• 제목/요약/키워드: Winter activity

검색결과 274건 처리시간 0.02초

Comparison of Agronomic Characteristics and Activity Variation of ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase at Different Growth Stages in Soybean Cultivars (콩 품종의 생육특성 및 생육단계별 ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase의 활성변화 비교)

  • Kim, Young-Jin;Lee, Si-Myeong;Cho, Sang-Kyun;Oh, Young-Jin;Kim, Hag-Sin
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    • 제55권2호
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    • pp.139-143
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    • 2010
  • The relationship between ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGP) activity and the characteristics of related pod setting in developing seed of soybean cv. Pungsannamulkong, Iksannamulkong, Geumjeongkong #1 and Danpaheuk was studied. AGP activity during the accumulate of the majority of dry matter in all cultivars suggested that this enzyme might be associated with this process. At the Vn and R1 stages, AGP activity of full-grown leaves of Pungsannamulkong, Iksannamulkong, Geumjeongkong #1 was the highest and then decreased progressively. However AGP activity of Danpaheuk was the lowest and also had lower seed weight. So regulation of matter accumulation in developing soybean seeds may also depend on AGP activity. AGP capacities as expressed by AGP activity seem to have a good predicting value for the dry matter of leaf and seed at R1 to R5 stages in our series of R3 stage genotypes. Western blots probed with antibody specific to the subunit of potato AGP revealed a single 60KD immunoreactive band that changed in intensity during the growth cycle in association with changes in total AGP activity.

Characteristic of Activity Pattern of Introduced Sika Deer (Cervus nippon taiouanus) in a Island (도서 지역에 서식하는 외래종 대만꽃사슴의 행동 특성)

  • Tae-Kyung Eom;Jae-Kang Lee;Dong-Ho Lee;Hyeon-gyu Ko;Shin-Jae Rhim
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • 제37권1호
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    • pp.70-75
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted from October 2021 to October 2022 at Gulup island, Incheon, South Korea, to identify activity patterns of Formosan sika deer (Cervus nippon taiouanus) introduced in island areas, using camera trapping. We described the daily activity patterns of Formosan sika deer in each season by analyzing kernel density estimates of capture frequency and checked seasonal differences in daily activity patterns by analyzing the overlap coefficient between seasons. Formosan sika deers introduced to Gulup island showed a crepuscular behavior pattern only in winter and no distinct pattern from spring to fall. The crepuscular behavior pattern is typical for deers to reduce the risk of predation, and it is determined that Formosan sika deers introduced to Gulup island were affected by population control of the species by the local government in the winter. It was in contrast to the fact that human activities, such as backpacking, frequently carried out from spring to fall, did not affect the behavior of Formosan sika deers. Moreover, low winter temperatures have been shown to affect the nocturnal activities of Formosan sika deers in winter. The behavior patterns of Formosan sika deers overlapped least between summer and winter due to cold winter weather and population control. The relationship between the temporal status of Formosan sika deers and seasonal temperature confirmed in this study can be important basic ecological data for establishing control measures of Formosan sika deers introduced not only in islands but also in inland.

Antioxidant and Anticancer Effects of Water Extract from Pleurotus eryngii, Flammulina velutipes (새송이버섯, 팽이버섯 열수추출물의 항산화 및 항암 활성)

  • Ryu, Hye Sook;Kim, Soo Hyun;Jeon, Moon Hee;Choi, Hae Yeon
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • 제31권6호
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    • pp.911-918
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    • 2018
  • Various studies on the effect of mushroom, a member of phytonutrients, on inflammatory diseases have been reporter over the years, Among various species mushrooms, King oyster mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii) and winter mushroom (Flammulina velutipes) are popular dietary ingredients for Asian cuisine. The extracts from all the three mushrooms were used to determine the antioxidative effect and the cytotoxicity. Result analysis were repeated more than three times to get an average${\pm}$standard deviation, and statistical significance were confirmed by SPSS. As a result, total phenol content of the king oyster mushroom and the winter mushroom were $19.66{\pm}0.10mg/g$ and $22.08{\pm}1.10mg/g$, respectively. Also, the total flavonoid content was $15.21{\pm}1.31mg/g$ for the king oyster mushroom and $20.50{\pm}4.52mg/g$ for winter mushroom. The results in winter mushroom showed higher values in total phenol and flavonoid content than in the king oyster mushroom. All samples of extracts showed free radical DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) scavenging activity with their 10 mg/mL concentration. These results indicate that the extract of the king oyster mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii) and the winter mushroom (Flammulina velutipes) may be possible phytonutrients with the anti-inflammatory and the anti-cancer effect.

Statistical Analysis on the Quality of Surface Water in Jinhae Bay during Winter and Spring (동계와 춘계 진해만 표층수질에 대한 통계분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Seon;Choi, Hyun-Woo;Kim, Kyung-Hee;Jeong, Jin-Hyun;Baek, Seung-Ho;Kim, Yong-Ok
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • 제33권3호
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    • pp.291-301
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    • 2011
  • To investigate major factors controlling variations in water quality, principal component analysis and cluster analysis were used to analyze data sets of 12 parameters measured at 23 sampling stations of Jinhae Bay during winter and spring. Principal component analysis extracted three major factors controlling variations of water quality during winter and spring. In winter, major factors included freshwater input, polluted material input, and biological activity. Whereas in spring they were polluted material input, freshwater input, and suspended material input. The most distinct difference in the controlling factors between winter and spring was that the freshwater input was more important than the polluted material input in winter, but the polluted material input was more important than the freshwater input in spring. Cluster analysis grouped 23 sampling stations into four clusters in winter and five clusters in spring respectively. In winter, the four clusters were A (station 5), B (stations 1, 2), C (station 4), and D (the remaining stations). In spring, the five clusters included A (station 5), B (station 1), C (station 3), D (station 6), and E (the remaining stations). Intensive management of the water quality of Masan and Hangam bays could improve the water quality of Jinhae Bay since the polluted materials were mainly introduced into Jinhae Bay through Masan and Hangam bays.

Seasonal Comparison of Voluntary Intake and Feeding Behaviour in Korean Spotted Deer (Cervus nippon)

  • Moon, S.H.;Jeon, B.T.;Lee, S.M.;Kim, K.H.;Hudson, R.J.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제13권10호
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    • pp.1394-1398
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    • 2000
  • This experiment was carried out to examine the seasonal changes in feed intake and feeding behavior in Korean spotted deer under farmed condition to obtain basic information for efficient feeding management. The seasonal daily gain was the highest (p<0.05) in summer and the lowest (p<0.05) in winter. Dry matter intake (DMI) was the highest (p<0.05) in spring (2,685 g/day) and the lowest in winter (1,929 g/day). Intake of roughage in the DMI was the greatest in spring and that in winter was significantly lower (p<0.05) than in spring. Also DMI, expressed in terms of metabolic body weight ($kgW^{0.75}$), was 85.5 g, 70.6 g, 70.9 g and 65.1 g for spring, summer, autumn and winter, respectively, and thus was the highest in spring and the lowest in winter (p<0.05). Deer exhibited similar eating patterns, comparatively short and frequent periods, in all seasons. They showed comparatively intensive patterns of rumination during midnight for autumn and winter and relatively continuous patterns of chewing activity during spring and summer. There were no significant differences in seasonal eating time and ruminating time. However, exercise time was the greatest for winter and the lowest for summer and there was a significant difference (p<0.05) between summer and winter. Although not significant, eating time per 100 gDM ingested tended to be short in spring and summer and long in autumn and winter. Ruminating time per 100 gDM ingested was the shortest (p<0.05) in spring compared with in other seasons. The conclusion can be drawn that since deer have seasonal differences in feed intake and feeding habits, it is necessary to establish and develop an efficient feeding system for deer.

Effects of Season, Housing and Physiological Stage on Drinking and Other Related Behavior of Dairy Cows (Bos taurus)

  • Lainez, Marielena Moncada;Hsia, Liang Chou
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제17권10호
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    • pp.1417-1429
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    • 2004
  • The objective of the paper was to study the drinking and other related behavior of dairy cows (Bos taurus). There were 142 Holstein dairy cows observed and compared in this study. The experiment was designed on the basis of two different housing systems (wet pad with forced ventilation cooling house and open house); two different seasons (winter and summer); four different stages (high milk yielding cows, low milk yielding cows, dry cows, and heifers); and grouping (home and visitor animals). All cows had free access to water. Dairy cows spent 13.8 min/day drinking in wet-pad house and 11.7 min/day in open house. owever, there was no significant difference in the duration of water drinking between these two housing systems (p>0.05). The water consumption was significantly higher in wet-pad housed animals (68 L/day) than open-housed animals (31.5 L/day) (p<0.05). A significant interaction between housing and grouping (p<0.05) was found. Home and visitor animals spent more time drinking in open house, wet-pad house, respectively. A highly significant interaction was found between housing and drinking time during the day (p<0.001). Animals in open house drank more during the morning (6:00 to 10:00 h), whereas wet-pad housed animals drank in the afternoon (14:00 to 15:00 h) and evening (18:00 to 20:00 h). The average time a cow spent in drinking in summer was not ignificantly different from that of drinking in winter. However, the water intake was significantly higher in summer (61.9 L/day) than in winter (38.6 L/day) (p<0.05). Drinking activity showed a highly significant interaction between season and physiological stage (p<0.01). High milk yield cows spent more time drinking in summer than in winter, whereas cows in all other stages followed the opposite drinking pattern. Grouping exchange did not influence the drinking behavior of dairy cows in either season (p>0.05); both home and visitor animals spent almost the same time in drinking water. A strong significant interaction between season and time during the day was found(p<0.01), suggesting that animal's high drinking frequency occurred during the daytime for both seasons, with a peak midday in winter and two peaks at 10:00 h in the morning and 19:00 h in summer. Thus, drinking behavior was associated with the cooler time of day in summer and with the warmer hours of day in winter. High and low milk yielding cows and heifers spent 15.3 min/day, 14.3 min/day, and 12.8 min/day, respectively, in water drinking activity, but there was no significant difference among them (p>0.05). There was, however, a significant difference in water drinking activity found in dry cows, which spent less time in drinking at 8.2 min/day (p<0.05).

Pesticidal Activities and Effect on Its Biological Characteristics of Bacillus thuringiensis Strains from Soil against Rice Pests, Cnaphalocrosis medinalis and Maranga aenescens (토양에서 분리한 곤충병원성세균 Bacillus thuringiensis 의 혹명나방과 벼애나방에 대한 실내살충효과검정 및 생물학적 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, Mi-Ja;Paik, Chae-Hoon;Kang, Mi-Hyung;Lee, Geon-Hwi;Lee, Du-Ku;Lee, Kyu-Seong;Youn, Young-Nam;Yu, Yong-Man
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • 제48권1호
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2009
  • For biological control of larva of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis and Naranga aenescens do considerable damage to crops by folding and scraping the leaf tissue of rice, a large number of Bacillus thuringiensis isolates have been obtained from soil samples in Korea and the pesticidal activity was assayed against two insect pest species described above. Among 53 Bt isolates tested in bioassay, 18 and 13 isolates showed over 90% mortality against C. medinalis and N. aenescens, respectively. Some isolates (11 isolates including CAB141) presented dual activity against C. medinalis and N. aenescens. These isolates showed over 96% control effect in pest control in laboratory against larvae of C. medinalis. Also, it was investigated that pupation, pupal length, and adult emergence of larvae exposed to Bt suspension decreased. Especially, the pupal length of C. medinalis after being fed corn seedling leaves treated Bt suspension for 10 days, were much smaller than that of control.

The Food Habits and Habitat Use of Yellow-Throated Martens(Martes flavigula) by Snow Tracking in Korean Temperate Forest During the Winter (눈 위 발자국 추적을 통한 담비의 겨울철 생태특성 파악)

  • Woo, Donggul;Choi, Taeyoung;Kwon, Hyuksoo;Lee, Sanggyu;Lee, Jongchun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • 제24권5호
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    • pp.532-548
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    • 2015
  • The winter ecology of individual yellow-throated martens(Martes flavigula) intemperate region of Korea were studied through snow-tracking. The study was performed across 3 winter seasons, from January 2011 to February 2013. Total distance of 49.8km was snow tracked (comprising 13 snow-tracking routes) to determine winter foraging habits, general behavior and movement paths of solitary and small groups (1-6 individuals; $mean=2.9{\pm}1.6$) of yellow-throated martens. The martens in the current study were omnivorous, with their winter diet including 9 animal and 5 plant species. Yellow-throated martens searched for food near and under the fallen logs and branches, root plates of fallen trees, around the roots of growing trees, and in small holes in the ground. They also climbed trees to search inside the tree holes and vacant bird nests. Foraging activity was estimated to occur at a frequency of 1.20 times/km, while territory marking occurred 1.42 times/km on average. Of the 60 documented foraging activities we observed, 17 were successful (28.3%). Moving activity and territory marking mainly occurred along ridges, whereas foraging activity was recorded in valleys, slopes, and forest edges. To protect the habitat of this species, the entire forest should be preserved, including the valleys, slopes, and even forest edges as well as main ridges.

Effect of Climatic Conditions on Pollination Behavior of Honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) in the Greenhouse Cultivation of Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus L.)

  • Lee, Kyeong Yong;Lim, Jeonghyeon;Yoon, Hyung Joo;Ko, Hyeon-Jin
    • Journal of Apiculture
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.239-250
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    • 2018
  • We investigated the pollination activity of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) in terms of different climatic conditions in the greenhouse cultivation of watermelons (Citrullus lanatus L.) during winter. The aim of the study was to search a climatic condition which effectively can be use honeybees as pollinators during the flowering season of watermelons in winter or early spring. The average climatic conditions inside the greenhouse during the bee activity time (BAT)-between 10:00 and 16:00 in mid-Februarywere a temperature of $30.4^{\circ}C$, relative humidity of 53.7%, illuminance level of 22,728.4lx, and UV level of $0.233mW/cm^2$. Bee traffic and foraging activity were at their greatest at 10:00 and tended to decrease with time. Male watermelon flowers typically dehisced between 10:00 and 12:00. Climatic conditions were significantly correlated with bee activities, including bee traffic and foraging activity. Bee activities were positively correlated with temperature, illuminance level, and UV level but negatively correlated with relative humidity. Temperature had the greatest effect on honeybee behavior. Among the foraging honeybees, the number of high-flying bees that did not pollinate flowers showed a strong positive correlation with temperature, and the number of bees landing on the flowers showed a positive correlation with the UV level. The temperature range inside greenhouses at which the pollination activities of honeybees can be maintained efficiently during winter watermelon pollination was found to be $21{\sim}25^{\circ}C$.

Antioxidative Enzyme Activities and O-J-I-P Transients of Crinum asiaticum var. japonicum $B_{AK}$. Leaves under Winter Stress (겨울철 저온스트레스에 의한 문주란 잎의 항산화효소 활성과 O-J-I-P 곡선 패턴)

  • Oh Soonja;Koh Seok Chan
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.206-213
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    • 2005
  • The diurnal and seasonal variations of antioxidative enzyme activity and the O-J-I-P transients were investigated from the leaves of Crinum asiaticum var. japonicum under winter stress in natural habitat, in order to diagnose quantitatively physiological states of plants under stresses. The activities of superoxide dismutase and peroxidase increased slightly in winter. Especially, peroxidase acitivity was higher at dawn and night in winter and some isoforms were detected only in early winter. In the O-J-I-P transients, the fluorescence intensity of J, I, P steps decreased significantly in winter season, contrary to its high value in summer season. Of the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters derived from the O-J-I-P transients, Fm and $\Phi_{po}$ decreased with the increase of ABS/RC depending on temperature drop in winter.