• 제목/요약/키워드: Work-Life Integration

검색결과 76건 처리시간 0.029초

베토벤과 융 (Beethoven and Jung)

  • 조수철
    • 심성연구
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.107-148
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    • 2011
  • 음악은 인간의 정신에 의미 있는 영향을 미친다. 분석심리학의 이론에 따르면 음악은 인간 정신의 표현인데 특히 집단적 무의식의 표현이라고 할 수 있다. 이에 음악과 인간의 심성 탐구에 있어서 각각 뛰어난 업적을 남긴 베토벤과 융에 대하여 발달과정, 발달과정에 있어서의 공통점 그리고 이를 통하여 성취하고자 한 궁극적인 가치가 무엇인가를 살펴보았다. 베토벤과 융 모두 심리적 또는 사회적으로 어려운 상황에서 성장하여 이를 극복하는 과정에서 인격적인 성숙을 이룰 수 있었으며, 다양한 분야의 독서를 통하여 인간 존재에 대한 다양한 관점을 수용할 수 있었다. 또한 끊임없이 자신을 되돌아보고 성찰하는 태도를 유지하였다. 이러한 과정을 통하여 양자가 공통적으로 성취한 가치는 대극의 합일이었으며 통섭적 접근의 한 전형을 보여주고 있다. 그들은 궁극적으로 삶과 죽음이라는 대극을 초월함으로써 영원한 삶을 얻고 있다.

차세대 전자정부의 대민통합서비스 모델 연구 (A Study on the Integrated Civil Service Model of the Next e-Government)

  • 노규성;정진택
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2008
  • The e-Government in Korea has made such good results as improvement of official work productivity and citizen service quality. However, e-Government in Korea involves many problems and subjects to must solve, especially, at the side of citizen services. Every public organization as supplier provides each service of themselves to the civilians. Citizens feel inconvenience yet, because they must visit and are supplied various civil services to one public affair from several public institutions. When we consider the paradigm shift of the e-Government service, the status and problems of the e-Government in Korea required more better service model to the citizen. To realize the citizen oriented service, the integration and linkage of the system infrastructure and applications among governmental organizations are required. In this changed situation, when new one/non-stop service model of the digital government is developed and launched, the e-Government can supply better service to the citizens. In this study, the model that we suggest is among the new service models of the e-Government, named the Integrated Civil Service Model. The e-Government involving the Integrated Civil Service Model can make more outcome, such as better civil life convenience, cost-effective results by processing time and cost reduction for public affairs of citizens.

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사대부 시조(時調)의 농촌성(Rurality)을 활용한 체험프로그램 연구 - 충남 홍성군 거북이마을 - (The Meaning of Rurality in Traditional Three-verse Korean Poem Written by Sadaebu)

  • 최자운;김상범;김은자
    • 농촌지도와개발
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.129-152
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    • 2011
  • The study aims to investigate the meaning of the rurality in traditional three-verse Korean poem written by Sadaebu(사대부). We will discuss integration method for Rural and rurality. Rurality is not physical truth, but personal and subjective thing. The meaning of the rurality produce socially. So, the concept of the Rurality can be interpreted in many ways. Sadaebu in the Joseon period put emphasis on rural as a object of a self-discipline and govern. They compose a poem from rural life. There are various meaning related to rurality in traditional three-verse Korean poem. The rurality meaning of the Sijo written by Yakcheon and Jonjae can define union between the natural order and poetic narrator. poetic narrators accept theirselves to nature and work willingly. The host of the program must make visitors homesick and gives more energy by Sijo experience program. The most import thing is the identification of the visitor and rural. To accomplish these purpose, It needs visitors can sing a sijo by oneself.

Comparison of Agrobacterium-mediated of Five Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Cultivars Using the GUS Reporter Gene

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Ki-Yong;Park, Hyung Soo;Cha, Joon-Yung;Lee, Ki-Won
    • 한국초지조사료학회지
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    • 제34권3호
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    • pp.187-192
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    • 2014
  • Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is one of the most important forage legumes in the world. It has been demanded to establish the efficient transformation system in commercial varieties of alfalfa for forage molecular breeding and production of varieties possessing new characteristics. To approach this, genetic transformation techniques have been developed and modified. This work was performed to establish conditions for effective transformation of commercial alfalfa cultivars, Xinjiang Daye, ABT405, Vernal, Wintergreen and Alfagraze. GUS gene was used as a transgene and cotyledon and hypocotyl as a source of explants. Transformation efficiencies differed from 0 to 7.9% among alfalfa cultivars. Highest transformation efficiencies were observed in the cultivar Xinjiang Daye. The integration and expression of the transgenes in the transformed alfalfa plants was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and histochemical GUS assay. These data demonstrate highly efficient Agrobacterium transformation of diverse alfalfa cultivars Xinjiang Daye, which enables routine production of transgenic alfalfa plants.

국내와 외국고속철도 터널의 설계 및 시공사례 비교 (Comparison of high speed rail tunnels in Korea with those on other high speed railways worldwide)

  • 존 에드몬드 갤러라니;김병호;최정환
    • 자연, 터널 그리고 지하공간
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.32-44
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    • 2001
  • Most of the major aspects of the high speed rail tunnels in Korea, including such items as the tunnel geometry, excavation methods, primary support, final lining, drainage and waterproofing, are similar to the practices followed in other countries. The tunnels in Korea provide the largest net internal area $(107\;m^2)$ as compared to the other counties addressed in this paper. The effective adaptation and modification of international practices and designs, combined with the integration of domestic practices, has resulted in the successful construction of these large tunnels. The experience gained from the completed work to date on the high speed line in Korea, combined with international technology input, will help to ensure future tunnels are constructed in an efficient manner with adequate design measures implemented for the long-term operational life of the tunnels. As has occurred in these other countries, further improvements and modifications to the Korea high-speed railway tunnels will occur as experience is gained and new technology develops.

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간호, 로봇, 과학기술 혁명: 간호업무 지원을 위한 로봇 시스템 (Nursing, Robotics, Technological Revolution: Robotics to Support Nursing Work)

  • 송영애;김현정;이현경
    • 노인간호학회지
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    • 제20권sup1호
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    • pp.144-153
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to review the influence of robot systems on nursing and robotics technology. Methods: The research design was a review article. The literature was done to help understand the current status and effects of robotic technology in the healthcare field, both domestic and overseas. The keywords searched were 'Nursing', 'Robot', and 'Patient safety' in Pubmed, CINAHL etc, and 'Nursing Activity', 'Nursing Care Integration Service' in RISS and KISS. Results: In healthcare, robotics is used in five areas; personal care robots, mobility and transfer robots, cognitive and emotional robots, nursing assist robots and care robots in palliative home care settings. Nurses' demands for utilization of robotic systems are high. Especially, if robotics is used for indirect and non-value-added nursing activities, efficiency may increase. Therefore, robotics should be used to help nurses focus on bedside care and perform better nursing care. Conclusion: Future robots and technology can help nurse to provide optimal nursing to patients, and will improve the quality life of patients. It is suggested that nursing research should be actively pursued in the future. Especially, it is an urgent field to improve nursing quality and reduce the burden of nurses.

Integration of Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) and WAN, WiMAX and LTE

  • Hu, Long;Dung, Ong Mau;Liu, Qiang;Han, Tao;Sun, Yantao
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제7권5호
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    • pp.980-997
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    • 2013
  • Nowadays, wireless communication has a great advantage in technology. We use wireless devices almost in all expected life such as: entertainment, working and recently in the healthcare area, where Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) become a hot topic for researchers and system designers. Recent work on WBANs focus on related issues to communication protocol, especially ZigBee network is fine tuned to meet particular requirements in healthcare area. For example, some papers present real-time patient monitoring via ZigBee communication given the short distance between body sensors and remote devices, while the other work solve the limited coverage problem of Zigbee by designing mechanisms to relay Zigbee data to other types of wire or wireless infrastructure. However, very few of them investigate the scenarios of ZigBee coexisting or integrated with other networks. In this paper, we present the real-time data transmission from ZigBee end devices to Wide Area Network (WAN), Worldwide interoperation for microwave access network (WiMAX) and Long Term Evolution network (LTE). We provide in detail the ZigBee gateway components. Our simulation is conducted by OPNET, we visualize many topology network scenarios in ZigBee hybrid system. The results in simulation show that ZigBee end devices can successfully transmit data in real-time to other network end devices.

Information Support of the Educational Process in the Development of Leadership Potential of Modern University in the Conditions of Distance Learning

  • Viznyuk, Inessa;Rokosovyk, Nataliia;Vytrykhovska, Oksana;Paslawska, Alla;Bielikova, Olena;Radziievska, Iryna
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 2022
  • The modern development of higher education in Ukraine is the result of two main factors. One of them - the factor of social progress - reflects the transformations inherent in modern Ukrainian society. These include, first of all, the processes of democratization and the development of civic responsibility. European the choice of Ukraine, the integration of our state into the European space determine accordingly, the second factor influencing the development of domestic higher education - the trends that guide the progress of the European Higher Education Area (European Higher Education Area (hereinafter - EHEA) and the European Research Area Research Area, hereinafter - ERA). The strategy of information support of the educational process (approved by the European Commission in 2010) recognizes the leading role of higher education as a driver of social progress, accordingly states the priority - the development of free economic education and identifies indicators of such progress - the achievement and international attractiveness of European free economic education. The information support of modernization challenges in higher education are aimed at the educational process, the leadership position of students, in particular through promotion and implementation of leading achievements and best practices in the context of globalization.

노인의료전문가 집단의 연령주의 및 연령통합 인식에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Ageism and Age-integrated Perception of Healthcare Professional Groups with experience in treating elderly patients)

  • 오혜인;주경희;김주현
    • 한국가족복지학
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    • 제61호
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    • pp.59-91
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 노인환자 치료경험이 있는 노인 의료전문가를 대상으로, 그들이 인식하는 연령주의를 확인하는 동시에, 이러한 장벽을 없애기 위하여 연령통합적인 차원의 노력과 경험들을 어떻게 해왔는지에 초점을 둔다. 연구대상자인 9명의 의료전문가들의 연령주의와 연령통합에 대한 보다 다양한 인식과 경험을 담아내기 위해 CQR 질적연구 방법을 활용해 분석하였다. 의료전문가들은 연령주의(Ageism)에 대한 자기고백의 이중성을 보이고 있었으며, 의료현장에서는비적정진료, 노인 소외와 보호자 의존, 양극화 된 서비스와 빈곤노인에 대한 이중차별의 방식으로 연령주의가 실재(實在)하고 있었다. 이를 완화 혹은 해결하기 위한 방안으로서의 연령통합적 의료서비스 제공에 대해 어려움을 느끼고 있었으나, 소통을 위한 장벽 허물기를 추구하거나, 노인 뿐 아니라 모두에게 보편적(universal)으로 편안한 환경을 제공하거나, 제도와 서비스 기준을 확대 및 다양화하는 방식으로 연령통합적 서비스를 위한 적용노력을 하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 급격히 증가하는 노인환자들의 건강한 삶과 적정한 의료서비스 보장을 위해첫째, 연령주의를 가속화 시키는 한국 의료체계 내 요소들에 대한 비판적 고찰, 빈곤노인에 대한 관리체계 개선, 의료전문가 제도 내 연령통합관련 커리큘럼 포함, 노인전문 의료서비스와인력양산 그리고 노인과 노인대상 의료영역에 대한 인식개선을 제안하였다.

Formation of Resilience in the Context of Volunteer Activities Using Information and Communications Technology

  • Lazarenko, NataLiia;Sabat, Nataliia;Sabat, Nadiia;Sylenko, Nadiia;Rundong, Wang;Duchenko, Anna;Shuppe, Liudmyla
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.374-381
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    • 2022
  • The article identifies and theoretically substantiates the trends of national resilience in the context of establishing the security of the country and its civilizational subjectivity. The strategy of development of the pedagogical university in the conditions of European integration into the European educational and scientific space based on certain characterological features of the personality of the volunteer in the context of allocation of personal resilience is developed. The analysis of both external and internal challenges and threats to the civilization of the country needs to be understood in the context of economic, socio-political, legal, military-political, spiritual-cultural, educational-scientific and network-information resilience. The concepts of "national resilience" and "national security" are quite close - at first glance, even identical. However, a deeper understanding clarifies the differences: national security is a state of protection of the country identity and its very existence, the realization of its national interests. In turn, resilience is a fairly effective strategy and a fundamental guarantee of national security. At the same time, it is extremely important to understand that both national security as a state and national resilience as a strategy are only means of achieving and developing a strong and humanistic civilizational subjectivity of the country. After all, such subjectivity opens for citizens the opportunity for development, dignified self-realization and a proper life. The restructuring of the volunteer's motivational sphere is due to the dominance of such leading motives, which are focused mainly on maintaining and restoring health, which leads to distorted meaningful life goals: isolation, alienation, passivity, inertia, reduced activity, limited communication, etc. The characteristics of relatively stable human behavior include several primary and secondary properties. The primary (relevant) properties include patience, trust, hope, faith, confidence, determination, perseverance, and love; the secondary - punctuality, neatness, obedience, honesty, loyalty, justice, diligence, thrift, accuracy, conscientiousness, obligation, etc. The restructuring of the volunteer's motivational sphere is due to the dominance of such leading motives, which are focused mainly on maintaining and restoring health, which leads to distorted meaningful life goals: isolation, alienation, passivity, inertia, reduced activity, limited communication, etc. The characteristics of relatively stable human behavior include several primary and secondary properties. The primary (relevant) properties include patience, trust, hope, faith, confidence, determination, perseverance, and love; the secondary - punctuality, neatness, obedience, honesty, loyalty, justice, diligence, thrift, accuracy, conscientiousness, obligation, etc. The use of information and communication technologies in volunteering will contribute to the formation of resilience traits in the structure of personality formation. Directly to the personal traits of resilience should be included methodological competencies, which include methodological knowledge, skills and abilities (ability to define ultimate and intermediate goals, plan, conduct and analyze knowledge, establish and implement interdisciplinary links with disciplines of medical-psychological-pedagogical cycles, etc.). All these competencies form the professional resilience of the volunteer.