• Title/Summary/Keyword: Way-finding design

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  • Steiner, W.;Steinwender, G.;Unger, B.
    • International Journal of Automotive Technology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2001
  • The lifetime of power train components can be improved dramatically by finding crack initiation points with suitable software tools and optimization of the critical areas. With increasing capacities of computers the prediction of the lifetime for components by numerical methods gets more and more important. This paper discusses some applications of the outstanding fatigue simulation program FEMFAT supporting the assessment of uniaxially and multiaxially loaded components (as well as welding seams and spot joints). The theory applied in FEMFAT differs in some aspects from classical approaches like the nominal stress concept or the local one and can be characterized by the term "influence parameter method". The specimen S/N-curve is locally modified by different influence parameters as stress-gradient to take into account notch effects, mean-stress influence which is quantified by means of a Haigh-diagram, surface roughness and treatments, temperature, technological size, etc. It is possible to consider plastic deformations resulting in mean-stress rearrangements. The dynamic loading of power train components is very often multiaxial, e.g. the stress state at each time is not proportional to one single stress state. Hence, the directions of the principal axes vary with time. We will present the way how such complex load situations can be handled with FEMFAT by the examples of a crank case and a gear box.

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Searching a global optimum by stochastic perturbation in error back-propagation algorithm (오류 역전파 학습에서 확률적 가중치 교란에 의한 전역적 최적해의 탐색)

  • 김삼근;민창우;김명원
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics C
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    • v.35C no.3
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 1998
  • The Error Back-Propagation(EBP) algorithm is widely applied to train a multi-layer perceptron, which is a neural network model frequently used to solve complex problems such as pattern recognition, adaptive control, and global optimization. However, the EBP is basically a gradient descent method, which may get stuck in a local minimum, leading to failure in finding the globally optimal solution. Moreover, a multi-layer perceptron suffers from locking a systematic determination of the network structure appropriate for a given problem. It is usually the case to determine the number of hidden nodes by trial and error. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm to efficiently train a multi-layer perceptron. OUr algorithm uses stochastic perturbation in the weight space to effectively escape from local minima in multi-layer perceptron learning. Stochastic perturbation probabilistically re-initializes weights associated with hidden nodes to escape a local minimum if the probabilistically re-initializes weights associated with hidden nodes to escape a local minimum if the EGP learning gets stuck to it. Addition of new hidden nodes also can be viewed asa special case of stochastic perturbation. Using stochastic perturbation we can solve the local minima problem and the network structure design in a unified way. The results of our experiments with several benchmark test problems including theparity problem, the two-spirals problem, andthe credit-screening data show that our algorithm is very efficient.

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Research on Core Competence of Cultural Industry in Korea

  • Li, Yu;Li, Hao
    • Asian Journal of Business Environment
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.17-20
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - This paper will go deep into the analysis of Korean Cultural industry development, and the result of the analysis shows that the cultural value of cultural product, competitive product lines and mature Market Mechanism are core competences of Korean Cultural industry. Research design, data, and methodology - This is a case study in the era of knowledge based economy, Cultural industry has become a new increasing point of economic development. Cultural industry, commonly regarded as an industry with high-ended value, is occupying more important role in economic development and social welfare promotion process. Results - Moreover the increasingly important role of cultural industry will hopefully help to promote industrial upgrading process and finally become a driving force for economic growth and technological innovation. During the process of cultural development, improving core competence of Cultural industry is a key consideration to help the development of Cultural industry in a positive way. Conclusions - From the study above, we find that in order to ensure sustainable development of Cultural industry, emphasis should be put on finding and improving core competence. Core competence of Korean Cultural industry is important and inspiring to the development of Chinese Cultural industry and regional integration in the East Asian area.

Perceptions of Islamic banking products: Evidence from Malaysia

  • RAHMI, Mustika;AZMA, Nurul;OBAD, Fahd Mohammed;ZAIM, Muhammad;RAHMAN, Mahfuzur
    • Asian Journal of Business Environment
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: Islamic banking products and services have always claimed to be unique from its traditional interest-based counterpart. However, in practice, many Islamic banks are alleged to have drifted away from its paradigm version. The purpose of this study is to gauge the perception of university students in Malaysia towards Islamic banking products. Research design, data and methodology: Data were collected from 250 Malaysian university students. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was performed to test proposed hypotheses to identify factors influencing customers' perception toward Islamic banking products. Results: The main finding indicates that most of the respondents are familiar with Islamic banking products and consider Islamic banking products as useful as its conventional counterparts. The regression results show that respondents are less convinced of adherence to Shari'ah, efficiency and helpfulness of existing Islamic banks. Conclusions: This is a cue to the Islamic banks' stakeholders that they need to realign their practices in an ethically responsible way in accordance with Shari'ah if they wish to secure existing customers and attract potential ones. In a competitive banking environment, most banks provide efficient and readily available service; thus, focusing on this as a strategy hardly distinguishes an Islamic bank from an interest-based bank.

Design of Efficient Intrusion Detection System using Man-Machine (Man-Mchine에 의한 효율적인 침입 탐지 시스템 설계)

  • Shin, Jang-Koon;Ra, Min-Young;Park, Byung-Ho;Choi, Byung-Kab
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.39-52
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    • 1996
  • Networking revolution provides users with data and resources sharing, distributed processing, and computer communication in cyberspace. However, users may use computers as a way of unauthorized access, system destruction, and leakage of the stored data. In recent trend, incresing of hacking instances which are from domestic as well as abroad reaches to the level of seriousness. It, therefore, is required to develop a secure system for the National Depense computing resources and deploy in practice in the working field as soon as possible. In this paper, we focuss on finding the security requirements of a network and designing Intrusion Detection System using statical intrusion detection and rule-based intrusion detection analysis through accumulating audit data.

A Study of Research Publication Ethics for Social Science Researcher

  • Eungoo KANG;Hee-Joong HWANG
    • Journal of Research and Publication Ethics
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This research article aim is to critically examine the ethical principles that govern research publication in social sciences and to identify and analyze the everyday ethical challenges social science researchers face during the publication process. Also, the research explores the factors contributing to ethical violations in social science research publication. Research design, data, and methodology: The present research has conducted comprehensive literature analysis and the authors of this research has figured out total 24 significant prior studies in the current literature dataset for the literature review and finding section. The procedure of data obtaining included the elimination process to screen dissertation papers, conference papers, and internet sources. Results: Previous The sociologies, given their emphasis on the human way of behaving and interactions, demand heightened ethical considerations due to the potential impact of research findings on individuals and society. Therefore, understanding and upholding ethical standards are essential for researchers at all career stages. Conclusions: In order to retain the integrity, legitimacy, and societal influence of research findings, ethical issues are crucial and the necessity for flexible and comprehensive ethical frameworks is highlighted by the rapid evolution of research methodology, digital platforms, and interdisciplinary collaborations, adding new dimensions of ethical complexity.

The Perspective of the Oriental Philosophy and its Relationship with Economic Prosperity

  • Namim NA
    • East Asian Journal of Business Economics (EAJBE)
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2023
  • Purpose - Investigating the connection between 'Oriental philosophy' and financial success is an adventure into the world of old knowledge and its applicability to the modern era. Thus, the current study aims to find ways to approach economic growth in a more inclusive, sustainable, and comprehensive way if we can sort out the complex webs that bind these two fields. Research design, data, and methodology - The main component of the current study is a thorough literature investigation in the current major database that gathers information from fifteen significant research articles. Numerous disciplines, including political science, economics, philosophy, and cultural studies, are represented among the selected papers. Result: The finding section provides a comprehensive knowledge of how concepts of oriental philosophy intersect with and have the capacity to revolutionize economic systems by delving into the subtle insights gleaned from the literature survey, case studies, and comparative analyses. Conclusion - The study concludes that oriental philosophies' emphasis on social harmony and community welfare points to the necessity of policies beyond only looking at financial data. Practitioners can use the study's conclusions to guide the creation of inclusive policies that put the welfare of all people first, deal with social injustices, and advance environmental sustainability.

Structure Assembling Method for 3D Puzzle System (3차원 퍼즐 시스템을 위한 구조물 조립 기법)

  • Kim, Jin-Mo;Cho, Hyung-Je
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.58-68
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    • 2009
  • With the rapid development of computer hardware and invention of various game-related technologies, the quality of games has been greatly improved and the genres of games have been diversified. Yet, in comparison, puzzle games have held to the past simple way of games, which has only led to a depression of the puzzle game market. This paper is the first attempt to overcome limits of the current puzzle games, by finding a breakthrough in three-dimensional puzzle games. In order to describe a realistic puzzle assembly in a three-dimensional puzzle game, this paper aimed to design a structure assembly technique made up of three steps that used a proper process to handle structure suitable to assembly, an elaborate way of collisions between individual objects and a physical structure. Through this technique, we intend to show in a simple experiment that it is possible to minimize the calculation cost in the assembly process and at the same time to achieve an elaborate puzzle assembly between structures.

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The Influence of the Interval of Polka Dots on the Image of Clothes - Focused on One-Piece Dress - (물방울무늬의 간격이 의복이미지에 미치는 영향 - 원피스드레스를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Hye-Won;Ryoo, Sook-Hee
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.278-285
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is the image of clothing according to the change of the dots' interval was analyzed and its influence on the formation of the image of polka dots clothing was investigated. White waterdrop patterns were designed on the 12 kinds of black texture using Photoshop and CAD program in regular arrangement of diamond figure, composed of white waterdrop(0.5 cm, 1.0 cm, 1.5 cm and 2 cm in diameter) and interval(diameter : interval - 1 : 1, 1 : 2, 1 : 4). Applying above specification, the photograph stimulus of 12 kinds of X-line one-piece dress with wide square neckline and without sleeve or detailed ornament was presented on a screen in the same size as when putting it on. The image of polka dots clothes was investigated by questionnaire survey. The object of the study was 320 females aged between 16 and 29. Factor analysis, one-way ANOVA, Scheff$\acute{e}$ verication and two-way ANOVA using SPSS 10.0 were carried out for data analysis. The research finding are as follows. First, the image of polka dots clothing consists of 4 factors as aesthetics, brevity, dynamism and lightweight. Secondly, the interval of the dot has a great influence on the formation of the image of polka dots clothing. Lastly, the evaluations of the image of polka dots clothing were different depending on the age and physical image, the personal characteristics of the object of investigation.

A Study on the Application of Computers to the Development of Humor Image Fashion Design (컴퓨터를 활용한 유머 이미지 패션디자인 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 우세희;최현숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2003
  • Due to the rapid changes occurring in many aspects of contemporary society, the need for a means to actively combat widespread feelings of emptiness and alienation among the public, while satisfying its visual pleasure, is increasing. Thus the need for humorous elements which bring freedom to the human psyche is urgently requested. Of course, the field of fashion cannot be left out in this trend, and humor image design is a good example of this. Humor image in fashion endeavors to release the tension accumulated in the modern world, while trying to find a way to recover the original pureness of mankind. Another aspect currently important is computers. The creation of images in modern visual art relies a lot upon computers. Traditional visual processes such as painting, photography and video are now merged within digital technology. and are now quite symbiotic to each other. With the development of computers came computer art. which uses all applicable functions of a computer to create art. Any artistic action which uses a computer in any stage of its creation can be called computer art. The common factor in humor and computer art in modern fashion can be classified as follows : repetition, deformation and distortion. exaggeration and abridgement. juxtaposition. and Tromp l'oeil. This study has placed its objective on the fusion of humor image fashion and computer art, by manufacturing a work with humor and computers, two important aspects of modern culture. Expanding the field of fashion design while promoting creativity In fashion by finding a verging point between art and science is also necessary. I have designed and made five costumes using the above cited techniques in computer humor images, on a theoretical basis.