• Title/Summary/Keyword: a logical framework

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A Logical Framework of Comparison Shopping Effectiveness and Comparison Challenge Methodology

  • Lee, Jae-Won
    • Proceedings of the CALSEC Conference
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    • 2005.03a
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    • pp.130-134
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    • 2005
  • This research describes the comparison broker's role and its effectiveness measurement using a developed logical framework of comparison shopping service. And verifies that seller-led comparison challenge method provide comparison information of products to buyers more efficiently. In electronic commerce, buyer's satisfaction of purchase (S) can be defined as an interactive function between seller's competitiveness vector (P) of products that supplied to the market, and buyer's informed level vector (B) of products that is known from a lot of sources. Then the buyer's informed level can be changed through the information analysis among products by transformation process using comparison matrix (C). So the role of comparison shopping is to construct a comparison matrix and to serve it to the buyers, and to change the buyer's informed level. The changed informed level influences a buyer's satisfaction, that improved satisfaction of purchase is defined as the effectiveness of comparison shopping. As a perfect provision and usage of comparison matrix is impossible cause of cognitive limit, the most efficient method for improving the comparison effectiveness is the comparison challenge that detects the comparison elements of the largest buyer's information efficiency, and then to be compared between elementary products selectively. This research verifies the substantial superiority of comparison challenge through television market data experiments.

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A Conceptual Modeling Tools for the Model Base Design (모델베이스 설계를 위한 개념적 모델링 도구에 관한 연구)

  • 정대율
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.181-208
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    • 1998
  • In many literatures of model management, various schemes for representing model base schema have proposed. Ultimately, the goal is to arrive at a set of mutually supportive and synergistic methodologies and tools for the modeling problem domain and model base design. This paper focus on how best to structure and represent conceptual model of problem domain and schema of model base. Semantic concepts and modeling constructs are valuable conceptual tools for understanding the structural relationships and constraints involved in an model management environment. To this end, we reviewed the model management literature, and analyzed the constructs of modeling tools of data model management graph-based approach. Although they have good tools but most of them are not enough for the representation of structural relationships and constraints. So we wanted more powerful tools which can represent diverse constructs in a decision support modeling and model base schema design. For the design of a model base, we developed object modeling framework which uses Object Modeling Techniques (OMT). In Object Modeling Framework, model base schema are classified into conceptual schema, logical schema, and physical schema. The conceptual schema represents the user's view of problem domain, and the logical schema represents a model formatted by a particular modeling language. The schema design, this paper proposes an extension of Object Model to overcome some of the limitations exhibited by the OMT. The proposed tool, Extended Object Model(EOM) have diverse constructs for the representation of decision support problem domain and conceptual model base schema.

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A Study on Reasoning for Medical Expert Systems (의료용 전문가 시스템에서 추론에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Sang;Shin, Yang-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.359-367
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    • 1999
  • We investigate a logical approach to represent medical knowledge, reason deductively and diagnostically. It is suggested that medical knowledge-bases can be formulated as a set of sentences stated in classical logic where each sentence reflects a doctor's knowledge about the human anatomy or his/her view of patient's symptoms. It is also suggested that a form of temporal reasoning can be captured within the same framework because each sentence can have a different truth value based on time. We apply our logical framework to formalize diagnostic reasoning, where the primary cause of illness is chosen among the set of minimal causation on the basis of abductive hypotheses. Most of our examples are given in the context of medical expert systems.

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A New framework for IP Traceback : Inference of Logical Topology by Measuring Packet Losses (IP 역추적을 위한 새로운 접근 : 패킷 손실 기반의 논리적 전송 경로 추정)

  • 이준엽;이승형;양훈기;고재영;강철오;정주영
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2002
  • This paper deals with study of a new framework for the traceback of distributed DoS(Denial of Service) attacks in the Internet, in which many sources flood "spoofed" IP packets towards a single victim. In our scheme, the destination host traces those anonymous packets' losses, and infers the logical end-to-end paths back towards the sources. This method is based on the fact that there is a strong correlation between packet losses when those packets traverse along a same route, and the simulation results show high probabilities of detecting the topology under a certain condition. Compared with previous approaches, our scheme has a number of distinct features: It can be performed in realtime or non-realtime, without any supports of routers or ISPs. Our results may be applied to the inference of physical topology and to support previous approaches.pproaches.

An Automatic LOINC Mapping Framework for Standardization of Laboratory Codes in Medical Informatics (의료 정보 검사코드 표준화를 위한 LOINC 자동 매핑 프레임웍)

  • Ahn, Hoo-Young;Park, Young-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.1172-1181
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    • 2009
  • An electronic medical record (EMR) is the medical system that all the test are recorded as text data. However, domestic EMR systems have various forms of medical records. There are a lot of related works to standardize the laboratory codes as a LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Code). However the existing researches resolve the problem manually. The manual process does not work when the size of data is enormous. The paper proposes a novel automatic LOINC mapping algorithm which uses indexing techniques and semantic similarity analysis of medical information. They use file system which is not proper to enormous medical data. We designed and implemented mapping algorithm for standardization laboratory codes in medical informatics compared with the existing researches that are only proposed algorithms. The automatic creation of searching words is being possible. Moreover, the paper implemented medical searching framework based on database system that is considered large size of medical data.

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A Suggestion of User Behavior analysis Framework (사용자 행동 분석 프레임워크 제안)

  • Kim, Hye Lin;Lee, Min Ju;Park, Seung Ho
    • Design Convergence Study
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.203-217
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    • 2017
  • This study proposes and demonstrates the value of user - centered design methodology based on linguistic analysis. The results of the proposed user behavioural analysis framework suggested that the syntactic structure between the sentence structure and its components could be a logical basis for explaining the user's situation and behavior. Based on this, the definitions and classifications of user interactions and user contexts were conducted in a microscopically context. User behavior has also been established to identify pattern structures of purposeful nature and constitutes a user behavior sequence that prioritizes them. Next, the User Experience Analysis Framework was derived by defining the relationship between User Behavior and User Behavior and User Context and User Context. To verify the framework of the framework, a professional assessment was conducted to conduct a review of the user's experience and conduct a study of the framework of the framework and conduct of the framework of the framework of the framework and practical utility of the framework. Through this, it was possible to identify the value of the qualitative and quantitative framework of the framework and the future direction of development.


  • Yoon, Moon-Gil;Baek, Young-Ho;Tcha, Dong-Wan
    • Management Science and Financial Engineering
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.29-45
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    • 2000
  • We consider the design of a two-level telecommunication network having logical full-mesh/star topology, with the implementation of conduit systems taken together. The design problem is then viewed as consisting of three subproblems: locating hub facilities, placing a conduit network, and installing cables therein to configure the logical full-mesh/star network. Without partitioning into subproblems as done in the conventional approach, the whole problem is directly dealt with in a single integrated framework, inspired by some recent successes with the approach. We successfully formulate the problem as a variant of the classical multicommodity flow model for the fixed charge network design problem, aided by network augmentation, judicious commodity definition, and some flow restrictions. With our optimal model, we solve some randomly generated sample problems by using CPLEX MIP program. From the computational experiments, it seems that our model can be applied to the practical problem effectively.

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Internet Based Managing Design and Production Processes in a Distributed Global Environment (인터넷 기반 디자인 및 생산지원 분산환경 프로세스관리 기법 연구)

  • 박화규
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.217-234
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    • 2000
  • This paper is to develop an information infrastructure to support managing process in design, planning, production, and quality control. Multi-media data set of design, product, and management information flow between organizational units of a virtual enterprise. The process is the logical organization of people, technology and practices incorporated into work activities to make an end product. The core of the infrastructure is the enterprise framework which coordinates activities and controls the process. The proposed framework manages collaborative activities across space and time, and between users and computers who share information in virtual community. It utilizes knowledge distributed through virtual community and fosters cooperation between organizations. The framework provides the following facilities; coordinating activities, sharing data and processes, visualizing multi-media data, customizing and updating processes, reusing data and processes. This paper covers design and manufacturing activities but our focus is initially targeted at design area.

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A Study of the Relationship Between Cognitive Ability and Information Searching Performance

  • Kim, Chang-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.303-317
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a framework for predicting searching performance through an understanding of how cognitive ability relates to searching process and outcome. Specifically, this study examined the relationship between spatial visualization, logical reasoning, integrative reasoning, and information searching process and outcome. Information searching process was assessed by seven search process indicators: (1) search command selection: (2) combination of search commands; (3) application of Boolean logic: (4) application of truncation; (5) use of limit search function; (6) number of search statements; and (7) number of search errors made. Searching outcome was assessed by the number of correct answers to search questions. Subjects first took three standardized cognitive tests that measured cognitive abilities, and performed online catalog searching in response to seven information search questions. The searches were logged using Lotus ScreenCam, and reviewed for the analysis. Factor analysis was used to find underlying structures of the seven search process variables. Multiple regression analysis was applied to examine the predictive power of three cognitive variables on three extracted factors, and search outcome. Results of the data analysis showed that individual differences in logical reasoning could predict information searching process and outcome.

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