• Title/Summary/Keyword: Without agricultural chemical rice farming

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Influence of Continuous Organic Amendments on Growth and Productivity of Red Pepper and Soil Properties

  • Seo, Young-Ho;Kim, Se-Won;Choi, Seung-Chul;Jeong, Byeong-Chan;Jung, Yeong-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.98-102
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    • 2012
  • Organic farming has rapidly increased in Gangwon province, but there is a concern about nutrient accumulation and nutrient imbalance in the soil of organic farming. This study was conducted to investigate the impact of continuous application of organic amendments on growth and yield of red pepper and soil characteristics compared with chemical fertilizers application for four years. Treatments of organic amendments including oil cake, rice straw compost, amino acid compost, rice bran compost, and mushroom media (spent substrate) compost resulted in comparable growth and yield of pepper to chemical fertilizers. Organic amendments improved soil physical and chemical characteristics. Especially, rice bran compost and oil cake significantly increased soil organic matter compared with chemical fertilizer application and mushroom media compost and rice straw compost significantly improved soil aggregate stability. On the other hand, available phosphate level in the soil amended with rice bran compost or mushroom media compost was relatively high compared with the other treatments due to relatively high phosphate levels in the composts. It is not easy to adjust nutrient composition in the organic materials. Therefore, the results obtained from the study imply that nutrient imbalance needs to be carefully considered in organic farming without use of chemical fertilizers.

Life Cylcle Assessment (LCA) on Rice Production Systems: Comparison of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) Emission on Conventional, Without Agricultural Chemical and Organic Farming (쌀 생산체계에 대한 영농방법별 전과정평가: 관행농, 무농약, 유기농법별 탄소배출량 비교)

  • Ryu, Jong-Hee;Kwon, Young-Rip;Kim, Gun-Yeob;Lee, Jong-Sik;Kim, Kye-Hoon;So, Kyu-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.1157-1163
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    • 2012
  • This study was performed a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) among three rice production systems in order to analyze the difference of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions and environment impacts. Its life cycle inventory (LCI) database (DB) was established using data obtained from interview with conventional, without agricultural chemical and organic farming at Gunsan and Iksan, Jeonbuk province in 2011. According to the result of LCI analysis, $CO_2$ was mostly emitted from fertilizer production process and rice cropping phase. $CH_4$ and $N_2O$ were almost emitted from rice cultivation phase. The value of carbon footprint to produce 1 kg rice (unhulled) on conventional rice production system was 1.01E+00 kg $CO_2$-eq. $kg^{-1}$ and it was the highest value among three rice production systems. The value of carbon footprints on without agricultural chemical and organic rice production systems were 5.37E-01 $CO_2$-eq. $kg^{-1}$ and 6.58E-01 $CO_2$-eq. $kg^{-1}$, respectively. Without agricultural chemical rice production system whose input amount was the smallest had the lowest value of carbon footprint. Although the yield of rice from organic farming was the lowest, its value of carbon footprint less than that of conventional farming. Because there is no compound fertilizer inputs in organic farming. Compound fertilizer production and methane emission during rice cultivation were the main factor to GHGs emission in conventional and without agricultural chemical rice production systems. In organic rice production system, the main factors to GHGs emission were using fossil fuel on machine operation and methane emission from rice paddy field.

Contemporary Interpretation of Traditional Farming Practices Described in 18C Literature 'Sallimgyeongje (山林經濟)' (18세기 『산림경제(山林經濟)』에 나타난 고전 농법의 재해석)

  • Woohyun Tak;Sumi Cho
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.67-83
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to explore a biological interpretation of farming practices mentioned in 'Sallimgyeongje(山林經濟)', an agricultural literature published in late 18C, in order to substantiate its scientific practicality and suggest the sustainable direction of modern agriculture. First, the research revealed that weeds and pests were effectively controlled by interspecies interactions such as allelopathy, mutualism, and interplanting. Second, qualified seeds were selected without dependence on chemical treatments by using specific gravity and cold water immersion. Third, the literature proposed plowing methods based on the properties of the soil, which implicated an establishment of healthy landscape mosaic by imitating the succession and introducing the moderate disturbance. Fourth, the genotypes of 37 native rice varieties were speculated based on six phenotype standards, and some of them are expected to have high nutritional value and abiotic stress resistance.

Influence of Rice-Duck Farming System on Yield and Quality of Rice (벼논오리 방사가 쌀 수량 및 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • 강양순;김정일;박정화
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.437-443
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    • 1995
  • Concerns on use of excess amount of chemical fertilizier and pesticide in current farming system turns both of the producer and consumer of agricultural products to an organic farming which use a less chemicals and more natural manure. Rice-duck farming system is one of the strategy to meet the purpose and this experiment was carried out to find the effect of the rice-duck farming system on the quality and yields of rice. 20day-old rice seedling were mechanically transplanted in sandy-loam paddy field and 21 day-old ducks were raised from 3 weeks after transplanting with population of 30 heads per 10a. The plots were consists of reduce fertilizer(70%) with and without duck-raising. The conventional fertilizer treatment without duck-raising was used as check. The results obtained are summarized as follows. The weeds population of test plots which were raised with duck for 3 consecutive years was less than that of test plots without duck-raising, though a speciffic population of Echinochola crusgallis were increased. The weed control effect was higer in duck-raising than in check at the maximum tillering stage but, not at later stages of rice plant. It was found that the small animals and insects inhibiting in the rice field were reduced by duck-treatment, however, there were also damages of grass leaf roller at booting stage in the plots of duck-raising. In rice-duck plot, dark green leaf color were found: 41.8 of SPAD value than 38.6 of SPAD in check plot. Higher root activity and surface soil oxidation were also observed in rice-duck plot than check plot. 3% of the increase in yield was observed by duck-treatment. However, the expected increase of the palatability wsa not observed. This may be due to the unfavorable weather conditions during the rice growing in this expriment.

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Effect on Fruit Quality and Tree's Main Disease Control by Agro-chemical alternatives (대체농업자재에 의한 과수의 품질 및 주요병해방제 효과)

  • Nam, Ki-Woong;Kim, Seung-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to investigate an effects on ago-chemical alternative materials such as the wood vinegar, a lactic acid bacteria serum, the fermented plant juice, the brown rice vinegar and a Chitosan used for amount and qualities of fruits and to examine the pest protection efficiency for their uses in the apple and pear orchard farms. An apple yields in the orchard cultivated with using the ago-chemical alternative materials without appling the fertilizer and pesticides were decreased at 56% relative to the conventional farming practice method. Also, it was indicated that there was difficult to produce the fruits with marketability because the small sizes of fruits were produced. For the quality of fruits, the brix of apple produced in the orchard cultivated with using the ago-chemical alternative materials was similar, but Vitamin C content was greater than that of the conventional farming practice method. As a results of treating with the wood vinegar, a lactic acid bacteria serum, the fermented plant juice, the brown rice vinegar and a Chitosan instead of applying pesticides, the fruit disease in the Chitosan treatment was a little decreased, but was great occurred in the other treatments compared with the conventional farming practice mehod. However, it observed that brix and Vitamin C content of apple produced in the Chitosan, brown rice vinegar, fermented plan juice and fish amino acid treatments and in the Chitosan, brown rice vinegar, charcoal power and peat moss treatments were greater than those of the conventional farming practice method, respectively. Over all, it considered that there was very difficult to manage the orchard depended on the ago-chemical alternative materials without appling the chemical fertilizer and pesticides in the apple orchard, but it might be proper to use the ago-chemical alternative materials as an auxiliary means to decrease the appling amount of chemical fertilizer and pesticides. Furthermore, the general effects on the ago-chemical alternative materials to the perennial fruits should be investigated with considering the changes of soil fertility, soil microbial status and natural enemy creatures after treating them for a long time.

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Study for Morphological and Genetic Characteristics of Chinese Milk Vetch (Astragalus sinicus L.) to Select Suitable Line in Central Area of Korea (중부지방 적합 자운영 (Astragalus sinicus L.) 형질 특성 및 유전적 연관성 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Sun Hee;Kim, Jae Yoon
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2016
  • Although chemical fertilizers have a quick effect and broad applicability to agricultural fields, they have caused many problems like increasing soil acidity or decreasing soil organic matters. Environmental-friendly agriculture has been attempted in various ways such as organic agriculture, natural farming, low input and sustainable agriculture. The common interest of all environmental-friendly systems is to decrease burden to agricultural environment by low input of agricultural labor and materials. This study was conducted to estimate overwintering capacity and genetic distance among Chinese Milk Vetch (Astragalus sinicus, CMV) collections based on morphological characteristics and AFLP (Amplified fragment length polymorphism) analysis. Furthermore, the effect of CMV as green manure was observed in mix-cultured paddy fields with rice, sesame and sweet-potato. An another objective of this study was also to compare the pattern of weed occurrence in paddy fields with or without CMV and different rice transplanting times. The CMV collected from Paju district in central region of Korea was successively occurring through self-reseeding without artificial management. However, there was no noticeable difference in growth habit between Paju native CMV and introduced CMV from China which is currently used in farm fields. On the basis of multi-dimensional scaling and tree analyses, there are no significant difference of agricultural growth characteristics among Paju and chinese collections only excepting leaf angle and root length. The flowering time of Gurye collection was fast for 1 week as compared to other collections. AFLP that was commonly used for plant classfication, was applied to exam the genetic variation of CMV collections. Total 579 PCR products and 336 polymorphic fragments were generated using 8 primer pairs.

Evaluation of No-tillage Rice Cover Crop Cropping Systems for Organic Farming (벼 유기농업을 위한 무경운 피복작물 작부체계 평가)

  • Lee, Young-Han
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.200-208
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    • 2010
  • The objectives of this study were to evaluate no-tillage cover crop cropping systems for organic farming in paddy. The experiment was performed at Ihyeon series (silt loam: 9.1% sand, 73.0% silt and 17.9% clay) which affected by different management practices. Planthopper population per 20 plant was significantly higher 65.3 for conventional tillage with chemical compounds (control) compared with 3.4~9.6 for no-tillage treatments (without rice straw or green manure, amended with rice straw, hairy vetch, rape, rye, and Chinese milk vetch). Also, disease severity of sheath blight was significantly higher 10.5% for control compared to 0.7~2.9% for no-tillage treatments. Four weed species, namely Monochoria vaginalis, Ludwigia prostrata, Rotala indica, and Aneilema keisak occurred in no-tillage paddy, whereas Monochoria vaginalis occurred in control only. The pH, available phosphate, and microbial biomass C in paddy were steeply decreased in response to submerging, but increased at first heading stage. Soil $NH_4$-N content at first heading stage was significantly higher in no-tillage treatments compared with control. The grain yield was significantly higher in 4.30 Mg $ha^{-1}$ for control than other treatments. Meanwhile, rice productivity was significantly higher in 2.69 Mg $ha^{-1}$ for no-tillage amended with Chinese milk vetch compared to other no-tillage treatments. The number of panicle per plant, grain number perpanicle, and percent ripened grain were highly related for increasing the yield of rice. These results show that Chinese milk vetch was optimum cover crop for organic farming in no-tillage paddy.