistance was improved by 60 to 70% compared to the commercial claddings. Creep, burst, tensile, LOCA, wear and microstructural properties were shown to be as good as the commercial claddings.

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A review on thermohydraulic and mechanical-physical properties of SiC, FeCrAl and Ti3SiC2 for ATF cladding

  • Qiu, Bowen;Wang, Jun;Deng, Yangbin;Wang, Mingjun;Wu, Yingwei;Qiu, S.Z.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제52권1호
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2020
  • At present, the Department of Energy (DOE) in Unite State are directing the efforts of developing accident tolerant fuel (ATF) technology. As the first barrier of nuclear fuel system, the material selection of fuel rod cladding for ATFs is a basic but very significant issue for the development of this concept. The advanced cladding is attractive for providing much stronger oxidation resistance and better in-pile behavior under sever accident conditions (such as SBO, LOCA) for giving more coping time and, of course, at least an equivalent performance under normal condition. In recent years, many researches on in-plie or out-pile physical properties of some suggested cladding materials have been conducted to solve this material selection problem. Base on published literatures, this paper introduced relevant research backgrounds, objectives, research institutions and their progresses on several main potential claddings include triplex SiC, FeCrAl and MAX phase material Ti3SiC2. The physical properties of these claddings for their application in ATF area are also reviewed in thermohydraulic and mechanical view for better understanding and simulating the behaviors of these new claddings. While most of important data are available from publications, there are still many relevant properties are lacking for the evaluations.

Development of a Simplified Fuel-Cladding Gap Conductance Model for Nuclear Feedback Calculation in 16$\times$16 FA

  • Yoo, Jong-Sung;Park, Chan-Oh;Park, Yong-Soo
    • 한국원자력학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국원자력학회 1995년도 추계학술발표회논문집(2)
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    • pp.636-643
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    • 1995
  • The accurate determination of the fuel-cladding gap conductance as functions of rod burnup and power level may be a key to the design and safety analysis of a reactor. The incorporation of a sophisticated gap conductance model into nuclear design code for computing thermal hydraulic feedback effect has not been implemented mainly because of computational inefficiency due to complicated behavior of gap conductance. To avoid the time-consuming iteration scheme, simplification of the gap conductance model is done for the current design model. The simplified model considers only the heat conductance contribution to the gap conductance. The simplification is made possible by direct consideration of the gas conductivity depending on the composition of constituent gases in the gap and the fuel-cladding gap size from computer simulation of representative power histories. The simplified gap conductance model is applied to the various fuel power histories and the predicted gap conductances are found to agree well with the results of the design model.

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Development of FEMAXI-ATF for analyzing PCMI behavior of SiC cladded fuel under power ramp conditions

  • Yoshihiro Kubo;Akifumi Yamaji
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제56권3호
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    • pp.846-854
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    • 2024
  • FEMAXI-ATF is being developed for fuel performance modeling of SiC cladded UO2 fuel with focuses on modeling pellet-cladding mechanical interactions (PCMI). The code considers probability distributions of mechanical strengths of monolithic SiC (mSiC) and SiC fiber reinforced SiC matrix composite (SiC/SiC), while it models pseudo-ductility of SiC/SiC and propagation of cladding failures across the wall thickness direction in deterministic manner without explicitly modeling cracks based on finite element method in one-dimensional geometry. Some hypothetical BWR power ramp conditions were used to test sensitivities of different model parameters on the analyzed PCMI behavior. The results showed that propagation of the cladding failure could be modeled by appropriately reducing modulus of elasticities of the failed wall element, so that the mechanical load of the failed element could be re-distributed to other intact elements. The probability threshold for determination of the wall element failure did not have large influence on the predicted power at failure when the threshold was varied between 25 % and 75 %. The current study is still limited with respect to mechanistic modeling of SiC failure as it only models the propagation of the cladding wall element failure across the homogeneous continuum wall without considering generations and propagations of cracks.


  • Chuto, Toshinori;Nagase, Fumihisa;Fuketa, Toyoshi
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제41권2호
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    • pp.163-170
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    • 2009
  • In order to evaluate high-temperature oxidation behavior of the advanced alloy cladding under LOCA conditions, isothermal oxidation tests in steam were performed with cladding specimens prepared from high burnup PWR fuel rods that were irradiated up to 79 MWd/kg. Cladding materials were $M5^{(R)}$ and $ZIRLO^{TM}$, which are Nb-containing alloys. Ring-shaped specimens were isothermally oxidized in flowing steam at temperatures from 1173 to 1473 K for the duration between 120 and 4000s. Oxidation rates were evaluated from measured oxide layer thickness and weight gain. A protective effect of the preformed corrosion layer is seen for the shorter time range at the lower temperatures. The influence of pre-hydriding is not significant for the examined range. Alloy composition change generally has small influence on oxidation in the examined temperature range, though $M5^{(R)}$ shows an obviously smaller oxidation constant at 1273 K. Consequently, the oxidation rates of the high burnup $M5^{(R)}$ and $ZIRLO^{TM}$ cladding are comparable or lower than that of unirradiated Zircaloy-4 cladding.

An evaluation on in-pile behaviors of SiCf/SiC cladding under normal and accident conditions with updated FROBA-ATF code

  • Chen, Ping;Qiu, Bowen;Li, Yuanming;Wu, Yingwei;Hui, Yongbo;Deng, Yangbin;Zhang, Kun
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제53권4호
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    • pp.1236-1249
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    • 2021
  • Although there are still controversial opinions and uncertainty on application of SiCf/SiC composite cladding as next-generation cladding material for its great oxidation resistance in high temperature steam environment and other outstanding advantages, it cannot deny that SiCf/SiC cladding is a potential accident tolerant fuel (ATF) cladding with high research priority and still in the engineering design stage for now. However, considering its disadvantages, such as low irradiated thermal conductivity, ductility that barely not exist, further evaluations of its in-pile behaviors are still necessary. Based on the self-developed code we recently updated, relevant thermohydraulic and mechanical models in FROBA-ATF were applied to simulate the cladding behaviors under normal and accident conditions in this paper. Even through steady-state performance analysis revealed that this kind of cladding material could greatly reduce the oxidation thickness, the thermal performance of UO2-SiC was poor due to its low inpile thermal conductivity and creep rate. Besides, the risk of failure exists when reactor power decreased. With geometry optimization and dopant addition in pellets, the steady-state performance of UO2-SiC was enhanced and the failure risk was reduced. The thermal and mechanical performance of the improved UO2-SiC was further evaluated under Loss of coolant accident (LOCA) and Reactivity Initiated Accident (RIA) conditions. Transient results showed that the optimized ATF had better thermal performance, lower cladding hoop stress, and could provide more coping time under accident conditions.