• Title/Summary/Keyword: Viewing Performance

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Hard Example Generation by Novel View Synthesis for 3-D Pose Estimation (3차원 자세 추정 기법의 성능 향상을 위한 임의 시점 합성 기반의 고난도 예제 생성)

  • Minji Kim;Sungchan Kim
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2024
  • It is widely recognized that for 3D human pose estimation (HPE), dataset acquisition is expensive and the effectiveness of augmentation techniques of conventional visual recognition tasks is limited. We address these difficulties by presenting a simple but effective method that augments input images in terms of viewpoints when training a 3D human pose estimation (HPE) model. Our intuition is that meaningful variants of the input images for HPE could be obtained by viewing a human instance in the images from an arbitrary viewpoint different from that in the original images. The core idea is to synthesize new images that have self-occlusion and thus are difficult to predict at different viewpoints even with the same pose of the original example. We incorporate this idea into the training procedure of the 3D HPE model as an augmentation stage of the input samples. We show that a strategy for augmenting the synthesized example should be carefully designed in terms of the frequency of performing the augmentation and the selection of viewpoints for synthesizing the samples. To this end, we propose a new metric to measure the prediction difficulty of input images for 3D HPE in terms of the distance between corresponding keypoints on both sides of a human body. Extensive exploration of the space of augmentation probability choices and example selection according to the proposed distance metric leads to a performance gain of up to 6.2% on Human3.6M, the well-known pose estimation dataset.

Accuracy of Accelerometer for the Prediction of Energy Expenditure and Activity Intensity in Athletic Elementary School Children During Selected Activities (초등학교 운동선수를 대상으로 대표 신체활동의 에너지 소비량 및 활동 강도 추정을 위한 가속도계의 정확도 검증)

  • Choi, Su-Ji;An, Hae-Sun;Lee, Mo-Ran;Lee, Jung-Sook;Kim, Eun-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.413-425
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: Accurate assessment of energy expenditure is important for estimation of energy requirements in athletic children. The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of accelerometer for prediction of selected activities' energy expenditure and intensity in athletic elementary school children. Methods: The present study involved 31 soccer players (16 males and 15 females) from an elementary school (9-12 years). During the measurements, children performed eight selected activities while simultaneously wearing the accelerometer and carrying the portable indirect calorimeter. Five equations (Freedson/Trost, Treuth, Pate, Puyau, Mattocks) were assessed for the prediction of energy expenditure from accelerometer counts, while Evenson equation was added for prediction of activity intensity, making six equations in total. The accuracy of accelerometer for energy prediction was assessed by comparing measured and predicted values, using the paired t-test. The intensity classification accuracy was evaluated with kappa statistics and ROC-Curve. Results: For activities of lying down, television viewing and reading, Freedson/Trost, Treuth were accurate in predicting energy expenditure. Regarding Pate, it was accurate for vacuuming and slow treadmill walking energy prediction. Mattocks was accurate in treadmill running activities. Concerning activity intensity classification accuracy, Pate (kappa=0.72) had the best performance across the four intensities (sedentary, light, moderate, vigorous). In case of the sedentary activities, all equations had a good prediction accuracy, while with light activities and Vigorous activities, Pate had an excellent accuracy (ROC-AUC=0.91, 0.94). For Moderate activities, all equations showed a poor performance. Conclusions: In conclusion, none of the assessed equations was accurate in predicting energy expenditure across all assessed activities in athletic children. For activity intensity classification, Pate had the best prediction accuracy.

Enjoyment Methods of Traditional Theater Performances in the Early 20th Century (20세기초 극장무대 전통공연물의 향유방식)

  • Jeong, Choong-Kwon
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.38
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    • pp.103-138
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    • 2018
  • This study examines the modern succession, transformation and significance of enjoyment methods of classical literature (art) with a focus on the characteristics of those methods that appeared when the performances of the traditional era began to be displayed on the stage of the theaters in modern Seoul. The clues to the reasons for this type of enjoyment can be found in newspapers, magazine articles, and advertisements from the early 20th century. The emergence of stage theaters at the beginning of the modern era caused a sweeping change in the performance environment, including the fact that it was possible for all kinds of people to enjoy art beyond the existing socioeconomic hierarchies or barriers of status, that the performers were given employment through the theater, and that the audience had the tendency of the general public of an unspecified number because the audience was able to see the performances only by paying the viewing fee. The way of enjoying traditional performances also changed based on these new adaptations: the performances were sequential, show-oriented, and re-contextualized as public performances. It is significant that in the traditional era, performers and audiences had been segregated according to their status and a strict hierarchy; now, such cultural norms were breaking down in favor of a kind of equality. In addition, it was possible for the audience to experience sensory enjoyment, and theater brought about a new kind of popular consumer enjoyment of an artistic product. Of course, though, it is possible to look back and find problems related to the contemporary context, but the traditional performances, which were the main performances for the lower class, took the first place on the modern theater stage, and as a result, no one can deny that it became possible to move forward in the first phase of an era of public performance.

A Study for Promotion of the Stay Type Tourism in Ulsan by IPA Analysis Techniques (IPA분석을 통한 울산의 체류형 관광 활성화 방안 연구)

  • You, Young-Jun;Lee, Ji-Hun;Chung, Yoon-Jo
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to explore ways to promote the stay type tourism in Ulsan. To achieve this, IPA analysis techniques were applied to survey the importance and performance of experts, tourists, and hotel users, and measures were developed for activation of common points among the groups. Most studies analyze the survey results of a group, but this study compared and analyzed the results among three groups of experts, tourists, and hotel users, resulting in areas requiring activation. According to the results of each group, 'cultural facilities' were selected as the attraction factor, and 'night tours' were chosen as the basic factor to improve. On the other hand, tourist attractions, clean environment and urban parks have been selected as implementation factors, which correspond to the "ecological tourism," one of Ulsan's five-color themes. According to the ranking, the three groups of experts, tourists, and hotel users were able to look at the results of priority items that were selected up to the third place, although there were no exact matching factors. The items selected by both groups were diversification of night viewing, traffic accessibility in tourist sites, and improvement of night scenery, operation of night experience programs, extension of night opening hours, and revitalization of night markets respectively.

Performance Activities and Social Role of the Theater in Ulsan during the Japanese Colonial Period (일제강점기 울산지역 극장의 공연활동과 사회적 역할)

  • Kim, Joung-Ho
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.42
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    • pp.107-146
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    • 2021
  • This article examined the current status of performance activities in the theaters in Ulsan during the Japanese colonial period, and examined the characteristics and social roles of performance culture at that time.,The cultural space during the Japanese colonial period can be divided into theater space and semi-theater space.,The theater spaces in Ulsan include Daejeonggwan, Sangbanggwan, and Ulsan Theater. The semi-theater spaces include Ulsan Youth Center, Ulsan Youth Alliance Hall, Barrack Youth Hall, Eonyang Youth Alliance Hall, Eonyang Christian Hall, Eonyang Christian Hall, Eonyang Inn, Eonyang Public Inn, Eonyang Public Normal School, Seosaeng School, Ulsan Public Aid Auditorium, Night school.,These spaces not only held events or performances for a specific purpose, but also played a role as public spaces producing local discourse. The theater was a complex cultural space where performances are performed along with movie performances, and artists and audiences meet.,Furthermore, the theater provided a special experience of producing and consuming various issues such as colonial modernization, modern city formation, and the emergence of new popular culture beyond the meaning of stage space.,The theaters in Ulsan also functioned as a space to represent the foreign culture acceptance, leisure activities, the performance and viewing of cultural contents, and the artistic skills of local artists in accordance with the purpose of establishing local theaters.,It was a base space for local discourse production and enjoyment activities by holding political rallies, meetings, lecture activities, and various conferences.,Political rallies were also concerts, enlightenment activities were also accompanied by film screenings, and music performances were associated with dance performances and charity gatherings.,In particular, Ulsan Theater, which is the first theater in Ulsan, and the role of the public hall, held a lecture, debate, and oratory for public enlightenment along with performances such as musical drama, children's song contest, fairy tale contest, small-sized play performance,, It was widely used as a large-scale rallying place, and served as a public hall, such as a place to visit outside theaters. Thus, the theater and semi-theater space in Ulsan during the Japanese colonial period improved the cultural level of the region, fulfilling the aesthetic needs of the local people and faithfully fulfilling the social role as a public sphere leading the public opinion and agenda.,And it was also positioned as an alternative public area of ​​modern society and also played a role as a public institution.

Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in the Nakdong River Using High-Resolution Satellite Image (고해상도 위성영상을 이용한 낙동강 유역의 클로로필-a 농도 추정)

  • Choe, Eun-Young;Lee, Jae-Woon;Lee, Jae-Kwan
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.613-623
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    • 2011
  • This study assessed the feasibility to apply Two-band and Three-band reflectance models for chlorophyll-a estimation in turbid productive waters whose scale is smaller and narrower than ocean using a high spatial resolution image. Those band ratio models were successfully applied to analyzing chlorophyll-a concentrations of ocean or coastal water using Moderate Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS), Sea-viewing Wide Field-fo-view Sensor(SeaWiFS), Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer(MERIS), etc. Two-band and Three-band models based on band ratio such as Red and NIR band were generally used for the Chl-a in turbid waters. Two-band modes using Red and NIR bands of RapidEye image showed no significant results with $R^2$ 0.38. To enhance a band ratio between absorption and reflection peak, We used red-edge band(710 nm) of RapidEye image for Twoband and Three-band models. Red-RE Two-band and Red-RE-NIR Three-band reflectance model (with cubic equation) for the RapidEye image provided significance performances with $R^2$ 0.66 and 0.73, respectively. Their performance showed the 'Approximate Prediction' with RPD, 1.39 and 1.29 and RMSE, 24.8, 22.4, respectively. Another three-band model with quadratic equation showed similar performances to Red-RE two-band model. The findings in this study demonstrated that Two-band and Three-band reflectance models using a red-edge band can approximately estimate chlorophyll-a concentrations in a turbid river water using high-resolution satellite image. In the distribution map of estimated Chl-a concentrations, three-band model with cubic equation showed lower values than twoband model. In the further works, quantification and correction of spectral interferences caused by suspended sediments and colored dissolved organic matters will improve the accuracy of chlorophyll-a estimation in turbid waters.

"Servicescape" Differentiation in a Hair Salon (헤어살롱 서비스스케이프 차별화 성공사례)

  • Lee, Sang-Hyun;Park, Chul-Ju
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to find out the effect of changes in the differentiated "servicescape" on the business performance in the hair salon industry using a case study. For this, we selected hair salon M located in Suwon. The shop is innovatively different from existing shops in terms of spatial layout and functionality. We conducted in-depth research, beginning with the launch of the shop concept through investment and ongoing stable sales. Research design, data, and methodology - The M hair salon is a start up shop providing a differentiated servicescape (physical environment where the service takes place) located in Suwon, Yeongtong-gu. We conducted research to investigate how spatial layout and functionality of the servicescape impact customers' perceived quality. The interview period and case analysis was May 2014 through March 2015, covering 11 months. To conduct the case analysis, we analyzed the spatial layout and functionality of existing shops and interviewed customers and experts about the difference between hair salon M and existing shops. Results - Our results found clues to the positive effect of spatial layout and functionality among servicescape factors on perceived service quality at the salon. The shop showed a fast payback of the principal investment, growth potential in contrast to competitors near the salon, and 45 percent returning customers. The problem with the spatial layout at existing shops was that customers were aware of the way other people were looking at them, since viewing angles overlapped, therefore there was a limitation to the relationship intensity with an exclusive hair designer. In contrast, the layout of the stands at the M salon kept the number of dressing stands limited to maximize the customer's emotional response. Additionally, because of the new layout of dressing stands hiding other customer voices and appearance in the salon, customers perceived their service space as independent. Therefore, they did not have to focus on their personal emotional response, which was one of the advantages of the new layout. Conclusions - This study conducted case study analysis by offering a new perspective focusing on spatial layout, previously not considered as an independent variable of quality evaluations and customer satisfaction in existing literature on hair salon management. Therefore, this study contributes to the field by offering an opportunity to discover the causal relationships between the overlooked physical environment and a customer's perceived quality. However, a process objectifying the results of the study through empirical analysis and hypotheses is needed to overcome the limitations of the case study approach and generalize the results. Moreover, it would be beneficial to conduct further empirical study of the relationship between the spatial layout provided in the case and a customer's emotional response and change in mood. In addition, an analysis is needed regarding how customers feel about the factors using the Kano Model. These suggestions would be considered in further study.

Retrieval of Fire Radiative Power from Himawari-8 Satellite Data Using the Mid-Infrared Radiance Method (히마와리 위성자료를 이용한 산불방사열에너지 산출)

  • Kim, Dae Sun;Lee, Yang Won
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2016
  • Fire radiative power(FRP), which means the power radiated from wildfire, is used to estimate fire emissions. Currently, the geostationary satellites of East Asia do not provide official FRP products yet, whereas the American and European geostationary satellites are providing near-real-time FRP products for Europe, Africa and America. This paper describes the first retrieval of Himawari-8 FRP using the mid-infrared radiance method and shows the comparisons with MODIS FRP for Sumatra, Indonesia. Land surface emissivity, an essential parameter for mid-infrared radiance method, was calculated using NDVI(normalized difference vegetation index) and FVC(fraction of vegetation coverage) according to land cover types. Also, the sensor coefficient for Himawari-8(a = 3.11) was derived through optimization experiments. The mean absolute percentage difference was about 20%, which can be interpreted as a favourable performance similar to the validation statistics of the American and European satellites. The retrieval accuracies of Himawari FRP were rarely influenced by land cover types or solar zenith angle, but parts of the pixels showed somewhat low accuracies according to the fire size and viewing zenith angle. This study will contribute to estimation of wildfire emissions and can be a reference for the FRP retrieval of current and forthcoming geostationary satellites in East Asia.

A Study on Meta-Reality Experience at a Gallery through the Interactivity of New Media Art (뉴미디어 아트의 상호 작용성을 통한 미술관에서의 메타현실 체험 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Eun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 2018
  • In recent years, new media art is developing to play its roles as a means of remediation to overturn, reuse, and alter the old technologies rather than technology-dependent art to accept new technologies and use them as artistic tools. Here, the concept of new should mean looking at the old technologies in an indirect way and finding new meanings in them rather than presenting new technologies. The starting point of this study was the concept of spatialization in which the concept of new media art would externalize games from inside to outside the screen in gamification-applied spaces. Participatory new media art adds a platform for viewer's participation and utilizes the entire space of the exhibition hall instead of allowing for simple viewing at the exhibition hall. The study focused on the changes and phenomena in the process of games belonging to the artistic space through the interactivity of gamification. Here, the premise was that gamification meant the "spatialization of games." The study examined several cases of games being altered in the spatialization process to figure out interactivity for viewers and developmental directions for interface design at a gallery.

The Effect of Failure Experiences on Exploratory Innovation Activities: A Longitudinal Study of The Korean Pharmaceutical Industry (실패경험이 기술혁신 활동과 기술개발 성과에 미치는 영향: 국내 제약 산업을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jaegun;Huh, Moon-Goo
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.69-97
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    • 2018
  • This study explored the influence of failure experience of Korean pharmaceutical industries on the innovative activities of corporations from the perspectives of R&D and knowledge search. Previous studies have defined the cause of the failure or studied the reasons for the decline. However, studies analyzing the influence of failure on the innovative activities of corporations are rare. This study set a research period of 10 years for the Korean pharmaceutical industry to conduct a longitudinal analysis of the influence of the influence of failure on innovation activities and the influence of innovation activities on radical innovation. A summary of the research results is as follows. Firstly, failure of corporations induce exploratory innovation activities, and the extent differs greatly from the size of financial slack resource. Secondly, experiences of corporations' failure were not significant from the perspective of knowledge search. Thirdly, the interaction between the corporation's exploratory innovation activities and knowledge search had a positive (+) relationship with radical innovation performance. This study is significant in that it suggested empirical evidence by verifying the positive influence of failure to learning and innovation unlike previous researches viewing failure negatively, and suggested the direction of future studies based on these research results.