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An Analysis of Swimming Injuries and Their Rehabilitation (근육 골격계의 질환 및 재활분석(수영선수를 중심으로))

  • Kim, Kwi-Baek;Ji, Jin-Gu;Kwak, Yi-Sub
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.325-330
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    • 2022
  • While swimming is a very popular competitive sports activity, swimming injuries are unique due to the repetitive nature of the swimming stroke and demanding training programs that can result in upper limb overuse. Therefore, the primary objective of this review was to analyze swimmers' injury areas, injury types by stroke type, and swimming rehabilitation, as well as to discuss safety management for improving swimming performance. In this study, the injuries incurred in swimming events were discussed in the order of upper limb injuries (neck, shoulder, arm, and wrist), lower limb injuries (knee and ankle), and waist injuries. An analysis by stroke type found that shoulder injuries occurred most often with freestyle, backstroke, and butterfly strokes, followed by rotator cuff injury, impingement syndrome, and SLAP (superior labral tear from anterior to posterior) lesions. Knee injuries were associated with the breaststroke, whereas spinal cord injuries occurred with the breaststroke and butterfly stroke. Finally, back injuries were associated with the butterfly stroke. During the freestyle stroke, the shoulder undergoes repetitive overhead movement; hence, shoulder and musculoskeletal pain are the most common and well-documented complaints of swimmers. For safety management, coaches and instructors must ensure that athletes do sufficient warm-up and cool-down exercises to avoid injuries. In case of an injury, they should be familiar with first aid measures so that secondary damage can be prevented with its quick application. In addition, coaches and instructors need to be trained in injury prevention and treatment so that they can provide appropriate rehabilitation treatment for athletes. Although swimming-related injuries cannot be completely eliminated, to reduce them to a minimum, leaders need the knowledge to apply scientific and systematic training principles and methods individualized for each athlete.

Comparative Analysis of Mitochondrial Genomes of the Genus Sebastes (Scorpaeniformes, Sebastidae) Inhabiting the Middle East Sea, Korea (한국 동해 중부해역에 서식하는 볼락속(Sebastes) 어류의 미토콘드리아 유전체 비교분석)

  • Jang, Yo-Soon;Hwang, Sun Wan;Lee, Eun Kyung;Kim, Sung
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.226-239
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    • 2021
  • Sebastes minor, Sebastes trivittatus, Sebastes owstoni, and Sebastes steindachneri are indigenous fish species inhabiting the central part of the East Sea, Korea. In order to understand the molecular evolution of these four rockfishes, we sequenced the complete mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) of S. minor and S. trivittatus. To further analyze the phylogeny of Sebastes species, the mitogenomes of 16 rockfishes were comparatively investigated. The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) nucleotide sequences of S. minor and S. trivittatus were 16,408 bp and 16,409 bp in length, respectively. A total of 37 genes were found in mtDNA of S. minor and S. trivittatus, including 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, and 22 transfer RNA genes, which exhibited similar characters with other Sebastes species in the East Sea, Korea. In addition, we detected a conserved motif "ATGTA" in the control region of the four Sebastes species, but no tandem repeat units. Comparative analyses of the congeneric mitochondrial genomes were performed, which showed that control regions were more variable than the concatenated protein-coding genes. As a result of analysing phylogenetic relationships of four Sebastes species by using concatenated nucleotide sequences of 13 protein-coding genes, S. minor, S. trivittatus, S. owstoni and S. steindachneri were clustered into three clades. The phylogenetic tree exhibited that S. minor and S. steindachneri shared a closer relationship, whereas S. trivittatus and S. vulpes formed another distinct clade. Our results contribute to a better understanding of evolutionary patterns of Sebastes species inhabiting the middle East Sea, Korea.

Development and evaluation of a nutrition education program for housewives to reduce sodium intake: application of the social cognitive theory and a transtheoretical model (주부대상 나트륨 섭취 줄이기 영양교육 프로그램 개발 및 효과 평가: 사회인지론과 행동변화단계모델 적용)

  • Ahn, Sohyun;Kwon, Jong-Sook;Kim, Kyungmin;Kim, Hye-Kyeong
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.174-187
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study was performed to evaluate an education program for housewives to reduce sodium intake based on the social cognitive theory. Methods: Housewives (n = 387) received 2 education sessions focused on food purchase and cooking, and completed a questionnaire on their perceptions of environmental, cognitive, and behavioral factors and the stages of behavioral change to reducing sodium intake both before and after the education program. Results: After the education program, the recognition of social efforts for sodium reduction and sodium labeling and experience with low-sodium products increased. Positive expectancies for the prevention of osteoporosis by the reduction of sodium were enhanced while the main barriers in practicing sodium reduction decreased, especially 'interrupting social relationships when dining with others', 'bad taste', 'preference for soup or stew', and 'limited knowledge and skills to practice'. In addition, cognition and nutrition knowledge related to reducing sodium intake were improved on all scores, but the effect on self-efficacy and dietary behavior was limited to only a few items. The percentage of participants in the pre-action stage (including pre-contemplation, contemplation, and preparation stages) for reducing sodium intake decreased from 43.2% before education to 21.5% after education, while that in the action stage increased from 19.6% before education to 43.5% after education (p < 0.001). The education program had the most significant impact on participants who were in the pre-action stage and showed improved scores in all sections. Conclusion: These results suggest that a customized education program for housewives could be an effective tool to reduce sodium intake by improving personal expectancies, cognition, and nutrition knowledge regarding sodium reduction and enabling a greater section of the population to move to the action stage of reducing sodium intake.

Development of Convergence Education (STEAM) Program for High School Credit System (고교학점제를 위한 융합교육(STEAM) 프로그램 개발)

  • Kwon, Hyuksoo;Kim, Eojin;Kim, Jaewoon;Min, JaeSik;Bae, SangIl;Son, MiHyun;Lee, Hyonyong;Choi, JinYoung;Han, MiYoung;Ham, HyungIn
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.93-108
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a STEAM program that can be used in the high school credit system to be fully implemented in 2025, and to examine its validity and effectiveness. The STEAM program analyzed the 2015 revised curriculum centering on science, technology, and engineering through the 2015 revised curriculum analysis, and then selected the five latest issues: hydrogen fuel, climate crisis, data science, appropriate technology, and barista. In accordance with this self-developed program development format (frame), it was developed for seven months through a process of group deliberation. The draft of the STEAM program for 29 sessions of five types, developed to indirectly experience the career path and occupation of high school students, was verified through consultation with 2 STEAM education experts. It was applied at five different high schools for a pilot implementation. As a result of the pilot application, it was confirmed that the students' STEAM attitude significantly improved in the post-test than the pre-test, and the students' high satisfaction with the program was confirmed. In addition, through an interview with the pilot application teacher, it was positively evaluated that 'the content and level of the program are suitable and through experience solving real-life problems, you can apply the content knowledge of related subjects and have an opportunity to experience careers.' Based on the results of the pilot application, the high school credit system STEAM program for students and teachers was finally completed in 29 lessons of five types. Through this study, the development and operation of the next-generation STEAM program that can be applied in the high school credit system should be actively developed, and a plan to improve teachers' professionalism so that the high school credit system can be established and operated properly for blended classes triggered by COVID-19. The necessity of design was suggested. This study is expected to be used as basic data for the development and operation of STEAM programs in the high school credit system, which will be fully implemented in 2025.

Characteristics of Sea Exchange in Gwangyang Bay and Jinju Bay considering Freshwater from Rivers (하천유출수를 고려한 광양만과 진주만의 해수교환 특성)

  • Hong, Doung;Kim, Jongkyu;Kwak, Inn-Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.201-211
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    • 2022
  • At the center of the Noryang waterway, the Gwangyang bay area (including the Yeosu Strait) is located at the west, and the Jinju bay area (including Gangjin bay and Sacheon bay) is located at the east. Freshwater from several rivers is flowing into the study area. In particula,r the event of flood, great quantities freshwater flow from Seomjingang (Seomjin river) into the Gwangyang bay area and from Gahwacheon (discharge from Namgang Dam) into the Jinju bay. The Gwangyang and Jinju bay are connected to the Noryang waterway. In addition, freshwater from Seomjingang and Gahwacheon also affect through the Noryang waterway. In this study, we elucidated the characteristics of the tidal exchange rate and residence time for dry season and flood season on 50 frequency, considering freshwater from 51 rivers, including Seomjingang and Gahwacheon, using a particle tracking method. We conducted additional experiments to determine the effect of freshwater from Seomjingang and Gahwacheon during flooding. In both the dry season and flood season, the result showed that the particles released from the Gwangyang bay moved to the Jinju bay through the Noryang waterway. However, comparatively small amount of particles moved from the Jinju bay to the Gwangyang bay. Each experimental case, the sea exchange rate was 44.40~67.21% in the Gwangyang bay and 50.37~73.10% in the Jinju bay, and the average residence time was 7.07~15.36days in the Gwangyang bay and 6.45~12.75days in the Jinju bay. Consequently the sea exchange rate increased and the residence time decreased during flooding. A calculation of cross-section water flux over 30 days for 7 internal and 5 external areas, indicated that the main essential flow direction of the water flux was the river outflow water from Seomjingang flow through the Yeosu strait to the outer sea and from Gahwacheon flow through Sacheon bay, Jinju bay and the Daebang waterway to the outer sea.

Analysis of Thermal Environment Modification Effects of Street Trees Depending on Planting Types and Street Directions in Summertime Using ENVI-Met Simulation (ENVI-Met 시뮬레이션을 통한 도로 방향별 가로수 식재 형태에 따른 여름철 열환경 개선 효과 분석)

  • Lim, Hyeonwoo;Jo, Sangman;Park, Sookuk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2022
  • The modification effects of street trees on outdoor thermal comfort in summertime according to tree planting types and road direction were analyzed using a computer simulation program, ENVI-met. With trees, the air temperature and wind speed decreased, and the relative humidity increased. In the case of mean radiant temperature (Tmrt) and human thermal sensation, physiological equivalent temperature (PET) and universal thermal climate index (UTCI), there was a decrease during the daytime. The greatest change among the meteorological factors by trees happened in Tmrt, and PET and UTCI showed similar patterns with Tmrt·The most effective tree planting type on thermal comfort modification was low tree height, wide tree crown, high leaf area index, and narrow planting interval (LWDN). Tmrt, PET and UTCI showed a large difference depending on shadow patterns of buildings and trees according to solar altitude and azimuth angles, and building locations. When the building shade areas increased, the thermal modification effect by trees decreased. In particular, results on the east and west sidewalks showed a large deviation over time. When applying the LWDN, the northwest, west and southwest sidewalks showed a significant reduction of 8.6-12.3℃ PET and 4.2-4.5℃ UTCI at 10:00, and the northeast, east and southeast sidewalks showed 8.1-11.8℃ PET and 4.4-5.0℃ UTCI at 16:00. On the other hand, when the least effective type (high tree height, narrow tree crown, low leaf area index, and wide planting interval) was applied, the maximum reduction was up to 1.8℃ PET and 0.9℃ UTCI on the eastern sidewalks, and up to 3.0℃ PET and 0.9℃ UTCI on the western ones. In addition, the difference in modification effects on Tmrt, PET and UTCI between the tree planting types was not significant when the tree effects were reduced by the effects of buildings. These results can be used as basic data to make the most appropriate street tree planting model for thermal comfort improvement in urban areas in summer.

A Review on Ocean Acidification and Factors Affecting It in Korean Waters (우리나라 주변 바다의 산성화 현황과 영향 요인 분석)

  • Kim, Tae-Wook;Kim, Dongseon;Park, Geun-Ha;Ko, Young Ho;Mo, Ahra
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.91-109
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    • 2022
  • The ocean is a significant sink for atmospheric anthropogenic CO2, absorbing one-third of the total CO2 emitted by human activities. In return, oceans have experienced significant declines in seawater pH and the aragonite saturation state also called ocean acidification. This study evaluates the distribution of aragonite saturation state, an indicator to assess the potential threat from ocean acidification, by combining newly obtained data from the west coast of South Korea with previous datasets covering the Yellow Sea, East Sea, northern South China Sea, and southeast coast of South Korea. In general, offshore waters absorb atmospheric CO2; however, most of the collected water samples show aragonite oversaturation. On the southeast coast, the aragonite saturation state was significantly affected by river discharge and associated variables, such as freshwater input with nutrients, seasonal stratification, biological carbon fixation, and bacterial remineralization. In summer, hypoxia and mixing with relatively acidic freshwater made the Jinhae and Gwangyang Bays undersaturated with respect to aragonite, possibly threatening marine organisms with CaCO3 shells. However, widespread aragonite undersaturation was not observed on the west coast, which receives considerable river water discharge. In addition, occasional upwelling events may have worsened the ocean acidification in the southwestern part of the East Sea. These results highlight the importance of investigating site-specific ocean acidification processes in coastal waters. Along with the above-mentioned seasonal factors, the dissolution of atmospheric CO2 and the deposition of atmospheric acidic substances will continue to reduce the aragonite saturation state in Korean waters. To protect marine ecosystems and resources, an ocean acidification monitoring program should be established for Korean waters.

A Study on the Place Identity of Shin-Cheorwon with the Intrinsic Everydayness -By Using Photovoice Methodology- (일상성이 내재된 신철원 장소정체성 연구 - 포토보이스 방법론을 활용하여 -)

  • Suh, Joon Won;Chung, Da Ae;Park, Yunju
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2022
  • This study started from recognizing the need to study place identity from the perspective of residents experiencing the place in daily life. The subject area of the study, Shin-Cheorwon, Galmal-eup, Cheorwon-gun, Gangwon-do area, had a low population until the division of Korea in 1945. Since then, the residents have created the milieu under Shin-Cheorwon's regional historic and cultural context. Thus, the study on this area can show the formation of the interrelationship of the region and residents. The purpose of this study is to understand the meaning and identity of the everyday places of Shin-Cheorwon. Photovoice was chosen as the method for successful Participatory Research; Participant's active intervention stage, 'Documentation (4th step)', Narration (5th step), researcher's analysis stage 'Ideation (6th step)' were specifically used. As a result, the following characteristic of the places chosen by participants could be found: the meaning and relationship with the residents, similarities, and differences in people shown based on their age, length of residence, etc. Through this, participants recollected the past places, found the meaning of the place of the present, and deduced the placeness that Shin-Cheorwon should have in the future. The study identified the place identity that holds the perspective of the residents in their daily life and provides implications on the follow-up studies of place identity. In addition, it is expected that it will apply to urban planning and spatial design in further studies of how residents perceive the space formed by urban development using photovoice methodology.

The Satisfaction Factors Affect the Recommendation Intention and Rewatching Intention of Watching Musicals through Online Platforms : Focus on the Moderating Effects of Audience's Degree of Involvement to Musicals (온라인 플랫폼 뮤지컬 관람 방식의 추천 의도 및 재관람 의도에 영향을 미치는 만족 요인 : 뮤지컬 관여도의 조절 효과를 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Hyeong-Yeol
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the factors influencing the satisfaction of the online platform musical viewing method were investigated, and the effect of the satisfaction factors on the recommendation intention and rewatching intention of the online platform viewing method for musicals was investigated. In addition, the effect of the survey subjects' degree of involvement to musicals between the satisfaction of the online platform-based musical viewing method and recommendation intention, and rewatching intention was investigated. Satisfaction factors of online platform musicals, which are independent variables, were classified into image quality, convenience, economy, and interactivity, and dependent variables were classified into recommendation intention and rewatching intention of online platform musicals, and moderator variable was set to degree of involvement to musicals, and a total of 20 hypotheses were established. An online survey was conducted on 1,454 audiences who had experience watching musicals through the online platform from August 28 to September 7, 2021, and a total of 1,418 answers were used as valid samples. As a result of the analysis, the factors that make up the satisfaction of online platform musicals appeared in the order of convenience, video quality, economics, and interactivity. It was found that the satisfaction level of watching online platform musicals had a positive effect on the intention to recommend and rewatching online platform musicals in the path of all satisfaction factors. It was found that the moderating effect of the audience's involvement in musicals between online platform musical viewing satisfaction and recommendation intention and rewatching intention had a significant effect only between image quality and recommendation intention. It shows that audiences with high involvement in musicals have intention to recommend only when they are satisfied with the video quality of online platform musicals. Particularly important point is that the convenience factor was found to have the greatest influence on the satisfaction of online platform musical viewing method, but the image quality factor was found to have the greatest influence on the recommendation intention and rewatching intention of online platform musicals.

A Study on the Uimul for Reproduction of Gyeongsang-Gamsa Doim Procession in the late Joseon Dynasty: Jeol, Wol, and Ilsan (조선후기 경상감사 도임행차 재현을 위한 의물 연구 : 절·월 및 일산을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Eunjoo;Kim, Migyung
    • 지역과문화
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.133-154
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we reviewed the preparation process and the main Uimul involved in the procession of Gyeongsang Gamsa Doim in the late Joseon Dynasty. We reviewed the Yeongyeong- Ilgi, written by Cho, Jae-ho, and the Miam-Ilgicho, wtitten by Yoo Hee-chun. Those who had been appointed as a Gamsa by the Sammang System went through the Saeun and Sajo procedures to thank and say goodbye to the king before leaving for his assignment. The Gyoseo and Yuseo were usually received from the king at this time, but in some cases, they were received in the Seungjeongwon, or the Seori of Seungjeongwon brought them directly to the place where the Gamsa works. The Milbu with the Eoab was received along with the Yuseol, and the principle was to return the Milbu later. The procession of Gamsa is divided into the pre-and post-Gyoinsik procession and the Sunryeok procession. It was confirmed that the pre-Gyoinsik procession was made more compact than the post-Gyoinsik procession. In the study, we reviewed Ilsan, which is necessary for the officials' procession, and also examined the Gyoseo, Yuseo, Jeol·Wol, and Milbu received from the king. We also looked at the Gwan-in and Byeongb given by the former Gamsa at the the Gyoinsik. The Jeol, which means the command and the Wol, which means killing power, were given to the Gamsa. And unlike previous studies, it was confirmed that the Jeol was a perforated hexagon and and the Wol was a trident. Also, it was found that Ilsan is white, and there are two rows of Yuso on each of the six ribs of the umbrella. It is thought that the results of this study, which looked at the Doim process and Uimul by dividing the Gyeongsang-Gamsa Doim procession in the late Joseon Dynasty pre-and post-Gyoinsik, will be helpful in understanding the process of Gasmsa Doim. In addition, it is expected that it can be used as basic data for reproduction event of traditional culture related to Gwana, such as the reproduction of Gyeongsang-Gamsa Doim-Sunlyeok procession and Gyoinsik.