• Title/Summary/Keyword: Volcano Disaster Prevention

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Modelsfor Disaster Prevention Education and Training and Scenario for Training on Volcanic Ash Fall (재난재해 교육, 대응훈련 모델과 화산재 대비 훈련 시나리오)

  • Chang, Eunmi;Park, Yongjae;Park, Kyeong
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.97-113
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    • 2018
  • Low-frequency geological natural disaster events such as Pohang earthquake have been occurred. As a results, there's a growing recognition on the importance of education and training for low frequency geological disasters in Korea. In spite of many years of scientific researches on volcanic disaster prevention and preparedness on Baekdusan volcano, the results do not provide the proper scenario for the training for volcanic ash event. Fall 3D volcanic ash diffusion model was run based on wind field data for the last five year, assuming Aso Mountain's explosion with volcanic explosion index 5 for seventy two hours. The management criteria values for proper actions in the previous studies were applied to make a scenario for thirteen groups of the disaster response teams such as train transportation, water supply, electrical facilities and human health. The models on the relationship between education and training for disaster prevention and response were suggested to fulfill the scientific and practical training at local level.

A Study on the Improvement of Legal System for the Prevention of Damage due to Ash (화산재해로 인한 항공교통분야 피해예방을 위한 법규체계 개선방안에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Sub;Lee, Young-Kune;Park, Miri
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.277-283
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    • 2017
  • In recent years, earthquakes and volcanic activity have been occurring actively in Japan, China, and Southeast Asia in the central Pacific Rim, and the cycle interval is shortening. In addition, there is Baekdu mountain, which is a large active volcano in Korea. On the other hand, the legal system and guidelines related to volcanic ash are very limited to counteract volcanic disasters. The volcano manual does not present specific countermeasures against volcanic disasters. The preparation of systematic disaster prevention measures against an eruption of Mt. Baekdu and the volcanic activity in Japan and China, which are occurring continuously, is necessary. Therefore, this study suggests an improvement to the relevant laws and regulations against volcanic disasters to analyze the aviation safety manual and relevant legal system. The problems with the current legal system are improved by modifying the legal system related to the air traffic sector when volcanic disaster occurs, and it is expected that more efficient manuals and guidelines will form the basis for the smooth operation of the manual at a disaster site.

The Development of VR based Application for Realistic Disaster Prevention Training (현실감 있는 재난재해 예방 교육을 위한 VR 기반 앱 개발)

  • Kim, Taehoon;Youn, Junhee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.287-293
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    • 2018
  • The Korean peninsula has been known as an area that is free of volcanic disasters. However, recent observations and research results of volcanoes in Far East Asia, including Baedu Mountain and Japanese volcanoes, show that the Korean peninsula is no longer a safe area from volcanic disasters. Since 2012, the Korean government has been developing an IT-based construction technology, VDRS (Volcanic Disaster Response System), for effective volcanic disaster response system. The main users of VDRS are public officers in central or local governments. However, most of them have little experience and knowledge about volcanic disasters. Therefore, it is essential to develop education contents and implement training on volcanic disaster response for effective response in a real disaster situation. In this paper, we deal with the development of a mobile application based on virtual reality (VR) for realistic volcanic disaster response training. The objectives of training are the delivery of knowledge and experience for volcanic disasters. First, VR contents were generated based on spatial information. A 3D model was constructed based on a Digital Elevation Model (DEM), and visualization models for meterological effects and various volcanic disaster diffusion effects were implemented for the VR contents. Second, the mobile application for the volcanic disaster response training was implemented. A 12-step story board is proposed for volcanic disaster experience. The application was developed with the Unity3D engine based on the proposed story board to deliver knowledge of various volcanic disasters (volcanic ash, pyroclastic flows, volcanic mudflow etc.). The results of this paper will be used for volcanic disaster response and prevention training and for more realistic training linked with augmented reality technology in the future.

A Study on the IT-Based Response System Development for Mt. Baekdu Volcanic Disaster (백두산 화산재해대응시스템 개발방안 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Hoon;Youn, Jun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2014
  • The Korea had been known as a safe region in volcanic disaster. However, precursor phenomena for volcanic eruption in mountain Baekdu have been frequently reported in these days. Therefore, the number of volcano experts, who warn the volcanic eruption in the Korean peninsula, has been increased. This paper describes the plan for developing volcanic disaster response system for mountain Baekdu. First, disaster prevention business system of National Emergency Management Agency(NEMA) and related IT-based systems are analyzed. Second, business processes for volcanic disaster response are derived based on the business system. Third, The system architectures are designed referred to related disaster response system, and required spatial information is investigated. Finally, we implement the pilot system to test the suggested volcanic disaster response system. Applying suggested volcanic disaster response system to NEMA, additional test and system supplementation should be carried out. We expect that the complete volcanic disaster response system, which will be implemented based on this research, will minimize the volcanic disaster damage in the area of Korea, China, and Japan.

Succession and Stand Dimension Attributes of Pinus thunbergii Coastal Forests after Damage from Diplodia Tip Blight around the Sakurajima Volcano, Southern Kyushu, Japan

  • Teramoto, Yukiyoshi;Shimokawa, Etsuro;Ezaki, Tsugio;Jang, Su-Jin;Kim, Suk-Woo;Lee, Youn-Tae;Chun, Kun-Woo
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.481-489
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the succession and stand dimension attributes related to the disaster prevention function of Pinus thunbergii coastal forests were examined after damage from Diplodia tip blight. In 2015, 101 years after the Taisho eruption, field investigations were performed on the vegetation, soil thickness, and pH of surface soil of P. thunbergii coastal forests in western Sakurajima (Hakamagoshi plot) and Taisho lava flows in southeastern Sakurajima (Seto plot). The Hakamagoshi plot had more woody plant species with larger basal areas than that in the Seto plot. The mean age and height, maximal age and height of plant species, and H/D ratio were all larger in the Hakamagoshi plot than in the Seto plot. These results may be explained by the relatively smaller effect of volcanic ash and gas on forests in the Hakamagoshi plot compared to the Seto plot, resulting in a more suitable environment for many plant species. Although P. thunbergii coastal forests in Sakurajima are currently recovering from damages owing to Diplodia tip blight, there has not yet been a sufficient recovery compared to the results from a 1997 study. Furthermore, the results of assessment based on the H/D ratio and abundance of trees in P. thunbergii forests indicate that both regions are not yet effective in disaster prevention. Thus, it is necessary to establish Pinus trees, which can adjust to harsh environments like coastal areas and are resistant to volcanic ash and gas, to enhance the disaster prevention function of P. thunbergii coastal forests in volcanic regions. It may also be helpful to establish coastal forests with ectotrophic mycorrhizal fungi and organic matter coverage. Additionally, it is necessary to ensure the continuous maintenance of stand density and soil quality, and further develop efforts to prevent Diplodia tip blight and promote forest recovery.

Attenuation Structure of the Mt. Fuji Region, Japan (일본 후지산의 감쇠구조)

  • Chung, Tae-Woong;Lees, Jonathan M.;Yoshimoto, Kazuo;Fujita, Eisuke;Ukawa, Motoo
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.97-100
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    • 2008
  • Mount Fuji is the focus of intense study because of its potential hazard signaled by seismic, geologic and historical activity. Based on extensive seismic data recorded in the vicinity of Mt. Fuji, coda quality factor ($Q_c^{-1}$) using a single scattering model hypothesis, and intrinsic and scattering quality factor $(Q_i^{-1}$ and $Q_s^{-1})$ using the Multiple Lapse Time Window Analysis (MLTW) method was measured. To focus the study on the magmatic structure below Mt. Fuji, to the data were separated into two groups: a near-Fuji region of rays traversing an area with radius 5 km around the summit (R < 5 km), and a far-Fuji region of rays beyond a radius of 20 km around the summit (R > 20 km). The results of the study have a small error range due to the large data sample, showing that all $Q^{-1}$ values in near-Fuji area are greater than those of far-Fuji area, and $Q_i^{-1}$ for both the near and far-Fuji area is higher than $Q_s^{-1}$ at high frequencies. The $Q_i^{-1}$ values of the near-Fuji area are lower than those of the other volcanic areas considered, while values of $Q_s^{-1}$ are not. The low $Q_i^{-1}$ for the volcanic region of near-Fuji suggests that the magmatic activity, or percent of partial melt, at Mt. Fuji is not as active as hot spot volcanoes such as Kilauea, Hawaii.

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Distribution of Pyroclastic Density Currents Determined by Numerical Model at Mt. Baekdu Volcano (백두산 화산에서 수치모형 분석에 의한 화쇄류의 영향 범위)

  • Yun, Sung-Hyo;Chang, Cheolwoo;Kim, Sunkyeong
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.351-366
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    • 2014
  • We assumed the situation where an eruption column had been formed by the explosive Plinian eruption from Mt. Baekdu and that the collapse of eruption column had caused pyroclastic density currents to occur. Based on this assumption, we simulated by using a Titan2D model. To find out about the range of the impacts of pyroclastic density currents by volcanic eruption scenarios, we studied the distance for the range of the impacts by VEIs. To compare the results by each volcanic eruption scenario, we set the location of the vent on the 8-direction flank of the outer rim and on the center of the caldera, the internal friction angle of the pyroclastic density currents as $35^{\circ}$, the bed friction angle as $16^{\circ}$. We set the pile height of column collapse and the vent diameter with various VEIs. We properly assumed the height of the column collapse, the diameter of the vent, the initial rates of the column collapse and the simulation period, based on the VEIs, gravity and the volume of the collapsed volcanic ash. According to the comparative analysis of the simulation results based on the increase of the eruption, the higher VEI by the increase of eruption products, the farther the pyroclastic density currents disperse. To the northwest from the vent on the northeast slope of the outer rim of the caldera, the impact range was 3.3 km, 4.6 km, 13.2 km, 24.0 km, 50.2 km, 83.4 km or more from VEI=2 to VEI=7, respectively. Once the database has been fully constructed, it can be used as a very important material in terms of disaster prevention and emergency management, which aim to minimize human and material damages in the vicinity of Mt. Baekdu when its eruption causes the pyroclastic density currents to occur.