• Title/Summary/Keyword: Weather Map

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Single-Image Dehazing based on Scene Brightness for Perspective Preservation

  • Young-Su Chung;Nam-Ho Kim
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.70-79
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    • 2024
  • Bad weather conditions such as haze lead to a significant lack of visibility in images, which can affect the functioning and reliability of image processing systems. Accordingly, various single-image dehazing (SID) methods have recently been proposed. Existing SID methods have introduced effective visibility improvement algorithms, but they do not reflect the image's perspective, and thus have limitations that distort the sky area and nearby objects. This study proposes a new SID method that reflects the sense of space by defining the correlation between image brightness and haze. The proposed method defines the haze intensity by calculating the airlight brightness deviation and sets the weight factor of the depth map by classifying images based on the defined haze intensity into images with a large sense of space, images with high intensity, and general images. Consequently, it emphasizes the contrast of nearby images where haze is present and naturally smooths the sky region to preserve the image's perspective.

Rainfall Estimation for Hydrologic Applications

  • Bae, Deg-Hyo;Georgakakos, K.P.;Rajagopal, R.
    • Korean Journal of Hydrosciences
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    • v.7
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 1996
  • The subject of the paper is the selection of the number and location of raingauge stations among existing ones for the computation of mean areal precipitation and for use as input of real-time flow prediction models. The weighted average method developed by National Weather Service was used to compute MAP over the Boone River basin in Iowa with a 40 year daily data set. Two different searching methods were used to find local optimal solutions. An operational rainfall-runoff model was used to determine the optimal location and number of stations for flow prediction.

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Smart SNS Map: Location-based Social Network Service Data Mapping and Visualization System (스마트 SNS 맵: 위치 정보를 기반으로 한 스마트 소셜 네트워크 서비스 데이터 맵핑 및 시각화 시스템)

  • Yoon, Jangho;Lee, Seunghun;Kim, Hyun-chul
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.428-435
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    • 2016
  • Hundreds of millions of new posts and information are being uploaded and propagated everyday on Online Social Networks(OSN) like Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. This paper proposes and implements a GPS-location based SNS data mapping, analysis, and visualization system, called Smart SNS Map, which collects SNS data from Twitter and Instagram using hundreds of PlanetLab nodes distributed across the globe. Like no other previous systems, our system uniquely supports a variety of functions, including GPS-location based mapping of collected tweets and Instagram photos, keyword-based tweet or photo searching, real-time heat-map visualization of tweets and instagram photos, sentiment analysis, word cloud visualization, etc. Overall, a system like this, admittedly still in a prototype phase though, is expected to serve a role as a sort of social weather station sooner or later, which will help people understand what are happening around the SNS users, systems, society, and how they feel about them, as well as how they change over time and/or space.

Tsunami-induced Change Detection Using SAR Intensity and Texture Information Based on the Generalized Gaussian Mixture Model

  • Jung, Min-young;Kim, Yong-il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 2016
  • The remote sensing technique using SAR data have many advantages when applied to the disaster site due to its wide coverage and all-weather acquisition availability. Although a single-pol (polarimetric) SAR image cannot represent the land surface better than a quad-pol SAR image can, single-pol SAR data are worth using for disaster-induced change detection. In this paper, an automatic change detection method based on a mixture of GGDs (generalized Gaussian distribution) is proposed, and usability of the textural features and intensity is evaluated by using the proposed method. Three ALOS/PALSAR images were used in the experiments, and the study site was Norita City, which was affected by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. The experiment results showed that the proposed automatic change detection method is practical for disaster sites where the large areas change. The intensity information is useful for detecting disaster-induced changes with a 68.3% g-mean, but the texture information is not. The autocorrelation and correlation show the interesting implication that they tend not to extract agricultural areas in the change detection map. Therefore, the final tsunami-induced change map is produced by the combination of three maps: one is derived from the intensity information and used as an initial map, and the others are derived from the textural information and used as auxiliary data.

Wind resource evaluation and verification of wind map with simultaneous observation at six offshore locations in Gunsan and Yeonggwang (군산·영광 해상 6개 지점 동시 관측을 통한 풍력자원 평가 및 바람지도 검증)

  • Moon-Seon Jeong;In-Sung Jeon;Ji-Young Kim
    • Journal of Wind Energy
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2023
  • Floating LiDAR systems (FLSs) are used in many countries because they are easier to install than stationary weather towers, have low maintenance costs, and can be installed in deep sea areas. However, FLSs are rarely used in Korea due to a lack of clear evaluation criteria to verify the reliability and uncertainty of their measurements. This study is the first to verify the reliability of FLSs in Korea with one-year simultaneous observation of six lidar systems - two fixed and four floating systems - in sea areas of Gunsan and Yeonggwang. The reliability of FLSs measurement data was verified by comparison between fixed and floating systems. Moreover, differences between existing wind resource maps and the data observed from the six points were analyzed and wind resource maps were calibrated. The results show a return rate of more than 95 % of the observed data and strong correlations between fixed and floating systems (average R2 of 0.977). Additionally, errors in wind speed predictions to produce a wind resource map could be significantly reduced from 5.7 % to 0.6 % after calibrations with the observation data.

A Review on the Decision-making Process for Extratropical Transition of Typhoon from an Operational Forecast Point of View (현업예보 관점에서 태풍의 온대저기압화 판단 과정에 대한 고찰)

  • Cha, Eun-Jeong;Shim, Jae-Kwan;Kwon, H.Joe
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.567-578
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    • 2008
  • The extratropically transitioning cyclones have been shown to have a large effect on weather system in the midlatitues and cause sometimes the severe weather phenomena. However, both operational forecasting and research aspect of ET remain a significant challenge. Because it is difficult to distinguish ET stage due to obscure configuration of the cyclone itself. Furthermore, any definition of ET should not only be precise enough to satisfy the needs of the operational and research communities. Therefore, the "operational deterministic process for ET" was proposed and has been used to diagnose both structure and subsequent process of ET in 2007. In this study, it has been examined the maximum wind and SST in the 1st step, satellite image in the 2nd step, sounding in the 3rd step, surface weather chart analysis in the final step. This operational manual has allowed better monitoring and understanding of the changes in the structure as ET occurs.

Development of Drought Monitoring System: II. Quantitative Drought Monitoring and Drought Outlook Methodology (가뭄모니터링 시스템 구축: II. 정량적 가뭄 모니터링 및 가뭄전망기법 개발)

  • Lee Joo-Heon;Jeong Sang-Man;Kim Jea-Han;Ko Yang-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.39 no.9 s.170
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    • pp.801-812
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    • 2006
  • In this study, Combined Drought Index which can monitor the drought severity and intensity has been developed using PDSI, SPI and MSWSI. To verify the accuracy and applicability of combined drought index, Drought map of Korea using the combined drought index has compared with past drought event. Drought map using the combined drought index shows good accordance with past drought event and accurate quantitative drought monitoring results. Also the drought outlook technique has been developed using the weather forecast data of Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). Drought outlook technique of this study can be used effectively as a primitive stage tool for real time drought forecast. As a result of this study, Integrated drought monitoring system has been developed which has capabilities of producing and generating the drought monitoring map and drought outlook map as well as various kinds of drought related information.

Analysis of Very High Resolution Solar Energy Based on Solar-Meteorological Resources Map with 1km Spatial Resolution (1km 해상도 태양-기상자원지도 기반의 초고해상도 태양 에너지 분석)

  • Jee, JoonBum;Zo, Ilsung;Lee, Chaeyon;Choi, Youngjean;Kim, Kyurang;Lee, KyuTae
    • New & Renewable Energy
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2013
  • The solar energy are an infinite source of energy and a clean energy without secondary pollution. The global solar energy reaching the earth's surface can be calculated easily according to the change of latitude, altitude, and sloped surface depending on the amount of the actual state of the atmosphere and clouds. The high-resolution solar-meteorological resource map with 1km resolution was developed in 2011 based on GWNU (Gangneung-Wonju National University) solar radiation model with complex terrain. The very high resolution solar energy map can be calculated and analyzed in Seoul and Eunpyung with topological effect using by 1km solar-meteorological resources map, respectively. Seoul DEM (Digital Elevation Model) have 10m resolution from NGII (National Geographic Information Institute) and Eunpyeong new town DSM (Digital Surface Model) have 1m spatial resolution from lidar observations. The solar energy have small differences according to the local mountainous terrain and residential area. The maximum bias have up to 20% and 16% in Seoul and Eunpyung new town, respectively. Small differences are that limited area with resolutions. As a result, the solar energy can calculate precisely using solar radiation model with topological effect by digital elevation data and its results can be used as the basis data for the photovoltaic and solar thermal generation.

Uncertainty of Agrometeorological Advisories Caused by the Spatiotemporally Averaged Climate References (시공간평균 기준기후에 기인한 농업기상특보의 불확실성)

  • Kim, Dae-jun;Kim, Jin-Hee;Kim, Soo-Ock
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.120-129
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    • 2017
  • Agrometeorological advisories for farms and orchards are issued when daily weather exceeds a predefined range of the local reference climate, which is a long-term average of daily weather for the location. The reference climate at local scales is prepared by various simplification methods, resulting in uncertainty in the agrometeorological advisories. We restored daily weather data for the 1981-2010 period and analyzed the differences in prediction results of weather risk by comparing with the temporal and spatial simplified normal climate values. For this purpose, we selected the agricultural drought index (ADI) among various disaster related indices because ADI requires many kinds of weather data to calculate it. Ten rural counties within the Seomjin River Basin were selected for this study. The normal value of 'temporal simplification' was calculated by using the daily average value for 30 years (1981-2010). The normal value of 'spatial simplification' is the zonal average of the temporally simplified normal values falling within a standard watershed. For residual moisture index, temporal simplification normal values were overestimated, whereas spatial simplification normal values were underestimated in comparison with non-simplified normal values. The ADI's calculated from January to July 2017 showed a significant deviation in terms of the extent of drought depending on the normal values used. Through this study, we confirmed that the result of weather risk calculation using normal climatic values from 'simplified' methods can affect reliability of the agrometeorological advisories.

Analysis of the Outdoor Design Conditions for Greenhouse Heating and Cooling Systems in Korea (온실의 냉난방시스템 설계용 외부기상조건 분석)

  • Nam, Sang-Woon;Shin, Hyun-Ho
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.308-319
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    • 2016
  • In order to set the outdoor weather conditions to be applied to the design standard of the greenhouse heating and cooling system, outdoor air temperature and heating degree-hour for heating design, dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature and solar irradiance for cooling design were analyzed and presented. For every region in Korea, we used thirty years from 1981 to 2010 hourly weather data for analysis, which is the current standard of climatological normal provided by KMA. Since the use of standard weather data is limited, design weather conditions were obtained using the entire weather data for 30 years, and the average value of the entire data period was presented as a design standard. The design weather data with exceedance probability of 1, 2.5, and 5% were analyzed by the TAC method, and we presented the distribution map with exceedance probability of 1% for heating and 2.5% for cooling which are recommended by design standards. The changes of maximum heating load, seasonal heating load and maximum cooling load were examined by regions, exceedance probabilities, and setpoint temperatures. The proposed outdoor design conditions can be used not only directly for the greenhouse heating and cooling design, but also for the reinforcement of heating and cooling facilities and the establishment of energy saving measures. Recently, due to the climate change, sweltering heat in summer and abnormal temperature in winter are occurring frequently, so we need to analyze weather data periodically and revise the design standard at least every 10 years cycle.