• Title/Summary/Keyword: accounting information

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How to Reflect Sustainable Development in Overseas Investment including Equator Principles (해외투자(海外投資)와 지속가능발전 원칙 - 적도원칙(赤道原則)(Equator Principles)을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Whon-Il
    • 한국무역상무학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.45-72
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    • 2006
  • The Equator Principles are a set of voluntary environmental and social guidelines for ethical project finance. These principles commit banks and other signatories to not finance projects that fail to meet these guidelines. The principles were conceived in 2002 on an initiative of the International Finance Corporation and launched in 2003. Since then, dozens of major banks have adopted the Principles, and with these banks among them accounting for more than three quarters of all project loan market volume the Principles have become the de facto standard for all banks and investors on how to deal with potential social and environmental effects of projects to be financed. While regarding the Principles an important initiative, NGOs have criticised the Principles for not producing real changes in financing activities and for allowing projects to go through that should have been screened out by the Principles, such as the Sakhalin-II oil and gas project in Russia. In early 2006, a process of revision of the principles was begun. The Equator Principles state that endorsing banks will only provide loans directly to projects under the following circumstances: - The risk of the project is categorized in accordance with internal guidelines based upon the environmental and social screening criteria of the International Finance Corporation (IFC). - For all medium or high risk projects (Category A and B projects), sponsors complete an Environmental Assessment, the preparation of which must meet certain requirements and satisfactorily address key environmental and social issues. - The Environmental Assessment report addresses baseline environmental and social conditions, requirements under host country laws and regulations, applicable international treaties and agreements, sustainable development and use of renewable natural resources, protection of human health, cultural properties, and biodiversity, including endangered species and sensitive ecosystems, use of dangerous substances, major hazards, occupational health and safety, fire prevention and life safety, socio-economic impacts, land acquisition and land use, involuntary resettlement, impacts on indigenous peoples and communities, cumulative impacts of existing projects, the proposed project, and anticipated future projects, participation of affected parties in the design, review and implementation of the project, consideration of feasible environmentally and socially preferable alternatives, efficient production, delivery and use of energy, pollution prevention and waste minimization, pollution controls (liquid effluents and air emissions) and solid and chemical waste management. - Based on the Environmental Assessment, Equator banks then make agreements with their clients on how they mitigate, monitor and manage those risks through an 'Environmental Management Plan'. Compliance with the plan is required in the covenant. If the borrower doesn't comply with the agreed terms, the bank will take corrective action, which if unsuccessful, could ultimately result in the bank canceling the loan and demanding immediate repayment. - For risky projects, the borrower consults with stakeholders (NGO's and project affected groups) and provides them with information on the risks of the project. - If necessary, an expert is consulted. The Principles only apply to projects over 50 million US dollars, which, according to the Equator Principles website, represent 97% of the total market. In early 2006, the financial institutions behind the Principles launched stakeholder consultations and negotiations aimed at revising the principles. The draft revised principles were met with criticism from NGO stakeholders, who in a joint position paper argued that the draft fails by ignoring the most serious critiques of the principles: a lack of consistent and rigorous implementation.

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Mechanism-based View of Innovative Capability Building in POSCO (메커니즘 관점에서 본 조직변신과 포스코의 혁신패턴 연구)

  • Kim, So-Hyung
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - Studies of mechanism as a competitive strategy, a relatively new field in the study of strategic management research, has recently drawn the attention of the business management scholars. The literature has so far proposed the subjective-based view, environment-based view, and the resource-based view in its analyses of firm management. Hence, it is highly likely for the firm management to be reasonably thought of as a combination of and interaction among the three key elements of subject, environment, and resources this is the mechanism-based view (MBV). It is reasonable to consider firm management to be the combination of and interaction among the three key elements of subject, environment, and resources. The overall dynamic process that integrates these three elements and creates functional harmony is identified as the mechanism, the principle of firm management. Much of the extant literatures on MBV has mainly focused on case studies, a qualitative approach prone to subjectivity of the researcher, although the intuition from the study may lead to meaningful insights into a firm-specific mechanism. This study's focus is also on case analysis, but it still attempts a quantitative approach in order to reach a scientific and systematic understanding of the MBV. Research design, data, and methodology - I used both a qualitative and quantitative approach to a single model, given the complexity of the innovation processes. I conducted in-depth interviews with POSCO employees-20 from general management, two from human resources, eight from information technology, five from finance and accounting, and five from production and logistics management. Once the innovative events were selected, the interview results were double-checked by the interviewees themselves to ensure the accuracy of the answers recorded. Based on the interview, I then conducted statistical validation using the survey results as well. Results - This study analyzes the building process of innovation and the effect of the mechanism pattern on innovation by examining the case of POSCO, which has survived over the past 21 years. I apply a new analytical tool to study mechanism innovation types, perform a new classification, and describe the interrelationships among the mechanism factors. This process allows me to see how the "Subject"factor interacts with the other factors. I found that, in the innovation process of the adoption stage, Subject had a mediating effect but that the mediating effect of resource and performance was smaller than the effect of Subject on performance alone. During the implementation stage, the mediating effect of Subject increased. Conclusion - Therefore, I have confirmed that the subject utilizes resources reasonably and efficiently. I have also advanced mechanism studies: whereas the field's research methods have been largely confined to single case studies, I have used both qualitative and quantitative methods to examine the relationships among mechanisms.

DPay : Distributed-Hash-Table-based Micropayment System for Peer-to-Peer Environments (DPay : 피어-투-피어 환경을 위한 분산 해시 테이블 기반의 소액 지불 시스템)

  • Seo, Dae-Il;Kim, Su-Hyun;Song, Gyu-Won
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.752-760
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    • 2009
  • Emerging peer-to-peer systems benefit from the large amount of resources provided by many peers. However, many peer-to-peer systems or applications suffer from malicious peers and it is not guaranteed that peers are always online. Micropayment systems are accounting and charging mechanism for buying services, so we can apply them to solve these problems. In the past the majority of micropayment system uses a centralized broker but the problem with most existing micropayment system is a heavy load on the broker. For instance, when an owner of the coin is offline, the broker delegates the owner and handles payment messages. It occurs frequently because of characteristic of peer-to-peer system and is another load of the broker. In this paper we introduce DPay, a peer-to-peer micropayment system that uses distributed hash table (DHT) for storing encrypted payment messages and increases scalability and reduces the load of broker by removing downtime protocol. We show the idea of real-time double spending detection in DPay and report the results of several evaluations in order to compare DPay and other payment scheme. In simulation result, the load of broker in DPay is reduced by 30% on average of other previous payment scheme. We expect that DPay can apply various peer-to-peer systems because it provides a real-time double spending detection and stores more secure payment messages.

Optimized Route Optimization mode of MIPv6 between Domains Based on AAA (관리상의 도메인간 이동시 AAA 기반의 핸드오버 성능향상 방안)

  • Ryu, Seong-Geun;Mun, Young-Song
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.46 no.9
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2009
  • When Mobile IPv6 is deployed in commercial network, a mobile node needs AAA services for an authentication, authorization and accounting. AAA and Mobile IPv6 are protocols which are operated independently. Then schemes which merge these protocols have been emerged. These schemes can enable a mobile node to establish a security association between the mobile node and a home agent and to perform a binding update for the home agent using AAA authentication request. But these schemes introduce many signal messages and long handover latency during the handover, since Route Optimization mode for Mobile Ipv6 is performed using Return Routability procedure. To solve this problem, we propose a scheme for Route Optimization mode that the home agent performs the binding update for a correspondent node via the AAA infrastructure between the home agent and the correspondent node instead of Return Routability procedure. For performance evaluation, we analyze signal message transmission costs and handover latencies during handover. We show performance improvement of the proposed scheme which reduces handover latency as 61% compared with the existing scheme.

A Study on Home Accidents of Preschool Children (from 1 to 6) in Korea and Prevention Measures (영유소아기 가정사고의 원인과 예방에 관한 연구)

  • 변수자
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.107-120
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    • 1974
  • Necessity and purpose of this study: In a large number of countries it has been founded that children′s domestic accidents are at great risk year by year In the United States, they publish detailed accident statistics at regular intervals. In Korea. there have been just a few studies on Accidents-At-Home of preschool children. But it can not be said that there have been any systematic statistics about this area. and any study accounting for the relations of home accidents and preschool: children in detail, Therefore, the purpose of this thesis was focused on the inquire of these relations so as to make a little contribution to Korean preschool children′s health and security measures. So, the detail-purposes are to study following questions and to testify following hypothesis. Prob. 1. What the types of accidents of Preschool children, where the place accidents occurred\ulcorner Prob. 2. What the cause of accidents and, the main factors of the cause\ulcorner Prob. 3. How about the number of their children. the disparity of age among their children and mother′s age in each case of accidents\ulcorner hypothesis 1. There will be differences in the density of protection of parents according to the number of their children. hypothesis 2, There will be differences in accident-types and first-aid methods according to parents socio-economic background. Method; This study employed the interviewing survey method, in which 130 preschool children ware random.sampled, who visit hospital to have medical care. These children (from 1 to 6 years olds) were selected at the emergency room of five hospitals in Seoul (Hosp: Severance, Woosok, Medical Center, Hanyang Medical College Hospital and Seoul Medical Col1age Hospital during study-period (from Aug. to Oct, 1973). Four head nurses in above Hospitals were employed as accident members for this study. Concerning research analysis, the method of hypothesis verifying is used. Conclusion: As two American experts on this subject. Dr, Raymond Neuter and Mr. Ross Mc Garland have drawn attention to "minor epidemics of accidents" that could be avoided by fairly simple measures. preschool children′s accidents could be avoided by parents fair attentions. In other words, one of the most common causes of preschool children′s accidents derived from their parent′s inattention. Therefore, one important task on this subject is to instruct the parents fairly about the children′s accidents. Many accidents could be avoided by the exorcist of a little self-discipline. Also, as much the prevention of accidents is important, as the first-aid Is Important and necessary at the case of the accidents. So, the methods of proper first-aid treatment must be emphasized, and must be taught in school, especially in girls school. And there could be other means available for prevention of accidents. Firstly, the public authorities can take legal measures. More stringent safety standards can be made enforceable by law. Building materials and equipment for domestic us: ought to meat minimum safety criteria at all times. Next the public itself has to understand the seriousness of the problem, and here the dissemination of information is of great importance. All mass media should be brought into play to promote greater public awareness of the question. At last, it will be needed to obtain more detailed epidemiological data through additional surveys and statistics after this study.

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An Enhanced Fast Handover for Proxy MIPv6 Scheme for Efficient Mobile Environment of The Future Network (미래네트워크의 효율적인 모바일 환경 구축을 위한 향상된 Fast Handover for Proxy MIPv6 기법)

  • Go, Kwang-Sub;Jung, Ui-Seok;Mun, Young-Song
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.84-91
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    • 2011
  • To develop the new network, the future network architecture is studied. Since the mobile devices are also advanced, they need for the mobility protocols. The one of the protocols, Fast handovers for proxy MIPv6(PFMIPv6) has studied by the Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF). Since PFMIPv6 adopts the entities and the concepts of fast handovers for MIPv6(FMIPv6) in proxy MIPv6(PMIPv6), it reduces the packet loss. Although the conventional scheme has proposed that it cooperated with an Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) infrastructure for authentication of a mobile node in PFMIPv6, it has the drawbacks such as high signaling cost and long handover latency. To reduce the signaling cost and the handover latency, we propose an enhanced authentication scheme in Fast handover for Proxy MIPv6. The proposed scheme reduces the handover latency and the signaling cost because the registration procedure and the authentication procedure are simultaneously performed. We also compare the proposed scheme with the conventional scheme in terms of the signaling cost and the handover latency.

Health-Related Quality of Life among Breast Cancer Patients and Influencing Factors in Morocco

  • El Fakir, Samira;El Rhazi, Karima;Zidouh, Ahmed;Bennani, Maria;Benider, Abdelatif;Errihani, Hassan;Mellass, Nawfel;Bekkali, Rachid;Nejjari, Chakib
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.5063-5069
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    • 2016
  • Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in most countries of the world. It is ranked first in females in Morocco (accounting for 33.4% of the total cancer burden) and more than 60% of cases are diagnosed at stage III or IV. During the last decade, health-related quality of life (HRQOL) has become an important aspect of breast cancer treatment. The objective of this study was to describe self-reported HRQOL in patients with breast cancer and to investigate its associations with sociodemographic and clinical variables. Methods: A prospective study was carried out in the main oncology centers in Morocco. Quality of life was measured using the Moroccan Arabic versions of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire C 30 (EORTC QLQ C30) and the Breast Cancer-Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-BR23). Statistical analyses were performed using descriptive statistics and multivariate analyses. Results: A total of 1463 subjects were included in the study, with a mean age of 55.6 (SD. 11.2) years, 70% being married. The majority had stage II (45.9%) and a few cases stage IV (12.9%) lesions. The participants' global health mean score was 68.5 and in "functional scales", social functioning scored the highest (Mean 86.2 (SD=22.7)). The most distressing symptom on the symptom scale was financial difficulties (Mean 63.2 (SD=38.2)). Using the disease specific tool, it was found that future perspective scored the lowest (Mean 40.5 (SD=37.3)). On the symptom scale, arm symptoms scored the highest (Mean 23.6 (SD=21.6)). Significant mean differences were noted for many functional and symptom scales. Conclusion: Our results emphasized that the general HRQOL for our study population is lower than for corresponding populations in other countries. This study provided baseline information on the quality of life for a large sample of Moroccan women diagnosed with breast cancer.

Capecitabine Pattern of Usage, Rate of Febrile Neutropaenia and Treatment Related Death in Asian Cancer Patients in Clinical Practice

  • Phua, Vincent Chee Ee;Wong, Wei Quan;Tan, Pei Lin;Bustam, Anita Zarina;Saad, Marniza;Alip, Adlinda;Ishak, Wan Zamaniah Wan
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.1449-1453
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    • 2015
  • Background: Oral capecitabine is increasingly replacing intravenous 5-fluorouracil in many chemotherapy regimens. However, data on the risk of febrile neutropaenia (FN) and treatment related death (TRD) with the drug remain sparse outside of clinical trial settings despite its widespread usage. This study aimed to determine these rates in a large cohort of patients treated in the University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC). Materials and Methods: We reviewed the clinical notes of all patients prescribed with oral capecitabine chemotherapy for any tumour sites in University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) from $1^{st}$ January 2009 till $31^{st}$ June 2010. Information collected included patient demographics, histopathological features, treatment received including the different chemotherapy regimens and intent of treatment whether the chemotherapy was given for neoadjuvant, concurrent with radiation, adjuvant or palliative intent. The aim of this study is to establish the pattern of usage, FN and TRD rates with capecitabine in clinical practice outside of clinical trial setting. FN is defined as an oral temperature > $38.5^{\circ}C$ or two consecutive readings of > $38.0^{\circ}C$ for 2 hours and an absolute neutrophil count < $0.5{\times}10^9/L$, or expected to fall below $0.5{\times}10^9/L$ (de Naurois et al., 2010). Treatment related death was defined as death occurring during or within 30 days of last chemotherapy treatment. Results: Between $1^{st}$ January 2009 and $30^{th}$ June 2010, 274 patients were treated with capecitabine chemotherapy in UMMC. The mean age was 58 years (range 22 to 82 years). Capecitabine was used in 14 different tumour sites with the colorectal site predominating with a total of 128 cases (46.7%), followed by breast cancer (35.8%). Capecitabine was most commonly used in the palliative setting accounting for 63.9% of the cases, followed by the adjuvant setting (19.7%). The most common regimen was single agent capecitabine with 129 cases (47.1%). The other common regimens were XELOX (21.5%) and ECX (10.2%). The main result of this study showed an overall FN rate of 2.2% (6/274). The overall TRD rate was 5.1% (14/274). The FN rate for the single agent capecitabine regimen was 1.6% (2/129) and the TRD rate was 5.4% (7/129). All the TRDs were with single agent capecitabine regimen were used for palliative intent. Conclusions: Oral capecitabine is used widely in clinical practice in a myriad of tumour sites and bears a low risk of febrile neutropaenia. However, capecitabine like any other intravenous chemotherapeutic agent carries a significant risk of treatment related death.

Self-management levels of diet and metabolic risk factors according to disease duration in patients with type 2 diabetes

  • Cho, Sukyung;Kim, Minkyeong;Park, Kyong
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2018
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Metabolic risk factors should be managed effectively in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) to prevent or delay diabetic complications. This study aimed to compare the self-management levels of diet and metabolic risk factors in patients with T2DM, according to the duration of illness, and to examine the trends in self-management levels during the recent decades. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Data were collected from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (KNHANES, 1998-2014). In our analysis, 4,148 patients with T2DM, aged ${\geq}30years$, were categorized according to the duration of their illness (< 5 years, 5-9 years, and ${\geq}10years$). Demographic and lifestyle information was assessed through self-administered questionnaires, and biomarker levels (e.g., fasting glucose level, blood pressure, or lipid level) were obtained from a health examination. Dietary intake was assessed by a 24-recall, and adherence level to dietary guidelines (meal patterns and intake levels of calories, carbohydrates, vegetable/seaweed, sodium, and alcohol) were assessed. Multivariable generalized linear regression and unconditional logistic regression models were used to compare the prevalence rates of hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, and hypertension according to the duration of patients' illness, accounting for the complex survey design of the KNHANES. RESULTS: In the multivariable adjusted models, patients with a longer duration (${\geq}10years$) of T2DM had a higher prevalence of hyperglycemia than those with a shorter duration of T2DM (< 5 years) (odds ratio 2.20, 95% confidence interval 1.61-3.01, P for trend < 0.001). We did not observe any associations of disease duration with the prevalence of hypertension and dyslipidemia. In addition, the adherence levels to dietary recommendations did not significantly differ according to disease duration, except adherence to moderate alcohol consumption. There were significant decreasing trends in the prevalence of hyperglycemia in patients with a duration of illness ${\geq}10years$ (P for trend = 0.004). CONCLUSION: Although the proportion of patients with adequate control of glucose levels has improved in recent decades, poorer self-management has been found in those with a longer disease duration. These findings suggest the need for well-planned and individualized patient education programs to improve self-management levels and quality of life by preventing or delaying diabetic complications.

Market Discipline by Depositors : the Case of Mutual Savings Banks in Korea (상호저축은행과 예금자에 의한 시장규율)

  • Park, Jung-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.95-125
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    • 2009
  • This paper examines the disciplinary effect of deposits using the semiannual accounting data of mutual savings banks(henceforth 'MSBs') in Korea for the period of 2003 through 2007. I find overall strong evidence in favor of the existence of market discipline in the industry. MSBs with higher BIS ratio and lower NPL ratio turn out to have higher increase rate of deposits than MSBs with lower such ratios. The coefficient of NPL ratio becomes greater with time, suggesting that the effect is cumulative. It turns out that depositors respond more sensitively to NPL ratio than BIS ratio in a period of MSB failure. On the other hand, MSBs turn out to act very positively responding to the depositors' discipline. They increase BIS ratio or decrease NPL ratio following the previous decrease in deposits. Government authorities need to make more efforts to develop a suitable incentive system (e.g. penalties on a false disclosure) to improve the efficiency of disclosure by MSBs. Moreover, they need to acknowledge the importance of NPL ratio as a market disciplinary tool which has been becoming more important, especially in times of MSB failure.

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