• 제목/요약/키워드: Yielding curve

검색결과 113건 처리시간 0.029초

모형실험에 의한 무리 콘크리트 말뚝의 수평거동 특성 (A Lateral Behavior Characteristics of Group Concrete Pile by Model Tests)

  • 권오균;박종운;김진복;임동현
    • 한국지반환경공학회 논문집
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    • 제13권8호
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구에서는 모형실험을 실시하여 수평하중 작용 시 무리말뚝의 거동을 평가하였다. 암반을 모사한 콘크리트 블럭에 모형말뚝을 말뚝직경(D)의 1배로 근입시키고, 상부에 모래를 1m 깊이로 포설한 $2{\times}3$ 배열의 무리말뚝에 대하여 모형실험을 실시하였다. 그리고 말뚝길이는 11D, 15D와 20D의 세 종류이다. 각 조건에 대한 모형실험의 결과를 수평하중-변위 곡선으로 나타냈으며, 지반 속에서 발생한 말뚝의 변위를 측정하였다. 모형실험 결과, 말뚝 길이/직경의 비(L/D)가 작아질수록 항복하중은 커지고, 항복하중에서의 수평변위는 증가하는 경향을 나타냈다. 도로교설계기준의 수평변위 기준인 15mm에서의 하중을 비교한 결과, L/D가 11, 15, 20에서의 항복하중은 각각 11.7, 6.2, 3.4kN으로 나타났다. 모든 실험 조건에 대하여 지반 속에서 발생한 말뚝의 수평변위는 거의 직선적으로 나타났고, 모형 말뚝이 콘크리트 블록에 소켓된 지점에서 파괴가 발생하였다.

화력 발전소 증기 터빈의 자동기동을 위한 주증기 제어 밸브 수명해석 (Service Life Analysis of Control Valve far Automatic Turbine Startup of Thermal Power Plant)

  • 김효진;강용호
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2002
  • The automatic turbine startup system provides turbine control based on thermal stress. During the startup, control system monitors and evaluates main components of turbine using damage mechanism and life assessment. In case of valve chest, the temperature of inner/outer wall is measured by thermo-couples and the safety of these values are evaluated by using allowable △T limit currie during the startup. Because allowable ΔT limit curve includes life assessment, it is possible to apply this curve to turbine control system. In this paper, low cycle fatigue damage, combined rupture and low cycle fatigue damage criterion were proposed for yielding the allowable ΔTf limit curve of CV(control valve) chest. To calculate low cycle fatigue damage, the stress analysis of valve chest has been performed using FEM. Automatic turbine startup to assure service life of CV was achieved using allowable ΔT limit curve.

Elasto-plastic Analysis of Circular Cylindrical Shell under Horizontal Load by Rigid-bodies Spring Model

  • 박강근
    • 한국공간구조학회논문집
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.87-92
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    • 2006
  • This paper is a study on the experiment and elasto-plastic discrete limit analysis of reinforced concrete circular cylindrical shell by the rigid-bodies spring model. In the rigid bodies-spring model, each collapsed part or piece of structures at the limiting state of loading is assumed to behave like rigid bodies. The present author propose new discrete elements for elasto-plastic analysis of cylindrical shell structures, that is, a rectangular-shaped cylindrical element and a rhombus-shaped cylindrical element for the improvement and expansion of this rigid-bodies spring model. In this study, it is proposed how this rigid element-bodies spring model can be applied to the elasto-plastic discrete limit analysis of cylindrical shell structures. Some numerical results of elasto-plastic discrete limit analysis and experimental results such as the curve of load-displacement and the yielding and fracturing pattern of circular cylindrical shell under horizontal load are shown.

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소성변형을 고려한 철도연속교의 강도해석 (The Strength Analysis of Railroad Continuous Bridge Considering Plastic Deformation)

  • 정경희
    • 한국철도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국철도학회 2005년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.556-561
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    • 2005
  • The steel shows plastic deformation after the yield point exceeds. The plastic deformation due to overloads occurs at the interior support of a continuous bridge. The plastic deformation is concentrated at the interior support and the permanence deformation at the interior support remains after loads apply. Because local yielding causes the positive moment at the interior support, it is called 'auto-moment'. Auto-moment redistributes the elastic moment. Because of redistribution, auto-moment decreases the negative moment at the interior support of a continuous bridge. In this paper, the plastic rotation is evaluated using the moment-rotation curve proposed by Schalling and Beam-line method. Moreover, auto-moment is derived from the experiment curve.

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정적탄소성해석에 의한 복합구조물의 거동특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Behavior Properties of Residential-Commercial Building by Pushover Analysis)

  • 강병두;전대한;김재웅
    • 한국전산구조공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전산구조공학회 2000년도 가을 학술발표회논문집
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate elasto-plastic behaviour and estimate ultimate resistance capacity of the residential-commercial building subjected to lateral force along the height of structure. Four types of residential-commercial building are chosen as analytical models and investigated by pushover analysis. Pushover analysis estimates initial elastic stiffness, post-yielding stiffness, and plastic hinges on each story of structures through three-dimensional nonlinear analysis program CANNY-99. Skeleton curve of bending stiffness model is bilinear, shear stiffness model is trilinear, and axial stiffness model is elastic. Skeleton curve of axial stiffness model has the axial compression and tension stiffness of reinforced concrete members. This study presents the change of inter story drift, story stiffness and hinge of story and member.

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풍화된 암반에 근입된 현장타설말뚝의 하중전이 기구 (Load Transfer Mechanism of Drilled Shafts in Weathered Rock)

  • 권오성;조성민;정성준;김명모
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2005년도 춘계 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2005
  • Since the allowable bearing capacities of piles in weathered/fractured rock are mainly governed by settlement, the load-displacement behavior of the rock socketed pile should be well known. To predict pile head settlement at the design stage, the exact understanding of the load-transfer mechanisms is essential. Therefore, in this research, the load-transfer mechanisms of drilled shaft socketed into weathered rock was investigated. For that, 5 cast-in-place concrete piles with diameters of 1,000 mm were socketed into weathered gneiss. The static axial load tests and the load-transfer measurements were performed to examine the axial resistant behavior of the piles. A comprehensive field/laboratory testing program on weathered rock at the field test sites was also performed to describe the in situ rock mass conditions quantitatively. And then, the effect of rock mass condition on the load transfer mechanism was investigated. The side shear resistance of the pile in moderately weathered rock reached to yielding point at a few millimeter displacements, and after that, the rate of resistance increment dramatically decreased. However, that in the highly /completely weathered rock did not show the obvious yielding point, and gradually increased showing the hyperbolic pattern until with the relatively high displacement (>10 mm). The end bearing-displacement curves showed linear increase at least until with the base displacement of approximately 10 mm, regardless rock mass conditions.

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Investigations of different steel layouts on the seismic behavior of transition steel-concrete composite connections

  • Qi, Liangjie;Xue, Jianyang;Zhai, Lei
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.173-185
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    • 2019
  • This article presents a comparative study of the effect of steel layouts on the seismic behavior of transition steel-concrete composite connections, both experimental and analytical investigations of concrete filled steel tube-reinforced concrete (CFST-RC) and steel reinforecd concrete-reinforced concrete (SRC-RC) structures were conducted. The steel-concrete composite connections were subjected to combined constant axial load and lateral cyclic displacements. Tests were carried out on four full-scale connections extracted from a real project engineering with different levels of axial force. The effect of steel layouts on the mechanical behavior of the transition connections was evaluated by failure modes, hysteretic behavior, backbone curves, displacement ductility, energy dissipation capacity and stiffness degradation. Test results showed that different steel layouts led to significantly different failure modes. For CFST-RC transition specimens, the circular cracks of the concrete at the RC column base was followed by steel yielding at the bottom of the CFST column. While uncoordinated deformation could be observed between SRC and RC columns in SRC-RC transition specimens, the crushing and peeling damage of unconfined concrete at the SRC column base was more serious. The existences of I-shape steel and steel tube avoided the pinching phenomenon on the hysteresis curve, which was different from the hysteresis curve of the general reinforced concrete column. The hysteresis loops were spindle-shaped, indicating excellent seismic performance for these transition composite connections. The average values of equivalent viscous damping coefficients of the four specimens are 0.123, 0.186 and 0.304 corresponding to the yielding point, peak point and ultimate point, respectively. Those values demonstrate that the transition steel-concrete composite connections have great energy dissipating capacity. Based on the experimental research, a high-fidelity ABAQUS model was established to further study the influence of concrete strength, steel grade and longitudinal reinforcement ratio on the mechanical behavior of transition composite connections.

초전도 마그네트용 실용 초전도 복합선재의 기계적 특성 및 피로손상 평가에 관한 연구 (Evaluation of Mechanical Property and Fatigue Damage in A Practical Superconducting Cable for Magnet)

  • 신형섭;오상수
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.761-768
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    • 2000
  • In order to investigate how the fatigue damage effects on the critical properties of superconductor, a fatigue test at room temperature and an Ic measurement test at 4.2K were carried out in this study, respectively, using a 9 strand Cu-Ni/NbTi/Cu composite cable. Through the fatigue test of a 9 strand Cu-NUNbTi/Cu composite cable, a conventional S-N curve was plotted even though there was a possibility of fretting among strands. It was found that the maximum stress corresponding to the inflection point on the S-N curve obtained was nearly the same value as the yielding strength of cable obtained from the static tensile test. However, the effect of cabling in multi-strands superconducting cable on the fatigue strength was not noticeable. The critical current(Ic) measurement was carried out at 4.2K in a NbTi strand out of the fatigued cable. It showed a degradation of lc at high stress amplitude regions over 380NTa, and the degradation became significant as the applied stress amplitude increased.

3D finite element simulation of human proximal femoral fracture under quasi-static load

  • Hambli, Ridha
    • Advances in biomechanics and applications
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, a simple and accurate finite element model coupled to quasi-brittle damage law able to describe the multiple cracks initiation and their progressive propagation is developed in order to predict the complete force-displacement curve and the fracture pattern of human proximal femur under quasi-static load. The motivation of this work was to propose a simple and practical FE model with a good compromise between complexity and accuracy of the simulation considering a limited number of model parameters that can predict proximal femur fracture more accurately and physically than the fracture criteria based models. Different damage laws for cortical and trabecular bone are proposed based on experimental results to describe the inelastic damage accumulation under the excessive load. When the damage parameter reaches its critical value inside an element of the mesh, its stiffness matrix is set to zero leading to the redistribution of the stress state in the vicinity of the fractured zone (crack initiation). Once a crack is initiated, the propagation direction is simulated by the propagation of the broken elements of the mesh. To illustrate the potential of the proposed approach, the left femur of a male (age 61) previously investigated by Keyak and Falkinstein, 2003 (Model B: male, age 61) was simulated till complete fracture under one-legged stance quasi-static load. The proposed finite element model leads to more realistic and precise results concerning the shape of the force-displacement curve (yielding and fracturing) and the profile of the fractured edge.

임계 CTOA조건을 이용한 파괴해석 (Fracture Analysis Based on the Critical-CTOA Criterion)

  • 구인회
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제17권9호
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    • pp.2223-2233
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    • 1993
  • An engineering method is suggested to calculate the applied load versus crack extension in the elastic-plastic fracture. The condition for an increment of crack extension is set by a critical increment of crack-up opening displacement(CTOD). The ratio of the CTOD increment to the incremental crack extention is a critical crack-tip opening angle(CTOA), assumed to be constant for a material of a given thickness. The Dugdale model of crack-tip deformation in an infinite plate is applied to the method, and a complete solution for crack extension and crack instability is obtained. For finite-size specimens of arbitrary geometry in general yielding, an approximate generalization of the Dugdale model is suggested so that the approximation approaches the small-scale yielding solution in a low applied load and the finite-element solution in a large applied load. Maximum load is calculated so that an applied load attains either a limit load on an unbroken ligament or a peak load during crack extension. The proposed method was applied to three-point bend specimens of a carbon steel SM45C in various sizes. Reasonable agreements are found between calculated maximum loads and experimental failure loads. Therefore, the method can be a viable alternative to the J-R curve approach in the elastic-plastic fracture analysis.