• Title/Summary/Keyword: Virtual methods

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Korean Clinic Based Outcome Measure Studies (한방 병-의원에서 하는 임상지표 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Bae
    • Journal of Pharmacopuncture
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.35-36
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    • 2003
  • Background: Evidence based medicine has become main tools for medical practice. However, conducting a highly ranked in the evidence hierarchy pyramid is not easy or feasible at all times and places. There remains a room for descriptive clinical outcome measure studies with admitting the limit of the intepretation. Aims: Presents three Korean clinic based outcome measure studies with a view to encouraging Korean clinicians to conduct similar studies. Methods: Three studies are presented briefly here in치uding 1) Quality of Life of liver cancer patients after 8 Constitutional acupuncture; 2) Developing a Korean version of Measuring yourself Medical Outcome profile (MYMOP); and 3) Survey on 5 Shu points: a pilot In the first study, we have included 4 primary or secondary liver cancer patients collecting their diagnostic X-ray film and clinical data f개m their hospital, and asked them to fill in the European Organization Research and Treatment of Cancer, Quality of Life Questionnaire before the commencement of the treatment. The acupuncture treatment is set up format but not disclosed yet. The translation and developing a Korean version of outcome measures that is Korean clinician friendly has been sought for MYMOP is one of the most appropriate one. The permission was granted, the translation into Korean was done, then back translated into English only based on the Korean translation by the researcher who is bilingual in both languages. The back translation was compared by the original developer of MYMOP and confirmed usable. In order to test the existence of acupoints and meridians through popular forms of Korean acupuncture regimes, we aim at collecting opinions from 101 Korean clinicians that have used those forms. The questions asked include most effective symptoms, 5 Shu points, points those are least likely to use due to either adverse events or the lack of effectiveness, theoretical reasons for the above proposals, proposing outcome measures, and the time from insertion to be effective. The questionnaire is posted on the virtual notice board of the homepage of the communication KOMA (The official tool of Association of Korean Oriental Medicine).

A Study on the Effects of Learners' Knowledge Sourcing Behavior on the Knowledge Utilization Outcomes in Social Learning Community (소셜 러닝 커뮤니티에서 학습자의 지식소싱 행위가 지식활용 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Sang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.173-188
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    • 2014
  • This research aims to analyze empirically the effects of learners' knowledge sourcing behavior on the knowledge utilization outcomes in a social learning community. This kind of virtual community is of service to users who not only produce but also share a variety of valuable knowledge which is created based on relationships and interactions among learners. In order to conduct the study, a group of learners was made of 55 undergraduate students who were majoring in social science. The data was collected by online survey at the end of the term and multiple regression methods have been used for empirical analysis. The study shows that dyadic knowledge sourcing and published knowledge sourcing both have significant effects on knowledge reuse and knowledge adaptation. In addition, knowledge adaptation and knowledge innovation were affected by group knowledge sourcing. The research results help to select appropriate knowledge sourcing behavior depending on one's purpose of knowledge use.

A Study of Home-furnishing Products Strategy through the Consumption Tendency Analysis of Single Household (1인 가구의 소비성향 분석을 통한 홈퍼니싱 제품전략 연구)

  • Kim, Taesun
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.237-245
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    • 2016
  • Single households currently account for 26.5% of all households and their number is expected to continue to rise, reaching 34.5% by 2035. An analysis of the consumption trends and needs of single households shows that they are rising as a new consumer group with a focus on investment on the individual and favouring: small but high-tech products: efficient use of limited resources: safety and peace of mind: self-improvement and leisure. Products which meet such demands are having an impact on the growth of home-furnishing market. An analysis of companies in Korea's home-furnishing market, with examples like the lifestyle company IKEA, shows a variety of brands such as SPA brand, furniture specialist, distributor and character products. And yet most are OEM products which lack differentiated product lines and compete with similar display and distribution structure. We needs the Single household consumption tendency of home-furnishing market and differentiation strategy through product analysis. In order to increase the value of companies in the home-furnishing market, in addition to differentiated design, product competitiveness must aspire to higher customer satisfaction with easy assembly, innovation in logistics, innovative sales methods such as virtual-reality simulation for products and space, individually-tailored furniture for the needs of single household and products which combine smart technology. For home-grown home-furnishing brands to have competitiveness, they must leverage on the strengths of the industry, offering differentiated and competitive products in a wider range of areas with convergence functions as well as differentiation in consumer interface and application of advancing technology; in-depth product research is called for.

An Efficient Index Structure for Bottom-Up Query Processing of XML Documents (XML 문서의 상향식 질의처리를 지원하는 효율적인 색인구조)

  • Seo Dong-Min;Kim Eun-Jae;Seong Dong-Ook;Yoo Jae-Soo;Cho Ki-Hyung
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.101-113
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    • 2006
  • A path query is used in XML. Several index structures have been studied for processing the path query efficiently. In recent. the index schemes using suffix tree with structure join method were proposed. ViST is the most representative method among such methods. ViST processes the query using suffix tree and uses B+-tree to reduce the search time of the documents. However, it significantly degrades the search performance when processing the path query. The reason is that it regards the element that is not ancestor-descendant relation in the document as a descendent. In this paper, we propose an efficient index structure to solve the problem of ViST. The query processing method suitable to the index structure is also proposed. It is shown through various experiments that the proposed index structure outperforms the existing index structure in terms of the query processing time.

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Parallel task scheduling under multi-Clouds

  • Hao, Yongsheng;Xia, Mandan;Wen, Na;Hou, Rongtao;Deng, Hua;Wang, Lina;Wang, Qin
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.39-60
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    • 2017
  • In the Cloud, for the scheduling of parallel jobs, there are many tasks in a job and those tasks are executed concurrently on different VMs (Visual machines), where each task of the job will be executed synchronously. The goal of scheduling is to reduce the execution time and to keep the fairness between jobs to prevent some jobs from waiting more time than others. We propose a Cloud model which has multiple Clouds, and under this model, jobs are in different lists according to the waiting time of the jobs and every job has different parallelism. At the same time, a new method-ZOMT (the scheduling parallel tasks based on ZERO-ONE scheduling with multiple targets) is proposed to solve the problem of scheduling parallel jobs in the Cloud. Simulations of ZOMT, AFCFS (Adapted First Come First Served), LJFS (Largest Job First Served) and Fair are executed to test the performance of those methods. Metrics about the waiting time, and response time are used to test the performance of ZOMT. The simulation results have shown that ZOMT not only reduces waiting time and response time, but also provides fairness to jobs.

Correlation of Cognitive Function, Activities of Daily Living and Driving Performance in Stroke Hemiplegic Patients

  • Kwak, Hosoung;Yoo, Chanuk
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.89-95
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    • 2020
  • Purpose : This study aims to evaluate the correlation of cognitive function, activities of daily living (ADL), and driving performance in stroke hemiplegic patients residing in Korea. Methods : Subjects of the study were 18 stroke hemiplegic patients admitted to hospitals situated in Seoul. A clock drawing test (CDT), a modified Barthel index (MBI), and a virtual reality driving simulator (Eca faros-driving simulator) were used to examine their cognitive function, their ADL ability, and their driving skills, respectively. Results : Driving skills of stroke hemiplegic patients were shown to be associated with the CDT evaluation tool (r=-.777) (p<.001), but they were found to have any correlation with MBI (r=-.022) (p>.05). Additionally, an individual's CDT showed that the driving simulator evaluation result (pass/fail) could be discriminated with a sensitivity of 100.0 %, a specificity of 40.0 %, and an accuracy of 66.7 %. The result confirmed that the CDT is a useful evaluation tool for screening driving ability in people with stroke. But the MBI did not show any significant results (sensitivity of 62.5 %, specificity of 40.0 %, and predicted the results of the simulator with 50.0 % of accuracy) (p>.05). Conclusion : This study shows that cognitive function influences the driving performance in people with stroke. Driving skills of stroke hemiplegic patients are seen to be highly related to CDT. In the field of driving rehabilitation, these findings could be useful for evaluating driving skills relating to CDT. Furthermore, the study results will set a guideline for domestic occupational therapists to use the evaluation tool for assessing driving abilities in people with stroke.

Relationship between Functional Fitness and Break Response in Elderly Drivers: Comparison with Young Driver

  • Kim, Ga Eun;Choi, Ye Eun;Yang, Su Seong;Kim, Sun A;Bae, Young Sook
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.187-192
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study compared the functional fitness and brake response of elderly and young drivers to confirm the correlation between the functional fitness and brake response. Methods: This study was a cross sectional observational design. Older drivers (>65age, n=21) and young adult drivers (20-40aged, n=20) were enrolled as subjects. The functional fitness of the subjects was measured using a senior fitness test consisting of a back scratch (BS), chair sit and reach (CSR), arm curl (AC), chair stand up (CSU), foot up and go (8-FUG), and 2-minute step (2-MS). The brake response used the virtual driving simulator to measure the brake reaction time (BRT) and braking distance (BD) according to the pedestrian protection and traffic signal compliance. Results: The older drivers had a lower BS (p<0.000), CSU (p=0.040), and 8-FUG (p=0.011) than the young adult drivers. BS and 8-FUG showed a significant positive correlation with the BRT and BD of pedestrian protection and traffic signal compliance. CSU showed a significant negative correlation with the BRT of pedestrian protection and traffic signal compliance. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the flexibility of the upper extremity, lower extremity strength, and agility are strongly correlated with the driving performance of elderly drivers.

Men's Work Clothes Jumper Pattern-making and Its Appearance Evaluation through 3-D Clothing Simulation (3차원 가상착의 시뮬레이션을 이용한 20~50대 연령별 남성 작업복 점퍼 패턴 설계 및 외관평가)

  • Park, Gin-Ah;Lee, Woo-Kyoung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.103-120
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    • 2012
  • The study aimed to evaluate the appearance of the men's work clothes jumpers developed to suggest the prototype work clothes jumper patterns by using the 3-D clothing simulation technology. The 3-D simulated clothing images considered the upper body features of men in the age range between 20 and 59 in South Korea. A questionnaire survey conducted previously suggested a basic jumper style with shirt collar and snap opening cuffs for the heavy industry workers; and discomforting parts of the work clothes jumper of the subject workers have been referred to for the experimental jumper appearance test. Besides, defining the measurements of men's upper bodies enabled to generate the men's 3-D virtual models representing each age group's average body feature. The significant body measurement factors for men's 3-D body modeling and jumper pattern-making were stature for the height factor; chest, waist and hip circumferences for the circumference factor; waist back, hip and arm lengths and interscye front/back for the length factor; and back neck breadth for the breadth factor and armscye and scye depths for the depth factor. The men's body measurements of 30's were implemented to three experimental jumper pattern-making methods, i.e. the 1st method using the relations based on stature and chest circumference; the 2nd method using the direct body measurements; and the 3rd method adopting the maximum ease amount of given body measurements whether relations or direct measurements except the direct measurement of scye depth. A comparison among the three experimental jumpers' simulated images highlighted that the appropriate ease amount of the jumper gained higher scores in terms of the jumpers' front, side, back and sleeve parts and the total silhouettes. Therefore the 3rd experimental jumper was finally selected for the heavy industry workers.

Efficient Radio Resource Measurement System in IEEE 802.11 Networks (IEEE 802.11 네트워크에서 효율적인 라디오 자원 측정 시스템 연구)

  • Yang, Seung-Chur;Lee, Sung-Ho;Kim, Jong-Deok
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.2437-2445
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    • 2012
  • This paper presents the efficient measurement method of radio resource by analyzing various medium occupied elements. The medium occupied time consists of 802.11 frames, wireless interference, and protocol waiting time from a wireless node on a current channel. And it is used to performance metric. Existing research is only measured partial occupied elements, and is lack of validation of measurement unit and scalability on various IEEE 802.11 radio. This paper presents the measurement method of classified occupied elements. To achieve this, we modified 802.11n based OpenHAL device driver to collect the register information of wireless chipset, and to analyze receiving frames in an virtual monitor mode. We conclude accurate medium occupied time measurement system from various validation methods.

A Study on the Performance of VPN based on MPLS Networks (MPLS 망을 기반으로 하는 VPN의 성능에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Tae-Sam;Kim, Young-Beom
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2007
  • In this paper we introduce the concept of MPLS-based VPN and propose a scheme for providing VPN services in MPLS networks. Furthermore, we design the control components and the operational procedures and evaluated the performance of traditional VPN implementation methods and MPLS-based VPN. In this scheme it is possible to solve several problems that IP-based VPN pertains via the allocation of VPN ID and virtual space without tunneling, thereby providing effective VPN services. In other words, the MPLS-based VPN scheme uses MPLS networking technology together with the PSTN which can achieve a perfect segregation of user traffic on per-customer basis in a physical link and can guarantee high reliability and security levels. Specially, in the perspective of customers, it can save networking facilities installation and maintenance costs considerably. On the contrary, it possesses some shortcomings in that its deployment tends to be restricted within an ISP's network boundary and it is vulnerable to external security break-ins when going through public networks such as the Internet due to its lack of data encryption capability.

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