• Title/Summary/Keyword: Watershed sewer system

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Analysis of Hydrodynamic Separators for Combined Sewer Overflows and Stromwater Runoff Control (합류식 하수관거 월류수 및 우수관거 유출수의 수리동력학적 오염부하저감장치의 분석)

  • Lee, Soo Young;Oh, Ji Hyun;Ryu, Seong Ho;Kwon, Bong Ki;Chung, Tai Hak
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2005
  • Appropriate removal of pollutants from combined sewer overflows(CSOs) and stormwater runoff is of primary concern to watershed managers trying to meet water quality standards even under a wet weather condition. Harmful substances associated with particles besides TSS and BOD are subjected to removal prior to discharge into the natural waters. Effectiveness of five major hydrodynamic separation technologies, Vortechs, Downstream Defender including Storm King for CSOs control, CDS, Stormceptor, and IHS, were evaluated in this study. There is not sufficient information for accurate evaluation of the removal efficiency for the pollutants from the stormwater runoff and CSOs. Based upon limited engineering data, however, all technologies were found to be effective in separation of heavy particles and floating solids. Technologies utilizing screens seem to have advantage in the treatment capacity than the other technologies relied fully on hydrodynamic behavior. The IHS system seems to have a strong potential in application for control of CSOs because of unique hydrodynamic behavior as well as a flexibility in opening size of the screens. Size of the particulate matter in the CSOs and stormwater runoff is found to be the most important parameter in selection of the type of the hydrodynamic separators. There exists an upper limit in the solids removal efficiency of a hydrodynamic separator, which is strongly dependent upon the particle size distribution of the CSOs and stormwater runoff.

Development of small constructed wetland for urban and roadside areas (도시 및 도로 조경공간을 활용한 소규모 인공습지 조성 기술)

  • Kang, Chang-Guk;Maniquiz, Marla C.;Son, Young-Gyu;Cho, Hye-Jin;Kim, Lee-Hyung
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.231-242
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    • 2011
  • Recently, the green spaces in the urban areas were greatly reduced due to urbanization and industrialization. As urban structures such as roads and buildings are built, the amount of impervious area within a watershed increases. High impervious surfaces are the common causes of high runoff volumes as the soil infiltration capacity decreases and the volume and rate of runoff increase thereby decreasing the groundwater recharge. These effects are causing many environmental problems, such as floods and droughts, climate change, heat island phenomenon, drying streams, etc. Most cities attempted to reduce sewer overflows by separating combined sewers, expanding treatment capacity or storage within the sewer system, or by replacing broken or decaying pipes. However, these practices can be enormously expensive than combined sewer overflows. Therefore, in order to improve these practices, alternative methods should be undertaken. A new approach termed as "Low Impact Development (LID)" technology is currently applied in developed countries around the world. The purpose of this study was to effectively manage runoff by adopting the LID techniques. Small Constructed Wetland(Horizontal Subsurface Flow, HSSF) Pilot-scale reactors were made in which monitoring and experiments were performed to investigate the efficiency of the system in removing pollutants from runoff. Based on the results of the Pilot-plant experiments, TSS, $COD_{Cr}$, TN, TP, Total Pb removal efficiency were 95, 82, 35, 91 and 57%, respectively. Most of the pollutants were reduced after passing the settling tank and the vertical filter media. The results of this study can contribute to the conservation of aquatic ecosystems and restoration of natural water cycle in the urban areas.

A study on Watershed Model for Predicting the Runoff Characteristics of Urban Area (도시 지역의 유출량 변화 예측을 위한 유역 모델 연구)

  • Lee, Hye-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.31 no.12
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    • pp.1089-1094
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    • 2009
  • The SWMM (Storm Water Management Model) was applied to Princeton University campus, USA to predict the change of the runoff characteristics. Topography and infra structure of urban area are used in detail and watershed is made as form of regular square to improve the efficiency of data. Princeton campus was divided into 131 sub-basins and model input parameters were obtained from DEM (Digital Elevation Model), land use type, and campus management map, etc.. The model was validated based on the measured meteorological data. The validated model was used to analyze the change of the runoff characteristics according to urbanization, which are two different scenarios: 50% and 100% increase of impervious area. The increase of impervious area causes the increase of runoff, especially in the first-flush.

Determination of EMC and Unit Loading of Rainfall Runoff from Forestry-Crops Field (산림과 밭 지역 강우 유출수의 EMC 및 원단위 산정)

  • Won, Chul-hee;Choi, Yong-hun;Seo, Ji-yeon;Kim, Ki-cheol;Shin, Min-hwan;Choi, Joong-dae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.615-623
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    • 2009
  • The research of the determination of event mean concentration (EMC) was focussed combined sewer overflows and highway runoff in korea. But those of non-urban areas are few. In this study, EMC and unit loading on land use types in Nogok watershed were estimated by runoff loading of non-point source (NPS) on non-urban area. Two monitoring sites were equipped with an automatic velocity meter, flow meter, and water sampler. Monitoring was conducted at two monitering site during the rainy season. The results show that the EMC ranges in forest land use are 1.3~2.6 mg/L for BOD, 2.0~16.1 mg/L for SS, 0.1~2.1 mg/L for TN, and 0.12~0.49 mg/L for TP. The unit loading of NPS in this study was difficult to compare directly with that used conventionally because of the difference of field investigation. In near future, it needs to conduct more systematic and long-term research about NPS within the watershed. The results of this research can be used to estimate the total pollution load management system (TPLMS) program in korea.

Causes of Fish Kill in the Urban Streams I - Field Surveys and Laboratory Experiments (도시 하천에서의 어류 폐사 원인 분석 I - 일반조사 및 실험)

  • Lee, Eun-hyoung;Seo, Dongil;Hwang, Hyun-dong;Yun, Jin-hyuk;Choi, Jae-hun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.573-584
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to investigate the causes of fish kills in the Yudeung Stream in Daejeon, Korea using literature reviews, governmental and our water quality monitoring data of the study site, rainfall data, intensive water quality monitoring during rainfall events, sediment pollutant contents and laboratory bioassay tests. Fish kill in urban streams can be caused by combined effect of reduction in dissolved oxygen concentration, increase in toxic material or increase in turbidity in waterbody due to introduction of surface runoff or effluent of combined sewer overflows after rainfall from the watershed areas. Despite of extensive and intensive field surveys and laboratory tests, it was found that those conventional methods have limitations to identify causes of fish kills in urban streams. It would be necessary to use dynamic water quality modeling to predetermine the range and level of water pollution in the stream and automatic water quality monitoring system that can collect water samples and detect water quality continuously.

A Study on Obtaining Waters to Restore the Water-ecosystem of Deokjin Pond in Jeonju: New Paradigm for Restoration of Urban Reservoirs (전주시 덕진연못의 수생태 복원을 위한 용수확보방안 연구: 도시 저수지 복원의 새로운 패러다임)

  • Choi, Seung-Hyun;Kim, Seok-Hwi;Lee, Jin Won;Kim, Kangjoo;Oh, Chang Whan
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.467-475
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    • 2015
  • The Deokjin Pond is one of the places representing Jeonju City's history but has the poor water quality. The pond has a storage of $88,741m^3$ and a drainage area of $3.77km^2$. It has been maintained only by the groundwater pumped from the upstream wells and the direct rainfalls on the water surface since the old streams replenishing the pond were turned into a part of the sewer system due to indiscreet urbanization. The lack of replenishing water as well as the organic-rich bottom sediment were suggested as two main causes deteriorating the water-ecosystem. In this study, possible measures obtaining waters for restoration of Deokjin Pond ecosystem are discussed. It is estimated that the present pond can be replenished about 32 times a year by the runoff when the drainage system in the watershed is recovered to a state before urbanization. To support this, the drainage system is compared with that of nearby Osong Pond, which shows relatively better water-ecosystem. Even though Osong Pond has a drainage area one-seventh of that of Deokjin Pond, its storage is more than the half of it. It is because its watershed has a near natural drainage system where the rain mostly infiltrates into soil and slowly discharges into the pond. Therefore, it is believed that the low impact development (LID), which is known as a technique restoring the water circulating system to a condition before development, would be helpful in obtaining waters required for Deokjin Pond ecosystem management.

A Study on Efficiency of Water Purification of Korean Village Bangjuk[dike] as a Means of Ecological Watershed Management (생태적 유역관리 도구로써 마을방죽의 수질정화 효율성 고찰)

  • An, Byung-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.90-100
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    • 2012
  • This study centering on 10 village - Bangjuks analyzed multifunctionality value of village Bangjuks which have been main water treatment system in Korean traditional villages. On the basis of understanding the structure and character of components such as the well, common spring, village waterway and others which making water-flow and consisting of aquatic system in Korean traditional village Bangjuk, the conclusion as the instrumental device of social and ecological role and ecological watershed management, securing the ecosystem soundness of the damaged or deteriated aquatic ecosystem due to the industrialization and urbanization is as below; 1. The traditional village Bangjuk was environmentally friendly hydraulic system which gathers waterways of village into a point including sewage water, retains and flows out to village through agricultural waterway. Through this Bangjuk, they have managed sewage and rainfall runoff flowed out village efficiently. It is not only a detention system of water but a kind of eco-friendly system that flow out water into the rivers after reusing and filtering it. 2. Around five traditional villages and five villages after modernization, this study classified the types of village Bangjuk as three types considering geographic location, size, etc; marsh type of low swamp, high water -low rice field type of natural flow stucture, low water - high rice field type requiring artificial irrigation facility. All the five traditional villages were turned out to be marsh type of low swamp. Geoji, Sanjeri, Ma-am, Yangchon of the agricultural villages were high water-low rice filed type, and Sangchoenri village was classified low water-high rice field type. 3. This study checked up the function of water purification of village Bangjuk. In Wonteo and Geji villages affected by discharge of village sewer and domestic sewage, the efficiency of ammonia nitrogen($NH_3-N$) and total phosphorus(T-P) was 56~95%, which was high. In Sangcheonri and Sanjeri villages strongly affected by stall and farmland, the efficiency of suspended solids(SS) was 70~85%, and that of total nitrogen(T-N) and total phosphorus(T-P) was 5.3~65%. 4. A water purification system can be found out in the system of village Bangjuk that filter out village sewage and rainfall runoff flowed through the settle and filter of pollution source and denitrification of plants. Through this system of village Bangjuk, it must be used as the basic facilities for the ecological watershed management. The sewage management system of village Bangjuk as a eco-filter must be used and studied as an eco-friendly facility for the ecological watershed management around the subwatershed and catchment.

A study of Spatial Multi-Criteria Decision Making for optimal flood defense measures considering regional characteristic (지역특성을 고려한 홍수방어대안 제시를 위한 공간 다기준의사결정 기법 적용 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Eunkyung;Ji, Jungwon;Yi, Jaeeung
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.301-311
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    • 2018
  • Recently, the flood inundation caused by heavy rainfall in urban area is increasing due to global warming. The variability of climate change is described in the IPCC 5th report (2014). The precipitation pattern and hydrological system is varied by climate change. Since the heavy rainfall surpassed the design capacity of the pipeline, it caused great damage in metropolitan cities such as Seoul and Busan. Inundation in urban area is primarily caused by insufficient sewer capacity and surplus overflow of river. Inundation in urban area with concentrated population is more dangerous than rural and mountains areas, because it is accompanied by human casualties as well as socio-economic damage to recover destruction of roads, brides and underground spaces. In addition, various factors such as an increase in impervious area, a short time of concentration to outlet, and a shortage of sewer capacity's lack increase flooding damage. In this study, flood inundation analysis was conducted for vulnerable areas using XP-SWMM. Also, three structural flood prevention measures such as drainage pipeline construction, detention reservoir construction, and flood pumping station construction are applied as flood damage prevention alternatives. The flood data for each alternative were extracted by dividing the basin by grid. The Spatial Compromise Programming are applied using flood assessment criteria, such as maximum inundation depth, inundation time, and construction cost. The purpose of this study is to reflect the preference of alternatives according to geographical condition even in the same watershed and to select flood defense alternative considering regional characteristics.

Analysis of Channel Habitat Characteristics for Soundness of Fish Community at Wonju-stream (원주천의 어류군집 건전화를 위한 하도의 서식구조 특성분석)

  • Choi, Heung Sik;Choi, Jun Kil
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.3B
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    • pp.311-317
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    • 2009
  • Similarity indices between sampling sites are calculated and cluster analysis of fish community is carried out by UPGMA based on investigating fish fauna and water environment. The restoration indicators as target species of Wonju stream are selected Cottus poecilopus, Zacco temmincki, and Zacco platypus along upper, middle, and lower streams, respectively. For better habitat suitability, low flow increasing and induced water quality improving must be secured by sewer system rearrangement and watershed management. Composite habitat suitability of Zacco temmincki as target species at middle stream of Wonju stream improve significantly by low flow increasing, which is very important factor to improve habitat suitability. The changes of hydraulics of depth and velocity govern the habitat suitability in general, but the effects are not significant. Low flow increasing with the change of 10% reducing of lower channel improves the composite habitat suitability of 0.37~0.78 to their origin of 0.1~0.25, which represent the channel restoration scheme of Wonju stream for enhancing the habitat suitability of fish community.

Effect on water quality and fish habitat improvement of Wonju Cheon by instream flow increasing (유지유량증가 방안에 따른 원주천 수질 및 어류서식환경 개선효과)

  • Choi, Heung Sik
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 2008
  • For improving water quality and hish habitat environment the targeted instream flows added to the field measurement of low flow at each reach along Wonju Cheon are calculated by depth, velocity, and the present lower channel width with considering the landscape, aquatic environment, and natural ecological function. Target instream flow increasing ranged from $0.03m^3/s$ of upstream to $0.90m^3/s$ of downstream according to the proposed depths of 0.10m to 0.30m and velocity of 0.2m/s. The methods for target instream flow increasing are base flow increasing by watershed management, non polluted discharge inflow from valley and combined sewer by sewerage system modification, and discharges from upstream reservoirs and detention basins near-by stream. The possible increasing flow rates are $0.19m^3/s$ to $3.42m^3/s$ which are 1.4 to 2.5 times of low flow to be measured which are the equivalent targeted instream flows along Wonju Cheon. The BOD-based water quality improvement are analyzed by QUAL2E. The habitat suitability indices by PHABSIM of Zacco temmincki as target species at middle stream of Wonju Cheon improve significantly by low flow increasing, which is very important to improve water quality and fish habitat.

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