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Formation of Nano-structure and Compressive Residual Stress on AISI304 Stainless Steel by Ultrasonic Nanocrystalline Surface Modification (초음파 나노표면개질 공정기술에 의한 AISI304 스테인리스강의 표면나노구조화 및 압축잔류응력 형성)

  • Cho, In-Shik;Dong, Ji-Ling;Yoo, Dae-Hwang;Suh, Jung-Hwa;Amanov, Auezhan;Shin, Kee-Sam;Lee, Chang-Soon;Pyoun, Young-Shik;Park, In-Gyu
    • Korean Journal of Metals and Materials
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    • v.48 no.9
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    • pp.807-812
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, the Ultrasonic Nanocrystalline Surface Modification (UNSM) surface treatment process was used to induce compressive residual stress and nanocrystalline structure by severe plastic deformation on the UNSM-treated surface. The test results for AISI304 stainless steel demonstrated that the grain size was found to be 23 nm, the dislocation density was increased by $0.2085{\times}10^{18}\;m^{-2}$, and the volume fraction of martensite is defined as 27.6% from austenite so that the surface hardness of the surface is increased from 200 Hv up to 515 Hv. The initial tensile residual stress is changed from 300 MPa to a compressive residual stress of 500 MPa after UNSM treatment. In addition, UNSM was applied under five various conditions, and the results of those conditions were defined as a function of depth quantitative.

Hydro-thermo-mechanical biaxial buckling analysis of sandwich micro-plate with isotropic/orthotropic cores and piezoelectric/polymeric nanocomposite face sheets based on FSDT on elastic foundations

  • Rajabi, Javad;Mohammadimehr, Mehdi
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.509-523
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    • 2019
  • In the present work, the buckling analysis of micro sandwich plate with an isotropic/orthotropic cores and piezoelectric/polymeric nanocomposite face sheets is studied. In this research, two cases for core of micro sandwich plate is considered that involve five isotropic Devineycell materials (H30, H45, H60, H100 and H200) and an orthotropic material also two cases for facesheets of micro sandwich plate is illustrated that include piezoelectric layers reinforced by carbon and boron-nitride nanotubes and polymeric matrix reinforced by carbon nanotubes under temperature-dependent and hydro material properties on the elastic foundations. The first order shear deformation theory (FSDT) is adopted to model micro sandwich plate and to apply size dependent effects from modified strain gradient theory. The governing equations are derived using the minimum total potential energy principle and then solved by analytical method. Also, the effects of different parameters such as size dependent, side ratio, volume fraction, various material properties for cores and facesheets and temperature and humidity changes on the dimensionless critical buckling load are investigated. It is shown from the results that the dimensionless critical buckling load for boron nitride nanotube is lower than that of for carbon nanotube. It is illustrated that the dimensionless critical buckling load for Devineycell H200 is highest and lowest for H30. Also, the obtained results for micro sandwich plate with piezoelectric facesheets reinforced by carbon nanotubes (case b) is higher than other states (cases a and c).The results of this research can be used in aircraft, automotive, shipbuilding industries and biomedicine.

A computational shear displacement model for vibrational analysis of functionally graded beams with porosities

  • Atmane, Hassen Ait;Tounsi, Abdelouahed;Bernard, Fabrice;Mahmoud, S.R.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.369-384
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    • 2015
  • This work presents a free vibration analysis of functionally graded metal-ceramic (FG) beams with considering porosities that may possibly occur inside the functionally graded materials (FGMs) during their fabrication. For this purpose, a simple displacement field based on higher order shear deformation theory is implemented. The proposed theory is based on the assumption that the transverse displacements consist of bending and shear components in which the bending components do not contribute toward shear forces and, likewise, the shear components do not contribute toward bending moments. The most interesting feature of this theory is that it accounts for a quadratic variation of the transverse shear strains across the thickness, and satisfies the zero traction boundary conditions on the top and bottom surfaces of the beam without using shear correction factors. In addition, it has strong similarities with Euler-Bernoulli beam theory in some aspects such as equations of motion, boundary conditions, and stress resultant expressions. The rule of mixture is modified to describe and approximate material properties of the FG beams with porosity phases. By employing the Hamilton's principle, governing equations of motion for coupled axial-shear-flexural response are determined. The validity of the present theory is investigated by comparing some of the present results with those of the first-order and the other higher-order theories reported in the literature. Illustrative examples are given also to show the effects of varying gradients, porosity volume fraction, aspect ratios, and thickness to length ratios on the free vibration of the FG beams.

Development of Numerical Tank Using Open Source Libraries and Its Application (오픈 소스 라이브러리를 이용한 수치수조 구현 및 적용)

  • Park, Sunho;Rhee, Shin Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.746-751
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, ship performance prediction solver was developed using open source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) libraries. The mass- and momentum-conservation equations and turbulent model with a wall function for the turbulent closer were considered. The volume fraction transport equation with a high-resolution interface capturing scheme were selected for free-surface simulation. The predicted wave pattern around KRISO container ship (KCS) using developed program showed good agreement against existing experimental data. For the revolution of a propeller in the propulsive test, general grid interface (GGI) library was used. The predicted propulsive performance showed 7 % difference against experimental data. Two-phase mixture model was developed to simulate a cavitation and applied to a propeller. The sheet cavitation on the propeller was predicted well. From results, the potential of the numerical tank developed by open source libraries was verified by applying it to KCS.

Analysis Method of Ice Load and Ship Structural Response due to Collision of Ice Bergy Bit and Level Ice (유빙 및 평탄빙의 충돌에 의한 빙하중과 선체구조응답 해석기법)

  • Nho, In Sik;Lee, Jae-Man;Oh, Young-Taek;Kim, Sung-Chan
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 2016
  • The most important factor in the structural design of ships and offshore structures operating in arctic region is ice load, which results from ice-structure interaction during the ice collision process. The mechanical properties of ice related to strength and failure, however, show very complicated aspect varying with temperature, volume fraction of brine, grain size, strain rate and etc. So it is nearly impossible to establish a perfect material model of ice satisfying all the mechanical characteristics completely. Therefore, in general, ice collision analysis was carried out by relatively simple material models considering only specific aspects of mechanical characteristics of ice and it would be the most significant cause of inevitable errors in the analysis. Especially, it is well-known that the most distinctive mechanical property of ice is high dependency on strain rate. Ice shows brittle attribute in higher strain rate while it becomes ductile in lower strain rate range. In this study, the simulation method of ice collision to ship hull using the nonlinear dynamic FE analysis was dealt with. To consider the strain rate effects of ice during ice-structural interaction, strain rate dependent constitutive model in which yield stress and hardening behaviors vary with strain rate was adopted. To reduce the huge amount of computing time, the modeling range of ice and ship structure were restricted to the confined region of interest. Under the various scenario of ice-ship hull collision, the structural behavior of hull panels and failure modes of ice were examined by nonlinear FE analysis technique.

Energy Performance Variation of Solar Water Heating System by LCC Optimization in an Office Building (사무소 건물 태양열급탕시스템의 LCC 최적화에 따른 에너지성능 변화 분석)

  • Ko, Myeong-Jin;Choi, Doo-Sung;Chang, Jae-Dong;Kim, Yong-Shik
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2011
  • This study examined the energy performance according to the main design parameters of a solar water heating system for an office building using the life cycle cost (LCC) optimization simulations. The LCC optimization simulations of the system were conducted with TRNSYS and GenOpt employing the Hooke-Jeeves algorithm for cases where water temperature was $60^{\circ}C$ and $50^{\circ}C$. The results showed that for water temperature at $60^{\circ}C$ and $50^{\circ}C$ the global radiation incident on the collector could be decreased by 16.98% and 28.52%, collector useful energy gain could be decreased by 15.04% and 22.59%, energy to load from storage tank could be decreased by 10.86% and 18.06% and AH energy to load could be increased by 16.86% and 38.50% respectively compared to a non-optimized system. The annual average collection efficiency of the collector was increased by 0.88% for $60^{\circ}C$ and 2.78% for $50^{\circ}C$ because of increase of collector slope and decrease of the mass flow rate per collector area. The annual average efficiency of the system was increased by 1.74% and 3.47% compared to the basis system. However, the annual solar fraction of the system was decreased by 6.68% for $60^{\circ}C$ and 11.26% for $50^{\circ}C$ due to decrease of collector area and storage tank volume.

Multi-stage Compression Molding Technology of Fast Curing CF/Epoxy Prepreg (속경화용 탄소섬유/에폭시 프리프레그의 다단 압축 성형기술)

  • Kwak, Seong-Hun;Mun, Ji-Hun;Hong, Sang-Hwui;Kwon, Soon-Deok;Kim, Byung-Ha;Kim, Tae-Yong
    • Composites Research
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.269-276
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    • 2021
  • PCM (Prepreg Compression Molding) process is a high-speed molding technology that can manufacture high-quality CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic) parts. Compared to the autoclave process, it generates less waste and can significantly reduce cycle time, so various studies are being conducted in the aerospace and automobile industries. In this study, in order to improve the quality of the PCM process, a molding method was developed to increase the compression pressure of the press step by step according to the curing behavior of the prepreg. It was confirmed that this multi-stage compression molding technology is a good means to produce high-quality CFRP products and shorten cycle times. And, the laminated prepreg at room temperature was immediately put into the mold and preheated and molded at the same time, so that it could be molded without a separate preheating process. In addition, as a result of applying the same process conditions optimized for flat plate molding to three-dimensional shapes, a product similar to a flat plate in appearance could be made without the process of establishing process conditions.

Material Model for Compressive and Tensile Behaviors of High Performance Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete (고성능 하이브리드 섬유보강 콘크리트의 압축 및 인장 거동에 대한 재료모델)

  • Kwon, Soon-Oh;Bae, Su-Ho;Lee, Hyun-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.311-321
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    • 2021
  • Many studies have been performed on hybrid fiber reinforced concrete for years, which is to improve some of the weak material properties of concrete. Studies on characteristics of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete using amorphous steel fiber and organic fiber, however, yet remain to be done. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the compressive and tensile behaviors and then propose a material model of high performance hybrid fiber reinforced concrete using amorphous steel fiber and polyamide fiber. For this purpose, the high performance hybrid fiber reinforced concretes were made according to their total volume fraction of 1.0% for target compressive strength of 40MPa and 60MPa, respectively, and then the compressive and tensile behaviors of those were evaluated. Also, based on the experimental results of the high performance hybrid fiber reinforced concrete and mortar, each material model for the compressive and tensile behavior was suggested. It was found that the experimental results and the proposed models corresponded relatively well.

Earthquake-resistant rehabilitation of existing RC structures using high-strength steel fiber-reinforced concrete jackets

  • Kalogeropoulos, George I.;Tsonos, Alexander-Dimitrios G.;Konstantinidis, Dimitrios;Iakovidis, Pantelis E.
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.115-129
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    • 2019
  • The effectiveness of an innovative method for the earthquake-resistant rehabilitation of existing poorly detailed reinforced concrete (RC) structures is experimentally investigated herein. Eight column subassemblages were subjected to earthquake-type loading and their hysteretic behaviour was evaluated. Four of the specimens were identical and representative of columns found in RC structures designed in the 1950s-70s period for gravity load only. These original specimens were subjected to cyclic lateral deformations and developed brittle failure mechanisms. Three of the damaged specimens were subsequently retrofitted with innovative high-strength steel fiber-reinforced concrete (HSSFC) jackets. The main variables examined were the jacket width and the contribution of mesh steel reinforcement in the seismic performance of the enhanced columns. The influence of steel fiber volume fraction was also examined using test results of a previous work of Tsonos et al. (2017). The fourth earthquake damaged subassemblage was strengthened with a conventional RC jacket and was subjected to the same lateral displacement history as the other three retrofitted columns. The seismic behaviour of the subassemblages strengthened according to the proposed retrofit scheme was evaluated with respect to that of the original specimens and that of the column strengthened with the conventional RC jacket. Test results clearly demonstrated that the HSSFC jackets effectively prevented the development of shear failure mechanisms, while ensuring a ductile seismic response similar to that of the subassemblage retrofitted with the conventional RC jacket. Ultimately, an indisputable superiority in the overall seismic performance of the strengthened columns was achieved with respect to the original specimens.

Analytical study of bending and free vibration responses of functionally graded beams resting on elastic foundation

  • Chaabane, Lynda Amel;Bourada, Fouad;Sekkal, Mohamed;Zerouati, Sara;Zaoui, Fatima Zohra;Tounsi, Abdeldjebbar;Derras, Abdelhak;Bousahla, Abdelmoumen Anis;Tounsi, Abdelouahed
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.71 no.2
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    • pp.185-196
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    • 2019
  • In this investigation, study of the static and dynamic behaviors of functionally graded beams (FGB) is presented using a hyperbolic shear deformation theory (HySDT). The simply supported FG-beam is resting on the elastic foundation (Winkler-Pasternak types). The properties of the FG-beam vary according to exponential (E-FGB) and power-law (P-FGB) distributions. The governing equations are determined via Hamilton's principle and solved by using Navier's method. To show the accuracy of this model (HySDT), the current results are compared with those available in the literature. Also, various numerical results are discussed to show the influence of the variation of the volume fraction of the materials, the power index, the slenderness ratio and the effect of Winkler spring constant on the fundamental frequency, center deflection, normal and shear stress of FG-beam.