• Title/Summary/Keyword: Water Depth storage

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The Type Classification and Function Assessment at Small Palustrine Wetland in Rural Areas (농촌지역 소규모 소택형습지의 유형분류 및 기능평가 연구)

  • Son, Jin-Kwan;Kim, Nam-Choon;Kang, Bang-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.117-131
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to utilize as basic information for the construction of conservation and estimation system for Palustrine wetland, which was badly managed and imprudently reclaimed, through the analysis of distribution characteristics and the estimation of conservation value for sample sites (eight wetlands) in rural area. As the result of wetland type classification, these wetlands was classified by 4 types (Permanent freshwater marshes/pools, ponds, Aquaculture ponds, and Seasonally flooded agricultural land) by Ramsar system, 3 types (Emergent Wetland, Aquatic Bed, and Scrub-Shrub Wetland) by NWI (Cowardin) System, 5 types (Farm Pond Depression, Under-flow wetland, Man-made Pond Depression, Abandoned Paddy Fields Wetland, and Reservoir Shore) by National Wetland's Categorical System, and 3 types (Aquatic Bed Wetland, Emergent Wetland, and Forested Wetland) by Lee (2000) System. These results suggest us developing the new type classification system for small Palustrine wetland in Korean rural areas. The score of function assessment (The Modified RAM) for small Palustrine wetlands was high at the wetlands nearby hills and rice paddy fields, and low at those nearby upper fields, which was mainly affected by land-use and vegetation. The functions as 'Flood/Storm Water Storage', 'Runoff Attenuation', 'Water Quality Protection' were resulted by the structural difference of inflow and outlet. Some functions as 'Wetland size', 'Wetland to immediate watershed ratio', 'Presence of boat traffic', 'Maximum water depth', 'Fetch of water's body' of RAM were not appropriate in evaluation of small wetlands in rural area. Which suggest us developing the new function assessment system for small Palustirne wetland in Korean rural areas.

Development of a new system for measurement of total effluent load of water quality

  • Keiji, Takase;Akira, Ogura
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.221-221
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    • 2015
  • Sustainable use of water resource and conservation of water quality are essential problems in the world. Especially, problems of water quality are serious one for human health as well as ecological system of all creatures on the earth. Recently, the importance of total effluent load as well as the concentrations of pollutant materials has been recognized not only for the conservation of water quality but also for sustainable water use in watersheds. However, the measurement or estimation of total effluent load from non-point source area such as farm lands or forests may be more difficult because both of concentration and discharge of the water are greatly changed depending on various factors especially metrological conditions such as rainfall, while the measurement from a point source area may be easy because the concentration of pollutant materials and amount of discharge water are relatively steady. Therefore, the total effluent load from a non-point source is often estimated by statistical relationships between concentration and discharge, which is called as L-Q equation. However, a lot of work and time are required to collect and analyze water samples and to get the accurate relationship or regressive equation. So, we proposed a new system for direct measurement of total effluent load of water quality from non-point source areas to solve the problem. In this system, the overflow depth at a hydraulic weir is measured with a pressure gage every hourly interval to calculate the amount of hourly discharge at first. Then, the operating time of a small electric pump to collect an amount of water which is proportional to the discharge is calculated to intake the water into a storage tank. The stored water is taken out a few days later in a case of storm event or several weeks later in a case of non-rainfall event and the concentrations of water quality such as total nitrogen and phosphorous are analyzed in a laboratory. Finally, total load of the water quality can be calculated by multiplying the concentration by the total volume of discharge. The system was installed in a small experimental forestry watershed to check the performance and know the total load of water quality from the forest. It was found that the system to collect a proportional amount of water to actual discharge operated perfectly and a total load of water quality was analyzed accurately. As the result, it was expected that the system will be very available to know the total load from a non-point source area.

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Assessment of Noah land surface model-based soil moisture using GRACE-observed TWSA and TWSC (GRACE 관측 TWSA와 TWSC를 활용한 Noah 지면모형기반 토양수분 평가)

  • Chun, Jong Ahn;Kim, Seon Tae;Lee, Woo-Seop;Kim, Daeha
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.285-291
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    • 2020
  • The Noah 3.3 Land Surface Model (LSM) was used to estimate the global soil moisture in this study and these soil moisture datasets were assessed against satellite-based and reanalysis soil moisture products. The Noah 3.3 LSM simulated soil moistures in four soil layers and root-zone soil moistures defined as a depth-weighted average in the first three soil layers (i.e., up to 1.0 m deep). The Noah LSM soil moisture products were then compared with a satellite-based soil moisture dataset (European Space Agency Climate Change Initiatives (ESA CCI) SM v04.4) and reanalysis soil moisture datasets (ERA-interim). In addition, the five major basins (Yangtze, Mekong, Mississippi, Murray-Darling, Amazon) were selected for the assesment with the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE)-based Total Water Storage Anomaly (TWSA) and TWS Change (TWSC). The results revealed that high anomaly correlations were found in most of the Asia-Pacific regions including East Asia, South Asia, Australia, and Noth and South America. While the anomaly correlations in the Murray-Darling basin were somewhat low, relatively higher anomaly correlations in the other basins were found. It is concluded that this study can be useful for the development of soil moisture based drought indices and subsequently can be helpful to reduce damages from drought by timely providing an efficacious strategy.

The Effects of Infiltration Rate of Foundation Ground Under the Bioretention on the Runoff Reduction Efficiency (식생체류지의 원지반 침투율이 유출량 저감효과에 미치는 영향모의)

  • Jeon, Ji-Hong;Jung, Kwang-Wook
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.72-77
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    • 2019
  • Soil type in LID infiltration practices plays a major role in runoff reduction efficacy. In this study, the effects of infiltration rate of foundation ground under bioretention on annual runoff reduction rate was evaluated using LIDMOD3 which is a simple excel based model for evaluating LID practices. A bioretention area of about 3.2 % was required to capture surface runoff from an impervious area for a 25.4 mm rainfall event. The relative error of runoff from bioretention using LIDMOD3 is 10 % less than that of SWMM5.1 for a total rainfall event of 257.1 mm during the period of Aug. 1 ~ 18, 2017, hence, the applicability of LIDMOD3 was confirmed. Annual runoff reduction rates for the period 2008 ~ 2017 were evaluated for various infiltration rates of foundation ground under the bioretention which ranged from 0.001 to 0.600 m/day and were converted to annual runoff reduction for hydrologic soil group. The runoff reduction rates within hydrologic soil group C and D were steeply increased through increased infiltration rate but not steep within hydrologic A and B with reduction rates ranging from 53 ~ 68 %. The estimated time required to completely empty a bioretention which has a storage depth of 0.632 m is 3.5 ~ 6.9 days and we could assume that the annual average of antecedent rainfall is longer than 3.5 ~ 6.9 days. Therefore, we recommended B type as the minimum hydrologic soil group installed LID infiltration practices for high runoff reduction rate.

A Feasibility Test on an Artificial Recharge System for one Representative Greenhouse Complex Zone, Korea (시설농업지역 지하수 인공함양 실증시험 연구)

  • Lee, Byung Sun;Myoung, Wooho;Oh, Sebong;Jun, Seong-Chun;Piao, Jize;Song, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.12-24
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to examine an artificial recharge system, which was considered to be an alternative for securing additional groundwater resources in a high-density greenhouse region. An injection well with a depth of 14.0 m was placed in an alluvial plain of the zone. Eight monitoring wells were placed in a shape of dual circles around the injection well. Aquifer tests showed that the aquifer was comprised with high-permeable layer with hydraulic conductivities of 1.5×10-3~2.4×10-2 cm/sec and storage coefficients of 0.07~0.10. A step injection test resulted in a specific groundwater-level rising (Sr/Q) values of 0.013~0.018 day/㎡ with 64~92% injection efficiencies. Results of the constant-rate injection test with an optimal injection rate of 100 ㎥/day demonstrated an enormous storage capacity of the alluvial aquifer during ten experimental days. To design an optimal recharge system for an artificial recharge, the high-permeable layer should be isolated by dual packers and suitable pressure should be applied to the injection well in order to store water. An anisotropy ratio of the alluvial aquifer was evaluated to be approximately 1.25 : 1 with an anisotropy angle of 71 degrees, indicating intervals among injection wells are almost the same.

Report on Extended Leak-Off Test Conducted During Drilling Large Diameter Borehole (국내 대구경 시추공 굴진 중 Extended Leak-Off Test 수행 사례 보고)

  • Jo, Yeonguk;Song, Yoonho;Park, Sehyeok;Kim, Myung Sun;Park, In-Hwa;Lee, Changhyun
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.285-297
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    • 2022
  • We report results of Extended Leak-Off Test (XLOT) conducted in a large diameter borehole, which is drilled for installation of deep borehole geophysical monitoring system to monitor micro-earthquakes and fault behavior of major fault zones in the southeastern Korean Peninsula. The borehole was planned to secure a final diameter of 200 mm (or more) at a depth of ~1 km, with 12" diameter wellbore to intermediate depths, and 7-7/8" (~200 mm) to the bottom hole depth. We drilled first the 12" borehole to approximately 504 m deep and installed American Petroleum Institute standard 8-5/8" casing, then annulus between the casing and bedrock was fully cemented. XLOT was carried out for several purposes such as confirming casing and cementing integrity, measuring rock stress states. To that end, we drilled additional 4 m long open hole interval to directly inject water and pressurize into the rock mass using the upper API casings. During the XLOT, flow rates and interval pressures were recorded in real time. Based on the logs we tried to analyze hydraulic conductivity of the test interval.

Germination Characteristics of Some Red Rice Accessions

  • Kyoung, Eun-Seon;Kim, Jin-Key;Kim, Jong-Seok;Ma, Sang-Yong;Ryang, Whan-Seong
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.316-320
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    • 1999
  • Nine accessions of red rices collected from different regions were tested for germination characteristics in relation to seed maturity and several storage conditions after harvest. No red rice seeds germinated at five days after anthesis (DAA). Wanjuaengmi (long-grain red rice) seeds at 10DAA germinated up to 30% of total samples, producing only abnormal seedlings, whereas 10D-AA-seeds of normal cultivar showed only 3.3% germinability. Some red rice seeds absorbed more water than cultivated varieties, and showed less decrease in germination rate than cultivated varieties when seeds were exposed at -1, -5 or -1$0^{\circ}C$ for up to 60 hours after soaking. Red rice accessions maintained more than 95% germination when stored. indoor for 120 days. Two short-grain red rices showed about 50% germination when overwintered in the field, while other long-grain red rices and cultivated rices germinated less than 10%. Germination of seeds overwintered in clay loam soil was lower than that in loam soil, and seeds on surface germinated less than those in 1~7cm depth.

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Analysis of Structural Characteristics of HDPE Pipe for Manganese Lifting Test (근해역 양광시험을 위한 HDPE Pipe의 구조특성 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Hwan;Yoon, Chi-Ho
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.86-90
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    • 2011
  • The mining of imitated manganese noodles in 1000 m of seawater is planned for 2012. Thus, it is necessary to prepare the lifting pipes to be used for the test. Because of storage and expense constraints, flexible and economic HDPE pipe is being considered, making it necessary to test the structural safety. Material, pressure-chamber tests and finite element analysis of HDPE pipe for the 1000-m depth were performed. The tangential stiffness of HDPE was obtained through tension and three-point bending material tests and used for a structural analysis. FEA results show that the current sample pipe segment is safe for 1000 m of water pressure, and the stress result is also within the safe value. From the current results, the HDPE pipe seems to be acceptable only for the currently suggested constraints. However, more numerical and pressure tests need to be considered by applying additional physical conditions such as gravitational and hydrodynamic loads, external and internal fluid pressure, axial force induced ship motion, and heavy pump pressure to determine future usage.

Coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical Behavior of Rock Mass Surrounding Cavern Thermal Energy Storage (암반공동 열에너지저장소 주변 암반의 열-수리-역학적 연계거동 분석)

  • Park, Jung-Wook;Rutqvist, Jonny;Ryu, Dongwoo;Synn, Joong-Ho;Park, Eui-Seob
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.155-167
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    • 2015
  • The thermal-hydrological-mechanical (T-H-M) behavior of rock mass surrounding a high-temperature cavern thermal energy storage (CTES) operated for a period of 30 years has been investigated by TOUGH2-FLAC3D simulator. As a fundamental study for the development of prediction and control technologies for the environmental change and rock mass behavior associated with CTES, the key concerns were focused on the hydrological-thermal multiphase flow and the consequential mechanical behavior of the surrounding rock mass, where the insulator performance was not taken into account. In the present study, we considered a large-scale cylindrical cavern at shallow depth storing thermal energy of $350^{\circ}C$. The numerical results showed that the dominant heat transfer mechanism was the conduction in rock mass, and the mechanical behavior of rock mass was influenced by thermal factor (heat) more than hydrological factor (pressure). The effective stress redistribution, displacement and surface uplift caused by heating of rock and boiling of ground-water were discussed, and the potential of shear failure was quantitatively examined. Thermal expansion of rock mass led to the ground-surface uplift on the order of a few centimeters and the development of tensile stress above the storage cavern, increasing the potential of shear failure.

Optimum Mix Proportion and Characteristics of the Combined Self Compacting Concrete according to Cement Types (시멘트 종류에 따른 병용계 자기충전 콘크리트의 최적배합비와 특성)

  • Kwon, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2009
  • This study is aimed to derive the optimum mix proportion of the combined self compacting concrete according to cement types (blast-furnace slag cement and belite cement) and to propose the basic data to field construction work after evaluating the quality properties. Specially, lime stone powder (LSP) as binder and viscosity agent are used in the combined self compacting concrete because slurry wall of an underground LNG storage tank should be kept stability of quality during concrete working. Replacement ratio of LSP is determined by confined water ratio test and main design factors including fine aggregate ratio ($S_r$), coarse aggregate ratio ($G_v$) and water-cement ratio (W/C) are selected. Also, quality properties including setting time, bleeding content, shortening depth and hydration heat on the optimum mix proportion of the combined self compacting concrete according to cement type are compared and analyzed. As test results, the optimum mix proportion of the combined self compacting concrete according to cement type is as followings. 1) Slag cement type-replacement ratio of LSP 13.5%, $S_r$ 47% and W/C 41%. 2) Belite cement type-replacement ratio of LSP 42.7%, Sr 43% and W/C 51%. But optimum coarse aggregate ratio is 53% regardless of cement types. Also, as test results regarding setting time, bleeding content, shortening depth and hydration heat of the combined self compacting concrete by cement type, belite cement type is most stable in the quality properties and is to apply the actual construction work.