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Hologram Generation of 3D Objects Using Multiple Orthographic View Images

  • Kim, Min-Su;Baasantseren, Ganbat;Kim, Nam;Park, Jae-Hyeung
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.269-274
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    • 2008
  • We propose a new synthesis method for the hologram of 3D objects using incoherent multiple orthographic view images. The 3D objects are captured and their multiple orthographic view images are generated from the captured image. Each orthographic view image is numerically overridden by the plane wave propagating in the direction of the corresponding view angle and integrated to form a point in the hologram plane. By repeating this process for all orthographic view images, we can generate the Fourier hologram of the 3D objects.

Multiple Camera Calibration for Panoramic 3D Virtual Environment (파노라믹 3D가상 환경 생성을 위한 다수의 카메라 캘리브레이션)

  • 김세환;김기영;우운택
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we propose a new camera calibration method for rotating multi-view cameras to generate image-based panoramic 3D Virtual Environment. Since calibration accuracy worsens with an increase in distance between camera and calibration pattern, conventional camera calibration algorithms are not proper for panoramic 3D VE generation. To remedy the problem, a geometric relationship among all lenses of a multi-view camera is used for intra-camera calibration. Another geometric relationship among multiple cameras is used for inter-camera calibration. First camera parameters for all lenses of each multi-view camera we obtained by applying Tsai's algorithm. In intra-camera calibration, the extrinsic parameters are compensated by iteratively reducing discrepancy between estimated and actual distances. Estimated distances are calculated using extrinsic parameters for every lens. Inter-camera calibration arranges multiple cameras in a geometric relationship. It exploits Iterative Closet Point (ICP) algorithm using back-projected 3D point clouds. Finally, by repeatedly applying intra/inter-camera calibration to all lenses of rotating multi-view cameras, we can obtain improved extrinsic parameters at every rotated position for a middle-range distance. Consequently, the proposed method can be applied to stitching of 3D point cloud for panoramic 3D VE generation. Moreover, it may be adopted in various 3D AR applications.

An Analysis Study of Landscape View Point on Urban Histo-Cultural Area - Focused on Bukchon Hanok Village - (도시 내 역사문화미관지구 경관조망지점 분석에 관한 연구 - 북촌한옥마을을 대상으로 -)

  • Choi, Yoo;Son, Seung-Woo;Lee, Kang-Hyun;Im, Seung-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.80-86
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    • 2012
  • This study is about selecting Landscape Viewpoint on Bukchon Hanok Village, Jongno-Gu, Seoul. The process on selecting photo spots was focused on visualizing elements, and it was hard to find an objective standard for selecting landscape viewpoint. Therefore, by literature review and site study, this study selects more objective and empirical Landscape View Point on Bukchon. Landscape Viewpoint Standards are Traditional Hanok Landscape, Historical Heritage Landscape, Alley Street Landscape, City Architecture Landscape, and Natural Forest Landscape. By Landscape Preference and Character of Place survey, this study finds out another Landscape Viewpoint and correlation of those variables. A coefficient of correlation is 0.846, and its correlation is considerably high. Through this result, it could provide a concrete standard for selecting Landscape View Point and a preliminary information for finding Landscape View Point on Histo-Cultural area.

Daesoon Thought Explained Through the Philosophy of the Book of Change (대순사상의 역학적 조명 - 종지(宗旨)를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.20
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    • pp.169-191
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    • 2009
  • The Four Tenets of Daesoon thought are the Creative conjunction of the virtues of Eum and Yang, the Harmonious union of divine beings and human beings, the Resolution of grievances for the mutual beneficence of all life and the Realization of the Dao in the world. This article compares the concepts of the "Creative conjunction of the virtues of Eum and Yang", the "Harmonious union of divine beings and human beings" and the "Resolution of grievances for the mutual beneficence of all life" with "EumYangDaeDaeRon", "ShinMyonKiDeok", the Theory of Mutual Giving Life / Mutual Destruction (SangSaeng/SangGeukRon) of the Book of Changes and analyzes their common and different points. The conclusion is that Daesoon thought and the philosophy of the Book of Changes share common fundamental standpoints. However, the Daesoon thought defines the world of SeonCheon (the state before the Heaven and Earth have been created) as Mutual Giving Life (SangSaeng), and the world of HuCheon (the state after the Heaven and Earth have been created) as Mutual Destruction (SangGeuk). According to Daesoon thought the Mutual Destruction (SangGeuk) is seen as negative, while according to the philosophy of the Book of Changes the Theory of Mutual Giving Live/Mutual Destruction (SangSaeng/SangGeukRon) is viewed as a positive relationship of EumYangDaeDae. This is a point of difference between the Daesoon thought and the philosophy of the Book of Changes. According to EumYangDaeDae relationship theory the contradictory "other" is viewed not as an enemy, but as a necessary element that assures one's existence. When Buddhism and Christianity first came to existence, they did not belong to a main stream. Later, through continuous theorization and systematization they became generally accepted religions. The case of Confucianism was not much different. During Song dynasty in China Buddhism has contributed to the systematization and establishment of Neo-Confucianism; in the middle of 20th century the Confucian scholars of Hong Kong and Taiwan interpreted and defined Confucianism a new in the light of Western philosophy. Thus the "Modern Neo-Confucianism" came to existence. That's why the history of Confucianism is also called "the history of advancing and developing a concept". From this point of view the critical acceptance of some elements of Confucian, Buddhist, Taoist etc. traditions, as well as modern philosophy, by Daesoon, in order to achieve the systematization of Daesoon thought, is a very important process. As a part of this process, this essay explains the Daesoon thought from the point of view of the Book of Changes, which may be said to present the original East-Asian view of the world. Daesoon's emphasis of human dignity, the equality of sexes, the critics the hierarchical society etc. are rather "modern" and should be examined from the point of view of social science. Besides, leaving the boundaries of "modern philosophy", the concepts of "Harmonious union of divine beings and human beings", viewing the universe as one organism etc. should be approached from the point of view of Post-Modernism.

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Study on the Measuring Landscape Sensitivity of Buildings in Natural Landscape (자연경관에 도입되는 건축물의 경관민감도 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Ji-Hoon;Choi, Won-Bin;Shin, Min-Ji
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2018
  • As high-rise buildings came in, the landscape of rural areas and natural landscapes often got damaged. Therefore, this study aims to prevent this, grasp the extent of the influence of the surrounding landscape, to grasp the range of height that can be permitted and present the direction of landscape management of agriculture and natural landscape. This study tried to grasp the range of height by using price sensitivity analysis method for two apartment and apartment complex which entered DangJin city and SeoSan city. First, in the case of a two apartment, the range of the height allowable section was from the 6th floor to the 11th floor in close range view, and it was a section from the 7th floor to the 12th floor in medium range view. In the case of the apartment complex, the range of the height allowable range was from the 10th floor to the 17th floor in close range view, the 9th floor to the 16th floor in medium range view. The stress index was found to be positive in a two apartment in close range view, and in the apartment complex case. therefore it was better to set it to a lower in the Range of Acceptable Height(RAH). Second, it showed no difference in the sensitivity of landscape to gender. Thirdly, the results of the landscape sensitivity analysis of major and non-major showed the difference in the medium range view picture of the apartment complex. Majors are lower than the point of minimum height(PMinH) than non-Majors. In the case of major, the stress index was 1.4. it turned out that it was better to make a decision closer to point of minimum height (PMinH). In the case of non-major, the stress index was -1.3. it was also able to accept decision close to the point of maximum height (PMaxH). Since the results of the above research gave changes only in the variable of the height of the landscape, we can not grasp the point of interaction with other variables, and future research is considered necessary.

A New Calibration of 3D Point Cloud using 3D Skeleton (3D 스켈레톤을 이용한 3D 포인트 클라우드의 캘리브레이션)

  • Park, Byung-Seo;Kang, Ji-Won;Lee, Sol;Park, Jung-Tak;Choi, Jang-Hwan;Kim, Dong-Wook;Seo, Young-Ho
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.247-257
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    • 2021
  • This paper proposes a new technique for calibrating a multi-view RGB-D camera using a 3D (dimensional) skeleton. In order to calibrate a multi-view camera, consistent feature points are required. In addition, it is necessary to acquire accurate feature points in order to obtain a high-accuracy calibration result. We use the human skeleton as a feature point to calibrate a multi-view camera. The human skeleton can be easily obtained using state-of-the-art pose estimation algorithms. We propose an RGB-D-based calibration algorithm that uses the joint coordinates of the 3D skeleton obtained through the posture estimation algorithm as a feature point. Since the human body information captured by the multi-view camera may be incomplete, the skeleton predicted based on the image information acquired through it may be incomplete. After efficiently integrating a large number of incomplete skeletons into one skeleton, multi-view cameras can be calibrated by using the integrated skeleton to obtain a camera transformation matrix. In order to increase the accuracy of the calibration, multiple skeletons are used for optimization through temporal iterations. We demonstrate through experiments that a multi-view camera can be calibrated using a large number of incomplete skeletons.

Database and User Interface for Pollutant Source and Load Management of Yeungsan Estuarine Lake Watershed Using GIS (GIS를 활용한 영산호 수계 오염원 데이터베이스 구축과 오염원관리 사용자 인터페이스)

  • 양홍모
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.114-126
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to establish the databases of pollutant sources and water quality measurement data by utilizing GIS, and making the user interface for the management of pollutant sources. Yeongsan Estuarine Lake was formed of a huge levee of 4.35 km constructed by an agricultural reclamation project. Water quality of the reservoir has been degraded gradually, which mainly attributes to increase of point and non-point source pollutant loads from the lake's watershed of 33,374.3 km2 into it. Application of GIS to establishment of the database was researched of pint source such as domestic sewage, industrial wastewater, farm wastes, and fishery wastes, and non-pont source such as residence, rice and upland field, and forest runoffs of the watershed of the lake. NT Acr/Info and ArcView were mainly utilized for the database formation. Land use of the watershed using LANDSAT image data was analyzed for non-point source pollutant load estimation. Pollutant loads from the watershed into the reservoir were calculated using the GIS database and BOD, TN, TP load units of point and non-point sources. Total BOD, TN, TP loads into it reached approximately to 141, 715, 2,094 and 4,743 kg/day respectively. The loads can be used as input parameters for water quality predicting model of it. A user-friendly interface program was developed using Dialog Designer and Avenue Script of AcrView, which can perform spatial analysis of point and non-point sources, calculate pollutant inputs from the sources, update attribute data of them, delete and add point sources, identify locations and volumes of water treatment facilities, and examine water quality data of water sampling points.

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Landscape Assessment and Improvement of the View Area by Selecting the Landscape Control Point (조망점 선정을 통한 대상지의 경관가치 평가 및 개선방안)

  • Kim, Jin-Hyo;Lee, Hyun-Taek;Ra, Jung-Hwa;Cho, Hyun-Ju;SaGong, Jung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to quantitatively measure the view target and the view area through the selection of landscape control point by selecting Jimyeong-dong Dong-gu and Yeongyeong-dong Buk-gu Daegu, which are planned as the large scale housing complex development area, as the target places. It is very meaningful that from the simulation based on this measurement, the improvement methods are attempted to be suggested at the project level. The results of this study are as follows. First, the total number of viewing targets derived from the literature analysis for the selection of the viewing targets was 24, and finally derived main viewing targets were 4 places. Second, the total number of selection criteria of the derived landscape control point was 15, and these were re-categorized as prospect, accessibility and publicness according to the common property. The preliminary LCPs were selected by measuring the publicness and accessibility, and because of the said measurement, a total of 43 preliminary LCPs were selected. The final LCPs were selected by estimating the prospect of the selected preliminary LCPs, and as a result of estimation, a total of 29 final LCPs were selected. Finally, the total number of evaluation indicators derived from literature analysis was 26. Because of the valuation by the landscape control point, it was found that the 2 view areas were the I grade, 3 areas were II grade and 3 areas were the V grade, the lowest grade among 29 view areas. From the analysis on problems for the improvement methods, 4 improvement-indicators including the diversity of land mosaic were selected for the view area-1 without considering the development project drawing. In addition, for the view area-2 with considering the development project drawing, the landscape as the scenery forests was well formed, and the arrangement of architectures for the security of view corridor was right angle arrangement, and their floor number was 10.

Multi-View Point switch System Structure & Implementation of Video player in MPEG-4 based (MPEG-4 시스템 기반의 다시점 전환 시스템 구조 및 재생기 구현)

  • Lee, Jun-Cheol;Lee, Jung-Won;Chang, Yong-Seok;Kim, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.80-93
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    • 2007
  • This paper suggests structures of the Object Descriptor and the Elementary Stream Descriptor that provide multi-view video services in 3-Dimensional Audio Video technical standards of current MPEG-4. First, it defines that the structures of the Object Descriptor and the Elementary Stream Descriptor on established MPEG-4 system, then distributes individually, and analyzes that. But extension of established system is inappropriate for providing multi-view audio video services connected transmissions and receptions. And, this paper suggests a structure of new Object Descriptor able to switch viewpoints that considers the correlation between each viewpoints, when multi-view video is transmitted. By means of that, it is able to switch viewpoints according to a requirement of a user in a multi-view video services, and reduce overheads for transmitting information about necessary viewpoint.

A Study on the Shapes of Women′s Neck and Shoulder in Dressmaking I (의복설계를 위한 성인여성의 經部 및 肩部의 유형화 I)

  • 김희숙
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.668-680
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    • 2000
  • The study presents the general types and individual differences of the shape of the adult women's neck and shoulder in our country. It is based on the average value, the standard deviation, the maximum value, the standard deviation, the maximum value, the minimum value and c.v. measured from the women at the age of 19 through 64. The results of this study are as follows ; 1. The factors by factor analysis are five. The first is the size factors of the neck and shoulder. The second is shape factor of neck. The third is plane view and length factor of the neck. The fourth is the side view factor of the neck and shoulder. The fifth is the shape factor of shoulder. Therefore the shape of the neck and shoulder should be examined in the shape factors as well as in the size factors as well as in the size factors for the designing body-suitable clothes. 2. The factors of the concrete objects are the solid view of neck and shoulder, the cross-sectional view of neck line, side view of neck and shoulder and length of neck. The explainable measuring items for the factors are the difference of the length between lower neck round line and the 4㎝ above neck round line, the length of neck, the angle of inclination between fore neck and back neck, the angle of inclination of the side shoulder, the difference of the height between fore neck point and back neck point, the width of shoulder, the width of chest and the width of back. 3. The concrete objects of the neck and shoulder have five types ; Type Ⅰ is average type, Type Ⅱ is thick short neck and the drooping shoulder type, Type Ⅲ I is slender long neck and lean-back shoulder type, Type Ⅳ is thick and rising shoulder type and Type Ⅴ is slender and drooping shoulder type.

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