• Title/Summary/Keyword: Worker's perception

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The Complex Characterization Analysis of the Risk Awareness Affecting an Accident Experience of Quick Service Workers (퀵서비스 종사자의 사고 경험에 영향을 미치는 안전의식의 복합적 특성 분석)

  • Rhee, Kyung Yong;Ahn, Sang Hyun;Kim, Ki Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of risk awareness on injury experience in quick delivery service workers. Risk awareness has complicate characteristics such as its level of worker and worker's decision about the level of other's risk perception. Data were collected by interview survey with structured questionnaire about injury experience, risk perception, work characteristics, and socio-demographic characteristics of quick delivery service workers by cross sectional survey design in 2012. The sample size was 120 respondent of quick delivery service workers. Statistical method for this study was hierarchical logistic regression method with 3 different models using socio-demographic characteristics and work characteristics and risk perception, etc. The difference between the level of risk perception of quick delivery service and other's was statistically significant effect on the experience of injury. Especially the higher the level of risk perception of quick delivery service workers is than other's, the lower the injury experience of quick delivery service worker is. The limitation of this study can be found in survey design. The future study for investigation of mechanism of the combined effect of risk perception of quick delivery service workers and others on injury experience.

A Study on the Perceptions of Family in Social Workers and Clients. (사회복지사와 클라이언트의 가족인식 연구)

  • Kim, In-Sook;Yoo, Young-Joon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.283-307
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to compare the perception on family of social workers and clients. Perception of family concept, family function is changing as times passes. But social worker is facing a dilemma because of differences of the perception on family. In order to compare between social worker and client concepts on family, this study compare family concept, familism, gender egalitarianism. Data for analysis were collected from 131 social workers and 134 clients who were purposive sampled. Social worker's recognition of family concept is more acceptable than client's family typology, functional family concept. Analysis shows that client group more higher familism and clients have a low opinion of gender egalitarianism. Thus, social worker may have conflicted with client's family while social worker practices case management or prograss family welfare services. In order to examine the influencing factors on family perception, the defined factors were self-efficacy, family of orgin perception. Controlling for sex, old, marriage on family perception were examined. There were significant effect of old, family-orgin perception to the client's family concept, familism, gender egalitarianism. On the contrary there were significant effect of sex, self-efficacy to the social worker's familism, gender egalitarianism. In conclusion, this study confirmed the difference of family perceptions between social worker and client. But the result of this study suggest that family social work procession or intervention will be investigated concretely.

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Study on the Influence of Organizational Climates for Social Worker's Job Satisfaction in Social Welfare Centers (사회복지관의 조직풍토가 사회복지사의 직무만족에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Min
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.328-338
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    • 2009
  • The Purpose of this study is to examine on the influence of organizational climates for social worker's job satisfaction in social welfare centers. Results were as follows that (1) the man's perception about organizational climates was more affirmative than woman's perception and under age 25 was more affirmative than over age 40 about organizational climates. (2) under age 29 was more affirmative than over age 40 about job satisfaction and over being in a graduate school was more affirmative than the college graduates about job satisfaction. (3) over a senior social worker was more affirmative than general social worker about job satisfaction. (4) The more social worker has affirmative perception about organizational climates, the more upgraded social worker's job satisfaction becomes. (5) The largest influence of social worker's job satisfaction was organizational climates.

Effects of Job Satisfaction, Organizational Support and Risk Perception on Safety Consciousness in Confined Space Workers

  • Kim, Yang Rae;Jeong, Byung Yong;Park, Myoung Hwan
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.245-254
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    • 2017
  • Objective: This study aims to investigate the effects of organizational support, risk perception and job satisfaction on safety consciousness in confined space works. Background: Confined space works are rated as hazardous works with high injury frequency and fatalities. But there were few researches for the occupational injury of the confined space workers. Method: Questionnaire survey targeting 236 workers working in confined spaces were carried out to construct the structural equation model on safety consciousness. The participants were all male workers, and they install and maintain or clean facilities mainly in the confined spaces. Results: A structural equation model for safety consciousness was proposed, and validated based on perceived organizational support, risk perception and job satisfaction factors. Perceived 'organizational support' contributed significantly to 'worker's safety consciousness' both directly and indirectly. Also, perceived 'worker's safety consciousness' was also affected by perceived 'job satisfaction' and 'risk perception'. In terms of magnitude of relationships, the direct effect of perceived 'job satisfaction' on 'worker's safety consciousness' was the greatest among the interrelationships among latent factors. Conclusion: Workers' safety consciousness can function as a leading indicator for safety and hazard prevention of workers. Application: The results can be used in developing safety prevention programs for confined space workers.

The Relationship of a Social Workers's Professionalism and User Advocacy - Focusing on the Mediating Effects of a Social Worker's Right Perception and Performance at Service Processes- (사회복지사의 전문성과 이용자 옹호의 관계 -서비스과정에서의 이용자 권리에 대한 사회복지사의 인식 및 실행의 이중매개효과-)

  • Kim, Miok;Jeong, Hana
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.65 no.4
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    • pp.115-136
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    • 2013
  • This research purports to examine the mediating effects of right perception and performance at service processes in relationship to the social worker's professionalism and user advocacy. As the research method, 198 social workers were surveyed, and structural equation was used for analysis. The research findings showed that the professionalism of social workers had a direct influence on right perception, right performances at service processes and user-advocacy. However, right perception at service processes do not have a direct influence on user advocacy. In addition to this right perception and performances at service processes was proven to be an important mediator between a social worker's professionalism and user advocacy. As a result, this research has implied the necessity for social work practice to promote user-advocacy.

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A Study on the Influens of Care Worker's Perception of Publicness on Service Quality in Nursing Facility for the Elderly (노인요양시설의 서비스 질에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 요양보호사의 공공성 인식을 중심으로)

  • Shim, Sun-Kyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.220-233
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to increase the perception of publicness and service quality on nursing facility for the elderly.The care wokers are core human resources in elderly care work practices and their perception of their publicness are likely to on effect service quality. This survey was conducted 318 care workers in nursing facility for the elderly. Research method used multiple regression analysis. Result indicated that care worker's perception of publicness level and service quality is above the ordinarly. And care worker's perception of publicness had positive effect service quality.

A study on the of professionalism and positive psychological capital on the effect of elderly care worker education on service quality (요양보호사의 교육, 서비스 질, 전문성, 긍정심리자본의 관계 연구)

  • Kim Bong Wha;Ko Youn Soon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.613-623
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    • 2024
  • This study was conducted to explore the direction of elderly care worker education by analyzing the dual mediating effects of professionalism and positive psychological capital on the impact of elderly care worker education on service quality. As a result of this analysis, elderly care worker education was found to have a significant impact on service quality, professionalism and positive psychological capital and it's confirmed that the more positive the perception of elderly care worker education, the more positive the perception of service quality, professionalism and positive psychological capital. In addition, professionalism and positive psychological capital show that each two mediates the impact of the elderly care worker education on service quality so elderly care worker education can improve service quality by enhancing professionalism, and we can see that the elderly care worker education can be a factor that improves service quality by enhancing positive psychological capital. It's found that professionalism and positive psychological capital is by dual mediating the impact of elderly care worker education on service quality so professionalism had a significant effect on positive psychological capital. Accordingly, it's confirmed that elderly care worker education improves professionalism, and that improved professionalism promotes positive psychological capital, thereby improving service quality. According to the results of this study, it's empirically confirmed that develop professionalism is important in the elderly care worker education, and that enhancing positive psychological capital through the develop professionalism can ultimately improve service quality. Therefore, there is a significance to that it's able to predict elderly care worker education in the future should include education related to the improvement of professionalism and positive psychological capital.

A Study on the Meaning of life, Change to Attitude toward the Old and Hospice Perception through Hospice Education Program of Care Worker Trainees (요양보호사교육생의 호스피스 교육프로그램을 통한 삶의 의미와 노인에 대한 태도 변화 및 호스피스 인식변화에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Mee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.642-647
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the meaning of life, change to attitude toward the old and hospice perception through pre/post hospice education program of care worker trainees. Methods: This study is a quasi-experimental research using one group pretest-posttest design. The research period was from May to June, 2011. The subjects of the study were 53 care worker trainees in T city and S city. The data were analyzed by SPSS/WIN 17.0 program with descriptive statistics and paired t-test, mean, standard deviation. The period of this study was from May 9 to June 20 of 2011. Results: The meaning of life and hospice perception were significantly different between pre- and post-program. The attitude toward the old did not show a significant difference before and after the program. Conclusion: This study is need to improve hospice education program for comprehend meaning of life, change to attitude toward the ole and improve hospice perception.

The Impacts of Socio-Economic Characteristics on the Services User's Perception by the Change of Social Condition in Healthcare Services (보건의료서비스 이용자의 사회경제적 특성이 보건의료서비스의 여건변화 지각에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Young Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.3276-3283
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to ascertain whether some socio-economic characteristics affect the service users' perception on the change of social condition in healthcare services. The research target for this study was fixed on the sample members in national sample design and the data of this study was used 37,648 effective samples collecting using Probability Proportional to Size. The results of this study using the causal relationships model are as follows: The variables including type of female, age, years of schooling show positive signs on the service users' perception on the social condition change of healthcare. And the variables including household income, temporary worker, casual worker, urban residents show negative signs on the service users' perception on the social condition change of healthcare. In conclusion, the socio-economic characteristics affect the service users' perception on the social condition change of healthcare. And the service user's perception on the social condition change of healthcare was affected positively on the beneficiary side.

Correlation of Quality Assurance System of Hospitals, Social Worker's Attitudes toward Quality Assurance Activities, and Quality on Social Services (병원의 질 보장 수준과 사회복지사의 질 보장에 대한 태도, 의료사회사업서비스 질과의 상관관계 연구)

  • Kang, Heung-Gu
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.8-19
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    • 2003
  • Background : There have been many studies and efforts about quality management in health services, but there were not founded quality assessment on social services. This study was designed for understood level of quality on social service, identified for correlation factors of quality assessment on social services in general and teaching hospitals in Korea. Methods : The subjects of this survey were 80 leaders of social service units. The survey data from each subjects were measured to evaluate level of quality that service provider perceived of sample hospitals. Social worker's attitude of quality assurance activities, perception of quality assurance system in that hospitals were measured. Under the method of one-way ANOVA, t-test and correlation, associated factors of quality assessment in social work service was analyzed. Results : The major findings were as following ; First, the level of quality perceived showed less score, especially the lowest was the score of quality of outcome. Second, social worker's attitude of quality assurance activities showed high score, but quality assurance system of hospitals showed less score. Third, the level of quality assurance system of hospitals, social worker's attitudes of quality assurance activities. Conclusion : The quality of social work service correlated positive hospitals's quality assurance system, social worker's attitudes of quality assurance activities. Therefore, to assure the proper level of quality, qualified for hospitals system of quality assurance, and needed to a educational program for enhanced social workers's attitudes in quality assurance activities.

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