• Title/Summary/Keyword: Vitis labruscana B

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Effects of Garlic- and Onion-based Formulae and Merit Blue on Budbreak and Maturity of 'Daebong' Grapes (Vitis labruscana B.) in Forcing Culture (마늘 및 양파 제제(製劑)와 메리트청(靑) 처리(處理)가 가온촉성재배시(加溫促成栽培時) '대봉(大峰)' 포도(葡萄)의 발아(發芽)와 성숙(成熟)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Seon-Kyu;Kim, Seung-Heui
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.123-126
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    • 1999
  • Effects of garlic juice (GJ), ethanol- (GJAE) and ethyl ether extract of garlic juice (GJEE), onion juice (OJ) and ethanol extract of onion juice (OJAE), garlic juice+Merit Blue (GJ+MB), ethanol extract of garlic juice+Merit Blue (GJAE+MB), onion juice+Merit Blue (OJ+MB), ethanol extract of onion juice+Merit Blue (OJAE+MB), and Merit Blue (MB) on budbreak, flowering, and maturity of plastic house-grown 'Daebong' grapes (Vitis labruscana B.) were studied. MB alone and in combination with other formulae hastened the budbreak, and double application was more effective than single one. Most of the buds sprouted in early forcing, but percent budbreak in late forcing was very poor except for MB application. In early forcing, single application of MB in combination with other formulae was most effective for hastening flowering while the response to double application was not consistent, and even delayed the flowering except for OJAE, MB, and OJ+MB. In late forcing, single application of all dormancy-breaking agents, especially MB in combination with other formulae, hastened the flowering while flowering response to double application was inconsistent, and even delayed the flowering except for OJAE+MB and OJ. Although there were no significant differences in harvest date among treatments and the number of application in early forcing, single and double application of MB alone and in combination with other formulae, especially double application of OJAE+MB hastened the harvest date for 12 days in late forcing culture.

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Biological Activities of Ethanol Extracts and Fractions of Black Olympia Grape(Vitis Labruscana L.) (거봉 포도종의 에탄올 추출물 및 분획물에 대한 생리활성 효능)

  • 박성진;박부길;이현용;오덕환
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.338-344
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to determine biological activities, such as lipid peroxidation inhibition and cytotoxic effect of ethanol extracts of Black Olympia grape seeds and skins, and of organic solvent fractionated ethanol extracts obtained from grape seeds and skins at different temperatures. Among different extraction temperatures, the ethanol extract of grape seed obtained at 30$\^{C}$ had the strongest lipid oxidation inhibition of 60.1%, while the strongest lipid oxidation inhibitory effect of 71.2% was observed in the presence of 20 $\mu\textrm{g}$/㎖ ethylacetate fraction obtained from ethanol extract of grape seeds at 30$\^{C}$. The ethanol extract of grape seeds showed more strong lipid oxidation inhibition than that of skin extracts. Similar results were observed in cytotoxic effects. The ethanol extract of grape seeds at 30$\^{C}$ exhibited more strong cytotoxicity than that of skin extracts on MCF-7, Hep3B, and A549 cell lines. Among organic solvent fractions extracted from the ethanol extracts of gape seeds and skins, the hexane fraction showed the strongest cytotoxic inhibition of 75.15% and 62.50% on MCF-7 and Hep3B cell in the presence of 1.0 $\mu\textrm{g}$/㎖ respectively. On the other hand, the water fraction showed the strongest cytotoxic inhibition of 65.41% on A549 cell in the presence of 1.0 $\mu\textrm{g}$/㎖. Overall, the ethanol extracts and their fractions of Black Olympia grape seeds showed strong lipid oxidation inhibition and cytotoxicity than those of grape skins.

Characteristics of Ice Wine Fermentation of Freeze-Concentrated Campbell Early Grape Juice by S. cerevisiae S13 and D8 Isolated from Korean Grapes (포도로부터 분리한 S. cerevisiae S13 및 D8에 의한 캠벨 얼리 동결농축 과즙의 아이스와인 발효 특성)

  • Hwang, Sung-Woo;Hong, Young-Ah;Park, Heui-Dong
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.811-816
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    • 2011
  • Cryoextraction (a freeze concentration using an instrument) can increase the sugar concentration in grape juice by reducing its water content, similar to the natural freezing of grapes for natural ice wine. In this study, fermentation of freeze-concentrated Campbell Early grape (Vitis labruscana) juice to 36 $^{\circ}Bx$ was carried out using Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains D8 and S13 isolated from Korean grapes. During the fermentation, strains S13 and D8 showed rapid sugar reduction and alcohol production compared with S. cerevisiae Fermivin$^{(R)}$ used as a control. After nine-day fermentation, the residual sugar contents were lower in W13(9.77%) and D8 wine(9.07) than that in Fermivin$^{(R)}$ wine(14.0%). Total acid content was high in the D8>S13>Fermivin$^{(R)}$ wine, in that order. The acetaldehyde content was highest in the D8 wine and lowest in the Fermivin$^{(R)}$ wine, among the three. The methanol content was slightly higher in the S13 and D8 wines than in the Fermivin$^{(R)}$ wine. In the sensory evaluation, the S13 wine exhibited the highest score in flavor and taste among the three wines. Both the two S13 and D8 wines exhibited higher scores than Fermivin$^{(R)}$ wine in overall preference.

Free Radical Scavenging Effect of Seed and Skin Extracts from Campbell Early Grape (Vitis labruscana B.) (국내산 포도 캠벨종의 종자 및 과피 추출물의 Free Radical 소거능 탐색)

  • 박성진;이현용;오덕환
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.115-118
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to determine optimal extraction condition and free radical scavenging effect of ethanol extracts of Campell Early grape seeds and skins at different temperatures, and of organic solvent fractionated from ethanol extracts of grape seeds and skins. The free radical scavenging effect was tested using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method and expressed as dose required for a 50% reduction of DPPH radical (RC$_{50}$). The extraction yields were increased with increasing the extraction temperature but it was not related with ethanol concentrations. The ethanol extract of grape seeds obtained at 5$0^{\circ}C$ showed the more stronger RC$_{50}$ (16.8 $\mu\textrm{g}$/mL) than those of both 3$0^{\circ}C$ and 78$^{\circ}C$. The ethylacetate fraction obtained from ethanol extract of grape seed showed the strongest RC$_{50}$ (15.4 $\mu\textrm{g}$/mL). Overall, both ethanol extracts and their fractions of grape seeds showed significantly stronger free radical scavenging effect than those of skin extracts.racts.

Characterization of the Effects of Different Wavelengths of Night-break Lighting on the Fruit Quality and Yield of 'Kyoho' Grapes (파장별 야간 조사에 따른 '거봉' 포도의 품질 및 생산량)

  • Kim, JunHyeok;Park, YoSup;Kwon, YongHee;Jung, MyungHee;Park, Hee-Seung
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.170-177
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to estimate the light pollution damage caused by night-break lighting in 'Kyoho' grapes. Night irradiation was performed every night for four hours (10 p.m. to 2 a.m.) from the full bloom to the harvest stage using red, blue, and white lamps as artificial light. Fruit yield, soluble solid content, anthocyanin content, and chlorophyll a content were affected by night irradiation. The soluble solid content of the control was $17.5^{\circ}Brix$, approximately $1^{\circ}Brix$ higher than the red ($16.4^{\circ}Brix$), blue ($16.2^{\circ}Brix$), and white light treated grapes ($16.3^{\circ}Brix$). The anthocyanin content of the skin was also higher in the control at $4.08{\mu}g{\cdot}cm^{-2}$ compared to the red ($3.14{\mu}g{\cdot}cm^{-2}$), blue ($2.47{\mu}g{\cdot}cm^{-2}$), and white ($2.82{\mu}g{\cdot}cm^{-2}$) light treated samples. On the other hand, the chlorophyll a content of the control was the lowest at $0.268{\mu}g{\cdot}cm^{-2}$ as compared with the red ($0.339{\mu}g{\cdot}cm^{-2}$), blue ($0.345{\mu}g{\cdot}cm^{-2}$), and white ($0.372{\mu}g{\cdot}cm^{-2}$) light treated samples. Considering that higher soluble solid contents, higher accumulation of anthocyanin, and lower chlorophyll a contents are factors involved in fruit maturation, night irradiation may delay fruit maturation and red light treatment may result in decreased yield. Our results confirmed that night-break lighting regardless of the wavelength provoked light pollution in 'Kyoho' grapes. Therefore, fruit maturation may be poor in the presence of artificial light, including streetlamps, in neighboring vineyards.