• Title/Summary/Keyword: Wheel mobile robot

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Trajectory Controller Design of Mobile Robot Systems based on Back-stepping Procedure (백스테핑을 이용한 이동 로봇의 경로 제어기의 설계)

  • 이기철;이성렬;류신형;고재원;박민용
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2000.06e
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    • pp.23-26
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    • 2000
  • Generally, the wheel-driven mobile robot systems, by their structural property, have nonholonomic constraints. These constraints are not integrable and cannot be written as time derivatives of some functions with respect to the generalized coordinates. Hence, nonlinear approaches are required to solve the problems. In this paper, the trajectory controller of wheeled mobile robot systems is suggested to guarantee its convergence to reference trajectory. Design procedure of the suggested trajectory controller is back-stepping scheme which was introduced recently in nonlinear control theory. The performance of the proposed trajectory controller is verified via computer simulation. In the simulation, the trajectory controller is applied to differentially driven robot system and car-like mobile robot system on the assumption that the trajectory planner be given.

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Odometry Error Correction with a Gyro Sensor for the Mobile Robot Localization (자이로 센서를 이용한 이동로봇 Odometry 오차 보정에 관한 연구)

  • Park Shi-Na;Hong Hyun-Ju;Choi Won-Tae
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers D
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.65-67
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    • 2006
  • To make the autonomous mobile robot move in the unknown space, we have to know the information of current location of the robot. So far, the location information that was obtained using Encoder always includes Dead Reckoning Error, which is accumulated continuously and gets bigger as the distance of movement increases. In this paper, we analyse the effect of the size of the two wheels of the mobile robot and the wheel track of them among the factors of Dead Reckoning Error. And after this, we compensate this Dead Reckoning Error by Kalman filter using Gyro Sensors. To accomplish this, we develop the controller to analyse the error components of Gyro Sensor and to minimize the error values. We employ the numerical approach to analyse the error components by linearizing them because each error component is nonlinear. And we compare the improved result through simulation.

Design of Lateral Force Estimation Model for Rough Terrain Mobile Robot and Improving Estimation Reliability on Friction Coefficient (야지 주행 로봇을 위한 횡 방향 힘 추정 모델의 설계 및 마찰계수 추정 신뢰도의 향상)

  • Kim, Jiyong;Lee, Jihong;Joo, Sang Hyun
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.174-181
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    • 2018
  • For a mobile robot that travels along a terrain consisting of various geology, information on tire force and friction coefficient between ground and wheel is an important factor. In order to estimate the lateral force between ground and wheel, a lot of information about the model and the surrounding environment of the vehicle is required in conventional method. Therefore, in this paper, we are going to estimate lateral force through simple model (Minimal Argument Lateral Slip Curve, MALSC) using only minimum data with high estimation accuracy and to improve estimation reliability of the friction coefficient by using the estimated lateral force data. Simulation is carried out to analyze the correlation between the longitudinal and transverse friction coefficients and slip angles to design the simplified lateral force estimation model by analysing simulation data and to apply it to the actual field environment. In order to verify the validity of the equation, estimation results are compared with the conventional method through simulation. Also, the results of the lateral force and friction coefficient estimation are compared from both the conventional method and the proposed model through the actual robot running experiments.

Development of Two Wheeled Car-like Mobile Robot Using Balancing Mechanism : BalBOT VII (밸런싱 메커니즘을 이용한 이륜형 자동차 형태의 이동로봇개발 : BalBOT VII)

  • Lee, Hyung-Jik;Jung, Seul
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.289-297
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents the development and control of a two wheeled car-like mobile robot using balancing mechanism whose heading control is done by turning the handle. The mobile inverted pendulum is a combined system of a mobile robot and an inverted pendulum system. A sensor fusion technique of low cost sensors such as a gyro sensor and a tilt sensor to measure the balancing angle of the inverted pendulum robot system accurately is implemented. Experimental studies of the trajectory following control task has been conducted by command of steering wheel while balancing.

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Isotropic Configurations of Omnidirectional Mobile Robots with Three Caster Wheels

  • Kim, Sung-Bok;Lee, Jae-Young;Kim, Hyung-Gi
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.2066-2071
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we identify the isotropic configurations of an omnidirectional mobile robot with three caster wheels, depending on the selection of actuated joints. First, We obtain the kinematic model of a caster wheeled omnidirectional mobile robot(COMR) without matrix inversion. For a given task velocity, the instantaneous motion of each wheel is decomposed into two orthogonal instantaneous motions of the steering and the rotating joints. Second, with the characteristic length introduced, we derive the isotropy conditions of a COMR having n(3)n(3) actuated joints, which are imposed on two Jacobian matrices, ARn×3ARn×3 and BR6×6BR6×6. Under the condition of BI6BI6, three caster wheels should have identical structure with the length of the steering link equal to the radius of the wheel. Third, depending on the selection of actuated joints, we derive the conditions for AtAt AI3AI3 and identify the isotropic configurations of a COMR. All possible actuation sets with different number of actuated joints and different combination of rotating and steering joins are considered.

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A Study on Parking Motions of a Four-wheeled Mobile Robot (네 바퀴 이동로봇의 주차 동작에 관한 연구)

  • Su-min Kang;Young Whee Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.27 no.4_2
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    • pp.825-832
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    • 2024
  • Traditional cars have a structure that steers the front wheels to change their direction so they have difficulties in performing parking motion, especially in a narrow space. As electric vehicles developed, robotics technology especially omni-directional mobile robot technology began to be incorporated into the automobile field. Omni-directional mobility and special turning movements are particularly useful for parking cars. In this paper, we propose a four-wheeled mobile robot. The proposed robot has a structure that can combine or separate robot body and robot wheel parts by using electric brakes. The proposed robot has omni-directional mobility and has the ability to rotate around an arbitrary point. Due to these omnidirectional and rotational characteristics, the proposed robot allows for various types of movements when applied to a car. In particular, parking is performed in a simple and intuitive manner that does not require complicated path planning. We implemented the proposed four-wheeled robot and showed its effectiveness by conducting several parking experiments.

A Study on an Intelligent Motion Control of Mobile Robot Based on Iterative Learning for Smart Factory

  • Im, Oh-Duck;Kim, Hee-Jin;Kang, Da-Bi;Kim, Min-Chan;Han, Sung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.25 no.4_1
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    • pp.521-531
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    • 2022
  • This study proposed a new approach to intelligent control of a mobile robot system by back properpagation based on multi-layer neural network. A experiment result is given in which some artificial assumptions about the linear and the angluar velocities of mobile robots from recent literature are dropped. In this study, we proposed a new thinique to impliment the real time conrol of he position and velocity of mobile robots. With the proposed control techinique, mobile robots can now globally follow any path such as a straight line, a circle and the path approaching th toe origin using proposed controller. Computer simulations are presented, which confirm the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm. Moreover, practical experimental results concerning the real time control are reported with several real line constraints for mobile robots with two wheel driving.

Tracing Algorithm for Intelligent Snake-like Robot System

  • Choi, Woo-Kyung;Kim, Seong-Joo;Jeon, Hong-Tae
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.486-491
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    • 2005
  • There come various types of robot with researches for mobile robot. This paper introduces the multi-joint snake robot having 16 degree of freedom and composing of eight-axis. The biological snake robot uses the forward movement friction and the proposed artificial snake robot uses the un-powered wheel instead of the body of snake. To determine the enable joint angle of each joint, the controller inputs are considered such as color and distance using PC Camera and ultra-sonic sensor module, respectively. The movement method of snake robot is sequential moving from head to tail through body. The target for movement direction is decided by a certain article be displayed in the PC Camera. In moving toward that target, if there is any obstacle then the snake robot can avoid by itself. In this paper, we show the method of snake robot for tracing the target with experiment.

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Intelligent Control Design of Mobile robot Using Neural-Fuzzy Control Method (뉴럴-퍼지 제어기법에 의한 이동로봇의 지능제어기 설계)

  • 한성현
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.62-67
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    • 2002
  • This paper presents a new approach to the design of cruise control system of a mobile robot with two drive wheel. The proposed control scheme uses a Gaussian function as a unit function in the fuzzy-neural network and back propagation algorithm to train the fuzzy-neural network controller in the framework of the specialized loaming architecture. It is Proposed a learning controller consisting of two neural network-fuzzy based on independent reasoning and a connection net with fixed weights to simply the neural networks-fuzzy. The performance of the proposed controller is shown by performing the computer simulation for trajectory tucking of the speed and azimuth of a mobile robot driven by two independent wheels.