• Title/Summary/Keyword: Wear model

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Experimental Study for The Development of a Blower to Extend The Life of The Impeller and Reduce The Power Cost by Changing the Air Flow (공기흐름 변경으로 임펠러의 수명연장과 전력비 절감을 위한 송풍기 개발을 위한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Il-Gyoum;Park, Woo-Cheul;Sohn, Sang-Suk;Kim, Young-Nam
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.219-225
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the prototype of a blower was designed and made to develop a long-life blower with a volume flow rate of 10,000 ㎥/min with a required total pressure efficiency of 83% or more. Five experimental impellers with various lengths of dust deflectors were manufactured and used for the erosion experiments. The erosion test was conducted by operating for 160 hours in a self-produced closed loop-type erosion test apparatus. A prototype of a model blower was designed, fabricated, and tested. The results revealed a total pressure, air volume flow rate, and efficiency of 690.6 mmAq, 16,243.6 ㎥/min, and 83.6%, respectively, as the result of conversion to a blower based on the measured value of the blower model. The prototype was designed and fabricated as the experimental erosion equipment of the blower. A blower with a dust deflector was developed by performing the erosion experiments under harsh conditions. The blower showed an improved effect of more than 190% based on the wear thickness of the impeller compared to a conventional blower without a dust deflector.

Machinability investigation and sustainability assessment in FDHT with coated ceramic tool

  • Panda, Asutosh;Das, Sudhansu Ranjan;Dhupal, Debabrata
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.681-698
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    • 2020
  • The paper addresses contribution to the modeling and optimization of major machinability parameters (cutting force, surface roughness, and tool wear) in finish dry hard turning (FDHT) for machinability evaluation of hardened AISI grade die steel D3 with PVD-TiN coated (Al2O3-TiCN) mixed ceramic tool insert. The turning trials are performed based on Taguchi's L18 orthogonal array design of experiments for the development of regression model as well as adequate model prediction by considering tool approach angle, nose radius, cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut as major machining parameters. The models or correlations are developed by employing multiple regression analysis (MRA). In addition, statistical technique (response surface methodology) followed by computational approaches (genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization) have been employed for multiple response optimization. Thereafter, the effectiveness of proposed three (RSM, GA, PSO) optimization techniques are evaluated by confirmation test and subsequently the best optimization results have been used for estimation of energy consumption which includes savings of carbon footprint towards green machining and for tool life estimation followed by cost analysis to justify the economic feasibility of PVD-TiN coated Al2O3+TiCN mixed ceramic tool in FDHT operation. Finally, estimation of energy savings, economic analysis, and sustainability assessment are performed by employing carbon footprint analysis, Gilbert approach, and Pugh matrix, respectively. Novelty aspects, the present work: (i) contributes to practical industrial application of finish hard turning for the shaft and die makers to select the optimum cutting conditions in a range of hardness of 45-60 HRC, (ii) demonstrates the replacement of expensive, time-consuming conventional cylindrical grinding process and proposes the alternative of costlier CBN tool by utilizing ceramic tool in hard turning processes considering technological, economical and ecological aspects, which are helpful and efficient from industrial point of view, (iii) provides environment friendliness, cleaner production for machining of hardened steels, (iv) helps to improve the desirable machinability characteristics, and (v) serves as a knowledge for the development of a common language for sustainable manufacturing in both research field and industrial practice.

The Second Animal Tests of Artificial Heart Valves (인공심장판막의 개발과 동물실험 -인공심장판막의 2차 동물실험-)

  • 김형묵
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.617-621
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    • 1990
  • A heart supplies blood of about 15, 000 liters to each human organ in a day. A normal function of heart valves is necessary to accomplish these enormous work of heart. The disease of heart valve develops to a narrowness of a closure, resulting in an abnormal circulation of blood. In an attempt to eliminate the affliction of heart valves, the operative method to replace with artificial heart valves has developed and saved numerous patients over past 30 years. This replacement operation has been performed since early 1960`s in Korea, but all the artificial heart valves used are imported from abroad with very high costs until recent years. New artificial heart valves have been developed in Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology since early 1980`s. The first developed valve was designed with a free-floating pyrolytic carbon disk that is suspended in a titanium cage. The design of the valve was tested in vitro, and in animals in 1987. The results from this study was that the eccentrically placed struts creates a major and minor orifice when the disc opens and stagnation of flow in the area of the minor orifice has led to valve thrombosis. In this work, the design of the valve was changed from a single - leaflet valve to double - leaflet one in order to resolve the problems observed in the first - year tests. Morphological and hemodynamic studies were made for the newly designed valves through the in vitro and in vivo tests. The design and partial materials of the artificial heart valve was improved comparing with first - year`s model. The disc in the valve was modified from single - leaflet to bi - leaflet, and the material of the cage was changed from titanium metal to silicon - alloyed pyrolytic carbon. A test was made for the valve in order to examine its mechanical performance and stability. Morphological and hemodynamic studies were made for the valve that had been implanted in tricuspid position of mongrel dogs. All the test animals were observed just before the deaths. A new artificial heart valve was designed and fabricated in order to resolve the problems observed in the old model. The new valve was verified to have good stability and high resistance to wear through the performance tests. The hemodynamic properties of the valve after implantation were also estimated to be good in animal tests. Therefore, the results suggest that the newly designed valve in this work has a good quality in view of the biocompatibility. However, valve thrombosis on valve leaflets and annulus were found. This morphological findings were in accordance with results of surface polishing status studies, indicating that a technique of fine polishing of the surface is necessary to develop a valve with higher quality and performance.

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An Empirical Study of SNS Users' Switching Intention Toward Closed SNS (SNS 이용자의 폐쇄형 SNS로의 전환의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hyunsun;Kim, Sanghyun
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.135-160
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    • 2014
  • Most Social Network Service (SNS) provide online chat, video and file sharing, blogging and others. Because of this advantage, people depend on SNS to communicate with others. However, recently SNS encourage people to reveal too much information broadly so SNS users are concerned about privacy invasion and data spill. They also feel fatigue in process of touching people they don't know while using SNSs. That is the reason why they attempt to switch from opened SNS to Closed SNS. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to empirically investigate and analyze the effect of the factors on the SNS users' switching behavior when using SNS. To accomplish this purpose, this research adopted "Push-Pull-Mooring (PPM)" framework. The PPM is proposed by population geologist, who used it to explain the incentives of demographic migration. Following PPM model, this research empirically examines the three categories of antecedents for SNS switching intention toward closed SNS: push (i.e., weak connection, privacy concern, relative complexity), pull (i.e., enjoyment, belongingness, peer influence), mooring (i.e., SNS fatigue, user resistance) factors. The survey was conducted for 285 users on SNS communities in Korea. The results of this study are as follows; First, wear connection and privacy concern are significantly related to SNS switching intention. Second, enjoyment and belongingness are significantly related to SNS switching intention. Finally, the results show that SNS fatigue has a moderating effect on the links between push factors and SNS switching Intention. Also, user resistance has a moderating effect on the links between pull factors and SNS switching Intention. These findings contribute to the SNS literature both theoretically and practically.

Exploratory studies of the music analgesic effect in people with glasses through cold-pressor task (안경 착용 여부에 따른 음악 통증완화효과의 탐색적 연구)

  • Choi, Suvin;Park, Sang-Gue
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.823-832
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    • 2020
  • The analgesic effects of music in people with glasses on perceived pain through cold-pressor task (CPT) is assessed based on three-sequence, three-period, crossover trial with three treatment conditions(music-listening, news-listening, and no-sound) to each subject. Fifty subjects are divided into three sequence groups by randomization, and CPTs under the pre-assigned treatment conditions at each period are performed. Pain responses after each CPT, subjects' pain tolerance (PT) in time scale and pain intensity (PI) and pain unpleasantness (PU) in visual analog scale (VAS) are measured. After classifying the group by whether or not to wear glasses, which is the phenotype of the myopia gene, pain responses are compared by F-tests and Tukey's multiple comparisons. CPT pain responses in group with glasses during the music intervention are significantly different from responses during the news intervention and the control conditions, respectively. This study investigates the pain responses of music intervention in the group wearing glasses, which can be seen as a phenotype of the nearsighted gene, and this result would play a role in explaining the biopsychosocial model of the pain mechanism.

Simulation analysis and evaluation of decontamination effect of different abrasive jet process parameters on radioactively contaminated metal

  • Lin Zhong;Jian Deng;Zhe-wen Zuo;Can-yu Huang;Bo Chen;Lin Lei;Ze-yong Lei;Jie-heng Lei;Mu Zhao;Yun-fei Hua
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.11
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    • pp.3940-3955
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    • 2023
  • A new method of numerical simulating prediction and decontamination effect evaluation for abrasive jet decontamination to radioactively contaminated metal is proposed. Based on the Computational Fluid Dynamics and Discrete Element Model (CFD-DEM) coupled simulation model, the motion patterns and distribution of abrasives can be predicted, and the decontamination effect can be evaluated by image processing and recognition technology. The impact of three key parameters (impact distance, inlet pressure, abrasive mass flow rate) on the decontamination effect is revealed. Moreover, here are experiments of reliability verification to decontamination effect and numerical simulation methods that has been conducted. The results show that: 60Co and other homogeneous solid solution radioactive pollutants can be removed by abrasive jet, and the average removal rate of Co exceeds 80%. It is reliable for the proposed numerical simulation and evaluation method because of the well goodness of fit between predicted value and actual values: The predicted values and actual values of the abrasive distribution diameter are Ф57 and Ф55; the total coverage rate is 26.42% and 23.50%; the average impact velocity is 81.73 m/s and 78.00 m/s. Further analysis shows that the impact distance has a significant impact on the distribution of abrasive particles on the target surface, the coverage rate of the core area increases at first, and then decreases with the increase of the impact distance of the nozzle, which reach a maximum of 14.44% at 300 mm. It is recommended to set the impact distance around 300 mm, because at this time the core area coverage of the abrasive is the largest and the impact velocity is stable at the highest speed of 81.94 m/s. The impact of the nozzle inlet pressure on the decontamination effect mainly affects the impact kinetic energy of the abrasive and has little impact on the distribution. The greater the inlet pressure, the greater the impact kinetic energy, and the stronger the decontamination ability of the abrasive. But in return, the energy consumption is higher, too. For the decontamination of radioactively contaminated metals, it is recommended to set the inlet pressure of the nozzle at around 0.6 MPa. Because most of the Co elements can be removed under this pressure. Increasing the mass and flow of abrasives appropriately can enhance the decontamination effectiveness. The total mass of abrasives per unit decontamination area is suggested to be 50 g because the core area coverage rate of the abrasive is relatively large under this condition; and the nozzle wear extent is acceptable.

A Study on the Variation of Daily Urban Water Demand Based on the Weather Condition (기후조건에 의한 상수도 일일 급수량의 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Gyeong-Hun;Mun, Byeong-Seok;Eom, Dong-Jo
    • Water for future
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.147-158
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study is to establish a method of estimating the daily urban water demand using statistical model. This method will be used for the development of the efficient management and operation of the water supply facilities. The data used were the daily urban water use, the population, the year lapse and the weather conditions such as temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, etc. Kwangju city was selected for the case study area. The raw data used in this study were rearranged either by month or by season for the purpose of analysis, and the statistical analysis was applied to the data to obtain the regression model. As a result, the multiple linear regression model was developed to estimate the daily urban water use based on the seather condition. The regression constant and the model coefficients were determined for each month of a year. The accuracy of the model was within 3% of average error and within 10% of maximum error. The developed model was found to be useful to the practical operation and management of the water supply facilities.

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Analysis of Traffic Safety Effectiveness of Vehicle Seat-belt Wearing Detection System (주행차량 안전벨트 착용 검지시스템 교통안전 효과 분석)

  • Ji won Park;Su bin Park;Sang cheol Kang;Cheol Oh
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.53-73
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    • 2023
  • Although it is mandatory to wear a seat belt that can minimize human injury when traffic accident occurs, the number of traffic accident casualties not wearing seat belts still accounts for a significant proportion.The seat belt wearing detection system for all seats is a system that identifies whether all seat passengers wear a seat belt and encourages their usage, also it can be a useful technical countermeasure. Firstly, this study established the viability of system implementation by assessing the factors influencing the severity of injuries in traffic accidents through the development of an ordered probit model. Analysis results showed that the use of seat belts has statistically significant effects on the severity of traffic accidents, reducing the probability of death or serious injury by 0.054 times in the event of a traffic accident. Secondly, a meta-analysis was conducted based on prior research related to seat belts and injuries in traffic accidents to estimate the expected reduction in accident severity upon the implementation of the system.The analysis of the effect of accident severity reduction revealed that wearing seat belts would lead to a 63.3% decrease in fatal accidents, with the front seats showing a reduction of 75.7% and the rear seats showing a reduction of 58.1% in fatal accidents. Lastly, Using the results of the meta-analysis and traffic accident statistics, the expected decrease in the number of traffic accident casualties with the implementation of the system was derived to analyze the traffic safety effects of the proposed detection system. The analysis demonstrated that with an increase in the adoption rate of the system, the number of casualties in accidents where seat belts were not worn decreased. Specifically, at a system adoption rate of 60%, it is anticipated that the number of fatalities would decrease by more than three times compared to the current scenario. Based on the analysis results, operational strategies for the system were proposed to increase seat belt usage rates and reduce accident severity.

Study on Structural Integrity and Dynamic Characteristics of Knuckle Parts of KTX Anti-Roll Bar (KTX 고속열차 안티롤바 너클부의 동특성 및 구조 안전성 평가)

  • Jeon, Kwang Woo;Shin, Kwang Bok;Kim, Jin Woo;Jeong, Yeon Il
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.37 no.8
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    • pp.1035-1041
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    • 2013
  • To evaluate the structural integrity and dynamic characteristic of the knuckle part of a KTX anti-roll bar, an experimental and a numerical approach were used in this study. In the experimental approach, the acceleration and strain data for the knuckle parts of the KTX and KTX-SANCHUN anti-roll bar were respectively measured to evaluate and compare its structural dynamic characteristics under the operating environments of the Honam line. In the numerical approach, the evaluation of its structural integrity was conducted using LS-DYNA 3D, and then, the reliability of the finite element model used was ensured by a comparative evaluation with the experiment. The numerical results showed that the stress and velocity field of the knuckle part composed of a layered structure of a thin steel plate and rubber were more moderate than those of the knuckle part made of only a thick steel block owing to the reduction of relative contact between the knuckle and the connecting rod. It was found that the knuckle part made of a thin steel plate and rubber was recommended as the best solution to improve its structural integrity resulting from the elastic behavior of the KTX anti-roll bar being enabled under a repeating external force.

A study on the modular design of smart photonic sports clothing based on optical fiber technology (광섬유 기반 스마트 포토닉 스포츠 의류의 모듈화 디자인 연구)

  • Park, Soo-Jin;Park, Sun-Hyeong;Lee, Joo-Hyeon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.393-402
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    • 2009
  • The objectives of this study is to search for systematic modular design methods for smart photonic sports clothing based on light emitting optical fiber technology related to smart photonic clothing, and to present a variety of modular design models based on optical fiber and light emitting module assembly technology, both of which stand on the basis of body measurements. To achieve the objectives, this paper firstly reviewed the concept of smart photonic clothing and related technologies, and an examination of the concepts of modularization and its designs, as well as examples of modularization used in various fields. To decide the size and attachment point of optical fiber and light emitting modules, the study considered the close connection between modularization and body measurements. Along with body measurements, to derive the most suitable region to attach the optical fiber and light emitting modules, appropriate attachment locations for computing devices and regions which are marginally affected by body movements, were analyzed. On the basis of the results, a modular model of a sports jacket with smart photonic functions was designed and presented, with the focus on the wearer's safety and protection function, which was judged to be the most needed and appropriate function among the three functions of smart photonic clothing related to sports clothing. The results of this study is expected to be useful as basic data for future smart photonic clothing design research.

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