• Title/Summary/Keyword: absorbance method

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Ammonia Microdiffusion and Colorimetic Method for Determining Nitrogen in Plant Tissues (암모니아 확산 및 발생에 의한 식물조직의 질소분석 방법)

  • Tae-Hwan Kim;Byung Ho-Kim
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.253-259
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    • 1996
  • Ammonia microdiffusion method and colorimetric measurement are described for the nitrogen determination. The diffusion of ammonia could be successfully induced by using a microdiffusion cell. It is a simple and rapid technique, which is suitable for transforming the nitrogen in digests into $NH_4CI$ for the colorimetric N determination with ammonia color reagent. Above 99% of N recovery were obtained with microdiffusion up to 15 hours. The coloration method of collected $NH_4CI$ for the colorimetric N determination was also estabilshed with a scanning in U.V. spectrophotometer. Under the proposed coloration method (0.5 mL of sample digest, 4.0 mL of $H_2O$ and 0.5 mL of ammonia color reagent), a maximal absorbance was observed at 410 nm. The kinetic measurement of absorbance showed a high stability from 5 to 45 minutes after color development. Absorbance was directly proportional to the amount of $NH_4^+-N$ present. The microdiffusion-ammonia coloration method was successfully applied to the nitrogen determination in the forms of protein-N or total -N in plant tissue. Comparing with Kjeldahl distillation method, the values obtained with described method were slightly higher and more reliable.

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Optimal Conditions for Extraction of Anthocyan from Celosia cristata L., Brassica juncea czerniak et coss, Beta vulgaris L. for manufacture of Color Dongchimi (컬러동치미 제조를 위한 홍갓, 맨드라미, 비트에 함유된 안토사이안 색소의 최적 추출 조건)

  • Kim, Mi-Hye
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.686-694
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to develop a method to change the color of traditional Dongchimi using natural dyes to meet changing consumer demands. It was intended to improve the manufacturing process ability for color Dongchimi, and the best optimum extraction solvent and method from the natural dyes were proven to be confirmed and valid. The extraction process was evaluated using different solvents including distilled water, 20% ethyl alcohol, and 1% citric acid, and the quantity of the extracted anthocyanin was then measured based on the absorbance. The greatest absorbance was observed when 1% citric acid was used. Based on these findings, it would be most efficient to allow the traditional Dongchimi to produce citric acid naturally instead of using artificial additives during its production. Celosia cristata L. was extracted in its largest quantity when reacted with 20% ethyl alcohol. Therefore, instead of applying Celosia cristata L. to Dongchimi as the sub-ingredient during the preparatory stage, it will be more efficient to use Celosia cristata L. as the fractional ingredient in order to first extraction.

A Study on the mordanting and dyeing properties of Caesalpinia Sappan, L.Dye (소방의 매염 및 염색특성에 관한 연구)

  • 주영주
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.36
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 1998
  • For the purpose of standardization and practicability of natural dyeing, the mordanting and dyeing properties of Caseaslpinia Sappan, L. and Brazilin were studied. Appropriate extraction, dyeing and mordanting condition of Caeaslpinia Sappan, L. were determined, and the effect of mordanting method on dye up-take adn color fastness of dyed fabric was investigated. The most absorbance of Caeaslpinia Sappan, L. solution was 445nm, Brazilin was 448nm. The color of bazilin solution was affected by pH 7~9. The optimum temperature to extract Caesalpinia Sappan, L. was 10$0^{\circ}C$ adn dyeing solution for 1 hour. In case mordants concentration, the most absorbance was 0.3%. In case mordanting test, the best and proper temperature to quantities of absorbed mordants in silk was 8$0^{\circ}C$ and the most quantities of absorbed mordants in silk was mordant treatment by Cu. Effective dyeing time to silk was 60min. Effective mordanting temperature was 8$0^{\circ}C$, and its time was 30min. K/S value of dyeing fabrics was recoginazed by mordanting treat-ment, specially Fe, Sn, Al, Cu. K/S value of pre-mordanting was higher than post-mordanting. After soaping treatment K/S value of pre- and post-mordanting silk was decreased and 0.1%(W/V) quantity of mordant was sufficient for treatment. In the case of Caeaslpinia Sappan, L. fastness was increased by mordanting treatment. Mordants and mordanting treatment method affected the amount of absorption and color change of dyed silk.

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Sesamin and Sesamol Contents of Korean Sesame Oils Determined by HPLC Method and Villavecchia-suarez Color Reaction of the Oils (국내 산지별 참기름의 HPLC에 의한 Sesamin, Sesamol의 함양과 Villavecchia-suarez 정색반응)

  • 이철원;곽인신
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1996
  • In the present study the sesamin and sesamol contents of the sesame extracts prepared from nine provinces in Korea were determined HPLC method. A comparative test was also carried out using the Villavecchia-suarez test, the red colored reaction for the sesamol and sesamol derivatives. The contents of sesamin and sesamol of the sesame oils from each area by the HPLC method were 0.57-0.78% and 0.010-0.023%, respectively, and the paralled results were obtained by the Villavecchia-suarez test and the HPLC method. The average content of the sesamin was $0.68{\pm}0.074%$ by the HPLC method and the average absorbance of the Villavecchia-suarez test was $0.56{\pm}0.034$. The contents of sesamol from sesame oil by the HPLC method and the Villavecchia-suarez test were so low that it was not possible to correlate with the sesamin contents. The contents of sesamol from the sesame oil produced in Kyeong-gi and Jeon-nam provinces were $0.010{\pm}0.002%$ and $0.023{\pm}0.004%$, respectively.

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Bleaching Observation of Cosmetic Color Lenses According to Multipurpose Contact Lens Solutions (다목적 콘택트렌즈 용액에 대한 미용 칼라렌즈의 탈색 관찰)

  • Kim, Hyojin
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.295-303
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study aims to observe bleaching resulted from multipurpose contact lens solutions used to manage lenses with the subjects of colored contact lenses being distributed in Korea. Methods: The lenses have been worn for six months, and their refraction is 0.00D. Three types of colored contact lenses of which margin has been colored with a different manufacturing method have been adopted (type 1: pigment application method, type 2: chemical bonding process, type 3: sandwich method), and multipurpose solutions used were two types containing different components. Each of the colored contact lenses was stored in the multipurpose solutions for 20 days and went through vortexing for 15 seconds per day. Their fluorescence absorbance, surface roughness, brightness index, and color coordinate index were measured before and after the vortexing to see the degree of bleaching. Results: In the two types of multipurpose solutions, every type of the color contact lenses showed no statistically significant difference in their fluorescence absorbance value before and after the vortexing. Regarding surface image, the front surface of the lenses was smooth in every type, and about the back surface, type 3 indicated less protrusion than type 1 and 2. About the difference of color on the lens surface before and after the vortexing, type 3 showed significantly less difference than type 1 and 2; however, all fell into the permissible error. Conclusions: About the bleaching of colored contact lenses resulted from multipurpose solutions for soft contact lenses, there was no difference observed in terms of fluorescence absorbance and color. According to the methods of manufacturing dyes, however, there was difference in the protrusion of the posterior surface image.

High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Xanthinol Nicotinate (HPLC에 의한 Xanthinol Nicotinate의 정량(定量))

  • Han, Cho-Duk
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.321-325
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    • 1984
  • A HPLC determination method of xanthinol nicotinate(I) was developed for study of its stability and characteristics in solutions. I was determined using an ${\mu}-Bondapak\;C_{18}$ column with a mobile phase of methanol: $H_2O$ (1 : 1) and UV absorbance detection at 254nm. The results revealed that the method was enough to use as stability indicating determination with the mean of 99.9% and standard deviation of ${\pm}1.42%$ when analyzed 10 times for standard solution.

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Mass Balance Method for Purity Assessment of Organic Reference Materials: for Thermolabile Materials with LC-UV Method

  • Lee, Joonhee;Kim, Byungjoo
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.35 no.11
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    • pp.3275-3279
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    • 2014
  • A mass balance method for purity assessment of thermolabile organic reference materials was established by combining several techniques, including liquid chromatography with UV/VIS detector (LC-UV), Karl-Fischer (K-F) Coulometry, and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). This method was applied to three fluoroquinolones like enrofloxacin, norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin. LC-UV was used to analyze structurally related organic impurities based on UV/VIS absorbance spectra obtained in combination with LC separation. For all three organic reference materials, the UV/VIS spectra of the separated impurities were similar to that of the major component of the corresponding materials. This indicates that the impurities are structurally related to the respective reference material sharing common chromophores. Impurities could be quantified by comparing their absorbances at the wavelength of maximum absorbance (${\lambda}_{max}$). The water contents of the reference materials were measured by K-F Coulometry by an oven-drying method. The total inorganic impurities contents were assayed from ash residues in TGA analysis with using air as a reagent gas. The final purities estimated from results of those analytical techniques were assigned as ($99.91{\pm}0.06$), ($97.09{\pm}0.17$) and ($91.85{\pm}0.17$)% (kg/kg) for enrofloxacin, norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin, respectively. The assigned final purities would be applied to the reference materials which will be used as calibrators for the certification of those compounds in matrix CRMs as starting points for the traceability of their certified values to SI units.

Studies on Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Analysis of Hexavalent Chromium in Waste Water by Solvent Extraction (용매 추출법에 의한 폐수중 6가크롬의 원자흡수 분광분석에 관한 연구)

  • Eung-Pyo Kim;Young-Sang Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.423-432
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    • 1986
  • Atomic absorption spectrophotometric (AAS) determination of hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] in a waste water was studied. Cr(VI) was extracted with p-xylene from the wastewater, in the way of ion pair formation with anion exchanger aliquat-336(tri-caprylmethyl ammonium chloride). 100ml waste water, after organic materials were extracted out with toluene, was acidified with conc. HCl adjusting the medium to pH 0.5 and 20ml of p-xylene containing 0.01M aliguat-336 was used to extract Cr(VI) from the acidified solution. The absorbance of chromium was measured with air-acetylene flame at 357.9nm. Standard addition method was used in the determining concentration of Cr(VI) extracted. No interference has been found in the extraction of Cr(VI) by the Al(III), Fe(III) and Cr(III) ion presented. However, Fe(II) decreased the absorbance of Cr(VI), due to the fact Fe(II) reduces Cr(VI) to Cr(III). The contained organic material was removed prior to extracting process, since it may reduced the absorbance of Cr(VI). The recovery of added Cr(VI) was over 96%, which seems to be promising and the relative standard deviation was 3.95%

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Beta glucan: Heath benefits of optimal ingredients via the mixture ratio of rice bran and Sarcodon aspratus

  • Seo, Yu-Ri;Kim, Hye-Been;Cheong, Kyu-Min;Lim, Ki-Taek
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.101-101
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    • 2017
  • Beta-glucan is a polymerized polysaccharide on beta-1,3 chemical bonds. It has the main pharmacological action of various anticancer mushrooms and is colorless and odorless. In addition, it enhances phagocytosis of macrophages against mycobacterium tuberculosism and increases resistance of host against food poisoning bacteria. Owing to these advantages, beta-glucan was used in various health supplement foods such as immune boosters, hypotensive agent and hypoglycemic agent. Our study was aimed to investigate the effective components of beta-glucan, which was optimized via the contents of Sarcodon aspratus and rice bran. First, the mixture ratio condition of Sarcodon aspratus and rice bran were respectively 10:0, 7:3, 5:5, 3:7, and 0:10. The raw materials were fabricated using hot water extraction method. Distilled water of 100 mL was added to the raw material and extracted. After the extraction processed, the content of effective components was analyzed. The absorbance of beta-glucan was measured using a beta-glucan kit (Megazyme, (1-3) (1-4) BETA-D-GLUCAN ASSAY KIT). The absorbance analysis was repeated three times for accurate analysis. After the extracts were lyophilized, the yields of extracted raw materials according to the mixture ratio conditions of Sarcodon aspratus and rice bran (10:0, 7:3, 5:5, 3:7, and 0:10) were respectively 33.1%, 34.5%, 35.3%, 30.7%, and 24.3%. The absorbance was 1.52, 1.47, 1.50, 1.79, and 1.56, respectively. As a result, the optimum ratio of beta-glucan is 3:7 at Sarcodon aspratus and rice bran. This study suggested that the optimal amount of beta-glucan could be used as a health supplement foods and food additive such as immune boosters, hypotensive agent and hypoglycemic agent. However, the new condition (temperature, time) of hot water extraction to maximize the content of beta-glucan could be considered, could be necessary to compare with the existing extracts.

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Predicting Organic Matter content in Korean Soils Using Regression rules on Visible-Near Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectra

  • Chun, Hyen-Chung;Hong, Suk-Young;Song, Kwan-Cheol;Kim, Yi-Hyun;Hyun, Byung-Keun;Minasny, Budiman
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.497-502
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    • 2012
  • This study investigates the prediction of soil OM on Korean soils using the Visible-Near Infrared (Vis-NIR) spectroscopy. The ASD Field Spec Pro was used to acquire the reflectance of soil samples to visible to near-infrared radiation (350 to 2500 nm). A total of 503 soil samples from 61 Korean soil series were scanned using the instrument and OM was measured using the Walkley and Black method. For data analysis, the spectra were resampled from 500-2450 nm with 4 nm spacing and converted to the $1^{st}$ derivative of absorbance (log (1/R)). Partial least squares regression (PLSR) and regression rules model (Cubist) were applied to predict soil OM. Regression rules model estimates the target value by building conditional rules, and each rule contains a linear expression predicting OM from selected absorbance values. The regression rules model was shown to give a better prediction compared to PLSR. Although the prediction for Andisols had a larger error, soil order was not found to be useful in stratifying the prediction model. The stratification used by Cubist was mainly based on absorbance at wavelengths of 850 and 2320 nm, which corresponds to the organic absorption bands. These results showed that there could be more information on soil properties useful to classify or group OM data from Korean soils. In conclusion, this study shows it is possible to develop good prediction model of OM from Korean soils and provide data to reexamine the existing prediction models for more accurate prediction.