• 제목/요약/키워드: Victorian

검색결과 93건 처리시간 0.019초

『테스』를 통해 본 포스트휴먼 시대의 인간 (Tess as Posthuman: Overturning Conventional Ideas in Tess of the D'Urbervilles)

  • 조부민;김동욱
    • 영미문화
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.189-213
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    • 2018
  • This paper aims to show how Thomas Hardy overturns conventional ideas in opposition and eventually disrupts the hierarchical order of ideas in the Victorian society of Tess of the D'Urbervilles. Divided into four sections, such as feeling/reason, purity/impurity, femininity/masculinity, and death/life, it examines how these binaries are deconstructed in the heroine's tragic life journey. The heroine Tess of the book, who boldly crosses the boundaries marked by traditional society, turns her image as a fallen woman into that of divinity, erasing the boundary between evil and good. In doing so, Hardy leads the reader to question the system of established values and reveals the illegitimacy of absolute values, thence stressing what all one can grasp in this world is nothing else than an absence of a central value. The relativity of truth and the power of overturning established value systems advertised in the book have significant implications for today's readers as well as for the Victorians.

Transnational Allegories of Image and Likeness in Louisa May Alcott's "Behind a Mask, or A Woman's Power"

  • Jin, Seongeun
    • 미국학
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    • 제43권1호
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    • pp.83-97
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    • 2020
  • "Behind a Mask" (1866) marks the new direction of Louisa May Alcott's artistic and personal life. Her European trip solidified her identity as a mature woman, most importantly as a mature American woman, one whose independence from Victorian stereotypes would, from now on, make her fortune and fame. Her sensational stories, especially "Behind a Mask," would tell truths that readers recognized but had rarely seen written. These truths would free them, and the author herself, to explore their talents as individuals. Henceforth, Alcott would embody the successful American artistic entrepreneur as one who shed the European domination of false titles and inherited wealth. These motifs of the transnational connection pervade the story, in the form of images and likenesses. Just as Alcott would soon, in two years, reach astonishing financial success with the publication of Little Women, her meteoric ascent parallels America's rise to power in the world's economy, which came about with almost alarming speed after the conclusion of the American Civil War.

George Du Maurier's Trilby: Female Sexuality as an Erotic Organizer

  • Park, Doohyun
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제56권6호
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    • pp.1105-1117
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    • 2010
  • This study traces out female identity and sexuality in George Du Maurier's novel, Trilby. The heroine's sexuality in this novel plays some interesting roles invoking both male gaze and male homosocial desire. There seems to have been lots of debates about female subjectivity and gender relations in the Victorian age. George Du Maurier tries to redefine female identity which had been divided into two aspects in the age: angel and demon. When he describes Trilby's identity, the fixed duality as fallen, demonic and autonomous women might have been considerably fluid. Rather than returning to the old boundaries of female subjectivity and identity through his heroine, he unwittingly describes the female role as an erotic organizer. As Du Maurier shows that Trilby's identity plays a conduit role for male homosocial desire, he created the tension between masculinity and femininity and revealed a changing relationship between female nature and male culture as well. Furthermore, when George Du Maurier in his novel opened a new possibility for an erotic organizer through his heroin, Trilby, he seems to have represented the more fluid female role in the patriarchal culture that asked only some fixed roles for women.

의자 디자인에 관한 고찰 -빅토리아시대로부터 현재까지- (A Study on the chair design -from the Victorian era to the present-)

  • 정의철
    • 디자인학연구
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.177-188
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    • 2002
  • 빅토리아 시대로부터 오늘날까지 수많은 의자들이 디자인되었다. 토네트의 1859년 No.14의자, 라이트의 1904년 등이 높은 의자, 리트벨트의 1917년 적/청의자, 브로이어의 1925년 와실리 의자, 알토의 1932년 파이미오 의자, 이임즈의 1948년 DAR 의자, 피에로 가티의 1969년 사코 의자, 필립 스탁의 1984년 폰 포겔상 의자, 스텀프의 1992년 에어론 의자, 리틀의 1994년 코트 오브 암((oat of Arms)의자 등 - 의자디자인에서 자신의 이론을 표현할 기회를 가졌던 디자이너들의 리스트는 끝이 없어 보인다. 매킨토쉬(1868-1928), 라이트(1867-1959), 알토(1898-1976)와 같은 건축가들은 인테리어와 건축을 위한 예술적 계획속에 의자 디자인을 포함하였었다. 그러나 의자의 제조업자들이 장인의 영역에서 인더스트리얼 프로세스의 영역으로 이동됨에 따라, 디자이너들은 공학적 지식을 배경으로 현대적 제조 기술의 제한요소내에서 혁신적인 의자 디자인들을 개발하였다. 또한, 기능과 구조의 문제를 넘어서 의자의 기본적인 가치는 과거든 현재든 의자의 특성, 아이디어와 가치에 대한 전달에 있으며 의자에 대한 설득력은 그 수사학상의 명확성과 밀접한 관계가 있어 보인다. 의자는 디자이너들이 시각적으로 말하고 개인적 신념을 선언할 수 있는 이상적인 매체가 되어왔다. 미래에도 의자디자인은 비현실적 디자인과 실용적인 디자인 사이에서 계속 고민할 것이며 이것이 바로 디자이너들이 추구하는 유일한 길이라 하겠다.

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Dietary Conjugated Linoleic Acid Can Decrease Backfat in Pigs Housed under Commercial Conditions

  • Dunshea, F.R.;Ostrowska, E.;Luxford, B.;Smits, R.J.;Campbell, R.G.;D'ouza, D.N.;Mullan, B.P.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제15권7호
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    • pp.1011-1017
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    • 2002
  • Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) have been shown to decrease body fat content of individually-housed pigs but little is known about the responses under commercial conditions. Two studies were conducted to evaluate the effect of CLA under commercial conditions using contemporary genotypes. The experimental designs were similar between the two sites. Briefly, the studies were 2${\times}$2 factorial designs with the respective factors being sex (boar and gilt) and supplemental dietary CLA (0 and 4 g/kg). The studies involved 16-20 pens of pigs with 4-5 pens of each sex${\times}$CLA group. The first study was conducted with 144 pigs in 16 pens consuming a pelleted feed for 6 weeks at Bunge Meat Industries, Corowa, NSW. In the second study, 160 pigs were obtained from a commercial source and put into 20 pens in simulated commercial conditions and fed a mash diet for 7 weeks at Medina Research Station, WA. In Study 2 some aspects of meat quality were also investigated. Data from Study 1 showed that, although CLA had no significant effect upon feed intake and daily gain, the small changes in both resulted in a reduction in (-0.10 g/g, p=0.10) feed conversion ratio (FCR). While there was no significant effect of CLA on ultrasonic backfat depths, there was a significant decrease in carcass P2 (-1.0 mm, p=0.014) and estimated carcass fat (-7 g/kg, p=0.049). In the study conducted at Medina CLA had no significant effect upon feed intake, feed:gain or most measures of back fat. The exception was that dietary CLA decreased the rate of accumulation of fat at the shoulder, particularly in gilts, resulting in a significantly lower amount of shoulder fat at slaughter (-1.3 mm, p=0.044). CLA tended to increase dressing percentage although this was not significant (+0.5%, p=0.14). Meat from CLA treated pigs tended to be darker (p=0.12) and had a higher ultimate pH (p=0.06). These data suggest that under commercial conditions dietary CLA can improve growth performance and decrease P2 in pigs of an improved genotype, particularly gilts.

영국 학교 과학교육의 개척자 T. H. Huxley - 생애와 활동을 중심으로 (T. H. Huxley as a Pioneer of British School Science Education - focused on his life and activities)

  • 송진웅;조숙경
    • 한국과학교육학회지
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.38-58
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    • 2001
  • 본 논문에서는, '다윈의 불독' 등 그의 다른 측면들에 비해 상대적으로 덜 알려져 있는, 학교 과학교육의 개척자로서의 헉슬리 (T.H.Huxley) 생애와 활동을 종합적으로 조망하였다. 의심의 여지없이 헉슬리는 빅토리아 시대의 가장 위대한 과학자 중 한 사람이었다. 하지만 동시에 그는 여러 가지의 정부 및 비 정부 조직의 활동에 대한 적극적인 참여 그리고 연설과 집필에 대한 타고난 능력을 통해서 과학의 진흥과 학교 과학교육의 개혁을 적극적으로 추진한 인물이기도 하였다. 헉슬리는 데본셔 위원회 등 다양한 왕립 조사위원회 활동들에 참여하였으며, 왕립학회 등 여러 곳의 중요한 과학단체의 회장직을 수행하였고, 또한 여러 권의 매우 영향력 있는 책자들을 발간하기도 하였다. 특히 과학교육자로서의 그의 면모를 요약하면, 스스로 30년 이상 생물학과 생리학을 가르쳤던 뛰어난 과학교사였으며, 역사적으로 중요한 의미를 갖는 각종 교육 개혁 활동들을 주도한 인물이었고, 과학교사교육자 및 과학기예부의 과학시험관 그리고 각급 학교용 과학교재의 집필가로서 다양한 측면에서 학교 과학교육을 개혁하고 그 수준을 높이려고 노력하였다. 과학교육의 개척자로서의 헉슬리의 이러한 역할은 학생의 과학학습 활동에 대해 보다 철저하게 이론적으로 무장한 채 그의 뒤를 이어 등장하였던 암스트롱(H.E.Armstrong)이라는 전문 과학교육자의 활동으로 이어졌다.

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스팀펑크(steampunk) 패션의 표현 특성 연구 (A Study of Formative Characteristics of Steampunk Fashion)

  • 최유진
    • 복식
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    • 제63권8호
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    • pp.58-75
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    • 2013
  • Steampunk is a term generally used for one of the S. F. subgenre in literature, arts, fashion styles, and lifestyles. This study clarifies formative characteristics as well as the meanings of steampunk fashion style based on its attributes in movies and animations. Attributes of the steampunk are blending time, blending technology, and introspection against science development. In order to have an objective research, this study researched frequency of the fashion item, color, accessory of the collected fashion image, and after interpreted that consequence. Men's steampunk fashion was composed of men's basic outfit such as shirts, vest, jacket, pants, and coats of the 19th century. Black color took up the largest proportion for color. In accessory, top hat, goggle, and steam-powered weapons, in order, were most commonly used. Women's steampunk fashion was composed of shirts and long one-piece dresses, long skirt simply applied 19th victorian style fashion. Yellow, brown, and black color took up the largest proportion of fashion color. In accessory, top hat, belt trimming, corset, and boots, in order, were most commonly used. It is the characteristics of the steampunk fashion that represents retro-future fashion, as it features steam-powered mechanic esthetics, a kind of DIY subculture and transcending division of nationality, class, and gender.

캐럴 처칠의 "클라우드 나인" 에서의 혼재향 (The heterotopia in Caryl Churchill's Cloud Nine)

  • 정귀훈
    • 영어어문교육
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.211-233
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    • 2007
  • Caryl Churchill achieved spacial politics to resist dominant ideology in Cloud Nine. It is suggested that heterotopia is a counter-site to the places which are controlled by colonialism and sexuality. Churchill juxtaposes African colony of Victorian period in the first act and modern London in the second act. It implies that individuals are similarly oppressed by dominant ideology until now though several conditions for individuals are drastically improved. White heterosexual men in the play try to build their utopia to keep their privileges. If they find anything abnormal to their standard, they systematically classify people and organize them into the different ranks and levels to seclude them from their utopia. Actually, the ideal people in the ideal place are oppressed by patriarchal ideology, compulsory heterosexuality, and colonialism which are covertly associated with gender. Therefore, Churchill uses the cross-casting to challenge the artificiality of gender, sexuality, generation and race in the play. People realize that they need to find their own desires free from gender, compulsory heterosexuality, ethnic, and race and their subjectivity flowing in and out of space. It is the site that all the binary oppositions are deconstructed and creates new multiple nodes to expand the boundary of their communities to heterotopia in real places.

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근대 초기의 설계경기 시스템 - 영국 빅토리아 시대의 설계경기 시스템을 통하여 - (Architectural Competition System of the Early Modern Ages - Through the Victorian Competition System -)

  • 신태양
    • 건축역사연구
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 1993
  • I focused my attentation on two points in this paper. Firstly, I explore the relationships between the competition system and the philosophical bases in economic and social doctrines which encouraged, the architectural profession which it supported. Secondly, I intend to describe the development of the modern competition system. The economic theories were applied to architecture; these were natural laws and laissez-faire. The principles of competition and progress were never doubted. Two developments aided architects in attaining both a sense of professional identity and a way of regulating the comprtition system; these were the founding of professional societies and the emergence of a professional architectural press. The first organized effort to control the competition system was made in 1839 by the Competition Committee of the Institute of British Architects, but the problems had remained virtually unchanged by the 1880s. A code of regulations was drawn up by the RIBA in 1872, but this were much like earlier codes and recommendations. From the 1890s, the RIBA established a permanent committee to review the conditions of all competitions and authorize members to participate; the measure was paralleled in various other countries, notably in the 1911 international regulations of the CIAM.

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A Study on Plastron Basque -Centering around Rehabilitation of 1887 ~9′s Day Dress -

  • Moon-Sook Kim;Hyun-Ju Kim;Sung-Ji Han;Hyun-A Kim;Jin-Kyung Ryou;Jung-A Cho;Eun-Jung Choi;Shin-Ae Moon;In-Suk Hong
    • The International Journal of Costume Culture
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2000
  • In recognition of the necessity to research on dresses of the past to lead future fashion, this study is focused on plastron basque that has constructed or decorated upper garments in various forms from the ancient times to modern times. Especially through reproduction and restoration of Victorian dress with plastron basque, the study approaches the problem in positive manner, As a result, studied 1887∼9 day dress is a plastron of pouched style with pleats panel in front center connected to jacket style bodice by buttons: and it shows changes into modern day dress form by constructing fitted line with decorative effects. By actually making the plastron that was only seen in picture, we expect this study will be a valuable resource for developing patterns, sewing and decoration techniques.

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